One Sunny Afternoon

By Denver Guy

Published on May 7, 2009


One Sunny afternoon part two

If you are under 18, offended by marijuana, popper or alcohol use, or not into man on man sex...then why are you reading this?

"Okay, but just a quickie." Craig yanked his shorts down to his ankles, and pulled Rob in for a hot French kiss. Rob smiled as the "straight" boy's tongue slid inside his mouth and his hand found the bulge in Rob's shorts. They stood in the backyard of Craig's house, hidden around a corner, supposedly going out to smoke a joint before returning to the weekly poker game. Craig's hand made its way into Rob's shorts and began to stroke the head. "Oh, you're wet already, were you getting hard watching my little show?"

Craig had been getting up to get beer for the five guys, anytime someone asked, and would bend over as far as possible into the fridge, making it obvious that he was wearing nothing under his shorts. "Yeah I was, but now I want to fuck you." Craig's penis twitched as Rob said fuck.

"Do you think we have time?" He smiled like a school girl getting a new hello kitty backpack.

"Sadly, no, but I am gonna get off somehow..." Craig dropped to his knees as Rob finished the sentence, using one hand to hold Rob's dick as his mouth slid over the head, and the other reaching into his pocket. He withdrew it, and took a hit off of the poppers he had produced. "Where'd you get those, you little slut?"

"You are not the only one who can buy poppers you know. After last weekend I walked down to that porn store on Colfax and got some. But yes, I am a little slut." They both laughed, and then Craig resumed sucking Rob's dick. Rob starred down at Craig's bare ass, hanging out below his t-shirt, and remembered how tight and hot it was.

"Rob? Craig? You guys better hurry back in, we are dealing the next hand" Michael called out the back door. Craig could feel Rob tense in his mouth, as he heard their friend, and prayed he wouldn't come looking for them, and Craig took advantage of it and chose that moment to suck Rob's dick all the way back into his throat. The added excitement of possibly being caught, Craig's tight throat and his hand working Rob's balls brought Rob to the edge.

"Shit, I am cumming!" Rob whispered as he began to shoot into Craig's warm mouth. Craig swallowed the huge load, all except for the last few drops, choosing to instead keep them on his tongue, standing up and sharing them with Rob as they two kissed. "Your turn."

Rob pushed Craig against the house, dropped to his knees, and began slobbering on Craig's balls as he jacked his cock. Rob slid a few fingers into his mouth, got them as wet as possible, and slid two all the way inside Craig's ass at the same moment that he sucked Craig's dick into his mouth. He was surprised to find the asshole was not only not fighting the fingers, but seemed to be prelubed as well. `He is a little slut, and I am gonna fuck him like one, all night long.' Rob thought as he used his best technique to work Craig to a quick load. Craig's low moans told Rob all he needed to know and he quickly slid a third finger inside Craig's ass, and pressed against his prostate, as he sucked and licked just around the dick head. Craig shot in buckets, holding a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound of his moaning and sighing, until he finally emptied after 9 or 10 thick shots.

"Fuck, I thought watching those bj vids online would have taught me how to suck dick better than you, but I never thought about fingering at the same time. I still have a lot to learn." Craig said, as Rob kissed his way up Craig's chest, until reaching his neck, and whispering in his ear.

"we have all night for me to teach you. My roommates are gone, I think you should come over." Craig smiled and kissed rob in agreement. The boys straightened their clothing and wondered back inside.

"How was the joint?" Brian asked, as he opened two beers and handed one to each of them.

"What? Oh fine, good shit man." Rob giggled to himself as he picked up his hand. Craig would need to keep their alibis straight if he wanted to keep his roommates from finding out about their extracurricular activities. Craig could tell what Rob was thinking, and kicked him under the table.

"Hey man, did I tell you who I ran into today?" Brian asked as he put up his blind, and fidgeted with his cards. "Amy Martin." Craig's face went pale.

"Who is Amy Martin?" Rob asked, tossing in his blind.

