One Special Year

By Nicholas DePuy

Published on Jul 5, 2014


Chapter 3

Unfortunately spring break was over and I had to go to school the next morning. I dragged my self out of bed and to the bathroom, not remembering to grab a robe. After my shower I felt a little more awake and realized I had nothing clean to wear back to my room. I wrapped my towel around my waist and check my self out in the mirror again. "I need to go to the gym" I muttered. I pushed my towel down a little more to show off more of my body and satisfied that it was as good as it would get I headed back to my room. I was hoping I would run into Dave in the hall, turns out I ran into Jennie.

"Good morning Greg." her eyes lighting up.

"Good morning Jennie" I smiled and waved a little awkwardly. As she passed I glanced over my shoulder and saw her checking me out. I turned back before she saw me catching her and smiled. Ok she likes what she sees. I found my sexiest, lowest cut jeans and some tight low rise undies to put on. They were not as comfortable than my usual boxer-briefs but I was looking for attention today. I picked out a light button down shirt but didn't button it yet. I wanted to see if I got more looks from Dave. After making sure I had all my school stuff still I went out to the kitchen to find some breakfast. Dave wasn't out yet so I stayed by the peninsula of the kitchen eating my cereal with my butt stuck out. Finally Dave came out and saw me. "Well, good morning Greg"

I turned and saw him staring at my ass. "good morning Dave" I said turning all the way around. His eyes slid up my torso to my eyes and I could practically see him licking his lips. I picked up my empty bowl and walked around to the sink as seductively as I dared with out being completely obvious.

"You all ready for school? Ready to see all your girlfriends again?"

"I don't have a girl friend, I mean plenty of friends that are girls, but no romantic interests". I realized after I'd said it that I might as well have come out then and there.

"Oh...? Not enough pretty girls for you?" he said with a playful smile.

"Well..." god I wanted to be out with it already. "actually I'm more interested in the boys" I watched anxiously for his reaction.

"Oh, ok" he studied me for a couple seconds. " am I the first person you've come out to?"

"Ummm there was this one boy but we were at camp so no one I hang with or anything knows. "

He walked over and gave me a hug, more fatherly than anything. "thank you for trusting me. Do you want me to keep your secret or is this official?"

"Umm, why don't we make it official here and I'll tell my friends later. "

"Deal" he said giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.

I suddenly realized I was ready to tell my friends. I felt so light and happy I actually laughed. Dave raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'what's funny?'

"I feel so much better, thanks Dave" I finished getting dressed and said goodbye for school.

"Greg! Hey Greg!" My best friend Matt came jogging up and gave me a knuckle bump. " how was your spring break? Did you talk to your folks yet?"

"no it'll be a little while before they can call. "

"ok, d'you miss 'em already?". He asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, but the people I'm staying with are really cool. They gave me a huge room. Hey, why don't you come by and meet them and see my room after school today?"

"Ok I'll call my folks to make sure it's ok." We had to part ways to go to our first period classes. I was so jealous of the younger kids. They were probably just getting up about now. School was pretty uneventful, we had one sub for algebra so that was a nice goof off period. Lunch was the usual school slop. At lunch Matt said he could come over and his mom would pick him up after work so I gave him the address so he could text it to her. Gym was the only class we had together so as usual we got lockers right next to each other. As I was changing into my shorts Matt laughed and said "what's up with those? Get tired of your old ones?"

"Maybe a little" I said pulling up my shorts.

"Awwww lookit the luv birds admiring each others panties"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Chuck was always an asshole to everyone, even his band of goobers that he hung around with. Most people just ignored him but he's too stupid to get the hint. "so you two, when's the wedding?"

"Piss off dick-weed" Matt snarled.

I blinked in surprise, usually Matt just ignored Chuck too. He really seemed ready to tear Chuck's head off though.

Chuck walked off laughing. "You ok? Since when does Chuck get to you?"

Matt shrugged and said "I dunno, he knows we've been friend for years so why would he start that shit now?"

"Maybe he liked what he saw" I said laughing.

" I bet he did, you're just too cute" he said catching the joke.

I laughed along with him but deep down I felt a little glow of happiness.

