Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jun 28, 2023


This story is based on the truth, although all characters have been changed.

If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex.

Last time:

'Very good Dave. I'm impressed - many would-be slaves would have hung up after cumming - but you have impressed me. You seem keen. I have added you online, and next time you are on the computer we will chat some more. What you have done today is just the beginning'

It was a few days later that I was back online again, when up popped a message:

...hello dave - how are you feeling?...

It was Matt

...fine sir. I enjoyed obeying you the other day - I liked to surrender that control to you... ...and has it affected your relationship?... sir, I hold it in a separate part of my head... ...good - that is how it should be - at least for now...

Already, even just chatting to him had set my heart racing. Would he want to control me further? What would he want me to do? How far would I be prepared to go?

...are you alone?... came the question on screen ...yes sir... ...for how long...

Well my boyfriend had gone out for the afternoon, so I told him that I was free for at least 2 hours.

...good dave. Then you will do the following. Collect a couple of tealight candles - which you should light. You should also get a length of string, and something that could be inserted in your ass if I instruct you to - you can choose what. I want you to strip down completely naked and sit in your living room waiting for me to call you on your mobile. Do NOT touch your cock while you are waiting. I will call sometime in the next two hours... ...yes sir...

His icon clicked offline. My heart was hammering in my chest and I was beginning to sweat. This guy was beginning to control me - he was inside my head. I started to collect up the things I needed. I got the candles, placed them on the corner of the coffee table and lit them. I got a large ball of string and a pair of scissors and then I started looking for something that I could insert in my ass. I don't have any sex toys - well I didn't back then - and so I looked around for a few minutes, not sure what to use. I thought about my cock - six and a half inches long, quite thick - I wanted something about that size. As I walked through the kitchen, my eyes fell on the vegetables - a carrot would be perfect. I got one, washed it clean and took it through to the living room. Then I closed the curtains, removed all my clothes, and sat in the big comfy armchair to wait.

and wait

and wait

My cock was hard. Pulsating. The head of my cock was just beginning to poke out from under the foreskin - a drop of pre-cum on the tip. I soooo much wanted to touch it - to roll the pre-cum round my sensitive head - massage it into my cock. It would feel so good. But I wasn't allowed. The fact I wasn't allowed made me want to touch it more. My breathing was uneven, and I kept looking at my phone.

and looking

and looking

But there was no call for an hour. One awful, exquisite, tension-filled hour. My whole body on edge. Starting at the slightest sound. Glancing at the phone every five seconds. Looking at the flickering candle flames and thinking about what he would make me do.

Worrying about what he would make me do.

Then it rang - making me jump. 'Number withheld'

'Hello sir' 'Hello Dave - good to hear you address me correctly straight away. Have you done everything I asked?' 'Yes sir' 'And you are sat in your living room' 'Yes sir' 'Did you close the curtains - like an ashamed slave, or are you sitting there for passers-by to see, like a proud one?' 'I closed them sir' 'OK - but we will have to work on this in the future...'

That sounded ominous - I was happy to be a secret slave - but did I want my secret to be exposed? Not really - but obedience was paramount I guess.

'OK Dave - then we are ready to begin'

I put the phone into remote mode, and laid it on the table, nervously eyeing the string, carrot and candles.

'Right Dave. I want you to take a nice long piece of string. Wrap it once around your scrotum, above your balls, then tie it off above your balls - nice and tight.' 'OK sir' 'Now I want you to wrap the string round and round your sack - above your balls - pushing them downwards with each wind of the string. Your balls should be stretched down in their sack as far as possible. When it begins to hurt, and your balls are nicely stretched, wind the string round a couple more times for good measure, then tie it off' 'Yes sir'

I did as he asked - stretching my balls right down. My hairy balls were tight in the sack, which was going bright red in colour. I described this in detail for my master.

'Good boy. Do your balls feel uncomfortable' 'Yes sir - a little' 'Good. Now take one of the candles - it should have a lot of molten wax in it by now'

Indeed it did - the metal cup of the tealight was filled with molten wax and hot to the touch.

'I want you to lie down on your back with your legs spread and balls exposed and pour all of the wax in one smooth movement over your balls' 'But sir - that will be sooo painful' 'I know - now get on with it - I want to hear your response'

The candle felt hot in my hand - god knows how the wax was going to fell direct on my balls. I wasn't sure I could stand it. I hesitated.

