One of Each

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 17, 2018




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


College roommate Gil Prescott was black-haired, brown-eyed, and so beautiful he could bring tears to your eyes. I mean it, on a scale of one to ten, Gil was a twelve! This wasn't just my opinion as an out and self-respecting gay man, he had women lined up to date (and mate) him at the drop of a hat. And he was taking full advantage of that for an objective of his own, one which I spent a great deal of time puzzling over (I knew he had it, but not what it was). All I knew was that his women were as varied as they were beautiful. Mostly. Okay, that takes explaining. Gil would take out one night a gorgeous model-type woman, with long hair, sleek, firm body, pert tits and so on, the next night he would take a frizzy-red-haired woman with freckles, about fifty pounds of excess weight, and whose tits had to be bolstered by some serious undergarments. He treated them all the same, with kindness and charity, but his goal was to bed them and after that, he was done with them. None of this long line of women ever showed up a second time. He would invest some time to woo one of them, yes, but once he bedded them, he was done. On to his next conquest.

While reprehensible to some extent (to the best of my knowledge, he never lied to these women, no promises of a wedding or such), Gil was twenty and young and expected to play the field. Hell, I was still chalking up notches on my own bed post. I wasn't hard on the eyes, but set me beside Gil and I vanished into the woodwork. You'd never notice me like that.

I couldn't hate Gil for being a gorgeous hunk, he worked out to keep his body toned and tasty-looking. And he was a good dormitory roommate to have, his dates were always taken to some quiet motel or to their own rooms, I was never bothered. He helped me with my studies (he was smart, too, I tell you, God just doesn't play fair!) and was as much of a friend as any straight man can be to a gay man.

Can you tell I'm talking around it? Of course I had the hots for the guy! You would have, too, if you could have seen him! Too damned beautiful and the perfect man in all other ways. I wasn't carrying a torch exactly, and Gil took my little jousts at him that way in good humor but never a bit of encouragement. And after that first month, I gave up on that, settled for basking in his beautiful glow whenever he was in the room. Until that fateful day, when he revealed the quest he had been working ever since he was sixteen.

I was sitting up that Friday night, studying my history (I wanted to party Saturday night and during the day Sunday, then recuperate Sunday night, so studying Friday night was essential) when Gil came home. His whole attitude was different than usual, he looked downcast. He sat down at his computer and called up a document he always did when he came home from a date and made an entry, then sat looking at it and sighed. His little black book, I called that document, and had been polite enough to never try to snoop at it over his shoulder. But when he said, "Damn" to himself after that sigh, I felt I should speak up. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I've finished."

"Finished what?"

"My list."

"Your list?" Again, I had no idea what that document he was looking at was.

"Yeah, my list of women. I've finished it. Damn!"

I walked over and looked at it. "You made a list of types of women?" I asked him. For the list was a kind of grid checklist, along one side was types of women, white, Asian, black, and so on (a couple of dozen entries), along the top was attributes, long-hair, short-hair, short, tall, slender, chubby, glasses, and so on. Every box on the grid had a checkmark in it. "You've been with all these women?" I asked him. There must have been close to a thousand possible entries here!"

"Uh-huh." Gil admitted without embarrassment. "One of each, each one good every other way."

"Other ways?"

"Not a drug abuser, single, not a bitch, you know, a good woman. One of each."

"Wow." I said, considering the work Gil had been going through to make this list happen. Since he was sixteen, I knew, from a casual comment he'd made some time before, he'd been working through this list of criteria of women, the list was strictly physical appearance. "So what was the reason for this list, I mean, other than to get laid?" I wanted to know.

He turned that beautiful face to me, and only my months of experience with him let me bathe in it and still hear what he had to say. "I was looking for the girl I could settle down with, get engaged to, get married to, have my children, you know, the one I'd spend the rest of my life with!"

"Oh? So what was the problem?"

"I kept waiting for that spark to appear. You know, the feeling that this is the one, this is the girl I want to stay with the rest of my life. I get to know the girl, learn about her, we go out, we have fun, and then we end up in bed. That's when you ought to know she's the one, isn't it? Isn't it?"

I sighed. Dear Abby, I was not! "Falling in love isn't that simple." I agreed. "There's love at first sight, maybe, but you're more likely to find the right woman by being with them and learning who they are and how they deal with things. The right woman takes time, and...."

