One Special Year

By Nicholas DePuy

Published on Nov 26, 2014


Sorry it's been a while but here is the next installment of the adventures of Sam and Greg. This story is fiction and it invokes sex between teenage kids and adults. If you're not into this stop reading.

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So, on with the story.

Chapter 4

After school Sam invited me over to his house and after calling Jeannie I followed him to his bus. We didn't live too far apart but had different busses.

At Sam's house he invited me in and introduced me to his mom. "This is my friend Greg" he told her.

"Hi Greg you can call me Mary." She shook my hand.

"We're gonna go do some homework and hang out. " Sam said as he led me to his bedroom.

"Your mom doesn't know, does she?"

"Not yet I'm gonna tell them tonight. "

I nodded and we sat down on his bed leaning against each other and did our homework. I was done first so I laid my hand on his knee and started rubbing Sam's leg. A few minutes later he decided to quit and turned to kiss me. As we kissed I ran my hands up and down his pecs shoulders and stomach. We eased our selves down on to his bed with me on top getting pretty hot and heavy. I slid my hand down to his waistband and unbuttoned his top button. "Not here, not with my mom right out there. "

"Ok" I murmured and then slid my hand under his shirt "is this ok?" He nodded and we continued to make out for a while but we got too frustrated being limited and had to stop. Sam stood up to button his jeans but I grabbed his ass and pulled him to me. I nestled my face in the little bit of skin I could get to and kissed his abs. "You have great abs, a great body over all, why do you wear these shirts that don't show any of that off?"

"I don't know, I never wanted to draw attention to my self I guess. "

"Do you mind if I look and see what you have?"

Sam shook his head and I went to his closet to check out his wardrobe. In the back I found a couple of wife-beaters and tossed one to him.

"Try that"

Sam stripped his shirt off and I admired the view. I really had to restrain my self to keep from attacking him, mom or no mom.

He put the shirt on and I wolf whistled. "Nice!"

He turned and looked in the mirror. "Well it fits great but it seems a little trashy to me. Your shirt looks way better. "

That have me and idea. "Here," I said pulling my shirt over my head "try mine"

He pulled it over his head and I realized how much more muscular Sam was. My shirt fit him a million times better than it fit me. "That looks better" he said admiring himself in the mirror. He turned and looked at me, "damn you're hot "

"Not nearly as hot as you, where do you work out?"

"Down in the basement. My dad got me a little weight set a couple years ago and I got down there whenever I need to burn off steam. A guy can only jerk off so much. " he said laughing.

"I'd love to work out with you, can we go down now?"

"Sure". He took my shirt off and have it back and while he was putting his shirt back on I sneaked another feel. Then we headed to his basement. He had an adjustable bench and showed me some of the work outs he did. We both striped our shirts off again and he put me through the paces. Last we went to his pull-up bar and with the help of some workout bands he had used to get started I did a few pull-ups. After we were done he showed me how to stretch using that as a good excuse to touch each other all over. We ended making out for a few minute then heading back up stairs carrying our shirts.

"Oh hi boys," Mary said passing us in the hall, "I'm sorry but Greg is going to have to head home it's almost time for dinner. "

"No problem Mary, thank you for letting me come over. "

We went to Sam 's room, gathered my things and kissed goodbye while we still had privacy. He walked me to the door "good luck" I whispered.

"Thanks" he said back and I left. It was only about a mile to my house but it seemed to fly right by. I must really have it bad for that boy.

I got back to Jennie fixing dinner and the kids playing.

"Hi Greg"Jennie said giving me a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I must have made a face or something cause she pulled away saying "what's wrong? Did you have a change of heart? Anytime you feel uncomfortable or like we're taking advantage just say so. We'd love to have you in our bed but not bad enough to hurt you. "

"No it's not that. I guess I was worried about the kids seeing. That and I think I'm falling for Sam. We talked about it and he's fine with it. I didn't tell him who I had been with though. Anyway he actually showed an interest is joining but I told him I'd have to talk to you and Dave. "

"Well, why don't you invite him for dinner and maybe a sleep over this weekend. Then we can get a feel for him and you can have some time with your boyfriend." Her eyes were twinkling and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"That sounds really great. I'll call him after dinner. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Nope I've got it under control." She paused, "so I take it you still want to share you body but keep your heart for Sam?"

I blushed a little. "That's a good way to put it."

We had a little laugh and I went to get settled for the evening. I poked my head in Artie's room to say 'hi' and both kids jumped up to give me a hug. "Come play Legos with me, Marie doesn't do it right. She just wants to build girl stuff"

"Well she's a girl silly, of course she wants to build girl stuff. "

I sat down and built Legos with the kids helping both of them. Soon after Jennie called us to dinner so we all went to wash our hands and eat dinner.

After dinner was cleaned up I called Sam to see how it was going with his parents.

"Hey Greg, how's it going?"

"Get ood, how's it going there?"

"Um hold on…ok I haven't gotten the courage up yet "

"I know it's hard, will a sleep over this weekend help?"

"All weekend? Sounds great! I'll go ask. "

I heard him talking to his parents then Mary got on the phone.

"Is your mom ok with all weekend?"

"Actually my folks are over seas for the next year and I'm staying with friends of theirs. But Jennie actually suggested this. "

"Oh, well ok as long as its ok with your parents' friends" I heard Sam whoop in the background.

"Can he come over right after school?"

She laughed "sure, you guys sure became fast friends. "

I agreed, talked to Sam for a few minutes and then hung up.