'Just fucking do it Dave - are you a complete waste of space? If so, I'm hanging up now'

I bit my lip and poured the wax. All of it. One smooth move. It hit my balls and I screamed. There was red fire in my head and my stretched tender balls felt like they were going to burst. I screamed again. I heard a chuckle from the phone speaker. I swore.

'Now, now Dave - thank your master for giving you the opportunity to serve'

I bit my lip and my eyes filled with tears.

'Thank you sir for letting me serve you'

Bastard - was the main thought in my head. My tight, hairy balls were caked in solidifying wax, which was covering them, the string and the hair in my crotch.

'Now Dave. Take the other candle.' 'Yes sir' 'Roll back your foreskin' 'No sir - you can't ask me to do this - the head of my cock is so sensitive' 'And drip the wax onto the exposed head of your cock. One drop at a time' 'Please sir' 'Just do it'

The first drip.

'Oh my god'



and it just got worse and worse. It would have been far better to do it all in one move. But he wanted a drip at a time, and that's what he got. He listened to my agony and I described my cock for him. It was still hard, the big purple head caked in white wax. Running down the sides of the shaft and into my bush of thick black pubic hair. My whole cock and balls getting caked, and feeling so painful - but so hot. My nipples were hard, my whole body felt aroused and my master was loving it. Five minutes later, the last drop of wax was on me, and my cock felt numb.

'Good boy - you are doing well. Now what did you get to put in your ass? Do you have a good dildo?'

Now I was embarrassed.

'No sir - I got a carrot.'

I hung my head - as if he could even see me

'Well, lube it up and get it inside you - right inside - as deep as you can'

I used a bit of hand lotion, and worked the carrot up into me. It was bigger than my bfs cock and I felt it filling me nicely.

'How does it compare with your bf?' 'Bigger sir - stretching me nicely. It is six and a half inches, and quite thick' 'And you think that is large - you have a lot to learn boy...' 'It is the same size as I am' 'Exactly, and you have a pathetic cock - but we can train you to deal with a real man-size cock. Have you worked it right the way in?' 'Yes sir' 'Now fuck yourself with it - good and hard - take it almost all the way out - then plunge it all the way back in. I want to hear you being fucked. Don't hold off - imagine I am there - taking you'

I fucked my arse as hard as I could with the carrot. I was moaning and grunting. Sweat had broken out across my smooth chest. My hard cock was waving around in front of my slim stomach. I was moaning..

'Oh fuck me sir - fuck me harder' 'Good boy - now follow my instructions precisely' 'Yes sir' 'All the way in' 'ummmff' 'Now take it right out - completely out of your ass' 'ummmm' 'Now ram it right back in to the base - don't work it in gently - just plunge it in' 'arrrrggghhh' 'Good boy' 'Now take it all the way out. You are doing well. How do you feel?' 'Empty sir' 'Good. You should feel empty when I am not inside you. Both your body and your mind should be empty without my presence' 'Now eat the carrot' 'What sir? It has hairs on it, it is coated in juices from my ass - it will be horrid' 'Eat it' 'I cannot sir' 'Do it, or this is as far as we go, and I will hang up. I want to hear you crunching up that carrot'

Why did I have to choose a carrot? I must have been stupid. I put the carrot into my mouth and bit down on it. Crunch crunch. Chuckles from the telephone.

'Good boy - carrots are healthy you know' 'But it tastes of my ass sir' 'All the better - think of the extra vitamins'

The carrot was vile. It made me feel like a filthy pig eating it - why was I doing it? Actually, I know the answer to that one - my cock was completely rigid - caked in wax and aching to cum. I munched my way through almost half the carrot, and finally my master was satisfied. I was sure I could hear him stroking his cock. I wasn't sure if he came - if so he did it quietly.

'Thank you very much Dave. You have been good today. I never thought you would eat the carrot - you really are a filthy slut. What are you?' 'A filthy slut sir' 'Exactly - I am going now' 'But sir - is that it? Please can I cum' 'No you can't. Go and get yourself cleaned up, get all that wax off and then I instruct you to fuck your bf when he gets in. Surprise him. And make sure I am in your head when you do it. When you cum, I want you to think of how it felt fucking yourself with a carrot for me.' 'Yes sir' 'and boy' 'Yes sir' 'I own you now, and what's more you want me to. You might not admit it to yourself, but really you do. Rest assured I will be pushing you harder in the future.'

The phone clicked dead.

I went and cleaned up, and when my bf got in, fucked him like never before. The shocked look on his face was testimony to just how horny I really was. I just hoped he didn't suspect that someone else was gradually taking over my mind and body.

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 3

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