"But none of them are the right woman!" Gil blasted out. He was mad, not at me, but mad. "I'll sleep with them and I ought to look over and say, man, this one is what I've been looking for! Instead, my only thought is how much of a mistake it was and I have to get out of there. I have to fight women off as it is. I tell you, Jake, I'm thinking I need to go to a plastic surgeon and ask him to make me uglier. Maybe then, I could find a girl who likes me for me and not just what I look like! I mean, Jesus! You know how many times I have to fend off a girl who's trying to just accidental-like bump up against me when I walk down a hall?"

"I guess so." I agreed.

"So how the hell am I going to sit around and discover one girl who's right for me with all that coming at me? It started when I was fourteen! That's why I made the list, find good girls and then find the one who sparks me the right way. It made good sense to me when I was sixteen but now I'm twenty and I'm telling you, the right girl isn't out there!"

"So declare a moratorium on sex." I agreed with him. "Just go out and have fun with these girls, see if one of them ripens into something more. Then go to bed with them and see if it works then."

"The list was supposed to do that." he griped, studying the chart.

I patted him on the shoulder (carefully keeping it good-buddy touching only) and said, "Well, then, maybe you left something off the list."

"That's what I'm looking at now." he muttered.

"I'm going to bed now." I said. "I have my own date tomorrow night."

"Yeah." Gil murmured. I got in bed, and he was still looking at the list, all filled up with checkmarks. Like if he stared at it long enough, he'd figure out the element he'd left out in his list of women, the attribute that would let him fall in love with her.

I spent the next day chumming with Gil and studying some more, and his helping me like usual, then I got ready for my own date. A guy I'd met at the bar the week before, he and I had hit it off and we were going out for dinner and a movie, then back to his place for a bit of hey-hey-hey (I wasn't liking the life of a monk here, you know!)

I came out of the bathroom all ready for my date and Gil was sitting there and the look on his face was that of triumph. "I've got it!" he said.

"Got what?" I honestly hadn't thought about Gil's dilemma in the last several hours.

"How to find the perfect woman."

"How?" I agreed. Looked at the clock, I had another half hour before I had to leave to show up for my date.

"I went at it the wrong way. Instead of picking one of each, I should try ruling out what I don't want. Then I can see what's left, and make another list."

"Sounds good to me." I agreed. "So what's next?"

"I thought about what you said last night, that maybe I'd left a category out, and it turns out I did. One very important category."

"So what category is it?"

"I'll need you to help me with it." Gil walked over and was very close to me.

"Okay." I said readily enough. "What category is it?"

"That maybe the right one for me isn't a woman." he said and with that, he took me in his arms and he kissed me.

I was too surprised to enjoy that kiss. When he turned loose of my lips, I said, "What are you doing?"

"I need to find out if the right one for me is another man." Gil smiled. "You fill all the requirements I seek in a partner for life, Jake. We know each other as well as I ever got to know those women. So how about it, you want to help me find out if you're the right one for me?"

God, I was shivering. I'd had the hots for Gil, buried them, deep. When a man is unobtainable, you have to let go of him. And I had, I had. Or I'd thought I had. "I've always wanted you, Gil." I admitted, and he took that as a chance to kiss me again.

When he let go this time (it took about twice as long and I enjoyed it a lot more this time), I said, "But what if I'm not the one you want? You going to want me to take you to the bars with me, introduce you to my friends, watch you go off with them?"

"No." He said. "There's only one category in this list of sex with another man. One box. That's you. If you won't do it with me, well, then I'll have to start over with the list of women again. Until I can find a man I like as much as I like you, that is."

"I can live with that." I said and this time I reached to kiss him. This time Gil pressed his body against mine, and I felt his erection in his pants. I moved to match my own cock against his and rubbed and he rubbed back, and soon mine was just as hard. That hard-on in Gil's pants was the real convincer for me, he really meant this. He was going to make love to me, not have sex, but make love. He wanted to feel out how we got along, how we meshed, was this what he wanted to do the rest of his life! I understood now why the women all agreed to go to bed with him all these years. One night, one sexual session, one chance at love!