"Only Craig's first true love. That girl was his everything, he used to follow her around like a puppy dog, just so she'd let him fuck her. Then one day, she finally lets him give her the bone, and tells him right after that she is moving to Europe! He moped for weeks! But she must be back." Rob's heart sank, and he looked at Craig, who obviously wanted to say something, but was reminded of his roommates when Brian joined the conversation again.

"Yeah she is back in town cause her student visa ran out, and all she could talk about was how is Craig?' and Is he seeing anyone?' when I told her no, she practically invited herself over tonight, she should be here soon. Man, Craig you are totally getting laid tonight." Brian laughed and Michael and Eric joined in. Craig followed with a weak chortle.

"I fold. I am gonna go get some air guys." Rob stood up quickly, almost knocking over his chair.

" Rob, you alright man?" Eric asked, as Craig threw down his cards to follow him.

"Yeah dude, just smoked too fast earlier." Rob was out the back door, with Craig close behind him.

"Rob. Rob, stop. Dude, I had no idea they invited her over. I don't even like her anymore." Craig grabbed Rob's arm, and Rob turned to face him, with a neutral `who gives a fuck' look.

"Don't sweat it man, she is the love of your life. If you wanna fuck her, I understand, I just needed some air man. Really." It was a lie, and Craig knew it, but the words stung. He had thought about nothing but Rob for a week, even when they were apart, and now he was saying that it didn't matter who Craig fucked.

"Oh cool man. Well...I'll see you inside then." Craig turned back around and walked inside. As soon as he was out of sight, Rob punched the garage wall as hard as he could, before shaking it off and following him in.

Amy arrived about an hour later, when all the boys were half way to drunk, some more than others, specifically Rob who had been doing shots in the kitchen with Eric. Craig quickly remembered just how much he had liked her, and, sure enough, was answering her every beck and call within 10 minutes. Rob was surprised to notice however, that she barely paid him any attention, but in some cases she seemed to actually ignore Craig, and act slutty with the other guys, just to make him crazy. Within half an hour, Rob was mad, not just at the fact that the guy who had blown him only two hours ago was now fawning over some girl, but because she was being a total bitch to him. He grabbed Craig when he almost followed her into the bathroom, and pulling him into the kitchen to talk.

"Dude! What the fuck? You are going all gaagaa over some bitch who barely knows you exist!" Rob tried to remain calm, but his best bud was being dissed, and he was unsure how not to be mad.

"It's not like that man, she is just friendly, she enjoys the attention from the other guys. She really is into me." Craig was barely looking at Rob, more keeping an eye on the bathroom door.

"Whatever man, just remember, she broke your heart once, she'll do it again." Rob was burning on the inside now, he quickly grabbed his coat, and made a b-line for the door. Craig only seemed to notice this when Rob passed in front of the bathroom door, and some part of his brain shouted `STOP HIM!' He quickly followed Rob onto the porch, where he was pulling on his jacket.

"Rob, dude, I am sorry. I really don't mean to be like this, it's just...she and I have...history, but I promise man, I am not interested in her like that anymore. In fact, I am gonna ask her to leave as soon as she gets out of the bathroom, so why don't you just hang out for a few minutes and then we can go back to your place and..." Craig stopped, because Rob began to laugh. Hard.

"That is a load of bull shit dude! You are obviously feeling something for her! So I think instead, I am gonna go home alone, and you need to fuck her." Rob turned to leave.

"Come on man, don't do that. I sucked your dick before, not hers." This statement broke the tension for a moment and they both shared a laugh before they realized that what Rob was saying did hold some truth.

"Look, it really is cool man. If you want to see what is between you guys, then go ahead and find out. Bang her tonight. Do her twice, hell four times if it will help you figure it out. Just...I just want you to know, it is cool if you decide...either way...I will gladly be your friend." Rob hugged Craig, holding him tighter and longer than he planned, and Craig swelled with that feeling again. The feeling he'd felt outside earlier when Rob acted like he didn't care. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew it was important. Then, as quickly as the hug had begun, it was over and Rob was jogging across the street to his car.