We all played soccer and one thing I do at school is give it my all in gym. It feels so good to run circles around the other kids that don't try. So by the time the coach blew his whistle I was dripping sweat and ready for a shower. I grabbed a towel and my body wash and was the first one there. A few other boys joined me and I always have to be careful to look else where in the shower and keep the water cool. I'm not sure why but today I looked to see what the other boys were doing. Most of them were doing the same as me, looking anywhere but at each other. Sam was to my left and our eyes met. He just smiled and finished his shower. I just couldn't help but to sneak a quick look. He was built much better than me. He had a six pack and a full blown V to his crotch. His arms and chest were well defined. I wondered to my self why he always wore this baggy long sleeve shirts. I'd show that kind of body off all the time if it was me. I quickly looked back at the wall and finished my shower. After drying off I wrapped the towel around my waist and returned to my locker to get dressed. I always hate putting on dirty undies after gym so I went commando as usual. With only 2 more classes it wasn't a big deal. Matt was also getting dressed after his shower but the rest of the isle was empty since the other kids didn't care about stinking for the rest of the day.

"Hey dude," Matt said in a really low voice "were you checking out Sam?"

I blanched a little "I was wishing I looked as good as he does."

Matt eyed me for a second and then said "oh, ok"

I knew he didn't buy it, I decided to tell him. " y'know...I like...well...Matt, I'm bi"

"You're what?" he asked not getting it.

"I'm bi--bisexual...I like girls and boys..." I trailed off hoping he understood.

"Oh. Well ok, um look I'm not that way ok? I-"

"Oh no that's crap dude. I wasn't coming on to you, that'd be weird in the locker room. "

Matt smirked " yeah it would" he gave me a little punch in the arm and I knew it was ok. "so, were you ONLY jealous of Sam or was there more?" he asked teasing a little.

I laughed "well I'd be lying...yeah I like what I saw" I blushed a little. It was so weird talking about this stuff.

He chuckled a little as he tied his shoe and grabbed his bag. I stood up and grabbed my bag too.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but there are plenty of guys that would be jealous of you too. You take good care of yourself" he slapped my arm and we walked out, off to our last classes of the day.

After school Matt and I got on the bus so he could check out my room and meet Dave and Jennie. Walking back from the bus stop Matt cleared his throat. "So how do you know you're bi-sexual? I mean have you done anything..." he trailed off not sure how to ask.

"No, I'm still a virgin. I'm more interested in guys than girls which makes it hard. "

"But you were dating Samantha last year. What was up with that?"

"I was trying to pretend to be normal. She's cute but doesn't really do it for me. "

"So who does do it for you?" he asked smirking.

I blushed "um, well, Sam, and there's a really cute guy in my English class, Kevin. " I glanced at Matt seeing how he was taking all this.

Matt's brow was knitted together, "This is going to take some getting used to. I just imagined you making out with Sam, I was expecting like movie stars, not people I knew"

The rest if the walk home I let Matt talk about the movie stars and girls that he'd want to make out with. Once we got to my house I showed him the room that Dave and Jennie had let me have.

"wow man, you could have a party in here! " he flopped in my chair, spun around and whistled. "This is a great room, way bigger than mine!" I sat in my bean bag chair and we BSed until Jennie got home with Artie and Marie.

"Greg, I'm home can you give me a hand?"

"Sure Jennie, be right there!" Matt wandered out behind me. "Jennie, this is my best friend Matt. "

"Hi Matt nice to meet you" Jennie shook his hand.

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Sure down the hall, second door on the left. "

"I hope its ok that i brought a friend home,"

"Oh, it's fine" she said, her eyes twinkling. "a boyfriend already?" she whispered winking.

"Ummm no, I mean he's a boy but not that kind of friend" I said turning bright red. I was not prepared for this discussion already.

She chuckled, "it's ok I didn't mean to embarrass you, Dave told me this morning but I wasn't sure if you had come out to your friends."

"Well, Matt knows but he's the only one so far. "

Jennie smiled and patted my arm. "Ok, no worries. Is he staying for dinner?"

"No, his Mom will probably pick him up on the way home from work."

After groceries were put away Matt and I did our homework. Dave came home while we were working so I introduced Matt to him.

"Hi Matt nice to meet you" Dave said distractedly.

I took a harder look at Dave and saw stress lines around his eyes and mouth. "Is everything ok? Do you mind me bringing a friend over?"

