One Strange Thanksgiving

By Nathen Bridges

Published on Dec 5, 2011



The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story is inspired by true events and people in my life, however the situations and names used are purely fictional.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcomed and appreciated. This is my first work of erotic fiction, and I would love to hear what everyone thinks of it. Please send all correspondence to I hope you enjoy it!

It all happened one strange Thanksgiving. Typically I went to a friends with my Mom for the holiday, but this year, I decided to try and give my Dad's place a chance. I got a ride from a guy I knew from high school that was going to the same university as I was. Charlie was a guys guy. Totally straight, yet still could be sensitive when the time was appropriate. He was about 5' 8", with sandy blonde hair and steel blue eyes. He usually wore tight fitting wranglers that hugged his bubble ass and sometimes, when he would sit with his legs spread a little like straight cowboys like to do, you could almost see the outline of his nice size balls, and thick cock. If you haven't figured it out yet, I always had a bit of a crush on him in high school. Every time I saw him making out with a girl, I would imagine it was me. But I digress..

We had dropped off the third guy that was with us at his parents place not too far outside of Boise in Mountain Home. I was always nervous around Charlie when we were alone. I didn't have anything to say about girls, sports, or anything else straight for that matter, not to mention the fact that I was still only out to a few close friends and was considering pulling my Dad aside to tell him on this very trip. The next thirty minutes were painfully silent. I sat looking out the window at the pine trees as we zoomed by, trying to think about Thanksgiving at Dad's house. This wasn't an exciting thought at all, and I was trying to plan out various conversations, and responses in my head for when I got there. In the middle of me imagining making out with my step brother instead, my thoughts were interrupted by Charlie, who finally decided to break the silence saying, "Want a smoke? You look like you could use one." This, of course, was before I started smoking, but I really did need one. I accepted his offer, and while he got out a cigarette for each of us, he asked me what was wrong. Granted, we didn't know each other real well in high school, but we had been around each other enough to know when something was bothering the other. After he handed me my first cigarette, he leaned over with his zippo in hand to light it. I could see his pants tighten against the head of his cock and almost forgot to suck in when he reached the flame in front of my face. All of a sudden, breaking gaze that was locked on his crotch, I remembered the conversation we were having. I thought for a second longer and then just blurted it all out. "I've never really been to my Dad's for any kind of family function before, we've never had much of a relationship. He's always been extremely manipulative, and add to that, I'm trying to figure out how to tell him I'm gay!" As soon the words were done flooding uncontrollably from my mouth I wanted to open the door and fall out onto the highway. I didn't dare actually look in the side mirror, but I'm pretty sure I was beet red at that point. Trying to save at least a little of my dignity, I decided I should at least cap the statement with something, but all I could manage was, "By the way, I'm gay." Charlie busted up laughing after that. Part of me was pissed at such a reaction, but seeing that big straight cowboy smile he had just had me melting and I forgot about any of the negativity.

A few minutes later, I still had no idea what to say. Fortunately Charlie broke the silence so that I wouldn't have to, "Congratulations I'm glad you finally found yourself" his friendly slap on my knee startled me, comforted me, and turned me on all at the same time, but his response confused me. I asked him what he meant by that and he gave me a little sideways smirk and said "Well I think most everyone knew you were gay even in high school, not to mention you staring at my crotch all the time." There I go turning red again, and falling out onto the highway its sounding like an even better course of action than it did before. Charlie was laughing but could tell I was getting embarrassed and his heart melting cowboy sensitivity kicked in again, "Hey don't worry about it, it never bothered me in the least. If anything I was actually really flattered that you would think I'm attractive. And I'm really happy for you that you've found this about yourself." I was in shock. I knew Charlie would probably be fine with my coming out, but flattered? I had to ask him, "So me checking you out really doesn't bother you at all?" As he looked out his did window for a second, I did a quick glance of his crotch again. Obviously I'd have to be a little more careful knowing that he caught me looking who knows how many times. "Not at all." Sounding like he was going to say something else, I stayed silent, but for the next few miles he was also quiet.

