One Temptation Too Much

By dexter 67

Published on Aug 22, 2016


(High School, Mm, 1st, vanilla, slow) [1!4]

One temptation too much - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part one - seduced

To work as a teacher in mathematics was what Daniel Broman had always wanted. He loved numbers and enjoyed teaching the secrets behind them.

He had married early and they had had two children, who were now grown up and on their way out of the house to live on their own.

When the new semester at the high school started he was assigned three new classes to teach, and he expected it would be like all the previous years. Some students developed quickly and others struggled hard to keep up with the studies. Daniel appreciated both of these groups more than the average students. Pushing high achievers to new heights was fun, and as enjoying as helping the weaker to get "aha"-experiences and take their knowledge further.

To get more personal attention from some of the young adults wasn't something unheard of among teachers at high schools. But this year one of the students did everything to gain Daniel's attention, and it wasn't about mathematics. It was always flattering when sixteen or seventeen year old girls and boys showed personal interest in a middle-aged teacher. Daniel couldn't deny it was a kind of spice of life. But he never took it seriously. Never.

However, this kid, Anton, made him feel different. Daniel was surprised at how he reacted to this particular student. He felt himself becoming in some way receptive to the childishly inviting moves from this kid. Something warm and playful filled his heart. When Daniel was driving home, he found himself thinking about this teenager. It was crazy.

Old memories from his student years surfaced. Back then he had played around with other boys, before he began to court girls to take to parties as he had been expected to do.

Daniel had been one of the taller guys, and his cool appearance made him popular. In high school the bond with other guys the same age was strong. They partied around a lot. He got his cock sucked when he wanted it, and for almost a year he was very close to a pal who wanted to be fucked. Daniel didn't think too much about what happened and what he did. It was practical and uncomplicated to release his baby-makers into the willing ass of a guy lying on his stomach.

Now, though, Daniel tried to forget those times and regarded his old actions as young foolishness. Why were those memories popping up now?

One morning Daniel's heart jumped a bit when Anton walked into the classroom and smiled at him. The teacher's feelings got stronger about this twink.

"This has to stop," Daniel thought, but although he tried to shut his thoughts and feelings out they kept penetrating his defenses. His cock started to grow as he drove to work one morning and remembered that Anton was in the first class he had to teach that day.

The teenager didn't stop flirting with his teacher even though he wasn't getting any visible response. "Or am I leading him on?" Daniel wondered. He couldn't see it, but the student obviously did.

Anton was gay and nowadays it wasn't a big thing. But Anton wasn't interested in other boys the same age. He wanted mature men, and when he saw his new teacher Daniel Broman he fell for him in a second. This man was calm, serious and boyish at the same time. He wasn't stunningly good looking, but he was tall and obviously kept his body in shape. His light brown hair was thick. The crew cut and short beard told Anton that this man wanted attention.

The shy, evasive reactions from the teacher made Anton's young body pulse. He took the shyness as a confirmation of this man's interest in him. Why would he be shy and uncomfortable if it wasn't about something important? He could have laughed it away at Anton's expense, or stared reprovingly back at him, telling him to stop. But he didn't.

The teenager wasn't very good at math, and that gave him the excuse to get closer to this hot man. He didn't ask for it immediately. Anton was among the popular guys in the school. He had a rebellious attitude, not afraid to talk back to adults, and was quick with his mouth. But to approach the teacher was a serious thing and it made him nervous.

Anton continued to flirt with him less and less cautiously. He looked him in the eyes for longer times, waited for him and walked with him through the corridors to the staff room. He asked about average things -- when the next exam would be and such.

When Anton wasn't rejected despite multiple silly questions and much strange behavior, he decided to ask for help with the next level of the math lessons.

Daniel knew the request would come. He was aware that this boy wanted his attention. He knew he shouldn't be alone with him in a classroom. But when Anton asked for help, Daniel couldn't bring himself to deny it.

"Okay, perhaps you could stay after my last class on Wednesday?" He immediately regretted those words. Why in the hell did he tell him that?

Anton smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks, Mister Broman!" His cock started to grow in his pants as he walked out. That night Anton jerked his cock while thinking of his math teacher.

And in his car on the way home, the teacher thought about Anton. About his sexy smile and that young and smooth body. Why didn't he react the same way to the female students? They were also young and delicious. But his thoughts went back to Anton and his powerful body. He had to think about his grocery list to get his cock to go down before he stepped out of the car.

