ONE LOOK IS ALL IT TOOK part#1 "Lesbian:College

By ask ask

Published on Dec 11, 2006



This story is not real(fiction) it doesn't have any events that happened in my life or anything it's only made up and if it has anything similar to anyone you cant sue me.

This story is about love so if your only looking for sex stuff I'm sure you can find another one that does contain alot after all this is E-mail me if any comments good or bad any that you have for me.


This story contains adult material and may be unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18. It involves sexual acts between females, if this offends you, then don't read it. Or if it's illegal in your state/country to read it please don't other wise read on ;)




"Yea, well fuck you to!" shit where am I suppose to go now, I don't have anywhere to go to. As I walk through the empty streets of Los Angeles, I start thinking of what lead me to this very moment. As a child I was supposably the rich kid out of all my friends. Yup life was great so I assumed I didn't really needed school at all. Now look at me my mother took my baby away(my Mercedes Benz), my credit cards, well just about anything good that I had, and kicked me out of the house. I didn't finish High School cause I was all ready well of with the money from my parents, now I have nothing or no one to go to. The night is really cold you can almost feel that its freezing you inside and out, I start looking down at the ground and counting all the lines and cracks that I step in(as you can see I'm a complete failure and have nothing better to do) 1, 2, 3,............20 "ouch!' Was all I can hear.(I bumped it to someone, and from the looks of it I think I hurt them cause they felt to the floor really hard)

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I said to the stranger that felt on the floor, as I help them get up from the dirty pavement ground.

"Its okay, darn.. just.... its

crap already" she said, the darn part I knew she was talking to her self, cause she said it as she was wiping her jacket with her hands."its not your fault I wasn't looking where I was walking, sorry" when she said sorry was when she looked in my eyes, the striking color of them reflected what could be know as one word and one word only 'mesmerizing'. The beauty which they held was one I haven't seen in my short life(hey I'm not that old I'm just 22). Her eyes where the deep blue sea color with a hint of green here and there, they look eyes of a person which was not happy in there life but didn't wanted to show the sadness, yet she had a glow in them, they held so many secrets that I ached to know about. Her hair was the color of the sun with platinum highlights, her skin was the color of vanilla ice cream(I love vanilla ice cream yummy :D) she looks flawless, yet I wondered why she was walking alone on this very cold night? I'm sure she had a love one wondering where she's at this very moment.

"Its actually my fault" I told her as I looked at the ground with a grin on my face(I must have really looked like an idiot). I'm an outgoing person I guess she just had some special power over me.

"warm smile well bye"the lovely stranger said to me as she walked away from me. I felt so lonely again maybe more that I have before, I wanted to feel someone cared about me but no one came for my rescue. I keeped walking trying to sort things out, my friend came into my mind Courtney, she'll let me stay with her for this night it was settled, I started making my way towards my best friends house.

20 minutes later***

knockknockknock click on the door bell

"I'm coming, hold your horses!"I heard Courtney say in her annoyed voice, as she walked towards the door I also herd her foot steps getting closer.

"Hey Lex what brings you here?" She said as she saw it was me instead of some unwanted guest.

"Nothing, well just wondering if I can stay the night with you?"

"Sweetie, of course you can get in here" She said to me, as she hugged me when I was about to entering her apartment."Gosh Alex your freezing, get in here before you get a cold or something."

"Thanks Courtney for letting me stay I didn't know where else to go to." I told her as I went to her living room, which is very familiar to me. I sat on the couch and felt to warmth of the room kicking in on me, which felt great.

Courtney walks up to me. "What happen, do you need someone to talk to you know I'm here for you, if you need anything."

"Thanks I know you are, its just that my mom kicked me out of the house and took everything away from me and told me to never set foot in her property again" I told courtney in a voice as loud as a whisper.

"Why did she do that?" Courtney said in a kinda motherly voice which made me start to cry, ever since I told my mom that I'm a lesbian its like she hates me, Courtney used the voice in which my mother used to speak to me in when she still liked me.