We backed together over to my bed (even this little bit, Gil was commuting for his sex, we passed his bed to get to mine!) and he lowered me to the bed and I sat then swivelled and lay down on it at full length, and Gil laid his own, beautiful body on top of mine and placed his so, so gorgeous eyes right into mine and he kissed me and in doing that, he gave himself to me completely.

I forgot all about my date, and took my time with Gil, we slowly removed our clothes, ourselves and each other, him unbuttoning my shirt, me pulling his t-shirt off over his head, and so on, until we were both totally nude. Now we were lying side-by-side, and his hand reached and grabbed my cock and I quickly did the same for him. Mmmh, yeah, he was a nice handful, warm and thick and rich and soft as velvet and hard as steel. Gil's hand moved up and down slowly on me and the sensations that rushed through my body were electric and overpowering, I moaned and moved my own hand and his groans added to mine in a harmony of joy.

"Jake?" Gil's voice was a whisper. "Can you teach me how to please you?"

"You already do that." I said sincerely.

"I mean. How do I, you know?" Gil's eyes slid downwards and back up again.

"You mean, how do you suck a cock?"

"Yeah, that." Gil blushed ever so slightly.

I had to laugh. "You mean all those girls slurping on you and you never figured out how they did it?"

"I know what they did, I never stopped to think how they did it." Gil confessed. "I mean, I tried stuffing a banana down my throat once and I gagged like crazy."

"Well, three rules will do it for you." I said. "Keep your teeth out of the way, you don't want to scrape. Keep your mouth full of saliva, it'll make the movements in and out easier on you and more fun for me. And when you feel like gagging, remember that you want my cock all the way down inside you. If you really do, that is. If you don't, shorter strokes will work just fine."

"Got it." Gil said. "How are we going to do it on this small bed?"

"I'll turn around and we can do each other at the same time."

"Works for me." Gil let me get out of bed and back in the other way around, and then he scooted down so we could both fit. It put his feet and legs all the way up to the knees off the bed entirely, but it gave me room to settle with my own knees on either side of his head and I caught hold of his pud just as his own mouth sank onto mine.

I worked my mouth over his dong slowly, trying to show him what he needed to do. His own movements on me were furtive, tentative at first. I guess straight guys figure the cock is dirty, nasty, contaminated, it takes them a while to realize that, hey, it doesn't taste all that bad. And I was fresh from a shower, one where I'd figured on getting laid later that night anyhow, so my privates had been given a bit of extra attention. Gil was getting his first taste of cock that was totally clean and ready for a pair of soft, warm, rich lips.

Then, it was like all of a sudden, he got both inspiration and talent at once. He gave a little groan and then he was bobbing on my dong like a madman, and damned if he wasn't working me better than I'd been worked over in quite a long time. There's experience in sucking cock and there's the natural talent. I knew Gil didn't have the experience, but his talent made him a fucking virtuoso! And the flute he was playing was my man-flute!

I had to let go of his prod to express myself. "Oh, God, Gil, that's the way, you're driving me nuts, man! Keep sucking it like that, keep sucking it, oh, oh, oh!"

"Mh, glph!" he protested.

"Oh, sorry!" I said and went back to working on his pud. My own climax was building fast, and I wasn't going to last much longer, I kept groaning cautionary sounds to Gil, the guy deserved to decide if he wanted to catch or release my love-fish!

Gil was groaning, too, and I guess I should have paid more attention to that, for just as I hit my own climax, he gave a last grunt and suddenly I had a lot of hot liquid man-juice squirting into my mouth. It caught me off-guard, and I choked, coughed, sputtered, and sprayed him all over his crotch, all the while my orgasm mauling my senses, and then, lost in my own ecstasy, I exploded down into Gil's mouth. He had the presence of mind to hold on and he sucked my spunk out of me as I shot it into him, and I let his own ejaculation spray on my face as I groaned in my orgasm. "AH-AH-GAH, HUH, AHH, GAH-HAH, GAH-HUNH!"

As my ecstasy eased and I regained my senses, I heard Gil panting and moaning. Shit, I'd missed his climax! Mortified I began to lick at his cock, which was softening quickly, licking the sweet juices I'd missed in my own burst of glory. "Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!" Gil groaned.

"I'm sorry, Gil, I missed you." I gasped.