On Wednesday the teacher was nervous, something he never had been at school before. It was an ordinary meeting to help a student, nothing more. So why was he nervous? He couldn't tell, and he promised himself this would be the only session with this boy. And this would only be about math.

Anton arrived, half running to the classroom. He smiled and then stood silently in front of the teacher. They looked each other in the eyes, and it was as if lightning struck. Each of them felt their heart begin to beat faster and harder. Their knees got weak. At last Daniel said after clearing his throat, "Shall we begin? What were you having trouble with?"

Anton sat down at one of the student desks, and Daniel moved a chair to the short end of the desk and sat down. Fumbling a bit, they went through the textbook problem Anton wanted help with.

Daniel pointed his finger to a passage in the book and accidently touched the skin of the student's hand. They looked into each other's eyes again. Anton put his hand on the teacher's.

The married man reacted by standing up. Confusedly he told the student, "We can't do this."

"What? Studying?" Anton was afraid he would lose the man's attention.

Daniel put his hand over his forehead. He didn't know what to do. But nothing had happened. He had to treat this as a regular educational exercise. When he sat back down, they continued to go through the math problems. But now and then they shyly looked at each other's face.

When the teacher talked, Anton stared at his lips. He wanted to kiss them. When Anton was writing something down, Daniel could glance at the student's chest. He had a tight fitting t-shirt, and Daniel could clearly see the muscular pecs and the nipples through the fabric. He wanted to caress them.

"Okay, that's the last problem set before the next exam," Daniel said and began to stand up. When he did, he leaned slightly forward. Anton did the same, and when he was close to Daniel's cheek, he kissed it ever so lightly, almost not even noticeably.

Daniel looked at Anton, who had the most vulnerable facial expression he had ever seen. Daniel smiled slightly but otherwise acted as if it hadn't happened.

Anton's heart was beating hard. He was surprised by his own bold action, both ashamed and proud at the same time.

"I want to see you again," Anton burst out.

"You will, we have class on Friday," Daniel said with a neutral tone in his voice. He couldn't get involved with one of his students, let alone a male one. He turned and walked out of the classroom. At the door, he looked back at the boy. He was standing completely still, with pleading eyes. Daniel lifted his hand to say goodbye.

As he walked to his car, he was nervous someone might see he had a hard-on. This kid was something he had never dealt with before, showing his vulnerability as well as his enthusiasm and fondness for his teacher.

And this boy was so damn cute. Anton was blond, blue-eyed and almost as tall as him, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His torso was flat beneath the pectorals and probably without much body hair. Daniel fantasized about a six pack underneath that t-shirt. A hard and smooth body.

But Daniel had been married since he was twenty, and had two children. This fixation with a young man was crazy. On the other hand, his children were now grownups and on their way out of the nest. His life was changing. What did he and his wife have in common, other than the children they loved? It was convenient to have a home together, but there really wasn't much more than that.

Anton was worried. He wasn't sure whether Daniel had taken offense to what he had done. It was stupid to have done it, but at the same time he smiled at his prank. It convinced him about his own feelings for the teacher. He wanted Daniel to be his first. Every time he jacked off, and it happened at least twice a day, he thought about the teacher and fantasized about being close to him, naked in bed.

On Friday morning Anton was waiting outside the classroom when Daniel arrived. They smiled heartily toward each other. Daniel put a hand on Anton's shoulder.

"Did you learn anything last time?"

"Definitely! It was the best lesson I ever had."

Daniel unlocked the door, and as they walked in Anton stepped close and once again pushed his lips against the teacher's cheek quickly and lightly. Then he moved on into the room without looking back.

He was rewarded by a nervous laugh from Daniel.

Before the other students arrived, Anton asked if he could get another lesson after school.

"Eager to learn math?"

"Yes, very much!"

A new laugh from the teacher. "On Wednesday, then."

This time, Daniel was looking forward to the meeting. The smiling twink was irresistible.

When Wednesday came they started to go through the book, but this time when Daniel pointed to something and Anton once again put his fingers on the teacher's hand, he let it rest there. Their eyes met, and their hearts pounded inside their chests.

"This is madness..." Daniel said with a sorry smile.

"Why...?" Anton was delighted to communicate with his teacher, but he seemed displeased with it.

"You are forbidden fruit for me as a teacher."

"Nobody has to know." Anton moved his other hand down to Daniel's thigh.

Feeling the young man's hand on his thigh made Daniel lean forward reflexively. He couldn't stop himself from reacting to the invitation. Anton answered by doing the same. He moved his head toward the man. In slow motion, their lips got closer and closer. Finally, they came together and it became a light kiss -- their lips almost didn't made contact. Then they both moved forward and it became a hot and intense kiss.