"Greg I remembered while you were on the phone your mom sent a letter" I grabbed it and ripped it open

'Dear Greg, I hope the past couple of weeks have been good for you, your dad and I have been so busy that we barely have time to eat. The people here don't seem to have a clue so it will be much longer before we can call, I'm so sorry. I'd love to hear from you via snail mail though. I miss you so much already. Take care and be good, love Mom '

I got a little teary and re-read the letter. Jennie came over and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's ok to miss your folks, I won't think you're a baby or anything if you want to have a good cry. "

I looked up at her and gave her a watery smile "thanks Jennie. I put my head on her shoulder and let her comfort me for a minute.

"What's the matter Greg? Artie asked.

"I miss my parents, I'll be ok" I said ruffling his hair.

"Aren't you having a good time with us?"

"Oh yeah buddy I'm having a blast, but even if you were in the greatest place on earth you'd still miss your parents wouldn't you?"

He thought about it for a second "yeah, I would"

He came over and hugged me too, then Marie not to miss out came and hugged the other leg.

"Thanks every one I feel much better. I'm gonna go write a letter to my mom."

I sat at my desk and thought about what I wanted to say. I wasn't officially out to my folks but I suspected they knew. I decided to tell them about Sam and I and most of the stuff that had happened. Leaving out the parts about Dave, Jennie, and me. The letter took about 1/2 an hour to write and by the time I was done I was ready to settle in for the night. I changed into some cute comfy pants and a t-shirt. As usual the kids wanted to cuddle and Artie ended up falling asleep against me. After the kids were in bed Jennie and I sat in companionable silence watching a sit-com. After a couple shows unrealized I was falling asleep. "I'm headed to bed, I'm falling asleep. "

"Oh, ok. Goodnight" Jennie said looking disappointed.

"Um, did you want to…"

She smirked a little "yes, but of you're tired…" she trailed off.

"Well I guess I'm not that tired" I said with a smile. "Will this be ok with Dave?"

She kissed my ear and said "yes it'll be fine"

She took my hand and we headed to her bedroom. After the door was closed Jennie pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. I slid her shirt up past her breasts and over her head. I nuzzled her cleavage while I fumbled with her bra. I finally unhooked it and cupped her breast while I used my other hand to wind up into her hair and kissed her again.

"Mmm, roll my nipples, but not too hard. " I started rolling her nipples gently at first and then with more and more pressure until she was responded. She slid her hands up my shirt and over my abs and chest pushing my shirt up as she went. I released her long enough to get the shirt off and took that opportunity to switch move the hand that was in her hair down to her ass. I continued to play with her nipples switching sides when I thought I was neglecting one breast or the other. She slid her hands past my waistband and cupped my balls and cock almost to the point of being painful. I groaned with pleasure. She kissed me and my groan was buried in her kiss. I was already hard before she grabbed me but now my cock was throbbing. Jennie released my junk and pushed my pants and undies down past my hips pressing herself against me.

"Oh my god Jennie, you are so amazing. "

She smiled and dipped down to suck on one of my nipples, sending shivers through my entire body. "You like that huh?" She said smiling up at me. Before I could respond she started sucking on the other nipple. Somehow the sensation made my pucker and taint tingle and my hips bucked uncontrollably. "You ok sugar?"

"Oh yeah! You sucking my nipples makes my asshole tingle. "

"Do you like ass play?"

"Well, I've rubbed plenty in the shower but I've never…y'know…gone in. "

"Tell you what, I'll get the lube an you tell me when you've had enough. "

She hopped up and got a bottle of lube from her bedside drawer and pulled me over to her sitting bench at the end of her bed. She started by sucking on my dick for a couple seconds while she squirted some lube on her fingers. She looked up at me and started to rub my pucker. I bit my lip and rested my hands on her shoulders. "Ok?"

I nodded and she pushed her finger tip up my ass and I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven. I wondered to my self why I'd never gotten further in my ass play.

"oh Christ, yes!" She slid her finger out and back in slowly making love to my ass with her finger. When I started pushing back she slid her finger deeper. Slowly she started working her way deeper and deeper into my ass until I felt her second knuckle. Slip past my butt hole. I let out a little whimper of pleasure and Jennie backed off. "No, that was a good noise!"

She smiled looking relieved and slid her finger back in making my knees weak. "Now, I'm going to rub your prostate a little. Some men love it some men hate it, you let me know how you like it. "

She curled her finger and ran it in and out almost pulling out. Every time she went in she'd make a 'come here' gesture and it felt amazing. "Oh yeah," I sighed "I'm a lover."

She started working her finger in and out faster hitting my prostate every other time. The combination of the friction on my pucker and the pressure on my prostate has making me light headed. All of a sudden I felt an orgasm building. I looked down and my dick was swelling. "I'm gonna cum!" I yelled right before I started squirting. Jennie quickly swallowed my dick and rubbing my prostate with earnest. I felt cum shooting into Jennie's mouth with every stroke of my prostate. After what seemed like forever I finished my orgasm and Jennie slid her finger out of my ass.

"Here lay down honey and relax a minute. " Jennie said pulling me into the bed. She snuggled up to my side and pulled the covers over us.

"I never realized I could cum with out my dick being touched. "

"When you get used to it I can put more fingers in and make your prostate make more cum and you'll have longer and longer orgasms. "

She kissed and sucked on my nipple again and I started getting hard already. She slid her hands down my body and started rubbing my balls and dick. "Mmm, oh good."

She flipped the covers off us and I sat up and yanked her soaked panties off. "Oh yeah baby, "

She whispered, spreading her legs. I positioned my self between her legs and she grabbed my dick and guided me into her hot pussy. I thought to my self 'well it's official, I'm definitely bi'. I slid into her and held still for a minute savoring the feeling. Then I started moving slowly working in and out watch her reactions. I saw that when I pulled out almost all the way she really reacted so I methodically worked my way in and out making sure she felt the entire length of my cock.

