One Tree Hill

By story guy

Published on Apr 9, 2005


One Tree Hill is property of the WB network, and is copyrighted material. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

One Tree Hill -- Part 2

The Coach had them play shirts versus skins. Nathan was skins and Lucas was shirts. So again they were against each other. Lucas kept knocking the ball out of Nathan's hands and made great shots. He was really playing well. Nathan began getting aggressive and started pushing Lucas away every time he was close to him. Lucas of course retaliated against Nathan and did the same thing. Soon, they were on the floor fighting. Lucas started feeling up Nathan. He felt his well-defined back and actually pinched his ass. Nathan jumped up and said what the hell was that? Lucas looked at him with a dumb look and said what? Meanwhile, Whitey came over and said I have had enough of both of you. You're both benched. They both just glared at each other. Finally, the shirts won and practice was over. Whitey reminded everyone to be at the school auditorium at 7:30 and gave them each a piece of paper on what to wear. Hit the showers. Everyone ran to the locker room to get what they needed to take a shower. Nathan decided not to take a shower and just grabbed his gym bag and went home. Lucas grabbed a towel and went to the showers. Jake ran up to Lucas and asked what is going on with him and Nathan. Lucas just said that Nathan is being a bitch because he is not getting any. They both laughed. Jake said as a matter of fact, he is not getting any either since having to ensure his baby was always taken care of. Lucas said damn is anybody getting any these days. However, tonight could change all of that. Lucas thought again about who could possibly rent him for the evening. He started to get hard, but just ran to the shower. He quickly showered and got changed to go home. Jake see you tonight. He stopped in his track when he saw Jake's body. He was just putting on his boxers. He was beautiful and was really starting to get to Lucas. What the hell is wrong with me? He leaves the gym to go home.

Lucas was ready to leave for the auction. He was wearing exactly what the paper said. The paper requested that the clothes be a bit snug. Lucas followed instructions exactly because he knew that the school was raising money and he didn't want to ruin that. He had on a white wife beater that hugged his abs and pecks, levis jeans with button fly that definitely showed off his crotch, a pair of white boxer briefs, white socks, high top white sneakers not tied, and an oxford white long sleeved shirt with three buttons unbuttoned at the top. He looked in the mirror and was seeing quite a hunk. God, what babe is not going to want to take me home? He was so excited. It was 7:15 so he said goodbye to his mom, told her he would not be home tonight. She was ok with this because she knew it was for a good cause and the school was running the program.

Arriving at the school, he saw that there was a long line to get into the auditorium. The price was fifteen dollars just to get in the door. Lucas could not believe that so many people wanted to see what this was all about. There were guys waiting in line to so Lucas thought maybe girls were being auctioned off also. Whitey saw that Lucas was starting to get in line. He ran over to Lucas and told him that he would not have to stand in line and that he would not have to pay because he was a volunteer. Lucas went to the front of the line and went in the door. Whitey had told him to go to the back stage and wait with the other guys.

When he made it to the back of the stage, he saw that the guys all had the exact same outfit on as Lucas except each was wearing a different color. The odd thing was that there were no women that he could see, but he thought maybe they would come later. He saw Jake talking with some of the basketball team. He was wearing the same outfit, but he was wearing a black wife beater and black oxford shirt. Boy, he really looked good Lucas thought to himself. Lucas looked at Jake's jeans and was amazed at the package. He was amazed at how perfect that his jeans showed off his dick. He looked at his ass and noticed that he had two perfect mounds that were perfectly encased in the jeans. They looked inviting and Lucas actually started to feel his dick grow in his jeans. Lucas stopped looking and said Damn Lucas get a hold of yourself maybe you should have fucked Brooke when he had the chance then he would not be so horny. Lucas walked through the back stage and was just observing all the guys who had volunteered for this, some of the guys were real hunks, but some were just plain. He saw that Mouth was in the group. He said hello and Mouth came up and shook his hand. Mouth was the equipment manager. He was a nice guy, but women did not give much interest to him. The team has been trying to help him with his confidence.

Whitey came back and said that we are about to begin. Is everyone ready? Here is the list with the order that you are to go out on stage. Again guys, thank you for volunteering for this. The results are going to be that all the sports teams will have new uniforms and that all of you will have a great night. Lucas looked at the list. He went second to last before Nathan who was not here yet. He wondered if after his outburst he was not going to show up. That would be a shame because Nathan really needed to get fucked. Hopefully, that would help with his bitchy mood.

The first guy up was Ryan one of the guys from the team. He went out to the stage. Everyone was yelling and screaming with excitement. The music was beginning to get him to dance around. One of the people yelled out fifty dollars, another said fifty-five. Things were really getting crazy and the total ended up to be 80.00. He ran off the stage to high fives from all the guys. Lucas started to get nervous, he still had a lot of time left before he was ready for his show. He began again wondering about Nathan thinking he just had to come tonight. This is an important night for the school and besides he was feeling guilty about their earlier fight and he wanted to apologize to him even though he still thought he was a bitch he quipped;.

