One of the Girls

Published on May 16, 2019


DISCLAIMER: This is a fantasy depicting homosexual acts involving adults and teens.

The story is intended for adult readers and not minors.

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As I related earlier, after our insane wedding night sex with me inspired by Amy's hot lingerie set to eat her pussy to massive and multiple orgasms and her amazing blow job the next morning, our sex life ebbed back to what might be called normal. Lack luster and un inspiring. Missionary intercourse and occasionally doggy style when she was a bit frisky. Boring cotton panties and utilitarian soft cup bras in drab beige color. I was getting my thrills then from the Victorias Secret catalog if Amy had not tossed it out when it arrived in the mailbox.

I dropped hints by giving her pretty luxurious underwire bras and silk and satin and lace panties for her birthday and gifting holidays but I was lucky if she just put them on for me that night. The sex was so much better but the following day back to boring.

I ask her finally why she did not like to wear the frilly sexy underwear I bought her and her first answered surprised me.

"That stuff has to be all hand washed since it is delicate. It is too much trouble to keep it sorted out and wash it out in the sink, towel dry it and hang it up. Just a lot of work. It's just underwear."

"But, honey , it turns me on so much when I see you in it. Don't you enjoy our sex better when you model it for me?"

"Yes but it is not very comfortable to wear all day either. The underwires you seem to like so much you would not like pressing at your ribs and the nylon or satin panties make a girl sweat if I am seated all day at the desk."

"Well, i offered, if your will wear sexy stuff some days I will be glad to do your dainty laundry. I will hand wash, towel and dry and neatly fold anything you wear that you cannot just toss in the wash. Hell I will even perfume it for you so you smell good when you have it on."

"There is still the comfort thing. You have no idea what the pretty underwire bras and silky panties you like so much feel like in all day. We can talk more later but I have to be at work early tomorrow so lets get to sleep. Cotton sleep shirt- boring.

When I got home Amy was making dinner and after a kiss I went upstairs to change. We have our own sides to the bathroom with a long counter and lots of drawers to store clothes in. We never used the dressers in the bedroom. On my counter was some lingerie. What the..? I, of course had to examine it. White satin 3/4 cup bra with lace trim half way down. And the panties were so hot! Satin full back, sheer material with embroidered vines and leaves and a satin panel in the middle in front. Again. What the..?

Back in the kitchen. "So my dear, what is with the hot bra and panty set on my counter?"

" I bought them for you honey. You know the old story about `walk a mile in my shoes' ? Well i think you need to walk a week in the kind of undies you desire me to wear and see if you like it.

Maybe the discomfort will help you understand my points."

"You have to be kidding me! I am not going to get into a bra and silky panties. They won't fit anyway."

"Oh yes they will. I know your measurements and i picked out ones you can get into just fine. After dinner you are going to try them on following a nice shower and you will wear them all weekend around the house. See if you like it."

I wanted to stammer out s few but, but dear, but I. See smiled brightly.

"No buts Annie (she shortened my name-odd), except of course your butt stuffed into those satin drawers with the pretty vines up on your counter."

Inside I was contemplating what would happen. Remembering the panty jack off sessions of my youth I was afraid that I might like it too much.

After dinner and some wine and a movie on tv Amy said it was time for me to put up or shut up about the underwear. "We are doing a shower first."

In our big walk-in shower she had another surprise for me. There was a new razor and a can of shave cream on the tiled seat. I never shave in the shower so why was it here. We got wet in the warm spray and began soaping each others bodies up as we often had done. I groped her a bit and she did me as well. Then I was instructed to sit.

"We cannot have all this hair ( i was not very hairy anyway) on you sticking out around your new underwear so I am going to shave you up real nice and baby smooth."

Amy squirted shave foam into her hand and massaged it around my chest before wetting the razor and dragging it in long strokes over my neck, pecs and abs and what hair there was fell away and down the drain.

"Feel your chest Sweety. I think you will find it smooth and somewhat sexy and exciting."

I did and it was odd feeling. Like all of my nerves had increased sensitivity.

"Cup your boobs my dear. See how good they feel all shaved. Yes pinch your nipples too

baby. They look hard already. You like?"

"Wow. It sure feels different all slick like that. Who knew?"

"Wait till you feel your balls all smooth and baby soft and all that nasty hair around your dick has to go as well."

Now i was worried, but soon a few carefully applied strokes of the razor and lots of shave gel had my ball sack and pubic area looking like a newborn. She insisted that I feel myself and I found my hairless nuts to be rather pleasurable and with no bush my cock looked longer. She lifted my hand away and gently put her hands to my parts.

"Oh these feel so much better." she said rolling my testicles around in the bag on her palm.

"And this looks more inviting too." commenting as she stroke my now super erect cock. There was precum oozing and she dipped her head and licked it off saying "yummy" before moving away from it.

"I will come back to that later but we need to get these legs of your naked and smooth too so you won't snag your stockings."

Stockings? Shit I was getting those as well. More goo seeped over the head of my now hairless dick while I stood and Amy shaved the front, sides and backs of my legs and my ass as well. After rinsing all the foam away, on her knees already she faced me and took my full length into her mouth as she squeezed my silky ass globes holding my erection in her throat and caressing it with her inner muscles back there. She kept moaning things about how smooth I was and how sexy I looked hairless and how she loved my cock fucking her face. I was over the moon and we had not even gotten to modeling my new outfit.

I about blasted her off my dick when I came with the first exploding surge. Stunned, i watched as she got her hot cocksucking mouth off my tool, grasping the base firmly and directing my continuing warm sprays all over her face.

"oh honey, I love your cum! Drench my face, Spray my tits, drown me in your sloppy white mess!"

Holy crap! What was going on?

I looked down at her sweet face plastered with my numerous loads feeling totally drained but proud of the mess I had made of her lovely visage. She moved up and around sitting on the tile seat, spreading her legs.

"Eat my cunt slut! Get in there and make me cum. A lot! If you want to me to dress like a slut you have to dress like a slut and you have to eat pussy like lesbian whore until I tell you to stop. She grabbed the top of my head and slammed it into her wet crotch which, unnoticed by me, she had shaved bald as a billard ball with another razor as she did the back of my legs and my ass earlier. "Yummy, yummy Eat your honey! Get with it bitch I need a lot of cumming before I stuff you into that bra out there."

Needless to say I did just that and loved every minute especially all the dirty names she called me and filthy suggestions she made as i brought her off again and again.

After all of that we were exhausted. We toweled each other dry and powdered each other liberally before just collapsing on the bed and falling asleep. In the morning I rolled to her and latched onto her wonderful tits, sucking and licking her awake. I slid my stiff one into her as her eyes popped open and I gave her a really good fucking. After a bit I told her I was going to come.

"Pull out! She yelled. "Come on my face. Don't waste it inside me I want to eat your cum."

I did not question. Just pulled it out and shot it all hitting her tits and then her open and wanting mouth. Plastered her just like in the shower and as some of the spooge dripped from her nose she caught the globs with her tongue and slurped in in.

I had created a monster and was loving it. My foray into lingerie was yet to happen that day and I did not realized that all of my wife's crazy new sex play was part of my training.


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Next: Chapter 3

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