"Oh Greg that feels fabulous. "

I kept that up for a couple minutes while alternately sucking on her nipples. "Oh Greg faster! I'm so close"

I sped up my strokes making sure I was still going as deep as I could. Suddenly she grabbed my ass and dug her fingers in to hold me and cried out "yessss!"

I knew that I was pressed near her clit so I started moving up and down trying to rub it with my pelvis. "Oh yes Greg right there don't stop unggg!" She came again less than a minute after her first orgasm. She was breathing deeply and I was suddenly inspired to go after her nipples again. "Oh no baby, not yet. I get over sensitive"

I stopped and let her just be. My cock was still buried in her mound and after a minute I felt her squeezing down there. She opened her eyes and said " you still haven't cum again, have you?"

"No, but that's ok I can wait. " I really could I wasn't even close. She must have done a good job with the prostate orgasm she gave me.

"Good" she growled and flipped us over so that she was straddling me. She started to rock her hips and slide up and down my hard cock. She felt so amazing and I felt like I could keep this up all night.

"Well well, what do we have here?" We froze and looked toward the voice. Dave was standing in the door way.

"Dave! I-I-" I was panicked. I knew that Jennie said we would be good but I guess I didn't believe her.

"Hi sugar" Jennie said waving her ass at Dave and stroking up and down on me at the same time.

"Don't stop on my account, I'd like a little show while I get undressed."

Jennie bit her lip giving us both seductive looks and started humping again. Dave walked over to where we both could see him and watch us screw. It was so weird having some one watching but since I watched them I guess I couldn't complain. Jennie tilted her pelvis some and I felt the head of my dick rubbing on the inside of her pussy. Her mouth had dropped open and her eyes were closed. I reached up and started gently rolling her nipples again. "Oh yeah Greg, a little harder--right there. Oh my god!" She started to shudder and I felt wetness on my abdomen and running down my hips. Realizing she was cumming again I tilted my pelvis to put a little more pressure on the head of my dick and increased the pressure on her nipples.

"Ooooohhhh myyyy goooooooddd!" She was screaming with her orgasm and I felt my self getting warmed up for another orgasm of my own.

She slowed then stopped her humping and I took that as my cue to give her nipples a rest.

"Wow, my sexy man gave my sexy wife a screaming good orgasm. He must be pretty good with that prick of his. Lets see what we can accomplish together. " he stepped up by my head and said " Greg, would you mind starting with me?" I knew this was fore play some how so I batted my eyes and said " bring that hot cock over here" I shifted my weight and the action of pumping my hips seemed to bring Jennie out of her post-orgasm trance and she started slowly easing herself up and down on me. Dave had stepped up to the side of the bed and I took his cock in my mouth ad started to give him a blowjob.

After only a couple of minutes he caressed my cheek and said "ok that's enough for now. He grabbed the bottle of lube and lubed his cock liberally. I still had no idea what he planned but I thought 'oh god he wants my ass, but I want to give it to Sam'

He got on the bed behind Jennie with the bottle of lube and realized he was after her ass not mine. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. Dave put some lube on his fingers and slid them into Jennie's ass. "Oh yeah honey I've wanted this so long. " I was amazed that I could feel Dave's fingers then he wiggled his finger against my cock. He looked over Jennie's shoulder and gave me a wink. I felt him pull his finger out then insert two. He lingered longer with two and I realized he was getting her stretched out to accept his cock. Jennie had stopped humping me when Dave put the second finger in but she still moved small movements with Dave's ministrations in her ass. After a couple minutes he slid another finger in and Jennie sucked in a little in pain.

"Do you want me to pull out for a minute?" I asked her. She kept her eyes closed and shook her head. After a few seconds she blew out and I could feel her relax.

"That third finger is always a challenge " she said. "Ok honey I'm ready. "

Dave pulled his fingers out and applied some more lube to her ass. He then repositioned himself and I felt his dick slide into her ass.

I imagined I could feel every wrinkle against my dick but I figured that couldn't be the case. Dave started sliding in and out and I held still for a minute. Once I had a feel for his rhythm I started moving trying to match it and stay with him. Almost immediately Jennie had another very wet orgasm. I realized that the bed must be soaked by now. Dave and I worked together for a couple minutes.

"You sure have some good stamina Greg"

"I milked his prostate earlier. "

"Oh! Good job babe" and kissed her neck.

"Ok boys try alternating" I stopped for a second so we could oppose our rhythms the started pushing with Dave's pulls.

realizing I had been neglecting Jennie's nipples I started rolling them

again. "Oh Greg yes just like that. Dave honey go harder"

I continued to keep rhythm against Dave so as he increased the power of his thrusts so did I. Jennie had two more orgasms while we kept this up both times her body shuddering and clamping down on my cock.

I had started to get really close and really exhausted when Jennie said " ok boys I need a break I'm wiped out. "

Dave pulled out of her ass and she rolled off of me. She and I lay next to each other with my dick pointing up at my usual 45 degree angle. Dave slid up to take Jennie's place and started kissing and sucking on my nipples. He worked his way down gently biting and kissing down to my happy trail then he took my dick in his mouth and started fucking me with his lips. I pushed my fingers into his hair and groaned. With my hands in his hair I started face-fucking him. I couldn't help myself it was just too hot. I was on the verge of climax when he pulled away.