A couple more guys went out with great results. Next up was Jake, he came up to Lucas and asked him to wish him luck. Lucas said Dude you need no luck. You are going to make those women cream in their pants. Jake said thanks man and went to shake Lucas' hand and brought him to his body for a friendly hug. Lucas felt his chest against his and even with clothes on it felt awesome. Lucas again cursed himself for having these strange feelings but couldn't help it. He really liked Jake as a friend and figured it was just a buddy attraction and decided he wouldn't worry about it anymore. Jake was really a hit. He was really getting into it. His was bumping and grinding to the music. He put his hands on the back of his head and made like he was fucking. Lucas saw that his ass was perfect in those tight jeans and he just shrugged his shoulders and said hey Jake you are fucking hot man keep it up. The music started to slow down and whoever rented Jake spent 300 dollars. Jake came running back stage and was so hot and sweating, but also just excited. Jake said did you hear that someone spent 300 dollars to get my cock? As he was squeezing his dick through his jeans, Lucas just stared at Jake feeling his mound in his jeans. The outline of his dick was becoming evident and Lucas just loved the feeling he was getting in his groin. Lucas was getting hard and started feeling his crotch. Jake looked down and said hey man you are too late, some broad has already rented me. Lucas laughed and said ya like I would pay for you. Jake said yes that would be stupid wouldn't it. You and I have been buddies for years and you are straight as anybody I know. Lucas looked up at Jake disappointed but said you got that right and tonight whoever rents me is going to find that out as fact. Jake saw one of the other guys waving him over and told Lucas he would see him a little later.

Finally, it was Lucas' turn to go out to the stage. He felt the heat from the lights and was totally enthralled by the excitement of all the people in the audience. He stood for a moment and just took it all in. He finally came to the realization that he really may be gay and that he is fine with it. He started to feel the music and started grinding his hips around. He was throwing up his hands and just really getting into the music. He was running around just going all over the stage feeling the energy of the song. He was really enjoying it. The music changed to a slower song and he stopped moving crazy and just relaxed and just went with the music. The audience was so energized and fun. He started grinding his hips and twisting his body in a slow erotic fashion. He was beginning to feel his body all over. He was so hard that he wanted to strip down to nothing, but he figured that he would just go with the flow and see how taking some clothes off would affect the audience. He started unbuttoning his oxford shirt, one button at a time until he pulled it out of his jeans and took it off. He began slowly dancing again. His hand began going to his nipples. He caressed and pinched his nipples until it was so obvious that they were hard. He started feeling his abs through his shirt. He pulled the wife beater from his jeans and began to pull the shirt over his head. He was so excited, but decided that he was getting tired and the music was coming to an end. He bowed to the audience and heard that someone had rented him for 500 dollars. He was so excited and jumped up and down. He went backstage and found Jake and hugged him and grinded his body against Jake and lightly pinched Jake in the ass. Jake was like wow bud you are excited about the 500 dollars. Let's see if Nathan has arrived, he is next.

Whitey came backstage and asked where Nathan was. Suddenly the audience began clapping and screaming all excited. The music started with a fast song. Lucas, Jake and Whitey went over to the end of the stage and saw Nathan dancing around the stage. He had on a light blue oxford and light blue wife beater shirt. The three guys were just relieved to see him on stage. Lucas thought wow he really did come through for the school. He looked at Nathan with a newfound respect. Nathan really does care about others even if he has a hard time expressing it. Lucas started clapping and whistling at Nathan. He was bold and yelled take your clothes off. Apparently he said it loud enough that the audience began chanting "take your clothes off", "take your clothes off". Nathan looked back at Lucas and gave him the finger. He turned around and started dancing around. Nathan started to unbutton his oxford and pulled it out of his jeans. He continued to dance around the stage looking at all the girls enjoying the show he was putting on. He pulled up his wife beater and took it off. He started feeling his abs and enjoying how good they feel. Meanwhile, Whitey left to go and get some paperwork done. Lucas said it was a shame that Whitey was going to miss this. Then he though wait, Whitey does not care about Nathan stripping. Lucas thought well I do and continued to just look at Nathan dance around. The song ended and a slow song began. Nathan began to dance slower and began to shake his butt to the audience. Everyone was going insane with pleasure. The audience started chanting, "take the jeans off", "take the jeans off". Nathan looked up and saw Jake and Lucas watching and they gave Nathan the thumbs up. Nathan turned around and started dancing and slowly moved his fingers down his stomach down to his jeans. Nathan felt his dick was hard and squeezed. He was so hot that he went to the first button and popped it. He continued down until the jeans were apart and the boxer briefs were in plain site for everyone in the audience. He began to slowly pull down his jeans and finally kicked off his sneakers and jeans. Nathan now was just in socks and boxer briefs and was dancing slowing grabbing at the sides of his underwear. He just teased the audience with their wish of him pulling them down. Nathan knew that he would not do that, but just danced around until finally the music finished. Nathan got a standing ovation and adoration from the entire audience. Nathan looked back at Jake and Lucas and smiled knowing that he won. Again, Nathan always had to be number one. His rental fee was one thousand dollars. Nathan came running backstage and just told Lucas that he beat him again. Lucas just looked at him and said nothing. Whitey went out to the audience and said thanks to your great enthusiasm for this evening, you have raised fifteen thousand dollars for next year's uniforms for all sports. Thank you for all your support. The audience was standing and shouting. Whitey told everyone to sit down. Whitey started to explain that everyone who received a high bid should go to the back of the auditorium and pick up a nameplate. Thank you for coming out for the show. Good night everyone.

