One Year Anniversary

By moc.loa@77ylfrettuBCM

Published on Sep 16, 2001



One Year Anniversary by

Justin and I had been going together for 1 year.

We couldn't believe it had been a year since that first magical day

we met. That day( the day we met ), it was springtime at my university

and my best friend and I were on our lunch break when I saw Justin

sitting all by himself carefully reading and studying while munching

on a meatball grinder from Eegee's. I asked my best friend if she

thought he was cute and she said yes, in fact she knew him cause he

was the brother of one of her friends. So, I asked her to introduce

me to him, she did, and well....lets just say we hit it off.

Justin and I immediately clicked. It was as if God planned us

to meet. From then on we saw eachother almost every chance we got.

Justin seemed like the perfect guy: smart, funny, outgoing but not too

loud, intelligent and VERY good looking. During that one year we spent

together, Justin and I fell deeply in love with eachother. It was if he

was as if I was a lock and he was the key to open me. We did everything

together, going to the beach, to the movies, the mall, my dorm, his

dorm, you name it we did it. We even did things that neither I nor him

were crazy about and ended up loving it because we just had such a

great time together.

So for our 1 year anniversary, I wanted to do something special,

so what I did was I asked my roommate if she could make plans to be

out that night so I could have the dorm for me and Justin. She knew

it was our 1st anniversary so she understood. So with that taken care

of, the next thing I did was I called Justin to tell him I have

something special planned for tonight, and that all he had to do was

go rent "Sleepless in Seattle"(our favorite movie) and show up here at

6:00 pm. Little did he know that I had prepared his favorite food for

dinner: lasagna and ham with corn and mashed potatoes. No doubt, this

was going to be a very special night for us.

6:00pm couldn't have come any slower if it wanted to. I counted

the seconds till his arrival. I felt my heart pounding as I heard

his knock at my door. As I opened the door. he stepped and greeted me

with a "Hi babe!" and I smiled as he gently gave me a kiss on the cheek

(such a romantic!).

"Ready for dinner?" I asked him

"Sure!, whatcha got sweetie?" he asked curiously

"Just close your eyes and wait right there". I told him as I

quickly went to grab the 2 plates of lasagna that I had already

prepared. I set them on the table as quietly as possible.

"Ok, open your eyes!" I said, and when he did, I swear the look

on his face was priceless.

"Oh my god your kidding me!, you made my favorite!" he said as he

gave me another hug and a kiss.

So we ate our lasagna, Justin scarfed it as usual. Then after

delighting his tastebuds, Justin suggested we open eachtothers gifts( we

decided to get eachother music, so it would be easier), so I got Mariah

Careys' new "1's"CD and I got him TLC's "Fan Mail" and then... you guessed

it, more hugs and kisses and thank yous. We really didn't feel like

watching the movie yet so we really didn't know what to do next, but

Justin being the romantic guy he is got up, dimmed the lights, put on

Mariah Careys "Melt Away" (for those of you who aren't familiar with

Mariahs music, "Melt away" is an incredibly sexy slow song ), and asked

me to slow dance with him, of course I took his hand and lead him to the

center of the room. I could feel my temperature rising as I slipped my

hands around his waist and pulled his body to mine.

As we swayed back and forth to the music, my heart raced as I felt

the sensation of his muscular body surge through me like electricity. As

he laid his head on my shoulder, I slowly started to stroke his curly

blonde hair, and I could tell he loved every second of it. We had put the

song on "repeat" so that we could dance as long as we want. Every now

and again Justin would lift his head and give me a long passionate kiss

and I took in every second of it as I tasted the sweetness of his full

cherry lips. When the music stopped, Justin and I laid down on my bed

for a few wonderful moments, we just laid there looking into eachothers

eyes not saying a word.

"I love you so much" Justin said, breaking the silence

"I love you too" I replied as I leaned over and kissed him on

the neck.

"This feels so right for me, I want this to feel right for you,

does it?"

"Does this answer your question?" I said as I lifted up his shirt

and kissed him on his left nipple.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said almost breathlessly as he started

to undo his pants. I watched him pull his black Tommy Hilfigers off

and toss the to the ground, as I did the same with mine. Then as he

started to take off his shirt, I stopped him by taking his shirt off

for him, that turned him on so much, he did the same for him. So then

all the was left was our underwear in which we didn't waste a second

in removing. So there we were completely naked for the 1st time, it was

really weird but it was so beautiful at the same time. Then Justin made

the first move by leaning over and kissing me up and down my neck and

from then on we proceeded to make the most amazing, erotic

lovers were meant to. It was the most incredible night of my life, me

and my beautiful Justin....together on our 1 year anniversary.

** Hey guys I really hoped you liked this story, sorry if you were

disappointed cause I didn't put explicit sex but that's not what this site

should be all about. Email me at, I would love to

hear feedback from you guys :) have a good one.**

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