One Special Year

By Nicholas DePuy

Published on Jun 21, 2014


Usual disclaimers, don't read if you're not allowed. This story has sexual representation among minors and adults. Stop reading this now if that's not what you're into. All characters are fictional, blah blah blah...

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Chapter 2

The next morning was Saturday so I let my self sleep in a little. That lasted until I smelled frying bacon and my stomach was done sleeping. Unfortunately, my morning wood thought it needed more attention than my stomach. Luckily it was just a piss hard-on not a horny hard-on so I arranged my self well enough to get to the bathroom and take a leak. After a little acrobatics I managed to piss with out making a mess and my dick deflated like a water balloon. With that taken care of I went out to the kitchen to see what I could do to help. Dave and Jennie were both working away at breakfast. Dave was shirtless and that view warmed me up a little. I let my eye roam a little and when I looked up Dave was watching me with a little smile on his face. I felt the color drain out of my face then rush back. His smile widened a little then he kissed Jennie on the neck and said he'd be right back. He gave me a friendly sidelong glance as he walked by and I knew that the feeling must be somewhat mutual. He came back a minute later to me scrambling a batch of eggs and Jennie telling me a little more about their routine. Dave had put a shirt on but smiled at me and dropped a wink, almost to say 'so we're not distracted'.

Artie was the next one up and he squealed when he saw I was up. "you're up, yay! Come play with me!". He grabbed my hand and started dragging me away.

I looked at Jennie questioning and she said "oh yes go we can get more work done with him distracted." So I let him drag me to his room and proceeded to dump out about a million Legos and start directing me on what to build. We sat cross legged on the floor me in my sleep pant and him still in his undies. " do you sleep in those?" he asked pointing at my pants.

"No, I slept in my undies last might but I put these on when I got up. "

Just then Marie walked in carrying a teddy bear and plopped in my lap, curling up against my chest.

"Good morning" I said, a little questioning. She just groaned and repositioned herself.

"She's always like that in the morning, it takes her a while to wake up.

I wrapped my arms around her and attempted to build my assigned tasks and cuddle Marie at the same time. After a little while Jennie call us out to breakfast. After we were done cleaning up Jennie took Marie to karate lessons and Dave went to the gym leaving Artie and me alone.

We sat on the couch watching cartoons for a while. He started out next to me, then cuddling against me and finally in my lap. Every time he'd fidget and squirm the friction on my cock got harder and harder to ignore. Once I was at full mast I was poking Artie every time he moved. On a commercial he came out of his cartoon coma enough to realize he had a rock hard pecker poking him every couple seconds.

"Wow, I didn't realize how big wieners get" he said staring at my not-so-constrictied tent in my sleep pants. "can I see it again?".

"Umm...I don't think I should"

"Please!? I'll show you mine" and with that he hopped off my lap and pulled down his pants letting his little cock pop out like a cute little jack in the box.

"That's a very nice wiener you've got there" I said, chuckling a little at his brashness. "Ok, why not, you've already seen it and we're both boys..." I hesitated a little any way. When he didn't see me move right away he looked back up at me expectantly.

I rolled my eyes at him, hiked my hips up and pulled my pants and boxers down. The conversation had started it southward but as soon as my dick was exposed it rise to full mast again."Wow! That's bigger than my dad's!"

"Oh I doubt that, have you ever seen your dads wiener standing up or just pointing hanging?"

"Just hanging when he gives me a shower" Artie replied

"That's what I thought. Grown up dicks get a lot bigger when they get hard. "

"Is your dick grown up? " he emphasized the word dick and I'm guessing it was the first time he'd used the word.

"Umm, almost I think" I figured that I still had some growing to do and hoped it included my dick.

"So in the shower last night, you were holding on to it and there was stuff coming out. Why doesn't mine do that? Is it cause you're bigger?"

I nodded "yeah, it'll happen to you too some day"

I play with mine all the time when I'm alone. It feels real nice but then I start to feel funny so I stop. "

"Oh, that funny feeling is the start if the best part! Keep going next time til you feel like your butt and hips are out of control. Your heart will race and you'll feel like a little explosion in your balls and dick and stomach. "

He look at me skeptically at first then said "show me!" I looked at him shocked again. He must have mistook my shock for something else because he looked abashed then said "please?"