Anton was in heaven. He had gotten the man to recognize they had a relationship beyond teacher and student. Daniel couldn't keep his distance from this cute twink. He moved a hand to the twink's neck as they continued to kiss, and then let it travel down to his chest outside the t-shirt.

They had to break away to get air and decide what to do next. They looked each other in their eyes.

"Do you want to follow me home? I'm alone," Anton tried.

Daniel smiled. "Too risky. I shouldn't be doing this." Then he leaned forward again to continue the kissing.

"Your car, then...?" Anton asked when they broke off the second time. He wanted to take it one step further.

Daniel laughed. It was as if he was traveling back in time and he was a teenager again. But he was still a husband and father. He shouldn't take it further. He could lose his job, not to mention his wife.

"You are the sexiest guy I've met in twenty years. But I'm married. I'm your teacher." Daniel put his hand on the twink's neck and moved it up to his face and over his cheek in a tender way.

Anton kissed the hand and showed his humbleness. He knew this man wanted him, and he had to convince him to follow his heart. "But, Mister Broman..."

Daniel stood up. Anton did the same and hugged the man hard. Both of them felt the other one had a hard-on inside their pants.

"Next lesson on Friday. Don't miss it," the teacher said as he left.

"Not a chance."

Anton was pleased. The man was showing his feelings. Anton knew he was close, but he had to work harder to reach his goal.

Alone in his car, Daniel came to the realization that he had never felt so alive since his children were born. Everything about what was happening was wrong, but it felt so damn good. He was being courted by a nice and cute young man. He wanted to fuck him. He hadn't fucked a man in twenty years, and now he was discovering how much he had missed it. Just the thought of fucking Anton made his dick ooze precum.

On Friday they weren't alone, and Anton didn't dare ask for a new meeting. He was sad and desperate. In the afternoon he went out to the teacher's car to wait for him.

When Daniel arrived with the car key in his hand, he was both glad and troubled by the twink's persistence.

"Hello, Anton. No more classes today?"

"No. I thought I could get a ride with you." Anton was pleading like a puppy dog.

"You can't do this. If someone sees us together and reports it, you will never see me again," Daniel said with some irritation.

"Sorry. Hey, I got us a room at the motel on the highway north of town. Can we talk about it there?"

"You can't ride with me. If you can get there by some other means, I will meet you there. I have to run some errands first, and I'll be there in an hour. If you're not there, I will leave. OK?"

"Yes! I will be there!" Anton was delighted. He could take the bus and walk the last short distance.

Daniel regretted his promise as soon as he was alone in the car. He shouldn't meet a student outside the school. He would be exposing himself to every kind of rumor and accusation. But this twink was so hot. His face was pretty as a photo model, with high cheekbones, big lips, and a hot smile which created long and prominent dimples in his cheeks.

Had his marriage not turned cold since the children started to become adults, Daniel wouldn't be so easily seduced. He wanted sexual stimulation with someone who was craving him. He wanted to be desired. He was starved for sex. He couldn't stop thinking about Anton's body, strong but youthfully thin, almost certainly nearly hairless, with broad shoulders and long legs. He wanted to move his hands over it and fuck the hell out of him.

He knew he should break his promise and drive home, but he couldn't get the twink out of his head. He wanted to kiss him and hold that young body in his arms. After finishing his errands, he drove to the motel without having consciously decided what to do.

At the motel entrance, Anton was waiting. Daniel stopped the car and Anton opened the door and jumped in. For the first time the twink was now part of Daniel's private life outside the school.

"What's up?" Anton was happy.

"Which number?" Daniel felt trapped.

"26, at the end." Anton looked at the teacher and saw he was troubled. What could he do to convince him?

"I want you to be my first... I'm a virgin, you know? Don't tell anybody, because I've bragged about how many girls I have conquered." Anton told the truth and then joked about it. It was a successful strategy he had learned the hard way in life.

And it worked. Daniel looked at him, and his doubt subsided. Anton had exposed his naive youthfulness. It was irresistible.

Daniel parked the car in front of room 26, turned off the ignition, looked carefully all around for other people, and then leaned over to Anton. He put a hand behind Anton's neck and pulled him close. They kissed passionately.

Next: part two - sucked

This is my second story on Nifty, and it will continue to be nice and vanilla. The first one is about bondage and humiliation under the label authoritarian: "Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told", but I suggest not reading it if bondage isn't your thing.

Next: Chapter 2

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