Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jul 5, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex.

Last time:

It was with relief that I got back to my office, having survived. Actually, I had quite a buzz from it. I was glad that I had managed to obey my master's commands - even though it had challenged my perceptions and confidence to do so. I was also relieved that I had managed to survive what my master had in store for me that day - at least that was what I thought...

By mid-afternoon, my crotch was seriously gross. Dried cum was caking my shaft and balls - matted in my pubic hair. My balls were still stretched and separated - having turned a rather vivid purple. I was beginning to toy with the idea of untying them - but my master hadn't told me that I could. I was worried that if I kept them tied much longer, I might do some serious damage. But the string also had the effect of making my cock hard - I was still buzzing from the events of the morning, and was already beginning to feel horny just remembering what had happened.

As I was working on the computer, a colleague, John, knocked on the door. What timing!? Here I was, wearing very little, smelling of stale cum, well - I would just have to hope that he wouldn't notice - after all, I got away with it in when I was presenting in the meeting earlier in the day. John and me needed to talk about some joint projects we were working on, and so he came in and we sat discussing them for a while. I seemed to be getting away with my rather distracted and dishevelled state, but then, partway through the discussion, the unthinkable happened.

My phone rang - 'number withheld'

Shit! What should I do. I could not go into 'slave mode' in front of John, but I could not deny my master. Shit!

'You'd better get your phone - we can pause for a moment'


I picked up my phone and clicked the receive call button

'Hello' 'What happened to the sir? Are you with somebody?' 'Yes - I'm in a meeting I'm afraid' 'Good - because I have a new challenge for you Dave' 'Really - can it wait?'

I was trying desperately to keep my side of the conversation decent - so John would not suspect a thing. My brain trying to work on three different levels, all at once.

'No Dave - it cannot really wait. Why should I have to wait for you?' 'I see' 'Ask the person you are with to step outside your office. Tell him you need a quick private call, but that if he waits outside you will be available very soon to finish your discussion with him'

OK - I could cope with that. So I directed John outside, explaining there was some sort of family crisis that I had to deal with.

'Very good Dave - I see that you can think on your feet. You are obviously very resourceful. Now remove your trousers' 'What?' 'How many times do I have to tell you Dave?...Don't ask questions - obey' 'Yes sir - I'm very sorry - it's just my colleague is outside, and I don't even have my door locked' 'Well - that's your problem. But he thinks you are having a 'family crisis'. Why would he interrupt you now?'

I could see the logic and took my trousers down - displaying my rapidly hardening cock and well trussed balls.

'Start working your cock and put the kettle on Dave' 'The kettle sir??' 'For fuck's sake - can you not follow one simple instruction? Am I doomed to repeat every fucking order until it penetrates your thick skull?' 'Sorry sir - I will learn - I have put my kettle on and I am working my cock'

I was trying to whisper as quietly as possible so my colleague could not hear me - otherwise my reputation would be torn to shreds. What would everybody think if they knew what the 'high-flyer' liked to get up to in his spare time?

'Good boy. Now here are your instructions. They are really very simple, so even you should be able to follow them' 'Yes sir - I will do as you ask'.

As he told me what he wanted me to do, my eyes opened wide - it was challenging - but possible. And I could perhaps get away with it without my colleague suspecting.

'Oh Dave?' 'Yes sir?' 'Just one more thing' 'Yes sir' 'Leave your phone line open with your phone in remote mode, so that I can listen to everything that goes on if I want to' 'Yes sir'.

I placed my phone somewhere unobtrusive, but where it should clearly pick up all the sounds, and then started to follow his instructions.

Firstly I started fingering my ass. I was trying to loosen it off. I didn't have any lube - so getting a marker pen up there as my master had demanded was not going to be completely straightforward. I licked my fingers trying to make things a bit easier and gradually started working the thick black marker pen up inside myself. It inched inside, and I paused - waiting for my ass to get used to the feeling. Then I pushed a bit further.

Until eventually, the pen was buried inside me. It was as if I could feel my master filling me - inside my body as well as inside my head. Now it was time to follow his next instruction.