"Hey there you are. I expected you to be waiting for me." Amy came down the steps and pulled one of Craig's arms around her shoulder. "Where's Rick going?"

"It's Rob. He had to go, but he said to say goodbye."

"Yeah probably had to go fuck his boyfriend." Amy laughed as she said this, and for the first time, Craig could hear how mean she sounded.

"You know, you could be nice, he is like, only my best friend." Craig dropped the arm from her shoulder and turned to go inside. Amy stood there, stunned. Craig had never, not once the entire time she had known him, ever stood up to her before. It was hot.

"Baby, wait up!" Amy ran after him.

For the rest of the evening, Craig was amazed to find that for the first time in their relationship, he was not the sick puppy dog in tow, but seemed to be the one with the leash. The more he ignored Amy, the more she wanted his attention. When he began to talk to Michael's girlfriend, who showed up to watch a movie, but got bored with the one Amy convinced them all to watch, Amy flew into some song and dance about it being `bedtime' and how Craig needed to show her his new room. Brian gave him the thumbs up, as Amy pulled Craig up the stairs, but Craig couldn't help thinking about Rob.

A few hours later, Craig laid awake, staring at his ceiling. His mind was swirling with the most random thoughts. He found himself comparing sex with Amy to sex with Rob. He remembered that Amy was his first, and how tight and wet she was, and how quickly he'd cum inside the condom, not even telling her, so he could continue to fuck her until he was finally soft and just slid out. He also remembered how good it felt to have Rob throbbing inside of him, how it had made him cum without ever touching his dick. And why hadn't Amy cum when Craig fucked her? If it felt half as good for a girl to get fucked as it had when he had been fucked, then she should have cum twenty times for how long they went, and all the maneuvers he tried, but she barely moved, and said `it took more than that to get her off.' He turned on his side, and flinched when he felt Amy's naked arm wrap over his bare chest. He felt somehow dirty, but couldn't put a finger on why. Amy felt his squirming and lifted her head off the pillow.

"What's wrong Craig? You are acting so weird tonight. First you are rude to me, then you won't let me go down on you, and when I finally said I'd let you fuck me, you didn't even want to." It was true. Craig hadn't fucked her, he was hard as a rock, and was having an okay time groping her firm full breasts and making out with her, but as soon as he thought about putting himself inside her, he felt that drop in his stomach and said maybe they should just get some sleep. That had been hours ago, and neither of them had managed to get any sleep.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just...anxious...about work this week. I have a lot of stuff to get done." He moved slightly on the bed so he was out of her reach. Amy got the signal, but no way was she giving up that easy.

"I see. I guess you are just too busy with your buddies to fuck me. There used to be a time where you would have begged to even see me topless, and now you won't even go down on me. I know exactly what is wrong with you." Craig rolled over and looked at her, anger in his face.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" He moved closed, and Amy knew her plan was working.

"It's hanging out with that FAG, I think he has you on the gay train. And you're the caboose. I bet you couldn't fuck me if you tried." When she said Fag, something inside Craig snapped, and all of a sudden, he was on top of her.

"Oh yeah? You think I'm a fag huh? I'll show you who the fucking fag is." As quickly as he said this, he had thrown Amy over onto her stomach, ripped open a condom from the bedside table, slid it down his dick, and went balls deep into her now much looser pussy.

"Ow! Fuck Craig, that hurts!" In reality she barely felt a thing, but right now she knew that hurting her was half the fun. Craig began to fuck the shit out of her, pounding as hard as she could. Amy loved how aggressive he was, and didn't even mind that when she suggested she turn over, he just pushed her head down into the pillow and rammed her harder. She fingered her clit as he fucked her, and in a few minutes, they both came, almost simultaneously. Craig rolled off her, and felt a sense of triumph, but only for one second, until she moved in closed, and hugged him, causing the feeling of being the victor to be replaced with disgust.