Charlie slowed his truck as we approached an old dirt road, I asked where we were going since this road was definitely not going to take us to our respective homes. All he said was "Gotta take a leak, you?" I said sure, but about 5 miles later on the bumpy old road, I was really wondering why he need to go so far out just to pee. Just before I was about to ask again where we were going, he pulled of to the side of the road. We both got our of the truck, him stretching up in the air, his shirt lifted a little, showing his tight abs while his biceps pressed out against the short sleeves of his t-shirt. He gave me a little wink like he did all of that on purpose just for my enjoyment and offered me another cigarette. He walked toward a bush to empty his bladder while I stood by the truck smoking, wishing I could see his cock hanging our of his pants as he peed. He turned his head over his shoulder, "I though you had to take a leak too?" I walked over to another bush a few feet away from him and turned the other way, nervous I might end up getting hard being so close to him, both with our cocks out. After he finished, I heard his footsteps come up behind me, and I was rock hard. He was right behind me when he asked, "You ok?" That's when I realized I was just standing there and hadn't peed a single drop yet. I told him I was good and would be done in a minute, trying to stay calm. Then I felt him even closer behind me when he said something that totally caught me off guard. "To be honest, I always wondered what our would be like to be with another guy." I was reeling. Every fantasy I had ever had of him, every inch of his body I had ever imagined, was flashing through my mind. Every area of my body that I could imagine him touching started to tingle. I wanted to turn around and grab him, kiss him, show him exactly what it would be like, but I knew what type if person Charlie was. You couldn't always take what he said at face value, but he also wasn't the type to completely take control of a situation either. I had to respond carefully "Really?" That was all I could come up with. He didn't say anything after that, and I decided that I had missed out on to opportunities in my life by nor acting out of fear. I took a deep breathe and turned around to look at him, leaving my hard dick sticking out of my pants. "Would you like to find out?" My mind was racing so fast I was dizzy as soon as the words left my mouth. I knew I couldn't go back now. When I looked down at his crotch and saw the outline of his hard cock, I knew exactly what to do next. I looked at his nervous face, reached up behind his head and pulled him into me. I kissed him passionately, still shaking, hoping he would return my kiss. Then he reached behind me, pulling me even closer to him. Rubbing his crotch against my exposed self. He kissed me so deeply and I remembered all of those times I saw him making out with some girl years before. I ran my hands down his back and into the back of his pants. He broke or lies to moan in my ear and moved to my neck. He kissed and sucked up and down my neck, reaching down to pull my shirt up and overt my head. I pulled his shirt of of him and started to undo his big cowboy belt buckle while feeling the huge bulge trapped just below. I kissed down his neck, following the defined lines through his chest. I kissed and sucked just below his arms next to his nipples. I could hear him breathing harder and moaning more. Moving farther down, I pulled the waist of his tight wranglers down a bit and gently kissed that sensitive area right below his tight stomach. Unbuttoning his pants I slowly licked down to the top of his shaft. Pulling his pants down farther, his dick came out of his pants, slapping me in the neck. I sat back to take in his naked body. His well formed chest wasn't what I would call cut, but was solid. His abs were much the same, but right below his abs and above his cock was perfectly trimmed, flat, and strong. His cock was perfect. It hung just a little, but stuck out from his flat stomach. It was at least 8 inches. I looked at his face and he looked dizzy, but he gave that sexy smirk I loved seeing so much. I leaned in again, licking pre-cum from the tip of his hard cock. Slowly, I licked my way down his shaft, taking him into my mouth. He let out a load moan and I took his entire cock into my mouth and down my throat. He grabbed the back of my head and bean to fuck my face, harder and harder, until finally he was yelling, thrusting his dick to the hilt, almost coming me. He shot load after load of his sweet seed down my throat. I pulled off a little in order to catch some of it in my mouth, and when he was finally done, I stood up, looking him straight in the eye. I kissed him, sharing his cum with him. His tongue swirling with mine, trying to taste every last bit of what he had just shot in my mouth. When we broke from our kiss I asked him what he thought, "Guys really do give better blow jobs." We both laughed, realizing how late it was getting and decided we should get back on the road.

The rest of the way back we would talk a little, but most of the drive was relatively quiet. When he dropped me off at my dads, we arranged a time for him to pick me up for the drive back to school at the end of the long weekend. I looked at him for a second, wondering if I should kiss him, but decided to play it safe and put my hand on his thigh for a quick squeeze. He smiled, and left. Now it was time to deal with the family.

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