Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jun 30, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex.

Last time:

I went and cleaned up, and when my bf got in, fucked him like never before. The shocked look on his face was testimony to just how horny I really was. I just hoped he didn't suspect that someone else was gradually taking over my mind and body.

Over the next week, my thoughts kept returning to my master. I kept turning over in my head the way he had controlled me and made me submit to his orders. Even making me eat a carrot that I had fucked myself with - what exactly were my limits? When would I say no and be sufficiently resolute to stick to my guns? I wasn't completely sure.

A week went by, and I heard nothing at all. He hadn't been online at all as far as I could see. He was also as good as his word, and hadn't misused my phone number - so my bf did not suspect. The thought of his control kept filling my mind, and eventually, early one morning, before heading off to work, I went cruising round the chatrooms, looking for someone horny to talk to. Eventually I spotted one room - 'sub/dom' and decided to go in and see if anyone was interested.

...29, m, UK - looking for sexy dom guy for chat or more...

Immediately a message popped up from Matt_in_London

...what the hell are you doing in here boy? You belong to me...

He must have been logged in as invisible

...I'm sorry sir - I thought you had forgotten about me... not presume anything. I chat to you when I want to chat, and you should be grateful for that. You should not go searching out other doms like some kind of slut... ...I'm sorry sir... ...obviously you wish to share your degradation with others Dave - I will remember this... ...I'm really sorry sir - please forgive me my error...

Strange - here I was, begging a guy who was an expert at making me do things I didn't really want to do. I could have just backed out of the whole thing then and told him to piss off - but it never even crossed my mind.

a long pause

...well, perhaps you can be forgiven. Why are you not at work today Dave?... ...I will be going soon - don't have to be in until 9:00... ...and where do you work?... an office sir... ...a very vague answer Dave - perhaps you would care to define it more... ...please not today sir - I am not 'out' at work - it would be too risky to tell you exactly... ...ok - but you work with other people yes?... ...yes sir... you have a private office, or do you work in an open-plan one... ...private sir...

an even longer pause

...good. Here is what you will do then...

my heart skipped a beat

...remove all of your clothes... ...yes sir... I want you to tie your balls to symbolise my control over your cock. You will tie tightly around your scrotum, like before - but this time you will criss-cross the string between your testicles and behind your balls. In this way, the string will separate your balls from one another, as well as stretching them nice and tight into your sack. Do you understand boy?... ...yes sir - I understand...

I looped the string around my balls and then began the criss-cross motion, feeling my balls pulled away from one another.

...make sure it is tight but comfortable - you will have to wear it all day...

I tied the string off. It would definitely not come loose. I was quite pleased with my handiwork - my balls were stretched out wide. Tying them had caused my cock to harden massively. It was pointed straight up at me. I wanked the foreskin over the head a couple of times - I was beginning to feel really horny. dress for work Dave - only don't put any underwear on... ...yes sir - I am putting on a light blue short sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue trousers, and my shoes... tell me your work schedule for the day... ...big meeting at 11:00 - otherwise I am pretty much free and in my office all day... ...good boy Dave - make sure you have your mobile phone with you - switched on. I will speak to you later... ...when sir?... ...when I decide boy... ...yes sir, of course sir...

I went to work with my mind whirling. My balls were tied tight and this was helping my cock to stay semi-hard. It was clearly outlined in my dark blue trousers for anyone looking carefully. Having my balls tied certainly focussed my mind on my master. As I got to work, I put my phone down by the side of the computer and started writing reports - but I couldn't concentrate. My thoughts kept returning to my master - he could call at any time - anybody could be in my office.

It was 10:45, I had a meeting in 15 minutes. My phone rang. I jumped. Looked at the display - 'number withheld'

'Hello sir' 'Hello Dave - are you alone' 'Yes sir' 'Lock your door, close any blinds and remove every item of clothing you are wearing NOW'

I hurried to my door and turned the key in the lock as quietly as possible - I didn't want anyone to hear, otherwise they would be suspicious as to why I was locking myself in my office. I closed the blinds - although there was one window above the door I could not cover. It was quite high up though - so I felt fairly safe. Then I removed everything - I realised I was only wearing four separate items of clothing - 2 shoes, trousers and a shirt. I sat in my office chair naked.

'I will have to be quiet sir' I whispered into the phone, 'otherwise the people in the adjacent offices might hear me'. 'I understand - tell me what you see when you look at yourself Dave'

Well - the most obvious thing was my 6.5 inch cock - trying its hardest to stretch itself to 7 inches. It felt like it was bursting. My hairy balls, tied tight in string - stretched and separated. Erect nipples with stray hairs around them.

'And how do you feel Dave' 'Completely exposed sir' 'Good. Now I want you to start wanking that cock of yours.'