"That was amazing baby. Next time be even rougher." Craig jumped from the bed and ran naked to the bathroom, the condom still hanging from his dick, full of his sperm. He ran inside, shut the door, dropped to his knees and threw up in the toilet. He felt awful. He could see Rob's face in his mind, and knew that he would have to tell him. He vowed to tell him tomorrow, and knew he would get no sleep in between. He dropped his head, and almost began to cry, until he heard a soft knock on the door. He was surprised Amy was going to be so nice as to ask what was worng. He was less surprised when he heard Brian's voice outside the door.

"Dude are you okay?" Craig saw Rob's smile in his mind.

"Not yet."

End of part two!

One Sunny Afternoon

Part Three

Don't read this if you are too young, too pious or too stupid to get that this site caters to GAY MEN!!!

Rob sat on the couch next to Michael, holding in a huge hit from his bong. Apparently, Michael's promotion at work was enough of a celebration that the big glass water pipe could be used. As he exhaled, and the cloud of smoke slowly billowed from his lips, Michael seemed impressed.

"Dude, that was an awesome hit! You are like Puff the magic dragon! Makes me think we should smoke this bad boy more often!" He took a hit half the size rob had taken, and immediately began coughing, causing them both to laugh.

"Or not." Rob chided.

"Dude, I think Craig smoked my bong while he was jacking off last weekend when Brian and I were gone. I came home and there were lubed up hand prints all over it." Rob coughed as he heard this, realizing half of the hand prints were his. He and Craig had smoked form the bong while watching a rather graphic gay porno, which led to the two of them having an all-night fuckfest, leading to a week of quickies and handjobs wherever they could find some privacy. Of course, that was before Amy showed up.

"Speaking of the chronic masturbator, where is Craig?" Rob said a little too enthusiastically, since he was dying to hear if he had fucked Amy or not.

"Ah man, he and the bitch du jour went to grab brunch this morning, well, this afternoon technically, and haven't been back since. Apparently they had some pretty wild sex last night, work Brian up." Michael inhaled as Rob grew pale, so they had ended up in bed together. "Of course, it can't have been too good, since Craig spent the rest of the night hugging the toilet!" Mike laughed.

"You mean he was sick?" Rob heartened a little at the thought that sex with Amy had made Craig sick, after all, it was making him sick just thinking about it.

"Yeah, like a fucking dog, he puked a few times and then wouldn't come out till this morning, Amy was pissed. I think that's why she made him buy her brunch. It is just strange to me, Craig used to spend all day thinking about that cunt and now it seems like he can barely stand her." Mike set the bong aside and picked up the tv remote, flipping through some channels.

"Join the club." Both guys laughed at Rob's dislike for Amy. None of Craig's friends had ever really liked her, unless she was on her back, but Rob doubted they disliked her for quite the same reason. As soon as their shared laugh was over, the screen door creaked open, and in walked Craig. Rob's head spun to look at the door almost too fast, giving him the feeling of whiplash, and both boys smiled as their eyes met. Too soon had they shared that moment though, as Amy pushed her way past Craig into the room, coming in and plopping on the couch between Mike and Rob.

"Oh man, are you guys smoking pot? Let me smoke some." Without waiting for an answer, Amy grabbed the bong, lit it, took a huge rip, forgot to pull the bowl out, and coughed it all up immediately. Now, Rob knew Craig was a big boy and could make up his mind about who to fuck all on his own, and he knew Mike and Brian could decide who to let hang out in their house too, but he couldn't stand by and watch good pot in a sweet piece go to waste on such a novice. He grabbed the bong from her hands, and cleared the chamber.

"Don't hit the bong like your sucking dick. I realize you have a good deal of experience at the latter, but there are no short and curlies on this shaft." Rob said, lighting the bong and showing her how to take a real rip.

"Excuse me!?!?!?!" Amy was obviously offended. "Are you gonna let him talk to me that way Craig?!?!?"

"Well if the cum-stained shoe fits." Rob got in another zinger, and Craig and Mike both laughed. Amy was not nearly as amused, and the gears in her head were turning as to what she could say that could make Rob just as offended.

