One Of Life's Greatest Pleasures

By brian.faulkner

Published on Apr 11, 2008



I suppose I became a sex mad lecher after my first glory hole experience. The dark, below ground public toilet had certainly seen better days. Whoever cleaned the dark interior did their best to leave a smell of citrus cleanliness to make a visit a little more pleasant, but the graffiti adorned cubicles did nothing to hide the activities that went on. There were countless invitations to men of all ages to respond and get wanked, sucked and have their asses fucked on particular dates.

There were lots of sex exploits and drawings of mouths covering cock heads and messages from boys who said they wanted "bum fucking full of man cum".

There were also lots of replies from men offering to meet up and satisfy their young bodies.

It was when I was reading these horny writings and drawings that I realised I was getting hard and I began to wank.

I had completely stiffened up when I saw the hole in the partition and the finger beckoning me. Under normal circumstances I would have run, but as you can imagine the stiff 7 inches in my fist had other idea's.

I moved my cock head to within reach of the finger and I heard a whisper.

"I want to suck you off"

What an invitation.

I guided my cock through the hole and within seconds I felt the warm anonymous mouth over my stiff length.

I don't think any man can deny that being sucked off is one of the great pleasures in life.

My cock had gone totally rigid in this strangers mouth.

I was pressed up against the partition forcing my rod as far through the hole as I could as the warm mouth bobbed and twisted on my abused sex rod.

I could hear other sounds and I knew he was wanking himself as he sucked me.

I was in lust heaven.

This insatiable stranger was going to finish me off.

I could feel the moment arriving. I knew I was going to cum.

"I'm cumming" I gasped.

His mouth worked furiously on my jerking rod. He took me in his throat as my load of sperm jetted into his stomach.

He kept working on my aching rod as he emptied my balls.

Then I heard him moan and I knew he was cumming.

We were both gasping in the aftermath of our anonymous sex encounter.

I felt the cool air on my still hard cock and then my cock head was tenderly kissed.

"Thank you" he whispered.

"No, thank you" I gasped.

Suddenly I felt dirty and I escaped as quickly as I could into the fresh air and daylight.

Life is full of strange experiences and this one is still treasured.

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