"Uh-uh, not yet there cowboy. "

He pinned my hands next to my head and started kissing me deeply, taking care not to touch my dick. As my orgasm subsided I realized that I want this to last all night. Going to the verge then backing down. "Please let me touch you " I groaned as he kissed me. "I won't touch my self I promise. "

He released my hands and I ran them over his shoulders, chest and arms. God women are good in some ways but it felt so good to have a man in my arms. He and I made out for a few minutes and I found myself wishing I could suck his dick some more but I knew I could get sick from Jennie's ass juices too. When Dave and I came up for air we found Jennie watching us propped up on her elbow.

"You ready to join in again?" Dave asked her.

"Only if you boys want, I know you both need some guy time. "

Dave looked at me and I smiled and nodded. He sat up and Jennie started going down on me. She had her ass stuck up so Dave could get to it. "You want a toy too sweetheart?" He asked kissing and biting her ass.

She pulled off me and said "yeah, the 'you' sized one. " and went back to blowing me. He pulled a dildo out of his bedside drawer that had some straps attached to it. It only took me a second to realized what they were for. Dave slid his dick through a hole above the dildo and snapped the straps around his waist and ass. After adding more lube to his dick he pushed both dicks into Jennie. I could hear and feel her groan and the vibrations brought me close again. She stopped sucking and said " you let me know when you want me to finish you by saying 'pumpkin' otherwise I'll keep you on the verge as long as you can stand. "

I nodded and she went back to gently licking and sucking while Dave fucked her from behind. Every time I got close or she was getting ready for an orgasm she'd stop sucking for a minute. Dave would stop occasionally too, I assumed to collect himself and keep his orgasm at bay. My balls and dick started to ache from the constant attention with no release. When I couldn't take it any more I moaned "pumpkin".

All of a sudden it seemed the pressure on my dick from Jennie's mouth doubled and Dave started fucking her with a renewed purpose. As my climax built I could hear Jennie's own orgasm building. I came first and I thought the end of my dick must blow apart from the eruption I felt in the rest of my body. Jennie continued to suck getting every last drop. Then she released my dick and had another steaming spraying orgasm. This was the first time I could really see it and it looked like a stream of piss she came so hard. Dave had his own yelling and thrusting orgasm right after Jennie. we all collapsed into a heap and were breathing hard. Dave was the first to disentangle himself. He stood up, took the dildo off and went to the bathroom. I heard the water running so I assumed he was cleaning off his dick. While Dave was up Jennie turned and put her head on my chest and draped her arm over my chest. When Dave came back he got into bed and spooned with Jennie's hip. He reached over and caressed my cheek. " you have no idea how long we've been trying to find someone to do that with. Every time we tried the other guy would freak out and leave."

"That was so hot! Why would anyone want to leave?!" I exclaimed.

With out opening her eyes Jennie said "most guys aren't willing to have their dick so close to another mans body or even touch. Some guys would even freak when Dave got into the bed while we were fucking. "

"Well I loved it, I loved being held on the verge, I loved feeling Dave touching my legs or arms. Those guys don't know what they are missing. Thank you for making me your partner. "

Jennie opened her eyes and they both looked touched. "You're very welcome, and thank you for being our partner. " Dave said.

We all settled in and fell asleep in each others arms.

Early the next morning I was waken by a little voice. "Why are you in mommy and daddy's bed Greg? Did you have a bad dream?"

I opened my eyes to see Marie standing there with her teddy bear and blanket.

"Um…yeah I had a really bad dream, what's up?"

I felt Jennie rouse, " hi honey what's wrong?" Jennie didn't seem the least bit phased that Marie had seen me in bed with her parents.

"I had a bad dream too" she said.

"Ok honey c'mon up on daddy's side."

She crawled up and lay down next to Dave. He pulled the covers over her and they went to sleep.

"What do we do?" I asked Jennie.

"Don't make a big deal of it and neither will she. " she kissed me deeply and I started to bone up. She settled back down to go to sleep but put her hand on my package. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I slowly got back to sleep with Jennie cupping my balls gently while she slept.

When Dave's alarm went off he got up, put Marie back in her bed then got ready for work. When I heard the shower start I had an idea. I got up and went into the bathroom. "Do you mind if I join you?" I said Dave poked his head out of the shower.

"Sure" he said with a grin.

I climbed in and we got under the water together. I grabbed his shampoo and started washing his hair. He closed his eyes and smiled. "That's nice" he murmured.

After I was done with his hair I grabbed the body wash and started rubbing his shoulders I had made my way behind him and had to press against him to clean his chest and stomach. Of course I was fully erect at this point and my dick was pressed to his ass cheek. I stepped back and washed/massaged his shoulders and back. When I got to his ass he pushed back a little more and I took this as an invitation. I worked the soap into his ass crack and when my fingers ran over his pucker he pushed back even more. I got more soap and started working my middle finger into his asshole. That gave me another idea. "Will you help me find your prostate?" I whispered at his shoulder, finger still in his ass.

He turned and kissed me. "I'd love to, it's between my package and my ass so you will probably have to switch positions. "

I visualized what he said and realizing I'd have to be lower got on my knees behind him. Turning my hand so I could curl my fingers the right way.

"Now, push your finger in as far as it will go" I closed my hand like I was giving my self the finger and pushed as far as I could. "Good now curl your finger until you can feel my anal wall"

I did as I was told. Now slowly slide your finger out until you feel a hump in the road. My prostate is about the size of a golf ball."

I slid my finger doing and felt the hump. I stroked it a couple times to get the feel for it. "That's it, you've got it. "

"Would you like me to keep going?" I asked.