All the guys were back stage waiting for their direction. Whitey came back to the back stage area and told the guys to go out to the seats and have the renter come to you. Nathan, Jake and Lucas went out to the seats and began seeing couples getting together. Mouth even had a pretty girl get him. Hailey, Brooke, and Payton came over to the boys. The boys were relieved when they saw them. Lucas said he knew the girls would come through for them. The girls come up and Nathan asked them if we were theirs for the night. The girls laughed and said that there was no way that they could afford anyone of them. Payton said Jake I like you, but 300 dollars. Come on, there is no way. Brooke was like I came in too late and couldn't bid. Hailey said Nathan I can have you for free. Nathan rolled his eyes and said, "What the fuck are you talking about"? You haven't given me dick. I have been patient for far too long and guess what someone appreciates my cock for one thousand dollars and I am giving it up. Hailey looked insulted and hurt and said come on girls we don't need these three jerks. Right now we would not spend a penny for anyone of you.

The auditorium was about empty and the three guys just stood there wondering what was going on. Lucas asked Nathan what he thought was going on. He just shrugged and asked Lucas if he was stupid or something. I am standing here just like you are you idiot. Lucas just looked at him and said Nathan your attitude needs changed. This was supposed to be a fun night and your still acting like a bitch. What is your problem? Yes, I know you're horny, but damn, your getting some tonight and from a high dollar-paying slut too. So why don't you stop being nasty to the people who are trying to be nice to you. You know Hailey did not deserve that and quite frankly Jake and I don't need your shit either. When are you going to grow up? Lucas went on to apologize about getting into a fight with him this afternoon. Nathan said all right, shut up, damn. Lucas, I am sorry also and Jake your one of my best friends so please give me some slack. Both of you know that besides the fact that my dick is going to explode soon, my parents have split up, now I know that you both know this and I guess I didn't think that it would bother me as much as it has lately. So sorry about the way I have been acting. Let's just forget about this and enjoy what is about to happen tonight. Jake said he was so excited that he could cream in his jeans right now. Lucas told him not to waste any cum right now. We will have all night to fuck!!!! Whitey called the guys over to him. Lucas asked Whitey what was up. Where are our renters? Nathan was like some slut obviously wants this cock. Jake was like hell ya I can't wait to eat some pussy juice tonight. Whitey laughed and said, "Nathan, I am your slut tonight, Lucas you are going to be fun and Jake although I don't have pussy juice, I do have a special juice that you may enjoy." The guys looked stunned and said Whitey are your crazy? We had no idea that you wanted us. What gives? Whitey says that ever since his wife died that he has been so horny just like all three of you and quite frankly I am lonely also. There were no women tonight and I just wanted to have some fun with my favorite guys. Can you do this for me? The guys looked at each other and thought, no way, what the fuck? Nathan said "Whitey we love you and all, but what your asking is impossible." Lucas said " Whitey, I know that your have had a rough time since your beloved wife died and you have given up so much for us. You could have retired last year, but stayed for us. I will go with you. Jake said, "Yea, I am totally straight but have to admit that Whitey has been sacrificing for us, we can for him and give him a fun night for a change." Both Lucas and Jake looked at Nathan and said come on Nathan just come with us, you won't have to do anything that you don't want to do. Nathan looked at them like they were crazy, but looked up to Whitey and saw the excitement he had and he did pay one thousand dollars for him for one night. Nathan looked at the three of them and said, "Ok, I can't pass up finally getting some, even though it is far from what he was expecting. Whitey said "Thank you guys. You have no idea how much I need this and want this. I know that the three of you need some relief also. This will be a fun night. The three guys said come on slut lets go to your house.

This is the end of part two of One Tree Hill. I know that there still is not any sex yet, but I promise it is coming in the next chapters. I hope you like it, but either way, I would like to hear from you at I have been reading Nifty for years and love it. I just wanted to contribute to the website and hopefully have you guys get some enjoyment out of this story. Thank you for your support.

Next: Chapter 3

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