One Thing Leads to Another

By Xavier Lancaster (Xavier L)

Published on Mar 28, 2006


One Thing Leads to Another #2 by Xavier L

This is a fictional story containing consensual sex between 2 high school buddies.

If you are interested in my other stories, you can find them listed in the Authors section toward the bottom under Xavier L.

Please feel free to email me with comments or if you'd like to be notified when there are new stories or updates to existing ones at

Later that night we went to my room to get ready for bed. I lay on my bed reading trying to pretend I wasn't watch Tony undress. He stripped down to his boxers and lay down on top of the other bed in my room. Now I wish I hadn't let my parents talk me into 2 twin beds for my room! We sat in silence reading. Well, if you can call my occasional glances at my magazine reading. Finally it was time to turn out the lights, so we said good night.

A few minutes later I hear Tony asking me: "Josh, you awake?"

"Yeah dude."

"Did you . . . did you . . . like what you did downstairs?"

"I dunno. Why?"

"Just curious."

I mulled over the potential answers and their risks. I finally decided on honesty. "Well, yeah, I did."

"It didn't taste nasty?"

"No. I expected it to, but it didn't."


I thought I could hear fabric being rubbed softly over on his side of the room.

"So. . . is that something you think you're gonna do again? With someone?"

"I haven't really thought about it. Probably though."

"Well, I'm not gay you know, but if you ever want to, I'd be cool with that."

"If I ever want to what? You mean blow you again?"

"Well, yeah. Ya know. If you wanted to."

I smiled and was relieved he couldn't see me. "Yeah, that'd be cool."

"I could kind of go for that right now."

My heart started racing and my cock instantly began swelling. "OK," I said. We had been sitting in the dark long enough that my eyes had somewhat adjusted. I could see his silhouette moving, and it looked like he was stripping out of his boxers. "Should I come over there?"


I got up and went over to his bed, putting a hand out to find his leg. I ran my hand up his muscular leg enjoying his bare skin and hairy legs until I found his rock hard cock. I then positioned myself between his legs and immediately began sucking on his dick. His hand rested lightly on my head as I moved up and down his large shaft.

"Do my balls dude," he said.

I moved off of his cock and took his heavy balls into my mouth, lightly sucking on them.

"Oh yeah!" he moaned softly.

I worked his balls for a moment longer before moving back to his rod. I was getting better at getting more of his meat into my mouth, and a couple of times I was able to quickly deep throat him. When I would, he would push up slightly with his hips, and it totally turned me on.

"You're a good cocksucker dude."

I moved off of his rod just long enough to say thanks and then quickly returned to his luscious dick.

"You got a nice body too."

I deep throated him again and heard him suck in his breath, his hand pushing my head downward. I continued sucking his cock for a few more moments.

"Have you ever been fucked up the ass Josh?"

The question took me by surprise. "No."

There was a pregnant pause before he continued. "Have you ever wondered what it feels like?"

Where was he going with this? Could he possibly be wanting to do that with me?! "Yeah, sometimes."

"Would you ever . . . would you ever let a guy do that to you?"

I wanted to scream Hell yes! As his flesh invaded my throat, I easily imagined it sliding into my virgin ass. When I came back upward, I released his cock, and replied: "I dunno. I guess if it was someone I knew would take it easy on me the first time. . . maybe I'd try." I went back to bobbing on his cock.

"If I promised you that, would you let me?"

Now my heart was pounding so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest! "I dunno dude," I feigned not wanting to seem too eager.

"Come on. You know you can trust me."

"True. . . but I don't know. Your dick is kinda big."

"Girls like big cocks, so they must feel better. Come on dude."

I pretended to consider his proposal more before answering, "Well, OK. If you PROMISE."

"I swear Josh!" he said excitedly. He got up off of the bed. I could hear him squirting lotion onto his dick. While he did that I moved up so my whole body was on the bed. He came over and started to mount me, but then he felt my boxers were still on. I shivered as I felt his fingers grab the waistband of my underwear and pull them down and then off. I shivered again with pleasure as I felt his toned body cover mine, his hard cock pressing against my ass cheeks.

It took a combination of our efforts to finally get the tip of his cock into my hole. When it first penetrated my ass, I was thinking it wasn't too bad, but that was just the tip. As more of his meat slid in, it felt like I was getting torn in two. "Is that almost all of it?" I asked.

"It's barely in."

Shit! I thought. How could it hurt so bad!! He slid a little more in, and I put my hand on him. He stopped immediately in honor of our pact.

"You OK?"

