One Of Those Days

By Jennifer James

Published on Feb 10, 2003



'One Of Those Days'

By Jennifer James

I had the entire day off, a Friday, and I was planning to make the most out of it.

I got up early, relaxed for a while, and took a nice long bath. In the hot tub I leisurely shaved my legs, armpits, and the few other small body areas where I have hair (there aren't many). Under the shower I closely shaved my face and shampooed my hair, then dried myself off and rubbed in some moisturizing lotion all over.

At my vanity, I plucked some stray hairs from my shaped eyebrows, and started putting on makeup. I started with the foundation and powder, put on the eyeliner, pink and smoky blue eye shadows, mascara, and a little pencil on my brows. Some blush, deep pink lipstick, matching nail polish, and I sat down to wait for the nails to dry and had another cup of coffee.

I slipped into a black strapless bra and a black thong, with a black lace garter belt and sheer stockings - and since it was morning, I pulled on a pair of black jeans, a pink sweater, and short black boots. I went with the shoulder length ash blonde hair, silver necklace, bracelet, and double medium hoop earrings. And finally I pulled on my black leather coat, grabbed my purse, and was out the door by 11AM.

I had a date set for noon, a new guy who'd been writing me and asking me out for ages. As usual with me, it was a lunch date in a nice restaurant, with nothing promised beyond that.

I got to the restaurant early, and went into the bar to wait. I ordered a glass of merlot, and was talking with the bartender when my date walked in. He looked pretty much as he'd described himself, about 6' tall and slim, receding hairline and blue eyes, and we said our hellos.

He told me I looked really nice (at least he seemed OK with the jeans - most guys expect me to show up for a suburban lunch in a sequined low cut gown), and we got a table and were seated. I ordered the grilled fish special, and we talked a little as we waited.

As sometimes happens, he seemed like a nice guy, but the chemistry wasn't there. But we had a decent lunch and talked generalities, and soon the check came, he paid it, and we found ourselves outside the restaurant.

Figuring I'd blow him in return for the lunch (and being, as always, in the mood for a nice mouthful of cum) I invited him into my conversion van, and I settled myself on the couch in the back. But, instead of sitting down beside me, he dropped right to his knees in front of me and started opening my slacks.

I honestly don't really like getting sucked, but frequently it gets them horny and ready, so I pulled down my slacks and watched his eyes get wide as he saw the garter belt and stockings. He slipped my soft cock out the side of my panties, and had it in his mouth immediately. While enthusiastic, he didn't have a clue how to suck cock, and he basically just moved his lips up and down my cock, in no particular rhythm, and without using any tongue or suction.

It was doing nothing for me at all, and I was trying to dissociate and fantasize about something better, but I barely could get my cock full size, much less hard. I grabbed the back of his head and tried to get a thrust going, but there was no suction or friction except with his lips, so I lay back and stared at the traffic going past, thinking of other things, as I let him do what he wanted to my soft cock.

Finally, I think he realized it wasn't going anywhere, and he leaned back, and I said 'Sorry, it's not really you, I'm just a very tough person to get hard - it must be the hormones I'm taking or something' (I'm not on hormones, but he didn't know that) 'why don't you sit up here for awhile'

He moved up onto the couch, and I slid down onto my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his slacks - and when I pulled down his boxers I got a surprise. He was already hard as a rock - but it was actually more like a pebble. His cock was no larger than my pinky, and though I'm not a size queen, I barely knew what to do with it.

So, holding back an audible sigh, I leaned forward and took him between my lips. There wasn't enough cock to do much with except to suck on it entirely with my lips and lick across the tiny head, but he was moaning and groaning anyway, and in about 2 minutes he said 'here it comes, baby' and my mouth began to fill as his cum started pouring, not spurting, onto my tongue.

It was an amazingly large load, especially for a baby sized cock, thick and gooey with a nice strong musky taste to it and I gently massaged his balls while draining the last drops with my lips. I looked up at him with my mouth full and swallowed it down as he said 'that was great!'

Even after the nice mouthful, I was never going to go there again, there was no chemistry, he was way too interested in my cock, and it was way too strange for me to be sucking anything that small. He pulled up his pants as I moved right into the drivers seat, and I looked back to say goodbye as he got out the rear door. As he walked over to his car, I checked my lipstick and hair in the mirror, saw that neither was messed up, and started the van and drove off.