"I'd love to but I don't have time. "

I pulled my finger out and got some more soap "I'll just finish washing you then"

I began with his feet and worked my way up his muscular legs, washed his ass some more ( just because I liked the feel of it) and lastly I reached around and washed his package. My erect dick pressed against his ass cheek again. He shifted positions a little and my dick slipped into his crack. I couldn't help but to start humping slightly, rubbing my dick up and down his ass crack against his pucker. "Oh Greg that feels nice. You know what would be even better?"

"What?" Even though I knew the answer.

"Stick it in my ass. "

I released his package with one hand and used it to position my dick at his opening.

"Just slip it in, your finger did its job."

So I pushed and my dick head popped right in. I reached back around and took ahold of his dick while the other hand played with his balls and taint. I pushed the rest of my dick into his ass and paused, relishing the difference between an ass and a pussy. As I played with his dick and balls I slowly started making love to his ass. He wrapped his hands around his back and caressed me as best he could for a minute the put his hands on the shower wall.

"Harder" he breathed.

I started to hump harder and harder until I was fucking his ass as hard as I could. At the same time I was furiously jacking him off and rubbing his balls "oh yeah Greg don't stop I'm gonna cum, yessss!" I felt his ass clench around my dick, sending me over the edge. As I came in his ass I felt his dick pulse with orgasm. I gently milked his balls like I would my own and eased my dick out of his ass giving my balls a good milking for good measure. I noticed my dick was a little dirty but didn't care since we were in the shower.

He turned around and kissed me deeply holding the back of my head. "God you're an amazing guy. I wish I could stay here with you"

"Me too, but I know you have to go. I hope you're not running too late"

"I'll be okay as long as I hurry" he kissed me again as he slid past me to get out of the shower.

I decided I might as well get showered too and using Dave's shampoo and body wash thoroughly washed my self.

After drying off and dressing for school I sat eating my breakfast and thinking. How would Sam take the news? Should I even tell him? I was saving my ass for him and he must realize when I tell him that he is special to me. It was funny, I could barely keep my hands off Dave an Jennie when we were fooling around but there was no love, just sex. With Sam I felt my heart melt and I wanted to give him everything I was.

At school I ran into Matt. "Happy Friday! What do you have planned this weekend?"

"Well, Sam's spending the night all weekend but I don't know what we will be doing during the day. "

"Tell you what, how 'bout I get a date and we double? Say Saturday night?"

"That sounds like a great idea" we pulled out our phones to see what was playing. We agreed on the latest comedy and Matt went off to find a date. I ran to Sam's locker to tell him the news. "Sounds like fun, what movie are we going to?" I told him. "Sweet, I've been wanting to see that."

We then made plans for me to come to his house right after school and I'd help him carry his stuff for the sleepover.

We had lunch with Matt and he brought his date over too. "Katrina you know Greg and Sam right?"

"Yeah, at least I thought I did" she said laughing. "You two make a cute couple"

I saw that she was cool with Sam and me, "thanks Kat you and Matt aren't bad together either. "

"Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves, we're not going steady yet just a casual date for now. " she said.

Since Kat was the only one with a license yet she agreed to drive and we'd all give her some gas money. Since she and Matt were going Dutch we felt we should chip in a little. After lunch we all parted ways again.

At PE Sam and I waited for the onslaught of Chuck but it seemed he wasn't around. We figured he must have been suspended. Just as we were in the middle of changing, his cronies came over.

"Look, " Sean, Chucks top cronie said "the rest of us have been talking, and we don't care if you two are gay, as long as you don't start hitting on us or get really gross with it. Ok?"

"Deal" I said and we stood up to shake hands with the other boys. "So did Chuck get suspended then?"

"No, he got expelled" Sean said

"Oh man I didn't want him to get expelled. "

"It's not your fault, coach warned him and he didn't listen. Honestly I'm glad he's gone. None of us really like him but he just kinda collected us. "

We bid each other goodbye and finished dressing , not with out a bit of ogling each other. Matt just laughed at us and called us 'love sick puppies'

We laughed along and went to class. This was the last day of soccer so no one really tried hard. I was too excited and distracted by the thought of being with my boyfriend all weekend and out first real date.

After class we all showered and finished our school day. After school I got on Sam's bus and we held hands as we rode. Some kids made tut tutting noises as they walked by, some didn't notice or care but one boy couldn't take his eyes off us as he walked by. "Who was that?" I asked Sam.

"Not sure, he's a freshman, I think his family moved here at the beginning of the school year. "

"We should introduce our selves on Monday, he might need a friend like us"

We got off at Sam's stop and walked to his house. As he still was in the closet at home we kept the affection subdued.

"Mom, I'm home!" Sam yelled as we came through the door.

"Hi honey" Mary called back. " I'm in the laundry room. "

"He poked his head in the door " Greg and I are going to pack my stuff and head to his house. I'll say goodbye before I leave. "

"Ok" she said

In his room we packed clean clothes some video games and the toiletries out of his bathroom. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Nope" and we headed out with a quick stop for Sam to say goodbye.

when we got to my house I introduced Sam to Jennie and the kids. While Sam had his back tuned Jennie gave me a smile and a nod. I wasn't sure if that meant that she thought he was good for me or good for all of us.

Sam and I went to my room and spread out his stuff.

"Y'know what, you're not going to need these." I said holding up his shirts.

He raised his eyebrows as to say 'really'

"Cause you'll be wearing mine". I walked over to him and pulled his shirt over his head. I took a moment to admire the view. "Damn you're a sexy beast. " Sam laughed and put his hands on his hips. I shook myself and grabbing his hand, led him to the closet. We sifted through my shirts until he found a couple he liked and put one on. I visibly pouted but could still admire how shapely he was. We hung around in my room for a while comparing video games and other aspects of being a teenage boy, even if we weren't typical.