"Honestly, I don't even know why. I was just sitting in my room on my bed looking at the ceiling listening to you know that song you told me to listen to, then she just came in looking all crazy and started yelling at me, at first I thought she was gonna leave in a minute or so, but she just stayed their yelling at me she walked towards my desk took my wallet, car keys, well everything. She then told me to get out of her house , and yelling at me to go fuck myself."

"What did you do then?" She sounded worried yet, like if it was just another juicy gossip for her.

"Well, I went downstairs, she followed me yelling at that point I didn't really know what to do, so I walked towards the door yelled at her to fuck herself and slammed the door shut" I was feeling the tears in me coming out of my eyes slowly one by one falling on my cheeks to the sides of my chin, and dripping on her living room carpet. All she did was reach to me and hugged me, I know that was all she can do at that moment I didn't feel any better though.

"Sweetie, it's alright you know everything always ends up working for you." She said to me, our hug wasn't over I didn't wanted it to end I felt safe with her, she keeped on brushing my hair with her fingers and telling me everything will work out at the end. I wanted to believe her every word but I just couldn't something inside told me that everything has changed for me, I don't know for good or worst but I have to find out.

"Courtney, sniff where's Josh?" Josh is a Courtney's boyfriend, she got with him after she revealed her love for me but I turned her down, I told her we were not meant to be. The good thing is that she only acted weird with me for like a few weeks then was back to herself(the always smiling, looking on the bright side of everything Courtney)

"Oh, we broke up like two days ago." This she said in a voice that seemed she didn't care about him. "Lex, I know this is not the time to tell you this, I just feel that I have to let you know, I know we can't be together but I still love you, I got with Josh to see if I can get over you but I can't sniff-sniff(tears where starting to well up in her eyes, her words came straight from the heart you can feel all the emotion each of they convey)" she got up from her couch, she made her way to her hallway, she suddenly stopped not looking back at me and said "Alex, every waking moment I think of you, but I know its never gonna happen and it kills me." I stared at her back as she said this, my heart went out to her I know how it feels like when you want something that you can't have, I started to feel guilty I came here to just stay the night and now I feel like my presence has caused pain to the one person who has never turned there back to me, I cried myself to sleep I'm sure Courtney did as well.

I woke up that morning at about 10:45 a.m, I saw a blanket on my body which I knew I did not have on me yesterday night, Courtney must have came in the middle of the night and placed it on me. I looked around the sun was shining through the windows and birds singing on the other side of the windows. I started thinking about the events that took place the night before, I stood up still half asleep and walked towards the bathroom. I look myself in the mirror I see I look like shit, my eyes are all red and puffy, my face pale my stare cold, my hair was a complete mess. I took a shower the warm water felt good on my skin, usually this is the time when I masturbate myself to an amazing orgasm but not today. As soon as I washed my hair, soaked up my body, and rinse myself off. I took one of the towels hanging on the towel rack(how ever you say it) I dried myself off rapped the towel around me and walked out of the bathroom, and into my friends room, I expected her to be there sleeping soundly, but she wasn't. Then it hit me she has to go to school, duh. I walked to her dresser and look for clothes that fit me, as I'm 5'9 and she's 5'4 or 5'5 I wasn't sure if I was gonna find anything. Lucky for me I did find a white t-shirt with the logo of Volcom, and a pair of pants that fit me kinda baggy(I had to use them with a belt) but they still fit, also a pair of undies, (as for the bra I had to get an undershirt as Courtney has bigger boobs that me).

I made my way out of the apartment I locked my door on the way out, I started my way back to my house (hey I had to get my baby and some stuff like clothes, money, ect.).

25 minutes later*****

I finally reached my front door step, I dig in the pocket of the jeans, then remember these aren't mine so they don't have the key to the house in them. sigh I guess i'll have to knock then. I look at the cars park at the front all I see are mine, my lil brother's Porch, and my lil sister's Lexus(I'm the oldest out of all of us). The good thing is my mom's car is not in there.

