One Thing Leads to Another

By Xavier Lancaster (Xavier L)

Published on Oct 3, 2005


One Thing Leads to Another by Xavier L

This is a fictional story containing consensual sex between 2 high school buddies.

If you are interested in my other stories, you can find them listed in the Authors section toward the bottom under Xavier L.

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My best friend Tony was spending the weekend at our house since his parents were out of town. We had been close friends pretty much all of our lives. I was 15, and he was 16. He had brown, short-cropped hair and the greenest eyes. Both of us played a lot of sports, so we had nice bodies, but for the last couple of years I've started noticing Tony in a different way. I've seen him naked in the shower, and we've gone skinny dipping together and stuff, and I've always wanted to . . . do stuff with him. I don't know if I'm gay or not. I mean I like girls, but I also like checking guys out and have always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a guy.

Tony and I had decided to go hiking. Unfortunately we found a rather muddy area and ended up getting covered head to foot with all the slipping and sliding. We got home, threw our clothes into the washer and got cleaned up. My parents were gone all day, and so we sat in the basement family room in our boxers watching TV. When it was safe, I would sneak glimpses of Tony's tight body. I noticed he had a thin line of dark brown hair running from his belly down into his boxers. I found myself aching to join that trail where I knew it ended. I had never seen him hard, but in the shower his limp dick looked to me like it must be pretty big when it's erect. Suddenly an idea occurred to me.

"Hey," I said to Tony, "I know where my brother has some porn hidden. Wanna watch some?"

"Sweet dude!" he replied.

I ran upstairs to my brother's room and pulled out a couple of tapes from his stash and returned downstairs. I put the video in and then joined Tony on the couch.

"Man, look at her tits!" he observed enthusiastically. With his eyes glued to the screen, I was able to spy a growing lump in his boxers to match my own. As I watched the plaid fabric rise, my own cock got hard almost instantly. We watched the movie in silence. Tony occasionally would rub his dick through his boxers. I decided to break the ice.

"Hey man, I need to take care of business," I stated. He looked at me as I got super bold and pushed my boxers down to my knees, taking my cock into my hand and beginning to slowly jack off. To my partial disappointment, he only pulled his cock up through the fly of his boxers and began to follow my cue.

We sat there, knees almost touching pulling our respective dicks. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat as an insane idea planted itself in my lust-filled mind. As nonchalantly as I could, I reached over and grabbed hold of Tony's dick and started stroking him. I didn't dare look at him.

"Umm, Dude, I can take care of it myself. Thanks."

I didn't stop as I replied: "It's cool. Don't worry about it. It feels better when someone else does it. Just imagine it's the hot chick from the movie."

He was still tense but didn't stop me. After a few more strokes, I said: "Pull your boxers down man."

He hesitated, looking over at my legs spread apart wider as I jerked both of us simultaneously, and then I saw him pushing his underwear down. I stopped briefly as the boxers cleared his cock. His dick was bigger than mine, I'd guess about 7 inches. It was thick, and he had large balls that were covered in dark brown fur. I let my hand glide down to his balls and gently massaged them. His legs spread wider, and he leaned back more. I turned my attention back to the video as I continued stroking his cock.

By now the lady had the guy's enormous cock shoved all the way into her mouth. He had his hand on top of her head making her bob up and down on his cock. "Damn that shit's gotta feel good," I said aloud.

"Fuck yeah," he replied.

I continued stroking him as I watched the lady give an A-1 blowjob. I found my mouth salivating at the prospect of having Tony's dick in my mouth and decided I had risked so much already, and so I pushed my underwear down further and then kicked them off. They landed in front of the TV. Tony hesitated only briefly and then did the same, resting a hand on my bare thigh as I continued satisfying him. Emboldened I decided to take the biggest risk yet. I took a deep breath and then quickly bent over and took his large cock into my mouth. As the head of his dick passed my lips, I heard him suck in his breath, his body tensed, and the grip on my thigh tightened. I went up and down a few times, pulled my mouth off his cock and looked up at him. His eyes were closed. Whether in pleasure or trying to pretend this was a dream, I don't know. "You want me to stop?" I asked.

With his eyes still closed, he shook his head no and said, "No, it's cool."

Smiling I returned my attention to his dick. This time I went down further. As the scent from his body assaulted my senses, I savored the slightly taste of his cock. As his hardness slid in and out of my mouth, I tried to get more of his flesh into it. The feeling of my buddy's cock in my mouth was indescribable. I stopped sucking his cock and started sucking on his balls as my girlfriend had done to me once. He moaned and spread his legs even wider as I did this. His wiry pubic hairs rolled along my tongue as I mouthed the round object hidden beneath them. I wanted his cock in my mouth again, and so I returned to sucking it, replacing my mouth with my hand on his nuts.

He started making fucking motions with his hips, and I forced myself to take his entire cock into my throat like the chick on TV had done. I coughed and gagged a few times but was finally able to relax enough to bury it. When I did his body really tensed. I grabbed his hand with mine and placed it on top of my head. Immediately he started guiding my head up and down. I ran my hand up and down his slightly hairy, muscular thighs as he began fucking my mouth. A greed filled my being, and all I could think of was burying his rod into my hungry mouth. I devoted all my energy into matching his rhythm and pumping. Every so often he would interrupted his thrusts by forcing his cock all the way into my throat, smashing his pubic hairs into my nose as his flesh filled my airway. I had to hold my breath to prevent from throwing up when he did this.

With his meat lodged in my throat, I shifted my position on the cough so I was kneeling which made it easier to take his rod deeply. His pumping became furious, and I knew he was going to cum soon. Then he took his hand off my head and said: "Okay, dude, I'm going to shoot."

Part of me understood what was about to happen, and part of me just didn't give a shit. I kept sucking.

"I'm gonna cum man!" he said, almost grunting, in warning.

I returned his hand to my head and deep throated him in response. I guess he felt he had done his friendly duty and warned me, and now he was in the clear to do what he had always wished his girlfriend would do. He was going to cum in someone's mouth, and they were going to swallow it. He really got into it now, fucking my lips in a frenzy a few more times until his load blasted out of his cock and flooded my throat. I coughed and gagged yet again as the thick salty fluid rushed down my gullet. His hand remained firmly on my head as I swallowed his juice. As I finished him off, I shot my load as well, the warm liquid landing on my chest and abs.

I sat up and waited for my head to clear. I watched Tony walk naked to the bathroom and heard him peeing. He came back into the room, grabbed his boxers, tossed me mine and put his own promptly. I was a little concerned he was upset until he came back to the couch and sat down next to me. "That was awesome!" he said, unwittingly reassuring me.

"So we're cool?"

He looked at me stunned, his mouth slightly agape. "Are you kidding? Of course we are!" he replied, gently slapping the back of my head. "How long you been gay?"

I looked him at slightly hurt. "I don't know that I'm gay dude."

He returned my gaze as if to say Yeah right!

Continuing, I added: "I mean I like pussy and all, but . . . I don't know."

"Dude, it's cool. Doesn't matter to me."

"It doesn't?" I asked, not totally sure.

"No," he said. He was looking at the TV again. It was a new scene. "Holy shit! He's fucking her in the ass!! I bet that feels hot!"

I watched the movie with him, not totally interested in the video, and found myself wondering if what he just said had more meaning to it. What would I do if indeed that statement was a prelude?

Watch for part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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