Our conversation turned to the freshman that seemed enamored with us on the bus. We talked about him for close to half an hour but could not decide if he was interested or repulsed.

"Let's go show your new style off" I said having an inspiration.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out to the living room where Jennie was doing homework with the kids. "Hi guys what's-" she stopped mid sentence seeing Sam in such a tight shirt. "- up" she finally finished. Sam was obviously uncomfortable with Jennie staring and was trying to hide behind me.

"We came out to see if we could help with dinner I said dropping her a wink" I knew that she was ordering pizza but Sam didn't know that.

"No honey, I've got it. I'll be ordering pizza here in a little bit." The 'honey' probably sounded strange to Sam but it was the same on she used when we were messing around and I automatically was at half staff.

"Will Dave be home at a reasonable hour tonight or will it be late nights until his project is fixed?"

"Oh he'll be late until the project is fixed. He's even talking a couple of weekends "

"That sucks." I was really disappointed that he would not be around to admire Sam as much as I'd like. I explained to Sam the mess Dave was dealing with and he agreed that it sucked. He and sat on the couch and snuggled at the other end from Jennie and watched tv for a while. I knew Sam was uncomfortable being affectionate in front of Jennie but relaxed after a few minutes and let his hair down a little.

"Do you boys have any special requests for the pizza?"

"As long as we're not talking anchovies or anything weird like that I'm game for anything. " Sam said

"Same here Jennie, thank you. "

She headed off to the kitchen to look for coupons and order the pizza. I took advantage of the relative privacy and attacked Sam kissing him fiercely.

"What are you doing?" He said after I released him "Jennie could be back any second. "

"She knows we're a couple, besides I think it's kinda exciting getting 'caught'"

He smiled and kissed me again. The next time be broke apart Jennie was watching us. "Don't stop on my account" she said smiling

Sam turned bright red. "lets go to my bedroom" I said pulling Sam up off the couch. As we passed Jennie caressed my ribs and side so that Sam couldn't see. I smiled at her wickedly and decided to double my efforts to get the feel for Sam and some fun with Dave and Jennie. On my way to my room I showed Sam some of the pictures that they had up of the family. When I pointed out Dave I watched Sam carefully and he seemed interested but didn't give anything away. " he's pretty good looking isn't he?" I said pushing a little harder.

"Um yeah he-he is" he said stammering a little. I knew I could get him to open up some more, I just had to work at it. Actually meeting Dave will probably help too.

We went back to my room and fooled around a little more. Being Friday we knew the pizza would be a while. After getting each other all hot and bothered and to the point where we were going to have to quit or finish each other off we decided to quit and save our energy for that night. We heard the door bell ring and charged out, me still at half mast. We helped Jennie get the pizza served up and sat on the couch to eat. The kids had a little table they brought out and were allowed to watch what they wanted. We watched cartoons for most of the evening and then the kids went to bed. Sam and I cuddled on the couch while we watched tv and waited for Dave to get home. About an hour after Artie and Marie went to bed Dave got home.

He greeted us tiredly and Jennie hopped up to fix him a plate. I hopped up too and dragged Sam over to meet him.

"Dave this is my boyfriend Sam" I told him. This was the first time I'd used the title boyfriend and it gave me a warm feeling.

"Hi Sam" Dave said, shaking his hand and lingering longer than necessary.

"Hi," Sam said blushing a little.

There was a short, almost awkward silence as the three of us eyed each other. "Well Sam and I are going to head to bed. Goodnight!"

In my room Sam asked "do you really go to bed this early?"

"Naw, Dave's been working some long hours and I figured they would want some privacy." It was mostly true, I just left out the part where the 3 of us conspired about how to find out if Sam was game for a little naughty pleasure.

"Was it me or did Dave seem like he wanted to say or do something? I was afraid he was going to kick me out. "

"He was probably stunned by your beauty. " I said nuzzling his ear.

"Oh come on, he's married, he wouldn't think I was beautiful or anything. "

"He's also bi, so he probably does. " I said to gauge Sam's reaction.

"Really? How do you know know that?" He was pink around the temples and ears. I was ready to spring the trap.

"Well, he and Jennie are good friends so it's just one of those things you pickup. Why, are you interested?"

Sam turned bright red "are you serious? I mean he's good looking and all but he's an adult and we're kids. What would his wife say? How would it even happen?"

I stepped closer and put my hands on his hips. "Well he would start by being friendly and caring. Then he would leave his shirt off at some point to get a better idea of your inclinations. Then at a moment when you really need some one to talk to he would be there and so would his wife. Next one night they would be screwing with the door open so you could accidentally see them. Then finally one night when he was a little bit vulnerable he would let it 'slip' that he is interested in you."

"Oh my god are they the ones you were talking about?!?!"

I nodded "please promise that you won't tell anyone, I'm not being abused or anything. "

"When I mentioned a foursome I had no idea you meant Dave and Jennie. I don't know if I can do this. "

"Hey, if you don't want to I'll understand. I wouldn't even had mentioned it unless you had-"

"Oh so this is my fault? I could tell he was panicking.

