One Night With Scott--Gay Male--Camping/HighSchool

By Sec Ad

Published on Mar 30, 2005



Disclaimer: This story is about an erotic encounter between two males. If you are offended by this please don't read further. But why else are you here?

Brian and Scott's Encounter

Hi, I'm Brian. This is the completely true story of my encounter with my friend Scott when we were freshmen in high school. I was 5'9", 140lbs... brown hair, blue eyes. I had went through puberty early... I noticed my first pubic hairs when I was in the fifth grade. By the time I was a freshman, I had a nice neat pile of bush, hairy pits and a treasure trail from my stomach all the way down. By then, my ass and legs were also thick with hair. I knew I liked guys. I pretended to like girls, but I always wanted to be with another boy.

Scott was 5'7", 125lbs. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a bit of a geek... coke-bottle type glasses, crooked teeth and always a little sloppy. But he had one helluva body... and he was a nice guy.

We didn't know each other until the summer of our freshman year. We had gone to different middle schools that fed into one larger high school. We were both distance runners and were planning on running cross country. That is where we first met... summer conditioning for cross country. We didn't hit it off right away. We kept to our own groups with the friends we had known. Our class schedules did not mesh so we didn't see each other during school. I guess we really didn't hit it off until track season started. That is when we ended up with lockers right next to one another. That was when I first "noticed" Scott.

I would often strike up conversation with Scott just so I could glance at him. He was not a body builder by any means, but he had a great body. His chest and abs were perfect in my eyes. He had a nice bulge in his tidy-whiteys and he had a perfectly shaped butt. I never got to see what was under his undies in the locker room. Scott never showered there... he always said he did it as soon as he got home because he had to ride his bike and it was stupid to clean up just to sweat on the way home... later he confessed that he was always afraid of popping wood.

Being a distance runner, we would often have morning practices. On one of these mornings, I was the only freshman that showed up to run. After going through my workout, I was cleaning up in the locker room (Freshman had a separate one from Varsity and JV teams). As I was getting undressed, Scott popped in and sat down. He had overslept that morning and had missed practice. As I continued undressing, he continued to tell me about his morning... I felt odd though... It was like he was watching every move I made.

After getting naked, I went to the shower. Scott followed me and continued our conversation. Me from under the shower head, Scott from the towel area I caught him staring at me more than once that morning. After showering, we ate breakfast together in the locker room and then headed to class. I never gave it another thought. For the rest of the track season, we often caught each other "casually glancing" at one another. During this time we also became good friends. It wasn't going to last though.

During the last week of school, Scott told me that he was moving to South Carolina at the end of June. I was bummed. On the last day of school, I was pretty sad about losing my friend. I wanted to have one last get together so I asked him to go with me and my family on a weekend camping trip. Scott readily accepted.

Later that day, He got permission from his mom, packed a bag and came over to my house. We loaded up the family truck and camper and headed off to the campground. Once there, we helped set up camp. My dad, mom and brother would sleep in the camper. Me and Scott would sack out in a tent. Once the tent was set up and we were moved in, we decided to check out the pool. We changed into our swim suits in the tent. I caught a glimpse of Scott who had been looking at me and I noticed he was sporting wood. His comment to me "Aww man, I am falling out of my pants." After seeing that, I heart was racing, my mouth was dry and I had to adjust to keep myself from falling out of my pants.

After swimming, dinner and family time by the campfire, we retreated to the tent. We took off our clothes, and crawled into our sleeping bags wearing only our underwear. We chatted for a little while before quieting down for the night.

I lie there in the dark with my mind racing. I could not sleep. I wanted to touch Scott. I wanted to see him naked again. I wanted to feel that handsome cock that had fallen out of his shorts earlier.

After what seemed like an eternity, I whispered, "Scott, Are you awake?" I didn't get an answer. "Scott, are you awake?" Still nothing. I then nudged into him and he still didn't stir, so I decided to throw in all of the chips.

I reached over and ran a finger down his chest. It was soft and smooth. I was getting hard. I left my hand on his stomach for a while. It was warm and felt great against my hand. Next, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Mmmm, good breath. Finally, I did the ultimate friendship breaker. I slowly slid my hand down his stomach, under the waist band of his briefs. I stopped when I felt pubes. I let my hand rest for a while. Scott still didn't stir. Next, I ran my index finger down the shaft of his cock. I didn't realize it at the time, but he was already hard. Next, I slowly and gently wrapped my hand around the shaft and just held Scott's rock hard penis. It was electrifying!!!

I eased myself onto my back, still holding onto Scott's cock and holding my breath. After a few seconds, I slowly exhaled and released his cock. I then ran my hand across his chest again and then down his arm. I took his hand and held it for a couple of minutes. Next, I took his hand and slid it into my underwear and let it cup my now rock hard cock. I was in heaven. It felt incredible. Then Scott moved.

I decided to lie compeletely still. I was holding my breath again. What was he going to do? Was he going to hit me? Would he tell my folks? I went from sheer exstacy to panic in seconds.

But panic turned to shock as Scott wrapped his hand around my shaft and whispered "Does this feel better?"

I whispered "Yeah." Then with my hands, I slid my underwear off to give Scott free access. We then turned to face each other in the darkness. Scott never let go of my cock. I then slid his shorts down and reached for his cock.

As we lie there holding each other for the first time we whispered. He told me that he had wanted me ever since the morning we were alone in the locker room together. He said it was all he could do to keep from joining me in the shower that morning.

I asked him "How long were you awake?" He replied, "Probably about the time you went into my shorts?" I asked "Were you awake when I kissed you?" He said "No, but now that I'm awake you can kiss me again"

At that, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips again. As our lips met, he forced his tongue into my mouth. It was the first time I had been frenched! We kissed and touched each other for ever.

He then asked me if I had ever shot a load. I told him that I had lots of time with masturbating. He told me that he hadn't, yet. At that, we both sat back, reached for the other's cock and started stroking. It didn't take me long before I was blowing a load in Scott's hand... after all, I was 14 and full of it.

Scott proved to be a harder case. After I was done, I had him lie on his back. I then started kissing him from head to toe. I purposefully avoided Scott's dick. After kissing my way down to his feet, I kissed my way back up his legs. When I got to his dick, I engulfed it. I was now sucking my friend's cock... It was also my first cock.

I bobbed on it for quite awhile before Scott squeaked. He whispered "Something's happening!"

I pulled off as Scott shot his first load hitting me in the chin. I stroked him as he climaxed and when he was done, he relaxed and collapsed onto his bag. He told me that it was amazing and it felt wonderful. He said he was glad that I did it to him, too. He would remember it until he died.

When Scott came down off of his "high," we cleaned up. We decided that we wanted to sleep naked and together, so we ended up zipping our bags together and climbed in. We held each other and kissed until we both drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up face to face with my sleeping friend. I just stared at him and ran my fingers through his hair. When he woke up and looked at me, I whispered "good morning handsome." We pressed our hard bodies together and kissed again and again. After a short while, I heard my dad calling to us... "Boys, time to get up." We were briefly rattled until we realized that there was no way he saw or heard us. We groped and kissed each other while we got dressed and we had one final long, wet, hot kiss before exiting the tent.

We ended up taking Scott home later that day. His parents were moving up the move and he was going to go stay with his grandparents until things were finalized.

After that night, I talked to Scott on the phone a couple of times and we exchanged a few letters. I never did see him again. He was my first man to man experience. To this day, I have a soft spot for the geeky type of guy and I think it is all because of Scott. I often wonder what happened to him... Is he gay?, Is he straight? Does he remember me as fondly and vividly as I remember him?

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