"'S'okay, it happens." Gil panted. "Oh, man, that was so hot!"

"But...but I let go!" I moaned. I felt his jizz dripping from my face, back onto his crotch.

"Don't sweat it, man, you got me there, and that's all that counts. Hell, it was hotter that way, me spurting all over your face like that."

"Yeah, I'm a total mess." I agreed. "Give it a while, and I'll pay you back, honest. I usually don't gag when a guy comes in my mouth, I just...."

"You just came at the same time I did." Gil put a kind spin on it. "That was fucking hot! The women I do always come a lot quicker than me, then they just lie there while I try to finish up. Even when they're working their best, you know, it kind of ruins it. And then there are those that can't come no matter what you do for them, those are the worst. I mean, what am I doing wrong with them? God knows I learned what to do by the time I was seventeen!"

I groggily got to my feet and put myself back around the right way in bed and lay in Gil's arms. "Don't look at me." I admitted. "Being gay means never having to apologize for not getting the other person off. A woman's climax is buried deep inside her. A man comes, it's pretty damned obvious."

Gil laughed at that. "You got that right. The evidence is all over your face."

"Yeah, I got to wash it off." I agreed. Then sighed. "I wanted to drink you down like you did mine." That reminded me. "You did, you drank mine down."

"Yeah." Gil agreed. "Of course, I was distracted when you started, but hell, you tasted fine to me."

"So do you, to me." I agreed, and licked my tongue out toward one cheek, got a tiny bit of his jizz on my tongue-tip that way.

He laughed and then, to my delight, alternately began to lick my face clean, and in feeding me his spunk off his tongue by sticking it in my mouth.

The only bad thing about a really terrific sex session is that, sooner or later, you have to get up and get dressed and such. I regretfully did so, climbing out of bed and saying, "Well, I'd better call my date and tell him I'm not coming." I checked my watch, I was supposed to be leaving right now.

"You don't have to do that." Gil told me. "I have to go somewhere myself."

I looked at him. Gil always broke up with the women after he laid them, every time. "Is...what we done, going to make you leave me?" I asked. "We're still roommates, right, still friends."

"Sure, Jake, sure." Gil said, but the tone in his voice didn't agree at all. I watched him get dressed (I dressed, too, but it didn't feel that way, more like I was trying to hide from him) and then he was gone and I was alone in the room and all I could think was one single word.


Gil didn't come back that night and I figured he was gone for good. I went out the next day and stayed out most of the day. If he wanted to leave, I could give him an empty room to clean out. No reason to draw it out, let him go, give him the non-confrontational way out. You know, women don't get that, when it's time to break up, men don't want to talk about it. We just want to go. So...I let him go.

I got back to the dorm room around eight o'clock and to my surprise, Gil's stuff was still there. Maybe he couldn't move right away, he'd have to make arrangements for another room. I just lay on my bed and said to myself over and over again, shit, shit, shit!

Gil came in about an hour later. "Oh, you're back." He said.

"Yeah." I said. "I...figured you'd be moved out by now, but it's okay, I have classes most of tomorrow. I can give you the entire day if you like."

"Hey, hey, you got me all wrong!" Gil said quickly. "I'm not moving out."

"You're not?"

"Hell, no!"

I grinned in relief. "I'm glad. I figured, we had sex and you'd want to break up with me the way you did all those girls."

"Well, it's not like that at all." Gil said to me. I was sitting on my bed, and he came over and sat down beside me, put an arm around me. "There's a big difference between you and all those girls."

"You mean, because I'm a guy?"

"Yes, and no."

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"I left those girls because they weren't what I was looking for."

"Yeah?" I said and hope filled my heart. "And what about me?"

"You," Gil said to me, "are exactly what I was looking for."

And he kissed me and that was the sweetest kiss I've ever gotten.

"And now, you and I have some unfinished business." Gil told me. "You promised last night to make up for missing my come-load on me. You ready to give me some payback?"

"I sure am!" I said fervently.

"Then let's get started." Gil said. "Round two of what I hope is going to be a lifetime of rounds."

"There's more to gay sex than sucking each other's cocks." I told him.

"We'll make a list." Gil suggested. "And as we do them, we'll check them off, until we finish them all."

"Yeah." I agreed. "One of each."

"Right. One of each."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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