My hand gratefully went down to my cock and started sliding the foreskin over the head. The pre-cum lubricated every move - my tight balls felt fantastic.

'Now Dave - you have a meeting at 11:00 yes?' 'Yes sir' 'You will masturbate your cock, at a nice even pace until 10:59. I will listen to you as you stroke it. At precisely this time, you will cum. You will ensure that the cum runs down your cock into your pubic hair and onto your balls - you will not cum onto your chest. You will then put your shoes, trousers and shirt on, and go directly to your meeting. Do you understand?' 'I understand sir - but I am going to be standing up and presenting to 25 people in the meeting - I might have a wet patch on my trousers, my cock will still be hard - anyone might see' 'There are no buts Dave - you will cum over your own crotch, then go to the meeting. Now get on with it - I want to listen to you slowly wank yourself.

You must cum at 10:59 - for your reference it is now 10:47' 'Yes sir - I understand'

I cradled the phone in the crook of my neck so I had both hands free but could talk quietly to my master, and then started work on my cock. I had about 12 minutes to build to the point where I was right on the edge. I stroked my balls. They were so sensitive I sighed down the phone...

'Good boy'

I gradually pulled on each testicle - applying gentle pressure - it felt great. All the time, my hand working slowly up and down the length of my cock. Trying to cover the whole shaft and head for total experience. I was gently moaning and sighing into the phone.

'Tell me what you're doing boy'

I explained that I was working my cock with one hand, and stroking the hairs around my nipples with the other, then gently teasing the tips of the nipples - this was feeling hot, and I started to beg my master to let me cum early.

'Please sir - I really need to cum'

Of course, I was thinking it would give me longer to get dressed and sorted before the meeting.

'10:59 Dave - not before.' 'Yes sir'

A knock on the door. My hands froze.

'Keep stroking it Dave'

The handle of the door rattled. It must be someone looking for me before the meeting - shit. I hope the door was locked properly.

'There's someone outside sir' 'Ignore them - keep stroking your cock - they are not important, I am the only important person at the moment' 'Yes sir'

They were pushing on the door - but couldn't get in. I wished they'd just fuck off and leave me in peace.

'Dave?', a questioning voice called from outside the office.

My master was chuckling on the other end of the phone.

'Just keep stroking Dave' he told me, 'imagine the guy outside could see what you are doing'.

That was such a hot thought I nearly came straight away - but kept my calm and kept stroking my cock.

Footsteps - finally the person outside my office was heading away.

I relaxed into a steady stroking pace, and the feeling built up higher and higher. 10:58, and my balls were churning, I was desperate for release. Moaning, perhaps too loudly, into the phone. The clock ticked over

'You have one minute to cum Dave, and then one minute to leave your office. You will stay on the phone to me until you arrive at your meeting.' 'Yes sir'

Just two more strokes and that was it.

'oooohhhhh, mmmmmmm'

Cum came rushing out of my cock. As instructed, I aimed so it shot straight up, and then back down, coating my cock in a thick layer of cum, running down to my stretched balls and into my thick mound of pubic hair.

'Do not wipe any off Dave. Let it all ooze out of the tip of your cock - then put your clothes on.'

I scrambled around for my clothes, and the notes for the meeting. Pulling my trousers up, I felt them mesh into my wet cock and balls. Oh god - what was I going to look like. I glanced in the mirror, my face was flushed. Shit - I looked a state. I untucked my shirt - perhaps it would cover the spreading wet patch.

'Now walk out of the office Dave' 'Yes sir'

I unlocked the door, and set off down the corridor.

'I enjoyed talking to you Dave - you did well. Are you nearly at your meeting now' 'Yes sir', I was in luck - the corridor was empty 'I will talk to you some other time' 'Yes - thank you sir'

He hung up and I entered the meeting room. I tried to compose myself and started presenting.

Did anyone notice? I'm not sure - my trousers were very wet, and my tight balls made me feel very exposed. My shirt covered some of the mess - but as I talked I could feel the damp patch spreading across my whole crotch, and I felt like my cock and tied balls were on display to everybody in the room. On top of that, my shirt certainly couldn't cover the smell. It was probably good that I was stood at the front presenting, rather than sat with everyone else. I could smell the reek of cum wafting around. Following me as I walked across the meeting room. Maybe I did get a couple of looks - but maybe I was just more sensitive because I felt like I was on display in front of them all.

It was with relief that I got back to my office, having survived. Actually, I had quite a buzz from it. I was glad that I had managed to obey my master's commands - even though it had challenged my perceptions and confidence to do so. I was also relieved that I had managed to survive what my master had in store for me that day - at least that was what I thought...

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 4

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