"Well...if anyone would know about sucking dick it would be you!" That'll get him, she thought.

"True. I am a master cocksucker." Mike laughed even louder at Rob's admission and Craig laughed, but not too hard, since his dick twitched at the memory of his own dick down Rob's throat.

"Guh! Fine fairy queen, whatever. At least I am the only one who gets to suck the dick of someone in this room!" She said this as she moved to the lounge chair where Craig sat, and dropped into his lap. Rob opened his mouth to retort that he, too, had sucked that same duck, but thought better of it at the last second.

"True princess, you are, the question is, were you sober enough to remember which guy's dick it was?" Mike laughed loudly again, quite enjoying the banter, but Craig was getting more and more uncomfortable, afraid that at any minute it might slip that Rob had sucked, and fucked him.

"Alright you two, that's enough, to your corners." Craig trued to relieve the tension and break it up, but he could tell Amy was still out for blood against Rob. He'd better stay on her side for awhile if he didn't want her making a comment about his sexuality like she had the night before in bed. Oh god, the night before, he still hadn't told Rob, how was he going to tell Rob he had given in and fucked her. He thought about blaming it on the booze, or the weed, or any number of factors, when he looked up and saw Rob laugh at a joke Mike was making about the show they were watching. Rob's smile caused him to feel that jumbly, rumble in his stomach like night before, and he realized he had to tell Rob the truth. He slept with her because she threatened his sexuality, and then spent the past 18 hours regretting it.

"Hey Rob, I think I found that DVD of yours, wanna come up to my room and get it?" Had Mike not been stoned, he would have noticed the weirdness that passed between Craig and Rob at that moment, but he was too engrossed in an episode of Family guy to care. Amy however, did not miss the moment they shared.

"I'll come with you Craigy." She hopped to her feet and bounded towards the stairs.

"Uh, actually Ames, why don't you stay here and watch some tv, I need to talk to Rob about a work thing." Amy was not happy to hear this, but she was afraid she was already losing her hold on Craig, and knew when to pick her battles...or at least she thought this wasn't the battle to pick. Craig and Rob made their way up the stairs and down the hall into Craig's room, before Craig carefully shut and locked his door. The two stood far apart, and looked at one another uncomfortably.

"So, I am guessing this was not a trip to return my porn DVD. You have something to tell me?" Rob hoped Craig would only rush into his arms to kiss him, but he knew this was not the case, after all he could see the sheets on Craig's bed still balled up from their action-packed evening.

"I...I slept with Amy last night. You were right, there were...feelings there, but I think...I guess I kinda...let things happen that I hadn't planned on and I..." Craig stopped. He looked up at Rob, whose face read neutral to anyone who was not his best friend and recent lover, but screamed pain to Craig. "I'm so sorry man."

"I understand man, you love her, you always have, you always will, no biggy." Rob moved to leave the room, but Craig stepped in front of him.

"No dude, it is not that. Not at all. I did love her...or maybe I didn't...I just...I let myself get goaded into having sex, and that's not me. We only had sex once. It was just weird since it was the first and only time I made her cum, out of the all the times I ate her out and the onetime I fucked her before. I mean, I had tried everything on her and she never showed a single ounce of orgasm, but last night-" It was too much for Rob to hear how Craig had pleasured her, and he pushed his way past him to the door, trying desperately to get the stupid lock to unstuck and let him loose.

"I said it is cool man. Don't worry about it, I'll get the DVD some other time." The door finally unlatched as he felt Craig move in closer. Had he turned around , they would have been in kissing distance, and Rob couldn't handle it. He rushed downstairs and into the bathroom to splash some water on his face, before he turned bright red. Craig slowly followed, part of him relieved, whispering to his brain that this was a good thing, he had gotten off easy, and now he could go back to fucking Amy and living the life every movie, book and church sermon had led him to want. There was a stronger part, however, that dropped out of him, leaving a hollow ache, making him want to cry, or jump off the roof, or pound his head against the wall until something hurt more than that feeling inside. He reached the bottom of the stairs just in time to see a group of Mike's coworkers arrive with a keg to celebrate his promotion, and knew that he would have to play the doting host, for a few more hours at least.