"Sam. Honey" I said taking him my arms. "I wasn't blaming you, I just didn't want any pressure. I'll call the whole thing off. I'll be right back"

I turned to leave and he grabbed my hand. "Hold on a sec. " he took a deep breath. "Ok, I'm over reacting, I just panicked when I thought about messing around with your parental figures. Lets take it slow and see what happens"

"Are you sure? It's not like I'm gonna dump you over this. "

"Well I'm not sure but I'm willing to try. "

"Ok " I stepped back I to his arms and started kissing him gently. As we relaxed from our fight we got more and more passionate. I peeled my shirt off his sexy body and once again marveled at his body. One at time I began to suck and nibble his nipples. He moaned and squirmed and finally said " let's get into bed. "

We climbed up into my bed and continued to make out. He peeled my shirt off and copied my moves on my nipples and I became painfully hard.

"Here, let me get you out of these. "

I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off along with his socks. I then kissed up and down his V going to the waistband if his undies. His dick was straining against the cotton of his undies so I pulled those off too. Once he was naked I let him remove the rest of my clothes. We crawled under the covers and continued to make out, biting and kissing everything we could get out mouths on above the nipples. When I couldn't stand it anymore I threw the covers back and kissed and nipped my way south.

"Oh Greg yessss!" He groaned as I started sucking his dick. I curled my tongue around his shaft and began to bob up and down occasionally pausing to work my tongue Ito his piss slit. It only took a minute and he started bucking wildly and grabbing my hair. I let him shove his dick down my throat for the first blast but had to pull back, gagging. He finished his intense orgasm with a sigh and I continued to suck to make sure it got every last drop. I had saved a little to share so I moved up and French kissed him feeding him some of his own offering.

"That's not bad at all " he said after a little bit of making out. "I don't know why I was making a big deal of it" I smiled and kissed him again. He rolled us over and worked his way down to my throbbing dick. At first he nipped and teased only kissing our licking my cock.

"Oh Sam, please!" Apparently he wanted me to beg cause a soon as I had the word please out of my mouth he took every inch of me. He had his nose buried in my pubes and I could feel his throat working around the head of my dick. After a couple seconds he pulled up and was gagging a little. He wrapped his lips and tongue around my cock and started giving me an intense blow job. I couldn't help but to cry out and buck my hips as he sucked and bobbed as hard as he could.

"Oh my god here-" but I was already shooting. Sam stopped moving and tried to swallow as fast as he could but ended up with plenty of cum around the corners of his mouth.

He started to wipe his mouth and I stopped him. "Wait" I said I pulled him up and kissed the cum from his mouth. Once I had him cleaned up we lay in each others' arms and recovered. "It's official, I'm a cum guzzler" he said jokingly. "And I don't mind a bit. "

We both laughed and settled down to cuddle. I must have dozed off with Sam's head on my chest cause the next thing I knew he was shaking me gently. "Sup?" I slurred

"Listen" he said excitedly.

I listened and heard Dave and Jennie's bed thumping again. We listened for a minute and I could feel Sam's hard dick against my leg.

"You wanna go watch? They like an audience. We don't have to join in if we don't want to. "

His eyes shone and he bit his lip. "Ok " he said nervously.

We climbed down and Sam went for his jeans. " you won't need those, c'mon" I grabbed his hand and we walked down the hall. At the corner I stepped out into full view and Sam nervously followed. Jennie was on all fours with Dave fucking her doggy style. Her breasts swayed with every thrust. Dave noticed us first

"Hi boys come on in" Jennie opened her eyes and when she saw us shuddered and moaned with an orgasm.

"We're going to take it slow and just watch for now, ok?"

Dave nodded and went back to pleasuring his wife. I took Sam in my arms and began kissing on him as we watched. After another orgasm from Jennie they switched positions so Jennie was on her back and Dave commenced fucking her. Sam and I were both hard as rocks and he seemed mesmerized. I decided I wanted a better view so I pulled Sam into the room and we stood at the side of the bed near Jennie's head. From there we could see Dave's glistening prick pumping in and out of her.

Jennie was pulling and rolling her nipples and suddenly Dave took her hands and pinned them at her sides.

"Greg would you do the honors?"

I released Sam and reached over Jennie's head to attack her nipples. "Harder Greg!" She moaned so I pinched and rolled harder and she screamed with another orgasm. This sent Dave over the edge and he shuddered as he unloaded into Jennie's pussy. I released her nipples as they collapsed into a heap. I went back to Sam and kissed him.

"Pretty hot huh?" I whispered

He was staring at them and just nodded.

"All I could think was I want to be fucked like that. "

"Oh Sam," I whispered " I want you to pop my cherry too"

He gaped at me " I thought…" and he glanced at Dave and Jennie.

"No honey, I saved that for you" and I kissed him again.

"We'll help coach you boys, the first time can be rough if you don't know what you're doing" Dave suggested.

He was on his side spooning with Jennie and propped up on one elbow.

I bit my lip and looked at Sam, "what do you think?"

"I think some coaching would be good. Every thing I've read says the first time hurts like a bitch. "

"Not if you are patient and careful" Dave said.

Sam took a deep breath and we got on the bed with Dave and Jennie. Dave grabbed the lube and gave it to me. "So what you are going to do is start with some lube and just rub up and down his ass crack and over his pucker. Then after he's warmed up a little use a little pressure. "

I put some lube on my middle finger and started running it up and down Sam's ass crack. As soon as I make contact with his pucker he moaned, closed his eyes and tried to push against me.

Dave got close to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "That's a good sign" he whispered in my ear. "Give give him a little more pressure. "

I rubbed harder and Sam clenched the bed sheets and moaned. "oh Greg I'm ready"

"Ok go slow and stop when you feel resistance" Dave murmured. Jennie was on her elbow watching and Dave was full mast again.

