One Thing Leads to Another

By Xavier Lancaster (Xavier L)

Published on May 9, 2007


One Thing Leads to Another #3 by Xavier L

This is a fictional story containing consensual sex between 2 high school buddies.

If you are interested in my other stories, you can find them listed in the Authors section toward the bottom under Xavier L.

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Later that day we headed to the school for a weekend practice day. He was taking a long time in the shower, so I decided to sit by our lockers and wait for him. When all the gym was quiet, Tony finally got out of the shower. He came to the locker wrapped in a white towel that was small enough that it didn't leave much to the imagination as to what was hidden beneath its folds.

"Took you long enough!" I greeted him.

"I was waiting."

"For what?"

"Until we were alone."

"Why," I asked, my eyes following his hand as it went down to the level of his groin.

"Cuz I need a blow man."

I licked my lips and could feel my heartbeat speed up as I watched him rub his dick through the towel. I was nervous though. What if we got caught?

My concerns were overridden as he got closer to me. My face was only inches from his delicious cock. I watched him raise a leg and rest his foot on the bench, his knee resting near my head. I raised my hand and inserted it beneath the cotton until I found his hard cock.

"Come on man. Give me another one of your 5-star blows!"

My head spun around as I thought I heard a noise. His strong hand turned my head so that it was facing him once again. My hands were shaking as I reached up and undid the towel. I looked up at his deep green eyes again.

"Dude!" he urged me.

Licking my lips once more, I opened my mouth and admitted his cock into its moist heat. I made a couple of passes up and down his rod, and then he shoved my head down on his cock forcing it down my throat. Holding onto the back of my head he began fucking my throat but then suddenly pulled his cock out. Naturally I made to follow it, but he stopped my progression. I looked up at his face as he said "Tell me you want it."

"What? Fuck no!" I said, and lowered my head toward his meat.

Again he stopped me. "Tell me you fuckin' want my cock!"

The scent of his freshly cleaned skin mingled with soap lingered in my nose. I stared at his cock desperately wanting it back in my mouth. Finally I surrendered: "Fine! I want your cock!"


"I want your damn cock in my mouth!"

His hand grabbed the back of my head and roughly shoved it to his body. I opened my mouth just in time for his cock to thrust into it and gag me. I continued sucking as I fought against my gag reflex, his cock ramming into the back of my throat. I grabbed onto his firm ass cheeks and gripped them as he began pumping his cock into my mouth. I felt his fingers curl against my scalp as he gripped a fistful of hair.

"I'm . . . gonna. . . cum," he said in between gasps.

I picked up the pace forcing myself to swallow his entire meat until I could feel his pubes against my nose.

Abruptly he pulled away from me. I tried to follow his cock, but he stopped me. "Since you won't give me your ass, lay down on your back."

I quickly obeyed him, stretching out on the bench. I watched him straddle the bench and then move so his pelvis was over my face. I opened my mouth as his cock descended toward. He shoved his rod all the way into my hungry throat and began wildly fucking my face. I ran my hands up and down his muscular legs as he pounded me. Within moments his cock stopped moving while it remained buried in my throat, and I started coughing as his load exploded into me. I swallowed as quick as I could, but when he finally pulled his cock past my lips, I could taste his saltiness. I wiped my mouth with my arm.

I started to sit up when I felt Tony's lips slide over my cock. I gasped from shock as much as pleasure. He yanked my shorts down as he went down on me a few times before stopping and spitting. "Sorry, dude. I just can't suck dick."

"It's cool. No worries," I said, but his hand grabbed my cock and began stroking me quickly. I reached up and pinched my nipples as he stroked me. It didn't take long before my load shot so high I thought it might hit the ceiling!

Tony released my dick and quickly grabbed his towel to wipe his hands. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't enjoy this part of the experience.

I stood up and then bent over to get my shorts. Tony's hands grabbed my hips, and I felt him press into me. "You ARE going to let me get inside this ass again, right?"

Man, I wanted him to fuck me so bad, but I couldn't risk anything more than what we had just done. "Yeah dude, just not here!"

He released me and playfully smacked me on the bare ass.

He dropped me off at my house and headed home. After dinner I was downstairs watching MTV when I heard the doorbell ring upstairs followed by a voice I recognized as Matt from our team. Sure enough a few seconds later, Matt was walking down the stairs. He was wearing dark blue basketball shorts which stood out in great contrast from his pale skin. Next I could see his dark green tank top. His arms looked so hot in that shirt! Then I was treated to his wide smile. His eyes were so blue I could almost see them from across the room. They too stood out compared to his almost white hair.

"Hey Matt!" I said. "What a surprise!"

"Hey Josh," he said, shaking my hand and sitting next to me on the sofa. "How's it going?"

"Good and you?"

"Pretty good. Horny, but that's not new."

I chuckled nervously now more aware of the heat from his leg as it almost touched mine.

"You have fun after practice today?"

My heart started racing. "Fun? Huh?"

