One Semester

Published on Aug 30, 2022


One Semester Chapter 11

One Semester

Date 29 August 2016.
Author Palantir
Subject One Semester.

The author retains copyright (2016) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.
This story is fiction.

Thank you Nifty for the opportunity to post this story.

ONE SEMESTER Chapter 11.

"Okay, decision time. Do we hike on towards Moonlight Head where there's meant to be fantastic cliffs, or take this track down to the beach? Peter?"

"The beach. I like being near the water and I want to see the rock that Phillip calls Niagara Wall."


"The beach. Phillip said the Niagara Wall's specco."

"Well, I want to see the beach too, so if you go on you're outnumbered, Joel."

"I'm going on."

There was a pause and startled looks of disbelief.

"You want to split up?"

"No. We can do both. Look down there. The tide's still in a fair way and we mightn't be able to get past all the rocks. We should come back later."

"I don't think there's enough time."

"There is if we only go as far as Cape Volney. We could see that other side track Phillip told us about and if we get back here in four hours the tide would be just right."

"Get the map out."

It didn't take much. The idea of fitting in two of Phillip's adventures was very persuasive.

"Won't it be nearly dark when we get back to the tents?"

"That's all right. I brought my headlamp in case there was a cave or something."

"What about our swim? You were going to teach me how to catch waves."

Peter laughed.

"Waves, Sam? I know what you want to catch."


"Big Boy and the Big One. ...Don't worry there'll be plenty of time tomorrow."

After a drink and sharing a chocolate bar they shouldered their day-packs and set off. Down and up, down and up, along the top of the cliffs which were as awesome as they'd been described, with stops for looking and photos, they made good time and an hour and a half later and just past Cape Volney they reached a dip in the track where there was a watercourse crossing.

"This has to be it."

"We're meant to go down there? It's practically a cliff."

Joel agreed, but it must be possible because Phillip had managed it several times. Martin led and half an hour later they were standing on a tiny beach surrounded by semi-cliffs. It was the thick vegetation in the watercourse that had made it possible, providing handholds and support as they clambered carefully down the steep gully. The last four or five metres was a rocky drop off which looked impossible and Joel wouldn't even have made an attempt but when Martin had a good look and led the way it turned out quite easy with plenty of foot and handholds.

"I don't believe I did that. I nearly pissed myself on that last bit."

Sam's eyes were wide as he gazed up.

"Me too. My heart went crazy."

"That's the adrenaline rush, Peter. ...I think we might be stuck."


"Well look at it. We'll never get back up there."

It worked till Martin started laughing.

"That's made my day. We're not stuck. It's always easier going up."

Peter whacked him and Joel felt like doing the same. Food was next. Just as well because they hadn't had any thing since the chocolate. Joel sliced the wrapping from the tube of salami he and Peter were sharing, while Peter found the packet of dry biscuits with sesame seeds they both liked. Martin had a packet of barbecue shapes and a couple of yoghurt muesli bars. Sam had two tins of sardines and a couple of apples and carried on about how healthy his food was.
It was an unreal spot and Sam kept the camera going.
In front of where they sat and across a stretch of water, two great pillars of sandstone reared twenty metres into the sky. Between them was a gap where foaming white water rushed every time a wave crashed against the other side.

"They're like two guardians blocking the way to unwelcome visitors."

Joel identified with Peter's idea straight away and added his own.

"They call up spirit waves to crush anyone without the right pass phrases."


"Except it's the ocean."

"And they crash down to block the way for ever when we go through."

"The Gates of Moria and the creature from the deep."

Martin shook his head.

"It's book stuff, Sam. Don't encourage them or they'll be seeing mermaids next."

Joel stared at the pillars. There definitely was an atmosphere about them.

"We better get moving."

Joel felt like he could sit and watch for ages, but Martin was right so they moved. One end of the little beach had a wall of sandstone jutting into the water and blocking the way and the other end had a jumble of boulders against another sandstone wall. It was interesting climbing the boulders but there was no way past and they were soon looking upwards.

"You better go last, Sam, so you don't knock anyone down if you fall."

"Very funny, Martin. I'm already spooked enough."

Martin's theory about it being easier on the way up was right, except for the physical effort required, and soon they were back on the walking track with grins of achievement all round.

"Wow! No wonder Phillip called it an adventure."

The trek back started and they really stepped it out as time was getting away. They reached the turnoff point and for some reason looked to Joel for this decision.

"We'll make it. There's still three hours before dark and it's just over an hour from here to the camp. That leaves us two hours and it's just over a kilometre according to the map, so that gives us time for a proper look around."

The first section was down an old access track and quite straightforward but when they reached the beach everything slowed down. It was a beautiful little bay but getting round it meant climbing the tangle of rocks and massive boulders all along its side. After that was a kind of promontory at the end of the bay which meant a climb up and then down the other side to a rocky platform. The platform was interesting, with many pools and water gullies to explore on the way back if there was time. At the end of the platform were mounds of smooth sandstone blocking the way.