"Yeah," I answered through clenched teeth. "Just give me a sec."

He waited for a bit, and when I moved my hand, he returned to slowly feeding his cock into my ass. I would make him stop every few seconds as I tried to force myself to relax. After what seemed like forever, I heard him say "It's almost in all the way dude."

I stopped him a couple of more times, and then all of a sudden I felt his cock slide in the rest of the way. His body pressed against me as my ass strained to adjust to this new foreign object.

"Fuck! You're tight man!"

"Ain't ever had anything up there before!"

"Feels fucking awesome man. I could give up pussy for this shit!"

I wanted to purr when I heard him say that. The pain slowly ebbed and was replaced by pleasure. I felt his cock moving back out of me, stopping and then slowly moving forward again.

"Is that OK?" he asked, his voice a mixture of ecstasy and concern.

"Yeah, you can do it harder if you want." Did I really just say that? I asked myself silently.

"Cool!" he replied, and then he got busy doing just that. He would pull back and then thrust forward, each time a little more forcefully. "Oh fuck this feels good!" he would say every so often as his cock buried itself in my ass again. Each forward thrust sent ripples of pleasure through my body.

"Harder!" I almost begged, and he was more than willing to comply. Soon the bed was creaking beneath us as his body rose and fell on top of me.

"Fuck! You're so tight, I'm gonna bust a nut quick!" I felt his pace briefly quicken and then he was resting on top of me, panting, his hot breath beating upon my back as his cock spasmed inside my ass. "Goddamn that was good!"

I clamped my ass muscles around his dick, and I felt it spasming again, ejecting volleys of cum into my hole.

I felt one of his hands sliding down my side and then going underneath me. Then I felt his fingers wrap around my cock. He only had to stroke me a few times before I was emptying my load into his palm.

"Damn you sure shot a lot!"

"You did too!" I said.

"Fuck, I don't want to take my dick out of your ass!"

Don't! I thought.

We lay there for a while longer, and then he finally got up. "Thanks man! That was fucking hot!"

"You're welcome," I said mildly and climbed back into my bed forgetting to put my boxers back on.

After a few moments of silence, I heard Tony ask "Josh, you OK?"

"Yeah, Tony, I'm fine."

"How was that?"

"It hurt at first, but it felt really good after that."

More silence.

"So, is that something you might like to try again some time?"

I wanted to jump out of the bed and into his arms. "Do you?"

"Yeah, that was awesome."

"Sure, I'll let you do that again if you want."

"Fuck yeah!"

Those were our last words that evening. When I awoke in the morning, he was laying on his side looking at me. "Morning," I greeted him.

"Morning. How's your ass?"

I had to stop and think about it. "A little sore but OK." I stared into his green eyes and saw pure lust there.

"I got something for you," he said, and threw the covers back exposing his naked body and his gorgeous cock standing straight out.

I smiled and got up and walked over to his bed. He rolled onto his back as I approached, and I immediately moved into position between his legs and started sucking on his dick.

As I began worshipping his cock, he said: "This time you can swallow the load." He placed his hand on my head and guided it up and down a little faster. "We'll fuck later," he added. I opened my eyes and glanced up toward his head, taking note of his serious expression, and then focused all my attention back on his rod. As I continued giving him his morning blowjob, he said: "We're gonna have to hang out a lot more together, Josh."

I moaned and continued devouring his firm flesh. Soon he was pumping his hips up and down. I picked up my pace in response, and then his quickened as well. Shortly thereafter his butt was lifting off the bed as he fucked my mouth. I forced it down my throat with each upward thrust, his grip on my head becoming more firm. I found myself wrapping my arms around his hips, grabbing onto his ass and pulling him into me so I could swallow even more of his meat.

"Fuck yeah!" he said, intensifying his fucking movements. "Here comes the prize!" He shoved his cock all the way into my throat. I gagged a bit at first and then gagged more as his salty cum rushed into me. He held his cock firmly buried in my mouth as his thick juice continued pumping into me. When he started to relax and lower his body, I followed it down reluctant to give up my hold on his cock. "You're better than any chick I've been with dude!" he praised me.

When at last his cock had stopped shooting, I finally released it. I got up off of his bed, and I saw him eyeing my hard-on.

"Come here," he said.

I approached him as he sat up.

He looked up at me and said: "If you tell ANYONE about this, I'll fucking kill you." And with that he opened his mouth and slowly took part of my dick into it. It felt so good I thought I would climb out of my skin! I was so horny it took only seconds before I was blasting my load. He didn't swallow though. He tried but ended up spitting it out and then just stroking my cock as it continued to release its white fluid. "Sorry, I guess I just don't like cock like you do."