"Yeah you're fine Greg I just had a rough day at work. One of my people completely botched one of the accounts I'm in charge of so we've got a lot of work to do the next couple weeks. "

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me know what I can do around here to help and I will. "

He gave me a tired smile and said "thanks, Greg I appreciate that. "

He went to his room to get comfortable.

Matt came out to say that his mom just called and would be there in two minutes so we packed up his books for him to leave. " hey, before I leave I wanna try something. "

"Ok..." I said waiting

"Well you coming out to me has got me curious. I want to try a kiss to see if I like it and just don't know yet"

My jaw dropped and I gaped at him.

"Hey don't look at me like that, unless you're grossed out..."

"No!" I said a little too loudly and quickly

Matt smiled and said "Ok, so what do you think?"

"Sounds good to me"

We stepped closer and started kissing. My knees went weak and I put my hand on his shoulder to steady my self. Suddenly Matt pulled away and stepped back.

"Sorry" I stammered

"No it was my idea, sorry pal but I'm straight as an arrow. "

I sighed and said "I was afraid of that, I've always had a little crush on you but now I know for sure. "

Just then the door bell rang and he grabbed his bag and said "I'll see you tomorrow" there was a weird tension between us that had never been there and I was afraid that I'd ruined our friendship. I walked him out and waved him goodbye.

I walked back to the kitchen leaned on the counter and sighed.

"What's up? " Jennie asked.

"I might have screwed up a good friendship".

"What happened?"

"Well, he wanted to, a see if there was anything there. D'you know what I mean?"


"Well he's for sure straight but I confessed that I'd had a crush on him and things are weird now. "

"Well, it probably is. Talk to him tomorrow and if he's a good friend he'll get over it. "

"Yeah, I hope so"

After dinner that night I laid on my bed and wondered what Matt was doing. I thought about calling him but I decided he needed some time. I then turned my thoughts to Sam. I imagined his body again and revisited the exchange between us in the shower and I wondered if Sam wasn't 100% straight. I let my imagination wander and it wasn't long before I was hard as a rock and ready to jerk off. As I stroked my dick I imagined Sam was doing it and I was jerking him too. I was getting close but didn't want to finish yet so I started working on my stamina. I'd get my self close and then back off and cool off for a minute. After about 20 minutes of this I just couldn't take anymore and squirted all over my chest and stomach. After I cleaned up I rolled over and went to sleep.

"Hey buddy how's it going?" Matt came walking up and looked perfectly normal

"Not much, you?"

" same old same old. Hey I wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday. It got weird there right before I left but I though about it and I realized that I knew you'd had a crush, I just didn't see it for what it was until you said it out loud."

I was relieved "oh wow that's great, I was so worried that I'd pissed you off or something." We clapped each other on the shoulders then parted for class.

At gym Matt and I got our lockers and I was surprised to find that Sam had also gotten a locker near mine. "Hey Sam, how's it going?"

" pretty good" he said with a little smile.

We all started dressing out and as I was pulling my jeans off I peeked under my arm at Sam and got a eyeful. He had bent over and had his beautiful ass aimed right at me. All I could do was stare. Then he shifted a little and saw him peeking at me too. We locked eyes and I swear, sparks flew. I smiled a little and he grinned back at me. I shifted my stiffening dick to one side and pulled on my gym shorts. It was a good thing I had my sexy underwear on again cause my briefs would have never contained my hard-on.

During pt I was so distracted that the coach called me over to see if I was ok since I kept falling over the ball and everyone else. I told him that I was ok just distracted. "School, family or girls?" He asked.

"Um family" I said. I wasn't ready to come out in the middle of PE.

"Well, go take a break before you get hurt and when you're ready c'mon back to the game. "

"Thanks coach. " I sat down on the bench and watched the game. Matt and Sam were tussling for the ball and Matt kicked it away and out of bounds not too far from me. Sam came running over to throw it back in and saw me sitting there.

"You ok? He asked

" yeah, just have some stuff on my mind" giving him a knowing smile.

He blushed and threw the ball in right to Matt on accident. He cussed under his breath and ran off glancing at me over shoulder. I was happy that we at least had equal distraction over each other.

I cleared my head a little and got back in the game. As I was sprinting for the ball Sam came running to and beat me to it. I stuck my foot out and accidentally tripped Sam. As I pulled him up his hand seemed to fit perfectly to mine and I had to resist the urge to kiss him right there in the middle of the field. I guess we lingered a second too long cause Chuck hollered from the bench "Awwww lookit the sissies holding hands!" We dropped each others hands like try we're hot coals and ran off after the ball. Matt had it again and kicked it as hard as he could at Chuck, barely missing him. "Hey watch it asshole!" He cried.