"It has to be just past those rocks. We've come far enough."

At first they couldn't find a way, but behind one of the humps was a kind of crack where it butted against an even bigger hump, which led right to the top.

"Yay! This is it."

Ahead was a wall of dark rock, seven or eight metres high where it came out of the cliff face and angling down slowly till it disappeared in the ocean some fifty or sixty metres away. They watched a great surge of water come pouring over the low end where the wall was only a couple of metres high.

"Wow! It really is like a waterfall."

The water had barely drained, leaving the face of the wall glistening and wet when another surge came tumbling over. The wall was like the edge of a great ramp tilted into the ocean and every wave sent more water tumbling over.

"I reckon we might be able to get up there."

Martin was pointing to a jagged looking section at the high end of the wall. Without waiting for an answer he started scrambling and automatically everyone followed. Even if they didn't get to the top it would be worth a try. Joel watched as crabs scuttled and little fish darted for cover in the rock pools. Everywhere were different colored starfish and he picked up a particularly bright orange one so Sam could get a photo. Martin led a couple of tries but the wall was too tricky and attention went back to looking in the rock pools. Peter found a large sea urchin and cautiously touched his fingers to the tips of the spines. Sam couldn't believe he'd do that because he thought they were poisonous.
Thirty meters away a great wash of water came cascading down in a spectacular display.

"Holy Cow! That's the best one yet."

It certainly was. When the water drained away Joel grabbed Sam and twisted his arm up his back.

"What? What did I do?"

"Giving me cheek hey? There'll be a crab going down your shorts."

"Holy Crabs! You wouldn't dare."

Peter joined in.

"Give him the crabs, Joel. He's asking for it."

Sam wriggled and Joel let him escape.

"How d'you know he's got crabs? Did he give them to you?"

Quick as a flash Sam was captured again, this time in the type of headlock Peter usually suffered.

"Beg for mercy, Seducer."

"Mercy! Mercy, mercy please crab man."

This warranted a lesson and for the next few minutes there was no mercy shown as he was poked and tickled. He loved every bit of it. Martin came to Sam's rescue, and pretending he was holding a crab, pushed some handy green seaweed down the back of his shorts.
Another big display on the Niagara Wall snatched everyone's attention and they moved closer. It really looked spectacular from this lower perspective and Joel thought it was like standing at the base of the waterfall Martin had taken them too, with someone switching the water on and off.
Joel jumped to a slightly raised section of rock when water from the run-off swirled where he'd just been standing, then drained away. Sam wasn't quick enough and soaked his runners.

"Having an early swim, Sam?"

Sam gave Peter the finger sign then kicked a remnant puddle in a splash attack. The great whoomp of a wave crashing sent Joel's eyes whirling to the wall. It must be a big one. He hadn't heard it so loud.

"Look out!"

Martin's yell registered but Joel's instincts had already kicked in, and with the others, he was racing back towards the smooth mounds. In total shock he saw masses of water crashing down the high section of wall ahead. With a roar of sound the closest lot of water rushed down and across, hitting Joel almost thigh high. Again on instinct he stopped to steady himself then realised Martin was yelling again.

"Get together! Get together!"

He already had hold of Sam and a second later Peter was there. Joel pushed through the receding water, and seeing what was coming, held on to Sam and Peter with all his strength. The clear stretch of rock they'd been standing on was transformed to a cauldron of frothing white water which, succumbing to gravity, started flowing with increasing speed toward the ocean. A surge of waist deep water arrived with such strength they were carried several metres in the few seconds it took to pass. Peter slipped and went under, and because he was being held, his body trailed horizontally in the water till there was enough subsidence to struggle to his feet. For a few seconds more the current tugged then, with almost the same shocking abruptness of its arrival, it was gone, leaving a harmless trickle round their ankles.

"Godfather! Move! We're getting out of here."

There was a concerted rush for the barrier of the sandstone mound and once atop there they stopped to gather their wits and to take stock. The first concern was a trickle of blood on Peter's leg but it wasn't too bad and for a while they stared at the scene.

"I can't believe that happened."

"I can. I thought the ocean was alive and it was trying to get us."

"It was a king wave. I've never seen one like it."

That was a total understatement from Joel's point of view, but Martin had experience with his surf club and life-saving activities.

"I think I'll kill Phillip when I get home. His adventures are too scary."

Joel removed his runners and emptied the water. His socks came next for a wring out and then he examined his day pack. It was drenched on the outside but the contents were okay.

"Check inside your pack, Sam. Is the camera wet?"

It wasn't. Sam had been carefully wrapping it in a plastic bag each time he stowed it.

"We're safe up here aren't we?"

Till Sam's question, Joel hadn't even considered they mightn't be, and he listened for Martin's reply.

"For sure. Even that giant only dumped a metre of water. We wouldn't want to be here if it was a high tide though."

