One Special Year

By Nicholas DePuy

Published on Jun 17, 2014


One Special Year Chapter 1

Usual disclaimers, don't read if you're not allowed. This story has sexual representation among minors and adults. Stop reading this now if that's not what you're into. All characters are fictional...blah blah blah.

"Ok sweet heart, we love you. We'll call as soon as we can. "

My parents kissed me good bye, which is embarrassing for a fifteen almost sixteen year old. Even when I'll miss them terribly.

"I love you too, I'll miss you." I said

"Bye Greg! "My mother called out the window "be good!" I waved good-by knowing that this was the last time I would see them in person for a whole year. They had both won contracts they had put in separately and by some weird twist they both were granted their contracts. They didn't mean to have to leave at the same time but if either turned their contracts down their reputation would be ruined and I'd probably end up going to community college instead of ivy league.

I turned around after wiping the tears from my eyes (I know baby stuff) and saw that Dave had already picked up the last of my bags and was waiting for me to collect myself. He gave me a sympathetic smile and a little hug around the shoulders "c'mon in and make your self comfortable, Jennie says dinner will be ready in 15 minutes."

Dave and Jennie were good friends of my parents and with no other family close by I chose to stay with them when they offered. They had cleared out their spare bedroom and set up a really sweet room for me. It was the second biggest room in a modest house. Their two kids Arthur or Artie as every one called him was 8 and Marie was 6. They had their own rooms and when they heard that I was coming to live with them were so excited that they started moving in together so I could have Marie's room. Dave and Jennie had to explain that I was getting the 'office' and they would be staying in their rooms. As it turns out Artie was hoping that he and I would bunk together most of the time. I guess he doesn't need 'privacy' yet. I remember playing with my self at that age but maybe I started young.

Dave put my bags on the floor next to my bed that he and my dad had brought over the day before along with most of the rest of my stuff. I was happy to see that I had WAY more room here than I expected. "I'll give you a few minutes to get settled before dinner." Dave gave me a little rub on my back as he turned to leave.

I sat in my chair and looked at all the boxes and luggage that I had to go through and blew through my lips. I looked in the mirror that was propped against my bed and examined my self for red eyes or any other sign of more baby stuff. All I see is my same old 5'5" 155 pound, brown wavy hair (that is too long by my fathers standards), hazel eyed self. I take a closer look and see that I need to shave. I don't get the full mustache and beard yet so what does come in looks scraggly and unkept. I find my toiletries and go see if I have time for a quick shower shave and maybe a tug and my 6" dick.

"Do I have time for a shower before dinner?" I asked Jennie.

"Hmm not really, I was just about to come get you to wash your hands."

"Ok, I'll shower before bed" I took my toiletries and set them on the sink and washed my hands and face. Artie and Marie came in to wash up too and both started talking at once. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" asked Artie.

"Do you have a girl friend?" asked Marie.

"Whoa, hold on guys! No to both of you. I need a couple nights to get settled then maybe you can come bunk with me Artie." his face fell.

"Ok..." he said dejectedly. I didn't elaborate on Marie's question though. I wasn't ready to come out yet and definitely not to two kids. Artie pushed in front of me to wash his hands while I did and the friction of his back against my crotch was enough to make me bone up. I pulled away from him as he turned with a questioning look over his shoulder. Marie had gone to the other sink so only Artie saw the bulge in my pants.

"that happens to you too?" he said as he stared at the tent in my jeans.

"Yeah" I said "more often than I like sometimes".

"Doesn't yours feel good? Mine does!" I glanced over at Marie to see if she was paying attention but she was too busy singing the hand washing song.

I look back at Artie and say "yeah it feels great but it is embarrassing when I'm not by my self."

"Daddy says it happens to all boys and not to worry about it. Maybe you should talk to my daddy about your hard wiener. " he giggled, probably at the word wiener. "See!? Mines all hard now too!" he turns so I can see the little tent poking out of his cotton shorts.

"So it is" I said.

Marie's had finished singing the hand washing song and playing in the water so I have to press against Artie so she won't see my bulge. I can deal with talking to a little boy about hard-ons but not a girl. I get a shiver from the extra simulation in Artie's armpit. He is finishing washing his hands as I am about to wash my face. "Tell you mom I'll just be another minute."

"Ok" he says as he bounds out of the room his tent still at full mast and hands dripping, having left with out drying them. I start washing my face and hear Jennie say something sharply at someone, an indignant response and more sharp words from Jennie.

Artie came sulking back and said "Mom said I have to dry my hands and wait for my wiener to get soft again." I crack one eye and see him drying his hands but no tent. "well it looks like you've got one problem solved already"

He looked down and laughed "ha! Cool! See you at the table" and runs out again.

I look down at my own problem and sigh. I get dried off and adjust to try and hide my tent and manage to get it hidden under my shirt tails.

After dinner I help Dave clean up while Jennie and the kids color together.