He kept his eyes on the screen, but I noticed he was lightly rubbing his crotch as he answered: "Yeah, in the locker room."

I fought down raw panic. "Ummm. I just showered. Not like it's a major event," I answered trying desperately to sound nonchalant.

He was quiet for a moment, but I noticed he was rubbing his groin more obviously now. "So, tell me. Does Troy have a big dick? I couldn't tell because it was in your mouth."

SHIT! I screamed internally. I wanted to vomit. I couldn't even respond.

"It's cool dude," he shrugged.

"It . . . it is?"

"Sure man," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled it to the tent that had formed in his shorts. "We can work something out."

My mouth was suddenly as dry as the Sahara. "What. . . what do you mean?"

He smiled and stood up so he was in front of me. He shoved his shorts and boxers down until they fell to his ankles. His cock stared at me. I noticed how it was encircled by blonde hair that was slightly darker than that on his head. The head of his dick glistened a little. When I didn't move fast enough, he thrust his cock into my face. Clearly, that "something" was similar service to what Tony had received earlier.

I licked my lips nervously and then slowly took his rod into my mouth. His dick was about the same size as Tony, although a little thicker. As I began sucking his cock, I reached up and felt his balls. They seemed heavier and hung lower than Tony's. I released his cock and began sucking on his balls.

"You ARE fuckin' good!" he praised me. After a few more times going down on him, and on the last he deep throated me, he pulled his cock out of my moist mouth. "Let's go to your room and get comfortable."

He stepped back, stepping out of his shorts and underwear and picking them up. His shoes were already off since my mom is a freak about not wearing shoes in the house. Matt followed me to my room carrying his shorts. He tossed them onto the floor as I shut the door. As I walked past him, he grabbed me from behind and pressed his half naked body against my backside. His hand sank into my shorts and grasped my dick. "I bet you're an awesome lay," he whispered into my ear. He slowly stroked my cock. I reached back and grabbed his. Suddenly his hands were shoving my shorts and boxers down.

As they fell, he cupped my balls as he ground his pelvis into my ass. Then his hands were lifting my shirt off. Now that I was naked, I turned around and removed the last remnant of his clothing as well. I stared at his broad chest and took in his tight abs. I returned my gaze to his small pink nipples which were hard. I lowered my head and lightly sucked on them until his hands were pushing my shoulders downward. I sank to my knees, the aroma of his sex filling my nostrils, and I quickly devoured his hard flesh. His fingers rested lightly on both sides of my head as my face shot back and forth rapidly.

He surprised me again by pulling away.

"Did you hear something?" I asked, fear replacing my lust. At least temporarily.


"So what happened?" I asked.

"I want to fuck you."

I stared at him unable to respond. His eyes roamed around the room until they found their target. I watched him walk over to my nightstand and grab the lotion. Without any further comment, he squirted some onto his hand and rubbed it onto his dick. I knelt there just looking at him. I don't know why, but I was paralyzed and speechless.

Finally he simply pointed at the bed.

I managed to work my legs again and slowly rose from the floor and walked to where he pointed. With a hand gently on my back, he guided me until I was bent over. I felt him position himself behind me and start to move his dick forward. It slipped a few times, so I had to hold it while he inserted it into my hole. It wasn't much easier than the last time Tony fucked me, but it sure felt damn good as his cock slowly entered me.

It took a while before he could get it all the way in me and be able to move back and forth. He began slowly fucking me, but that soon changed into an ass pounding. I hoped it was my imagination, but it sounded like he was slamming my bed into the wall. I prayed my parents couldn't hear it if it was true. He couldn't keep the pace up very long, and soon his warm juice was filling my ass.

"Goddamn that was hot Josh!" he said, as his dick continued to pump its fluid.

I was still trying to catch my breath and was now aware that my ass was burning. But it was so fucking worth it!

When he finally pulled out, he sat down on the bed, his chest still rising and falling with heavy breathing.

"Are you gay?" I asked him somewhat hopefully.

"Nah. Like I said, just horny, and when I saw you two in the locker room, well, I just had to try it out."


"I'll be wanting more if you're willing," he answered, his beautiful grin disarming any notion I may have had to decline.

"Yeah, sure." And then I added quickly, "But don't say anything to Tony . . . or anyone else!"

"Chill dude!"

We sat in silence for a while. He became aware of my dick and grabbed it and started stroking it as he asked me "Why not Tony? Are you guys . . . boyfriends?"

"No. He's not gay, but . . . I don't know."

"OK, dude. It's cool."

We continued in silence as he worked my cock with his hand. This time my load was smaller, but it still seemed to almost erupt from my dick!

He got dressed as I grabbed some clothes from the floor and wiped myself off. He, unfortunately, had used my sheets to wipe his hands. I got dressed as well and followed him out of the room, opening the door slowly and peering out cautiously afraid my parents were waiting on us or spying. The coast was clear, and so we left. I sat down on the couch hoping he would stay, but he had to run. He said "See ya later," winked and then headed up the stairs.

I decided the locker room tryst was definitely worth the risk after all!

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