I press the door bell 4 times

My sister answers the door, "OMG, Alex where have you been, mom has been looking for you, she said you started a fight with her yesterday."

I couldn't believe what I just heard, she was the one who started the fight with me not the other way around. "Jessica, she started it not me OK." I told her in an angry voice. I walked pass her and was heading up the stairs when I heard her coming behind me.

"Alex, you know I believe you more than her." Its true, she always picks my side instead of my moms. "So what are you going to do now?"

"Well I'm gonna stay at Courtney's house, then try to figure out what I need to do, hey do you know where mom put my car keys?" I asked her while I was packing clothes in to 4 big gym bags that I had in the closet.

"Umm, I think she has them in her room in the top of her night desk."

"Do you know where she put my wallet?"


"Well, where did she put it?"

"It's in my room, sorry i'll bring it smiling" She left the room running, anyways why was she looking through my wallet? If that is what she was doing. Darn it, I just keeped on packing my bags, Jessica walked in my room holding my wallet, blackberry, and car keys.

"Here, I didn't take anything out of it." I just gave her a 'what are you talking about look' grabbed my stuff of her hands.

"Ok, bye now."

"Come on Alex don't go, mom will get over it." I know it's true, now I just wanted to make it by myself you know try to work and stuff.

"I know she will, but this is something I have to do." Jessica didn't say anything to that she just stayed staring at me, even though I wasn't looking at her I could feel her gaze on me. I finished packing my bags a few minutes later she was sitting on the end of my bed looking at her hands. "Hey Jess" I called out to her.


"Help me take these to my car, yea?"

"Why do you have to do this, don't go" She said this and she got up and came to me and gave me a hug, I was hugging her and i could feel her crying on my shoulder, I felt a patch of wetness starting to form on the white t-shirt I had on.

"Jess, I'm just gonna stay at Courtney's for like a few days that's just like a 15 minute drive"

"Yea I know that, but I don't want you to leave, it'll suck without you, I don't wanna stay with Derek only he's retarded." I had to laugh at that.

"Jessica, i'll come back, duh." I told her to calm her down, and so she can finally let go of me and let me breath again.


"I promise"

"OK" she said, then let go of me which I thanked god in my mind.

"Come on, help get these in my car, yea?"

"Yup lets go." She put the two bags that each weight about only 10 pounds and left me the the heaviest ones. When we got to the car I press that button on the key thingy so the truck can open, and said my good-byes to my sister. I felt better, I don't know why but as I was driving I felt so relaxed. I was driving in through places I haven't been in before. I then get back to the friendly roads, and I started to feel thirsty I see a liquor store. I stop my car park and get out of it. I lock the door and walk in the store I go to the back of it and get a pack or how ever you call those of Smirnoff, and some Redbull. I take it to the counter to pay for it, the Asia man behind the counter greets me with friendly hello, which I hate but say hi back. I walk out with my bag of goodies, as I'm about to get back in my car I turn to my head to the right and see someone walking, she seemed familiar then I remembered it was that girl I crashed with yesterday. I stay looking at her, the way she walk's it's hypnotizing me. 'she's not getting away from me this time' I tell myself, I kinda jog to her "Excuse me!" She doesn't look back I think it's maybe cause she thinks I'm trying to talk to someone else instead of her. "Miss.!" This go her attention. She turned to look at me, smiled and stop from walking.

"Hi" She says to me.

"Umm....., hi i just wanted to see how your head was going, is it better?" I didn't even think about what I was gonna tell her.

"laughsYup it's doing great" She smiles and I can see her teeth they are so perfect and white. "How about you?"

"Oh I'm good you didn't really hit me yesterday."

"Well thats good, you won't sue me giggle" I didn't really find that funny but as I didn't wanted to lower her ego, I laughed.

TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

****************************************** Hey, well if you have read my other stories i'm finish them don't worry. any bad or good feedback for this story is welcomed at (

if i hear from people i'll keep writing it :)

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