Rob and Craig managed to spend the majority of the night apart, never allowing their eyes to meet. Erik showed up with Brian a few hours into the party, followed closely by their girlfriends, who brought a special guest along just for Rob. A friend from one of their classes, a tall, good-looking, athletic young guy named Steve. Steve had apparently only come out of the closet a few weeks before, and Crystal, Eric's girlfriend, thought he would be perfect for Rob, as they never really saw him with anyone. Rob had no interest, and wanted to point out that just because two guys are gay doesn't mean they are perfect for each other, but when, at one point, he saw Amy and Craig kiss by the pool table, he decided it was good to move on. Plus, Steve was definitely cute, and Rob had been having good luck with inexperienced guys lately (one in particular), so he thought `why not?' and struck up a conversation with Steve.

Craig had been spending so much time not thinking about Rob purposefully that when he looked up from his pool game and saw Rob laughing at some cute guy's lame jokes, he immediately set about finding out who the guy was, and why he was "all over" Rob.

"Oh isn't it great? He is in my biochem class and I just knew he and Rob would hit if off, if for no other reason than they are both hot. So unfair all the hot guys are gay." Crystal said, getting a raised eyebrow and a faux hurt look from Eric. "Except my guy of course," kissing him in reassurance.

"I don't like it. We shouldn't be forcing guys onto Rob. He looks really uncomfortable talking to him. Mike, go save him." Although Mike had no idea what Craig was thinking, he shrugged and walked over. To Craig's amazement and annoyance, Mike was immediately sent back with no Rob.

"He said he was fine, he actually seems to be getting along with Steve really well." Craig fumed, but had run out of time before his next shot. In anger, he managed to knock in the last four balls for his team, and was quick to find the sign up sheet to see who played winner, so he could stay distracted. Unfortunately for him, it was Steve and Rob.

"I hope you don't mind I signed us up." Steve chalked his cue, rubbing it suggestively as he said it, making Rob laugh a little. He didn't mind, except when he realized he would be playing Craig and Brian.

"Maybe we should wait and play after we have a few more drinks to loosen us up." Rob tried to make the lame excuse, rather poorly.

"Actually, I think I am done playing, go ahead guys." Craig said, dropping his pool cue a little too firmly, causing it to make a lark CLACK on the tables rim.

"What afraid to be beaten by a couple of fags?" Steve said, jokingly. Rob immediately wished Steve had not made the joke, as he saw the hurt grow in Craig's eyes, but it quickly changed from hurt to disdain.

"Not as long as you aren't afraid to be beaten by a few breeders." Craig's comment received some mock "oooohs" from the party crowd, as if he had thrown down the gauntlet. Rob could tell Craig was being a jackass for no other reason than to be mean to Steve, and it made him mad that Craig still felt some sort of claim to him. He grabbed up the pool cue.

"Like you'd know how to work a stick anyway." Rob made the comment in the general direction of both Brian and Craig, but Craig could feel the comment hit home. "Go ahead a break, it will be your last advantage to play with my balls anyway." Another dig at Craig that no one else caught.

From the time Craig broke, the game was wildly intense. Both boys felt all the emotions they'd been trying to subdue all evening come out in competitive anger. Luckily for Rob, Steve happened to be extremely good at playing, and while neither he nor Craig and Brian were bad, Steve easily got them set to win in only one turn. Craig followed Steve, and made four balls in a row, making sure to keep eye contact with Rob between each shot, as if to say "I can do it too!" Rob followed that, making in one of the two balls left on the table for his team, and Brian followed up sinking two balls, leaving each team with only one ball left to hit in. Steve easily sunk the last ball for his team, and even though the eight ball shot was impossible, he tried anyway, missed horribly, and then swooped in and kissed Rob before he could react. Rob quickly disengaged, feeling horrible that he had done it in front of Craig, but was surprised, when Craig responded by sliding a hand down the back of Amy's skirt, obviously fingering her. She seemed to be on cloud nine, receiving so much forceful attention from Craig, and that only made Rob madder. As Craig leaned in to make his last shot, Rob leaned in and kissed Steve back, causing Craig to look up, miss the shot, and accidentally sink the eight ball, causing his team to lose. Steve shouted and grabbed Rob in a bear hug, spinning him around. Rob felt smug at first, watching as Craig threw his cue at the wall, almost smashing it, and knocking down a picture. This was short lived though, as Craig grabbed Amy from her conversation with Crystal, and pulled her up the stair, no doubt to regain his manhood. All the competitive anger quickly became hurt again, and Rob could barely see straight, as tears threatened to fill his eyes.