For another fifteen minutes they watched, anticipating the arrival of another giant but it didn't happen. Twice there was excitement when the water poured near where they'd been standing and Sam, ready with the camera, caught the spectacular moment saying he now had definite proof that Phillip was crazy.

"Phillip? That means we are too."

Sam nodded his head vigorously. On the way back they found a whole series of rock pools on the outer section of the rocky platform, some of them quite deep, and Martin was cursing himself for not bringing goggles and a snorkel. Reluctantly they headed for the promontory climb with Peter, instead of Martin, warning that time was running out. The last kilometre to the tents Joel led the way, the others bunched close, with his headlamp picking out the track.


Joel wriggled happily and nibbled Peter's ear.

"Now what are you doing? Trying to eat me?"

"Mmm. ...Delicious."

He blew hot breath into the earlobe by his lips and was rewarded with a groan.

"You were quiet today."

"You think so?"

"Well you didn't say much."

"I was enjoying everything. Taking it all in. It's so different to normal life."

"Did something happen with Sam last night?"

"He's persistent."

"Something did happen."

"Not much. I used your tactics."

"Which tactics?"

"Hmm, interesting, you've got lots of them?"

"With Sam I have to."

"Well, he got his rude hug and kiss, as long as they were the last ones."

"You made the agreement?"

"Yes, all he did was try for cuddles after that."

"He's complicated isn't he?"

"We all are, Joel."

"Martin was amazing today."

"That's Martin. ...What do you mean?"

"Would you have climbed down at Cape Volney if he hadn't led the way? I know I wouldn't. The same for Niagara Wall. I would have stopped at the promontory place."

"You're the same as him. You'll do that sort of stuff yourself now you know about it."

"Were you scared when the water knocked you over?"

"Not really. It happened so quickly I didn't have time to think and you were holding me so tight I knew you wouldn't let go."

"So was Martin."

"Not as tight as you. I think there'll be bruises on my arm tomorrow."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Don't be a doofus. It was wonderful."

Embarrassed, but feeling good at the same time, Joel changed the subject.

"Do you think Sam will try for a hug with Martin tonight?"

"No, he knows Martin wouldn't want to, and can you imagine Sam doing anything to annoy him after the way he helped him through the scary bits today? I know what will happen in the morning. They'll carry on about it being the best sex they've ever had."

"You were quieter."

"Shoosh up and give me a hug."


"Have a good sleep, Sam?"

"We didn't sleep. We were having too much fun."

"As if. ...Did Martin tell you nursery rhymes then?"

"Can't tell you. It's private."

"If he didn't sleep why isn't he still snoring his head off?"

"Sam! Sam! Where are you? I need another blow job."

"Coming, Marty. Number six on the way."

Sam dived into the tent and all sorts of fake rude sounds started up.

"... Ready with that billy of water, Joel?... That'll cool them off."

"Don't you dare."

Martin's head poked out and Peter, ready, poured half a billy on him.

"You Dick Head. As soon as I get dressed you're dead meat."

Peter turned for a refill then shrieked when a shove sent him stumbling to his knees in the pool, and Martin, who'd had no intention of waiting till he was dressed, nearly bust his gut laughing. Pandemonium broke out as a drenched figure with the newly filled billy chased after a still laughing figure wearing only a pair of jocks. Joel dodged as the human storm approached, then double dodged a second too late for the cascade of water targetting his chest.

"Oops! Sorry! That was meant for Martin."

Strange that Martin was in a totally different direction. Now that the billy was empty Peter was the quarry but only till he reached the pool. Sam's head disappeared inside the tent when Peter pointed at the only person still un-christened.

"Come and get your medicine, Sam."

"No way."

The zip closed closed as three hunters, suddenly like-minded, converged on the tent.

"Time for your morning bath."

"Too bad! I'm already dressed."

He might have thought he was safe because they wouldn't throw water inside the tent, but that was easily fixed. The supporting rods were quickly collapsed leaving Sam's body outlined under the nylon cover. He screeched when Martin sat on him and again when Joel joined in. Peter found a zip and freed Sam's head.

"Hold him still while I fill the billy."

Martin laughed and went to work, bouncing, poking and tickling till, red-faced, screeching and begging for freedom, Sam was allowed to get up.

"Get your gear off."


"You said it yourself. You can't have a bath while you're dressed."

Sam struggled, uselessly, then took off his T.

"Come on you dork. Everything."

Interested by this turn of events Sam complied and looked at the billy where Peter had set it aside.

"Is it cold?"

"What's wrong Sam? Worried your nuts'll ache?"

Sam made another escape effort but Martin was expecting it and put him into the famous headlock. Peter picked up the billy, then dropped it when Sam was frogmarched right past. Whoo! Straight into the pool with Martin holding Sam in a controlled fall till they were both under. Poor Sam, expecting a billy and getting a total ducking.
Conscious that he was now the only one who hadn't been in, Joel warily moved to a more discreet position.

"Well, they're cooled off now."


The end of chapter 11.

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Next: Chapter 12

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