"That's OK. It still felt good."

"Cool," he said, giving my dick a few more tweaks. He wiped his hands off on some dirty socks that were laying on the floor and then got up, pulled on some shorts, without his boxers I noticed, and went into the bathroom.

I decided if he wasn't going to wear underwear, neither was I. So I pulled on some shorts as well. We both went to the bathroom, at different times, and then went downstairs for breakfast. Mom and Dad were already sitting at the table.

"You guys have fun last night?" Dad asked. Tony and I glanced at each other a little nervously, and then answered: "It was the bomb!"

I could feel myself blushing and tried to hide that quickly.

We ate breakfast, cleaned up our room some and then headed down to the rec room to play some video games. While we played, we trash talked each other.

"That does it!" he said at my last insult, tossing his controller down and leaping on top of me. We wrestled, and he pinned me down, straddling my chest, his strong arms holding mine down.

I struggled pointlessly for a bit. When I calmed down I saw that familiar look in his eyes, and my gaze shifted to his crotch where an obvious tent resided in his shorts. Smiling, he released my hands while sitting a bit back, his hands pushing his shorts down and freeing his cock.

"Dude! My parents are upstairs!"

A wicked smile spread across his face. "Exactly. They're upstairs. We'll hear them coming," he answered, moving his hard dick toward my mouth. I was scared as hell, but seeing his cock took all the fight out of me, and I felt my mouth opening to receive him. He lowered his body onto my face, feeding his cock into my mouth. I reached up and pulled his black satiny shorts down more and began rubbing his ass while he slowly fucked my mouth. And then I fingered his balls as his body slowly rose and fell.

Wordlessly he moved off of me, standing up and removing his shorts completely. I stared at his hot body. "Bend over the couch."

"What?!" I asked.

"You heard me dude."

"You sure my parents won't catch us?"

"Positive!" he answered, slowly stroking his large dick.

I slowly got to my feet.

When I did, he came over to me and said "Suck on my nipples first."

I leaned down and did as he asked while his hands lowered my shorts, letting them drop to my ankles. I sucked on his nipples and then got brave and moved to his neck. As I kissed and lightly sucked on his neck, his hands kneaded my ass cheeks. He moaned softly before saying: "Give me some of that hot ass!"

I pulled away from him, walked to the couch and knelt down, resting my torso on its cushions, my knees placed on the floor. Again heard the sound of the lotion being pumped into his hand, and then the faint sounds of it being spread over his rod. He knelt down behind me, guided his cock to my hole and then slowly pushed it forward. My body subconsciously moved forward as his cock entered my sore hole. He pursued it though.

It seemed to be taking forever, and I desperately wanted to feel him fucking me again, so I said: "Just shove it in Tony."

"You sure dude? Won't that hurt?"

"I don't care. Just slam it in."

I felt his grip tighten on my hips, and I braced myself as I felt his cock forcing its way into my screaming hole. The leather surface of the couch crackled slightly underneath my body as it pressed into the couch. I reached out and grabbed one of the throw pillows, covered my face with it and bit into hard as his cock burrowed into my hole the rest of the way.

"Damn you're a great fuck!" he said as he began moving his cock back and forth.

I continued gnawing at the pillow while I waited for the pain to dull. I felt his hand wrap around my cock as he continued to pump my ass. I was moaning now, and something fierce was being loosened from deep within me. "Fuck the shit out of me Tony!" I spat.

I felt his hand return to my hip, and then he proceeded to do just that! His body was slamming into mine as his cock repeatedly rammed into my aching hole. As he fucked me, I could feel him moving his body up so he could do me harder. I was now clenching onto the pillow, my mouth open in ecstasy as his rod continuously pounded my ass. I could hear him softly grunting, and I never wanted it to end.

His fucking became more urgent, the force shoving me into the couch uncomfortably. His dick stimulated me so much from inside that I ended up cumming right before I felt his cock spasming inside of me. He drove his cock in as far as it would go as it unleashed its load.

"Dude, you're fucking incredible!" he said in my ear, his body lowering into a more easily held position while keeping his thick meat lodged in my ass. "Was that OK?"

"Fuck yeah!" I gushed.

"Too bad your parents at home."

I wasn't totally sure what that meant, but for now I was content having his hot body pressed against mine, our bodies covered with a thin sheen of sweat, his cock wedged into my hole. I sent out a wish his parents would never come home.

Watch for part 3 (which won't take as long next time, sorry about that)

Next: Chapter 3

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