"I am gonna get some air, have Eric play for awhile, ok?" Rob passed his cue to Eric as he went out the back door and ran to the garage. He could hear Steve asking if he was okay as he ran out, but he knew if he stopped he would end up exploding. As he leaned his head against the garage, he could feel the anger and depression building and took it out by punching the wall again, as he had done before, as hard as he could, but this time, he kept going until it finally released the energy. As he turned back to the house, he was slightly shocked to see Craig standing on the back porch.

"Are you...ok?" Craig moved towards him, concern in his eyes.

"yeah, fine, why aren't you up reaffirming your virility with Amy?" Rob said, his voice deep and empty.

"I was being stupid, Rob, I just got jealo-" Steve pushed past Craig as he came out the back door.

"You okay Rob? Oh God, your hand is bleeding!" Craig looked down at the same time Rob did. Neither one of them had taken their eyes off the other long enough to notice. Rob had not even felt it.

"Oh yeah I guess so, it's fine really." Craig moved in, looking concerned, but Steve was already there, holding the hand up in the light.

"Well you don't need stitches, but I'd better clean it and wrap it up. Is there a first aid kit or something in the house Craig?" Steve said, already pulling Rob with him towards the back door.

"Um, yeah, I'll get it."

"No, I can get it, don't worry about it."

"He's my friend, and it is my house, I will get the damn med kit!" Rob and Steve both stopped, and looked at Craig, stunned. Craig too realized he had just gone over the line, and quickly disappeared inside. Rob and Steve made their way back in, adjourning to the bathroom to wash Rob's bleeding knuckles, only to find Craig waiting with the antiseptic and some gauze and tape. He stood over them watching as Steve wrapped the hand, until it was too much to see him holding Rob's hand, and he disappeared once more.

"Thanks Steve, you are really good at this." Rob said, biting his lip as the stinging antiseptic was dabbed gently across his open skin.

"Thanks man, I was the certified first aid guy for my little brother's baseball league last year. Plus I am training to become a pediatrician." Steve delicately wrapped the hand in some light gauze.

"Man, gay, tall, handsome, and you are going to be a doctor. You are like, the perfect guy." Rob felt awful as he realized what he said, since he was only using the perfect guy to get over an extremely imperfect one.

"Yeah but I have a feeling you are not looking for Mr. perfect." Steve finished taping Rob's hand and looked at him knowingly.

"What do you mean?" Rob tried to look innocent.

"Oh come on dude. You and Craig spent most of the night avoiding each other, then you go all `spy vs. spy' during the pool game, and then he leaves his hottie girlfriend in his bedroom to come check on you. It doesn't take a future doctor to figure that one out." Both guys laughed slightly awkwardly, as Rob admired Steve's handiwork.

"Well once again, I owe you one man, but I hate to burst your bubble. Craig is straight...and with Amy." Both guys shared a look, which made them laugh again, this time a little more enjoyably.

"Dude you are a terrible liar. I bet you and Craig have gone all the way at least ten times by the way you were tonight. So why are you both fighting it so hard? Just go tell him you don't care that he is with that bitch and kiss and make up." Rob chuckled, how did everyone peg Amy as a bitch right off the bat?

"If it was only that simple man. I am sorry though, that we can't see where this might have gone. If this were any other time and I was any other guy..." Steve surprised him again by moving in and kissing him passionately. Rob was speechless.