"So Greg, Artie said that you two had the same problem in the bathroom tonight" Dave said nonchalantly. I was mortified and turned beet red " I- I- I that was... um"

Dave looked over at me "Greg, I know that guys can't control when it happens I just wanted to ask if I have to explain anything to Marie or Artie"

"N-n-no sir, I hid it from Marie and Artie didn't seem phased at all from it. "

"Ok, don't stress, we're pretty open in this house so feel free to come to us about anything. "

Whew! What a relief. I swayed a little and ended up leaning against Dave's arm for a couple seconds before righting my self. I couldn't help but notice how muscular and warm he was. I dropped my head to hide the flush that came over me. Shit! I'm starting to bone up again. Damn thing won't behave tonight! That's what happens when you're too stressed to jerk off for a couple days. I leaned against the counter a little to make sure my tent was hidden which didn't help it go away. We finished cleaning and I remained leaning against the counter and pretended to look out the window. Dave dried his hands and patted me on the shoulder before leaving the kitchen. I can finally pull away and try to get things adjusted again. It takes a little longer this time but my erection relaxes enough that I can hide it. I went out to the family room and said "I'm going to go get in the shower, ok?"

The adults glanced up and I swear I saw a pair of knowing looks staring back at me. "ok, please make sure you rinse the soap once you're done" Dave said with a twinkle in his eye. And was that a longing glance at my crotch? I must be horny, now I'm seeing things. I nodded to indicate I would rinse the shower and headed to my room for clean clothes to put on.

Once in the bathroom I started the water running and got undressed. I looked in the mirror and checked my self out. I have a really nice torso, not six pack abs but lean and just a hint of baby fat still. My pecs are better defined and I flex a little. Then there's my arms, I really need to get to work on those. My eyes drop back to my abs and then lower. I looked at the nice V I've got started and then my cock standing proudly out of my pubes. All in all I think I look pretty good, but as I've never had any kind of love life I don't have a second opinion.

I stepped into the shower and got right to business, soaping up and stroking my dick. I take it slow to enjoy it. As I'm getting ready to cum a little draft cooled me down to delay my orgasm a little bit longer. I suddenly shuddered and sprayed cum all over the shower wall. I moaned softly as my toes curl and finished an intense orgasm.

Suddenly the shower curtain flips back and Artie pokes his head in. "Are you ok?" I'm so shocked I can't speak. He looks at me still gripping my rock hard dick that is still dribbling cum, then back up to my face. "whatcha doin'?"

"Artie! " I groaned "why are you in here?"

"I had to pee, I always use this bathroom to pee. Nobody cares if they are in the shower, does it bother you?"

I opened my mouth to say 'hell yes it bothers me' then I realized it didn't. "no I guess not, you just startled me is all."

"Sooo, what were you doing?"

"I um, was...masturbating, has you dad talked to you about that yet?"

"Nope, whats it for? Does your wiener get really dirty? "

I chuckle, "no not really, older kids do it when they get an erection"

"Oh! Ok." he let the shower curtain go and left the bathroom. I realized then the draft I felt was the door opening.

I gave my balls and dick one last milking and set to finish showering. After toweling off I looked for my clothes to get dressed but couldn't find them. "what the-" I spun around again thinking I jus missed them but they weren't here. So I wrapped my towel around my self and headed towards my room. The hallway passes right by the family room with about a 15' archway. The kids were on the floor watching tv. Seeing Artie I had an inspiration. "Artie, did you do something with my clothes?"

"Yeah Greg, I didn't want them to get wet so I put them on your chair in your room."

Dave looked at me apologetically "shoot, I'm sorry Greg." then turning to Artie, "Artie you know you are not supposed to touch things that are not yours with out permission, go tell Greg you're sorry."

Artie hopped up and caught me in a flying hug around my waist pressing his ear against my lower abdomen, so his chin rested just above the base of my cock. "I'm sorry Greg, I was just trying to be helpful. "

I gave him a quick hug back and tried to get away from him before I started to bone up again but by the time I used my free hand to untangle myself from him I was at half mast. I ruffled his hair and trying to keep him In between my rising cock and his parents, I hurried off to my room. I put my underwear, sweats and a comfy shirt on and joined the family to see what they were watching. As I sat in a spare recliner Artie and Marie jumped up and crawled in my lap.

"Can we sit with you?"

I sighed a little and said that they could.

"Greg if you don't want them up there just say no, it's ok" Dave said looking over his glasses.

I laughed a little "no they're fine, I'm just not used to all the attention."

Dave smiled a little and went back to watching the show and doing something on his laptop at the same time. We watched a couple of home improvement shows and then it was time for the kids to go to bed.

"Greg can you tuck us in too?" Artie asked.

"Sure" I said and followed them to their rooms. I tucked Marie in first giving her a hug and kiss on the forehead. Then did the same with Artie. After the kids were tucked in I announced that I was off to bed too. Jennie gave me a hug goodnight and Dave followed me to my room to make sure I didn't need anything. putting a hand on my shoulder he said " I just want you to know that you're a member of the family now so if you need anything just ask, food clothes, advice, anything, ok?

I choked up a little at his tenderness and nodded. "thank you" I hitched out.

He Let his hand trail down my back a little as I went through the door giving me a little chill. I looked over my shoulder and thought I saw his eyes twitch to my face.



Next: Chapter 2

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