"I was!" Matt yelled back.

Chuck jumped off the bench and charged at Matt.

"Aw fuck. " I muttered and ran over to try and break up the fight that was about to happen. Luckily Coach got there and held the two apart.

"Knock it off both of you. Charles go sit back down, you move pretty fast for someone with a hurt ankle. Matthew, what the hell was that?"

"I'm sick if his shit, Coach. He's always ragging on everyone. He just doesn't shut up. "

"So you decided to try and take his head off with a soccer ball huh? Go sit down, we'll talk about this after class. The rest of you get back on the field."

I gave Matt a sympathetic/thank you look and went back to the game. We only had about 10 minutes left so everyone was just going through the motions until Coach blew his whistle for us to go to the locker room.

"You two, in my office!" Hollered Coach, pointing at Matt and Chuck.

"Hey Coach, can I have a word with you first?" I had to explain why Matt got so angry so coach wouldn't throw the book at Matt.

"Does it concern what happened between those two?" Coach asked

"Yes Coach it does."

"Alright then" when we got to the office he told Matt and Chuck to get showered but not to leave.

"What is it Gregory?" He said after closing the door.

"Well, I know why Matt reacted the way he did. He was defending me from Chucks BS. "

"Why do you suddenly need defending, Charles has been pulling the same shit for 2 years. "

"Well coach," I took a deep breath "I'm bisexual and I just came out to Matt yesterday. "

"You're--oh." He frowned and looked like he smelled something nasty. "so I take it Matt is your--"

"No! He's straight but he's still my friend. He was just trying to get Chuck to shut up so I wouldn't get picked on."

"Hmf, well you know that there are plenty of people that don't like that sort of thing and are going to give you a hard time for it. "

"Yeah, I know. I'll tell Matt to take it easy. Can you please not give him detention or anything. It's not really his fault."

"Nope, rules are rules for a reason. No freebies just because you chose to be gay or bi or whatever."

I could see this was not going to be a sympathetic ear so I gave up before he found a reason to punish me too.

After coach was done with Matt and Chuck they both came out of the office with pink detention slips. Matt looked grim but Chuck looked smug and almost happy.

"Hey man, I've got bad news. Coach outed you to Chuck-"

"What! " I yelled furious. "He can't do that!"

"Calm down, I'm pretty sure it was an accident. He was telling Chuck off for harassing you and said 'sexual harassment' Chuck then says 'how do ya figure he's not any different than anyone else.' Well coach got this 'oh shit' look on his face and Chuck put 2 and 2 together and said 'oh my god, he's a fag!' " Matt made a face and continued "sorry I'm just saying what he said. Anyway coach told him he can't use that word no matter how true it might be and forbid Chuck from outing you to the rest of the school. But you know Chuck, he'll 'let it slip' and everyone will know. I'm sorry man. "

I bowed my head for a second then stood tall. "Well, so be it. I didn't want to hide forever anyway. I'm gonna have to tell Sam, he might not be ready to be out yet."

Matt's eyes lit up " so you talked to him? Good for you!"

"Well we didn't actually talk but the sparks have been flying all period."

"Oh, yeah you should probably mention it. I don't care if people give me a hard time, but it might be harder for Sam if he's not ready. "

"Yeah, well I gotta get showered and talk to Sam, I'll catch you later. "

I walked over to my locker and got ready for my shower, Sam was finishing drying and getting dressed.

"Hey" he said smiling, everything ok?"

"Yes and no, we have to talk. Can you meet me after school by the bus stop?"

"Sure, " he said obviously confused.

As I walked out of the locker room I walked past Chuck and he started cracking up. "hey fag, how's it going?" Emphasizing the 'fag'.

"You better not let any teachers hear you say that, a lot if them are just itching do suspend you." I retorted.

I hurried to my next class since I was running late. I got there right after the bell rang and figured I'd get detention too. " sorry Mrs. Hudson, I-"

"Coach called and told me you got held up, take your seat. "

Wow, I was surprised. I figured coach would have it out for me but it looked like he was still being fair, even if I did disgust him.

Next: Chapter 4

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