"What do you mean 'show you'?"

"You play with your wiener and I'll copy you. "

"Um, that wouldn't be a good idea, maybe you should just keep that to yourself."

He looked dejected but didn't argue.

About a week passed rather uneventfully, I of course was spanking my monkey regularly but no more audiences. One morning I woke up really early for some reason so I grabbed my iPod and was listening to some music and just chillin' in my bed. I started hearing a beat that didn't match my music. I pulled my headphones out and heard thumping coming from down the hall. I got out of bed and crept down the hall in just my undies. The noise was coming from Dave and Jennie's room and I knew they were fucking but wanted to hear better. I was already getting hard just listening to them. I started to turn the corner at the end of the hall when I noticed the door was partially open. Not much but enough to be able to see Dave standing at the end of the bed and Jennie's legs spread on either side of him. God, he was fucking her so hard the whole bed was moving and banging against the wall. I stood there watching Dave's ass flex with every thrust and playing with myself. I closed my eyes and started to imagine that it was me he was fucking. I could almost feel his dick ramming my ass. I was beyond horny and actually started to moan as though I was being fucked like Jennie. I caught my self and sealed my lips against any more noise. I opened my eyes and went back to watching Dave's ass flex. Their pace was picking up and I knew I had only seconds left. I stopped fooling around and really jerked it till I came in my undies. Before I could stop my self I let out a little moan. I doubt they heard me cause the next second Dave and Jennie were moaning and grunting with their own orgasms. I scooted back to my room and crawled back into bed, promptly falling asleep.

When I woke again it was a couple hours later and the house was buzzing with the usual daily noise, I got up, adjusted my morning wood (god did my dick ever get enough?), and put some sweats on to go use the bathroom. I had to wait a minute for it to be free and when Marie came out she squealed "Greg's up! Yaaayyy!" and gave me a big hug around the waist pressing her ear into my crotch. My already mis-behaving dick gave a jump and she must have felt it. She stepped away, giggled, and patted my bulge. She skipped away giggling and singing "Greg's got a morning happy, Greg's got a morning happy!"

"Marie!" Jennie hollered, mortified. "Greg does not want the whole house to know about his private business!" Jennie came around the corner,"Greg, I'm so sorry. She doesn't mean anything g by it. "

I stuffed my hands in my pockets to try and hide my hard on "it not a big deal Jennie" I murmured, bright red. She gave me a kind smile, walked over and put her hands on my shoulders, rubbing a bit. " you don't have to hide in this house, we are very open and in tune with our natural beauty." her eyes traced down my torso pointedly. "we all think you are very handsome and you don't have to be embarrassed about that. "

"uh, ok, um, thanks" I stammered and gave her a weak smile. She smile again, touched my cheek and went back to what she was doing.

I continued to the bathroom thoroughly confused. Did they really mean what I think they mean? Did they want me running around in my undies? What was with all the touching?

In the bathroom I tried to pee with my dick still hard but it wasn't working. I found some lotion and jerked off so I could pee comfortably.

When I was done with my morning routine I decided to play a game with the kids. After the game they went outside to play and left me inside with the adults. They were doing some chores around the house so I pitched in to help. It seemed no matter who I was helping or what I was doing both of them needed something that they had to press or brush or use me for balance. I'm pretty sure that by the end of 2 hours of helping out I had felt every part of their bodies against me somewhere. Now I can't stop thinking about last night. Was the door being open an accident? Or an invite? I excused my self to my room to think about it.

After thinking about what was happening, trying to be objective I decided I wasn't sure. It was hard to think about with out getting hot. Thinking about Dave fucking my ass or me sucking his dick really was turning me on. I also thought about what Jennie wanted from me, and I realized that I wasn't entirely homosexual. I defiantly was more into guys but thinking about fucking Jennie while Dave watched was getting me going too. I decided to let them give me more signs before I said anything.

I dozed off and had a super erotic dream. I dreamt that I was getting fucked by Dave and Jennie was sucking my dick. In my dream Dave and I just kept coming and coming. Cum was dripping out of Jennie's mouth and my ass. Finally there was one big pulse that felt like a volcano yanking me Out of my dream. I woke to find I had my first wet dream in years. I cleaned up a little, hoping Dave and Jennie would give me a sign soon.

Next: Chapter 3

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