As it was still pretty early I headed over to an outlet mall to do some shopping. There was a nice shoe store, and I was always looking for shoes that actually fit. Of course, as I walked around the store and found pair after pair of great shoes, they had nothing in my size. I finally gave up and headed over to the Hanes outlet, wanting to pick up some of the lace top thigh highs they always carry. And of course when I went over to that section they were out of the ones I always get.

At this point I needed to pee and headed over to the ladies room - but when I got there I found a long line of mother's with small children waiting to use it (and mother's, with small children, in a public restroom, are an accident waiting to happen for anyone transgendered).

So I gave up, headed back into my van, and peed in an empty water container I'd kept around for just that reason. Then I changed in the back, and traded in my jeans, sweater, and short boots for a small and very short black velvet slip dress (the garters and stocking tops were a good 6" below the dress hem) and a pair of black T strap shoes with 3 1/2" heels.

I decided to head over to an adult bookstore for a while. There was one I frequented that was always decent, especially at around 4:30 PM with the after work crowd. I got there, went in and bought a half dozen tokens, and headed into the back room with the video booths - and found it completely empty.

In the next half hour it started filling up a little, but the crowd was entirely gay, not the married crowd that I look for. Eventually, though, a guy came in, a little heavy but not bad looking, and headed into the booth I was standing in front of. I peered in thru the half open door, and he asked me to come in.

I went in the booth, and took off my coat as he pulled his pants down. But as soon as his pants were down he opened a condom and rolled it onto his cock. I really don't at all like sucking on condoms, what's the point really? But I was bored, so I squatted down and took his dick in my mouth anyway, and began to suck him off. It was not a lot of fun, there was no silky feeling of the cock head rubbing against my tongue and the roof of my mouth, and the taste was latex, not precum. But he was getting off on it anyway, and he asked me to take it deep. So I started going down his shaft with my lips, taking his cock a few inches into my throat at each down stroke, but the condom had a reservoir end that was rubbing against my gullet and bringing on a gag reaction.

I was just getting ready to stop completely when he thrust into my mouth and shot his load into the condom - which filled up the end, which went even deeper into my throat, causing me to gag and some bile came up from my stomach with a really nasty sour taste.

I stood up and without saying a word, picked up my purse and jacket and left the booth, leaving him to get dressed alone. I went into the bathroom to rinse my mouth in the sink and fix my lipstick, and when I came back into the booth room there was no one in the hallway.

I walked past the booths, and looked in one that was partially open to see a guy watching a shemale video and masturbating. When he saw me look in, his eyes widened a little, and he said 'come in' - so I did.

His cock was already rock hard from him stroking it, and I knew he wasn't going to take long, so I squatted in front of him, and leaned forward to take him in my mouth. But when I did this he took a step back and kept stroking himself in front of my face. I wasn't in the mood for games, so went to stand up to leave, but he said 'no, please stay'

I squatted back down, but didn't want to just lick his cock head at the same time since it would screw up my makeup, so I said 'make sure you get it all in my mouth when you cum - OK?' and opened my mouth wide with my tongue out and barely touching the tip of his cock.

He took a few more strokes, but his cum shot out in a major blast right into my nostril, and then all over my upper lip as he finally got his aim right and began blasting directly into my mouth. He milked the last few drops out onto my tongue, and I swallowed it down, but my right nostril was totally clogged with cum and I didn't have a tissue, so I sniffed the cum back into my throat.

I didn't want to wipe the rest of the cum off my face with my hand since it would ruin my makeup, so I quickly left the room for the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom, though, I had to pass through the main room and the cash register area, and as luck would have it the room was packed with mostly couples buying toys and dildos.

When they looked up and saw me coming out of the back with cum dripping off my lips they looked aghast. But once in the bathroom, I took some toilet paper and carefully dabbed the cum off my face, and fixed my lipstick, and then headed back into the booth room, avoiding eye contact on the way there.

Back in the booth room, I positioned myself in front of an empty booth, and waited.... and waited.... and was just starting to think about leaving when a guy walked in, and right into the booth behind me.

He wasn't a bad looking guy, tall and blond with glasses, but was a good 50 pounds overweight, which I'm not crazy about. He left the door open and kept looking out at me, so I figured 'what the hell' and went into his booth and locked the door. He already had his cock out, and it was decent looking, maybe 6" and cut.