"No, trust me on this one, I am the one who is sorry. But if things change, lemme know man." Steve left the bathroom, and Rob continued to sit on the toilet for another twenty minutes contemplating what his next move should be. Was Steve right? Was it as easy as going to Craig and asking him to choose Rob and not Amy? He finally decided he could do nothing more tonight anyway, and left the bathroom. As soon as he got out, he noticed the party was now down to the housemates and their girlfriends, the rest of the folks having to leave to get up early the next morning for school or work. Craig was sitting perched on the arm of the couch, and stood up as soon as Rob emerged. They shared a `let's talk' glance, and each moved towards the backdoor.

"Your hand okay?" Craig said, not making eye contact, instead watching his shoe as he kicked an empty beer bottle around the grass outside the back door.

"Yeah. Is Amy inside waiting for you?" Rob chose to watch the bugs flying under the street lamp, anything to keep from looking at Craig.

"Nah, she fell asleep when I came out to see if you were okay. Too much party I guess." He looked up for a second to catch Rob's reaction, and as soon as their eyes met, neither one could break the contact.

"That's good. I wanted to say I am sorry for kissing Steve like that to screw you up, that was a shitty thing to do," he moved an inch closer to Craig.

"Nah man, I shouldn't have been feeling Amy up like that in front of you, besides, you can date whoever you want. It is not like I have any say." He also moved in closer

"Yeah you do man, you are still my best friend. Besides, Steve and I talked and we are not gonna date or anything man." Closer.

"Oh yeah?" Craig said with a little hope. "Why is that?" Closer.

"He thinks I have feelings for someone else." Closer. "And he thinks that someone else has feelings for me too."

"Do you think he is right?" Closer.

"I don't know, but I hope so, because I have never felt this way about a guy I fucked before." Closer.

"Really?" Closer.

"Really." As soon as the word was said both boys were all over each other. Hands lifted shirts and pinch nipples and groped bulges and unzipped and unbuttoned shorts. Lips crushed against one another, only breaking contact where tongues were battling between them. Knees banged and knocked as pelvises ground together. Both boys were soon naked from the waist down, and hard as rock. Twin pools of precum were smeared across their bellies by their rubbing dick heads. Craig spread his legs and leaned back against the side of the house as Rob, spit onto his right hand and inserted two wet fingers into Craig's tight hole. Craig moaned loudly, no longer caring who heard, as Rob used his right hand to spread spit and precum along his thick shaft, using his arms to left Craig's legs up into the nook of his elbow. Craig locked his ankles behind Rob's back, as Rob slid his hard dick head to the entrance of Craig's ass, and in one swift nudge, forced half of his dick inside Craig. Craig opened his mouth in a silent scream and Rob quickly kissed him hard before the sound caught up. Soon his full shaft was working in and out of the tight hole, and between the friction of his and Rob's stomachs against Craig's dick head, and the thick pipe rubbing his prostate, it barely took three minutes for Craig to cover them both in a fresh load of cum. Rob was soon behind, and both boys could feel first the eight hard shots of cum inside Craig's quivering hole and then that same cum oozing out of Craig's ass and down along Rob's dick. The boys shared a few moments rest against the wall before untangling.

"So I think I need to go in and break things off with Amy." Craig said as he pulled up his shorts and looked for where his underwear might have gotten to.

"That sounds like a good idea." Rob said, as he sneakily shoed Craig's briefs into his pocket. "Need me to come along for moral support."

"No thanks," Craig said with a smile in his voice. "but I will need those underwear back eventually."

"how did you know?" Rob pulled Craig into him for a kiss.

"Where else would they go?" The boys kissed again, and felt their dicks re-hardening. "Maybe I'll let you keep them if I get yours later."

"my roommates are still gone tonight." Rob smiled with a coy look on his face.

"Well then who will hold the video camera." They melted back into a kiss, realizing they may have gotten dressed prematurely.

The End of Part Three

Or just the end?

You tell me!

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