I started working my cock quickly. Vigorously sliding the foreskin over the bright purple head. Purple head to match my purple balls. My thighs were sweating and thrusting. It was harder to cum because I had only wanked off a few hours before but the pen up my ass was helping to turn me on, and the position I was in was also helping to focus my mind. My colleague, John, was stood on the other side of my unlocked door - he could stick his head round at any moment to see if I had finished my phone call. Particularly if he heard it had gone quiet. Shit! The thought of it made it both easy and hard to cum - all at the same time.

My hand was moving in a blur over my cock. Pre-cum sliding over my fingers.

Moaning softly. My master listening on the open phone. Time to follow his next instruction. The kettle was close to boiling, and as it made some noise, it covered over any noises I would make, so I took my ruler as instructed and gave three sharp slaps to each testicle.

'owwwwww', a sharp intake of breath - I was trying to be as quiet as possible.

My balls were really going through the wars today - I was dying to get them untied and give them a bit of TLC. As it was, the sharp pain just about sent me right over the edge - and I could feel my orgasm beginning to churn away inside me. Time to follow the next instruction. So I picked up my coffee mug, and placed it next to my rigid, leaking cock. As my hand focussed on the very tip of my cock, I felt the moment arrive.


A warm fuzzy glow came over me, as I shot my cum and, as instructed by my master, collected it all into my mug.

'I have a marker pen up my ass and I have cum now sir.' I said as instructed. 'Good boy - I will not use the speaker again -now follow the rest of my instructions' said my master.

I pulled my trousers back up, smoothed down my hair, took a second to compose myself, then went to the door - trying to walk naturally, even with the pen inside me. I opened the door, and as casually as possible said:

's'ok John, you can come back in now' 'No worries Dave - no major problems I hope' 'Nothing I couldn't handle - can I get you a coffee?' 'Thanks a lot Dave - that would be great' 'Kettle's just boiled' I said.

I got my two coffee mugs. Of course, one of them had a layer of thick white cum at the bottom - while the other was completely normal. I spooned out the coffee into each of the mugs, along with a bit of sugar and some milk. Then I gave the contents of each a good stir. I could already see that in the mug I had cum into, the cum had separated into thick white lumps, so I stirred it hard, to try and break them up as best as possible. Then I poured in the hot water, stirring the cum filled coffee particularly carefully. There were still obvious lumps of cum floating round in it - but they were smaller.

Part of me was relieved that my master had instructed me that it was me who had to drink the cum filled coffee - not John. However, looking at it, it didn't look that appetising. I positioned it on the table slightly behind me, so that John could not see it clearly, and then we continued our meeting.

As I sipped my coffee, I felt a thick load of cum slide into my mouth.

'Nice coffee Dave - thanks a lot' 'Cheers John - no problem' I replied - almost gagging on my own cup.

Not only could I taste the cum mixed in with the coffee, but I could feel the dried cum in my crotch from earlier in the day, and still smell the stale cum wafting all around me. On top of that, the pen was working around inside me ass, and my cock was getting hard yet again. God - was I some sort of slut? The coffee was vile. I couldn't believe that such a small amount of cum could so comprehensively ruin a whole cup of coffee. It seemed like every mouthful of coffee filled my mouth with a slimy, sticky residue. I was drinking it as fast as possible, just to get the situation over.

Our meeting progressed, and I got further and further down my cup of coffee.

I gradually began to forget my situation a little, and we chatted freely about the project we were working on. There were lots of teething problems to work through, and I even began to get quite involved in sorting out the details.

Finally, I had finished the coffee, and with relief, I ushered John out of my office - pleased that I had survived the experience and obeyed my masters instructions to the letter again. What a day at work! If only work could always be so interesting. I had to catch myself - did I really think that? What did that make me?

At this point I suddenly remembered the phone, lying on a corner of my desk, out of the way. I picked it up, but the line had gone dead. It was only at that point that I realised that I was not exactly sure how much my master had listened to.

At precisely that moment, the phone buzzed in my hand, making me jump - it was a text message:

...You are doing very well Dave - but I will be needing another level of commitment soon - I will be in touch....

What did he mean by another level of commitment? What level of control was he going to ask me to give up now? I really wanted to know - but I also really didn't.

The phone buzzed again - another text:

...By the way - your meeting was very interesting. Perhaps you should have been more careful, as I now know where you work...

Shit! Now he really had some power over me. Until then, I had been comfortable in the knowledge that my master did not really know who I was. Now he had a much better idea, and he also knew the secrets of my submissive side. I began to worry about what was going to happen next time.

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 5

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