I squatted in front of him and slipped my lips over it and started to lick and suck him to hardness. I began to move my lips along his shaft, using a lot of tongue, while he was playing around with the video, channel surfing, and not even looking down at me. Then he asked me if I minded if he smoked. I didn't answer, just kept working on his cock with my mouth, but thought 'You can't even wait till I'm done blowing you till you have a cigarette?'

Anyway, he was just standing there, smoking a cigarette and channel surfing and feeding in tokens, almost like I wasn't even there, as I was sucking on his dick, licking his cockhead, and running my fingers up and down his balls. I was starting to get bored with the whole thing, so I began moving my head back and forth in a slow steady rhythm knowing that would get him going, taking him into my throat on the down strokes, and without a word, sound, or twitch he suddenly blasted the back of my throat and unloaded his balls into my mouth. I sucked him dry, and he immediately pulled up his pants and without a single word, of thanks or anything else, unlocked the door and left the room.

I sat down for a minute, and fixed my lipstick in the compact mirror, but before I had a chance to stand up a guy poked his head in the booth and said 'Hi, want some company?'

He wasn't a bad looking guy, maybe 5'11, dark brown hair, clean-shaven, and in a nice suit. I told him to come in, and he did and locked the door. He turned to me and lifted up my hem and said 'turn around, I want to see your ass'. I did turn around, but told him 'I don't fuck, so don't even think of that'

'That's fine, I'm not interested in that either' he said 'could you bend over for me, though' So I did, leaning forward with my hands on the bench, and he squatted down behind me, slid my thong to the side, and put his tongue right against my asshole.

Some guys like that, and it doesn't bother me either way, and he had both hands against my ass cheeks and held them apart, and I felt his tongue going in and out of my asshole. But then he said 'Will you shit for me?', which totally turned me off, but before I could even answer he moaned loudly, let go of my ass cheeks, and stood up.

He had a large wet spot on the front of his suit pants; he'd cum in his pants without even touching himself. I just said 'Gee, that was fun' and walked out of the booth, leaving him to whatever.

At this point I knew I should be leaving, it was not my day, but as I started out I passed a really cute guy heading into a booth - he caught my eye, and nodded his head for me to come in with him, and I figured 'Well, just this last one' and stepped in with him.

He was tall and built, and immediately opened and dropped his pants, letting out his 7" cock, which was still semi-soft. Before I could drop into a squat, though, he reached under my dress, slid the thong to the side, and pulled out my cock, which was totally soft.

We were playing with each other, not saying anything, and then I squatted and slipped my lips around his shaft and started licking and sucking him to full hardness. He was soon hard, but then he pulled back and motioned me to stand up and he dropped into a squat and took me in his mouth. He was not a great cocksucker, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, I wasn't going to get hard at that point. I let him suck me for a while as he played with his own cock, and my cock got full size, if not hard, and then I pulled back and he stood up.

I again dropped into a squat and took him back in my mouth, and started licking rapidly around his cockhead, and suctioning, and then I started moving my lips slowly up and down his shaft in a slow steady rhythm. But he pulled out again, and for a while we traded positions, taking turns sucking each other off.

Finally, though, he was squatting down sucking me and I saw that he was jerking himself off seriously and looked like he was getting ready to cum, so I pulled back, and this time he kept stroking himself after he was standing. So I squatted in front of him with my mouth a few inches away and said 'let me know when you're ready to cum', and almost immediately he said 'Now'.

I quickly put my lips over his cockhead, right at the ring, so I wouldn't get blasted in the face, and started sucking on just the head itself since he still had his hand around his shaft, and his cum started coming out like a faucet. I kept my lips on the head and was drinking down his sticky hot load as he was filling my mouth, and he was almost done when he pulled back and a few drops landed on my cheek.

But as I was standing up, he turned to face the corner and whipped out a small package of baby wipes, and started scrubbing his cock and hands with them, as he repeatedly spit into the corner. It was a real romantic moment, and I jumped to my feet, unlocked the door, and left the booth without saying a word.

It was definitely time to go, and I did just that, stopping at the bathroom to wipe the cum drops off my cheek, pee, fix my makeup and lipstick, and comb my hair, and then I was out the door and in my van.

I had planned on stopping by my usual restaurant/bar for dinner and a few hours of socializing, so I headed that way, about a half hour drive. When I got there I walked in the front door, and unlike usual, there was a girl at the entrance to the dining room.

'What's up?' I said, and she replied 'There's a private party tonight so we're closed to the public.'

I just shook my head, said 'It figures' and went back out the door, and headed for home hours ahead of time.

It was just one of those days ...

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