I eased my finger in and when I felt resistance I stopped and started stroking my finger in and out. " now on every push give your finger a little wiggle. Slowly he'll open up and you can get your finger all the way in. "

Sam moaned and squirmed kept trying to get me to just fuck him but the last thing I wanted was to hurt him. Finally that resistance let me by and my finger slid all the was in. Sam sucked in a little and I said " you ok baby?"

"Oh yeah" he nodded

I started stroking my finger in and out

"Angle it slightly try to get him ready for a second finger. " Dave instructed.

I started making a twirling motion with my finger, making bigger and bigger circles. After a minute of that I eased my finger out of his ass.

"How ya doing hot stuff?"

"Great, I want more" he said looking over his shoulder and biting his lip. Dave put his hand on my shoulder and I could feel his dick pressed against my hip as he leaned over to put lube on my first two fingers. As I eased my fingers into Sam's ass, Jennie crawled over and started sucking Dave's dick as she watched me working my fingers in and out of sam's pucker. Once he was good and warmed up I started stroking his prostate. He let out a little whimper on the first stroke.

"Everything ok?" I asked

Sam just nodded and I rubbed his prostate again. This time he let our a throaty moan and shuddered. After only two more strokes his ass clenched around my fingers and I knew he was about to cum. I started milking his prostate with every pulse with Sam screaming with an intense orgasm.

He collapsed forward on to his puddle of cum, breathing heavily. "Oh Greg that was incredible!" He sighed.

I lay next to him and kissed his ear. "My pleasure."

I pulled him in to a spoon and we watched as Jennie continued to suck Dave's dick and play with his balls. She pulled her mouth off his dick with a plop and reached over the head of the bed and pulled out two leather cuffs attached to ropes.

"Tie me up baby" she said slipping the cuffs over her hands.

Dave grabbed her hips an flipped her over onto her stomach. He then tightened the cuffs over her wrists. He then got two more cuffs from his bedside table and strapped them to her legs just above her knees. He then took the ropes to them and hooked them to the cuffs on her wrists and pulled them tight. Last he pulled two more cuffs from the foot of the bed and attached them to her ankles, pulling those tight. Sam and I watched amazed. Jennie seemed to get close to cumming just by being tied up. Dave started rubbing her clit and fucking her with his thumb at the same time and in no time at all Jennie was screaming into a pillow with an intense squirting orgasm. As she came down from her high Dave wound up and spanked her just once but hard, leaving a red mark on her ass. "Oh yes!" Jennie moaned and Dave plunged his dick into her dripping pussy making her cum again. Dave started fucking her so hard I could see the restraints pulling at her ankles and were all that were holding Jennie in place.

Sam had been playing with my dick for much of this and he rolled over, saying "I want to feel your dick in me," he started aiming my dick ant pressing back against me. I grabbed the lube and slathered my dick up, also applying more to Sam's ass. He got up on all fours and I moved in between his feet. I line the head of my dick up with his pucker and pushed a little. To my surprise my head popped right in.

"Now you push so I don't hurt you"

Sam pushed back and eased himself on to my rock hard dick. Once I was all the way in Sam shuddered and held still for a couple breaths. He the rocked forward pulling me out until my head started pulling on his pucker. "Ok Greg take over. " he whispered. I slowly started sliding in and out taking it easy and making sure he could feel every inch. After a minute or two I started speeding up until I could feel my balls slapping against his taint.

"Oh Greg! I'm gonna cum again!" Suddenly Dave was shoving his head under sam's stomach and sucking Sam's dick. "Ohhhhhh!" I felt Sam's ass clench around my dick. I was so close my self that I just fucked harder to bring my self over the top. When I started to cum I thrust as hard as I could burying my dick in Sam's chute. With his ass still clenched around me I shot what felt like a gallon of cum into his ass. With both of our orgasms subsiding we collapsed into a heap at the foot of the bed. Dave disentangled himself from us and snowballed Jennie with Sam's cum then continued fucking her with the random slap to the ass thrown in until he tensed, ramming his cock in Jennie's pussy to the hilt. We could see his cum start to ooze out around his shaft as he blew his load.

"Oh god Dave, one more I'm so close." Jennie begged. I scooted under her and started licking and sucking in her clit as Dave continued to thrust with the last of his energy. I could taste Dave's cum mixed with Jennie's juices and I lapped up as much as I could. Just before Jennie had her last orgasm I latched on to her clit again sucking it into my mouth. Jennie had another screaming squirting orgasm and I ended up getting it all over my face and down my throat. Suddenly her body went slack and I looked up as she had passed out.

"Is she ok?" I asked Dave.

"Oh yeah, she'll come around in a minute. She gets overwhelmed with so much going on. "

I looked at Sam and he had a drowsy contented smile on his face. "Hi," he said sleepily.

"Hi yourself. I'll be right back" I went to the bathroom and washed my face really quick then went back and gave Sam a kiss. "Are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, I've never been happier. "

I cuddled up against him and he fell immediately asleep. I tried waking him and taking him to my bed but I settled with getting him to turn in the bed so we could be under the covers.

"It'll be a little cozy but there'll be room. " Jennie whispered while Dave untied her. Since the bed was soaked and we couldn't change the sheets Dave got a couple towels to sleep on. Then he and Jennie cleaned up a little while I settled in spooning Sam. Jennie crawled into bed and spooned me with Dave being the final spoon with Jennie. With all the excess body heat we only covered up with a sheet and settled in to go to sleep.

That night I had another erotic dream where Sam was fucking me, Dave was fucking him and Jennie was 69ing with me. I woke up with a raging hard-on nestled in Sam's crack. I moved a little and Sam moaned I his sleep and pressed against me. I pulled him tighter, kissed his shoulder and went back to sleep.

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