One Little Bruise

By Phoebe Gee

Published on Dec 19, 2011


***Thanks again for all the feedback! I can't wait to see the responses this chapter brings.hehehe. To answer a common question: I don't have any other stories on here at this time, but I do plan to add more soon. If interested email me and I will make a point to let you know when I add a story. This will be the last installment for a bit as I pause to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. Best wishes to you and yours. ***

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I reserve all rights to this story.

Jamie blinked his eyes open to find himself lying on a large bed. The unfamiliar room was softly illuminated by a handful of haphazardly arranged scented candles. He sat up, dislodging the luxurious chocolate-colored throw he assumed Sam had draped over him. Shivering as it slid down his bare skin, he looked around for Sam, his boyfriend... his lover. Jamie got a warm, jumpy feeling in his stomach thinking those words.

Hearing the sound of running water, he wrapped the throw around himself and went to investigate. He found Sam, shirtless and stunning, sitting on the edge of a steaming garden tub. Sam turned and gave him a shy smile.

"I thought we could soak a little. I didn't want to put you in the hot tub after, uh, you fell out like that."

Aw, look at the gorilla blush.

Jamie dropped the blanket and padded naked into the bathroom.

"Yeah, I got a little sweaty," Jamie said, his voice a raw, sexy rasp. "But what do you expect after some huge fucker mauled me till I came so hard I lost consciousness?" He gave Sam a happy smile to remove any sting from his words. Sam stood and indicated the large wet spot on the crotch of his jeans.

"The big fucker obviously gets off on mauling cute little guys, so he could use a washing, too," Sam said, obviously embarrassed by his lack of control. Jamie, however, was excited and turned on that Sam came just from making him climax.

"W..." Jamie cleared his hoarse throat. "Well, things got pretty intense, Big Guy." Jamie sat on the rim of the tub and brought his finger up to trace the stain on Sam's jeans. Under Jamie's touch, Sam's cock jerked and began to fill again. He gathered his courage and peeked up from under his blond lashes at Sam.

"Anymore where that came from? I think I promised you a little something special if you got us alone and impressed me. I think blacking out qualifies as impressed." He smiled nervously up at Sam. All trace of discomfort disappeared from Sam's face as his eyes narrowed in on Jamie's pretty lips.

Letting the smile fall from his face, Jamie parted his lips and leaned forward to put them over the damp circle on Sam's jeans. His lips grazed the denim where it covered the clearly delineated head of Sam's cock. Opening his mouth to encompass the mushroom-shaped cap he forced hot air through the damp material.

Groaning long and loudly, Sam shivered and his thighs tensed as he fought to remain still. Jamie pulled back and licked his lips in what he hoped was a suggestive manner and prayed didn't just look foolish. It appeared he succeeded from the ever-increasing heat in Sam's eyes.

"This would probably be easier if you got those pants off," Jamie said quietly, and tugged a little at one denim-clad leg.

Sam gave a choked laugh and hastily took off his jeans. "I swear, boy, you're going to kill me." Throwing his pants to the side, he moved closer to Jamie.

"Wait!" Jamie held up a hand to stop Sam. "I feel as if I have been 'taken to the mat' by a horny ape the couple of times we've made out. Don't get me wrong, it's always fucking hot between us. This first time that I have you naked, though, I want a minute or two to take in the scenery before you're on me."

"The shit that comes out of your mouth kills me, Baby." Sam laughed and held his arms out to his sides, so Jamie could get a proper look at him. "I never knew someone could make me laugh so much while keeping me so turned on I could hammer nails with my dick."

"Thanks, I think," Jamie muttered, but he was already drinking in the incredibly fine form of his lover. His pupils dilated wildly as he examined Sam's long, powerful shape. So, so beautiful, exactly the way a man should look, perfectly put together if, Jamie swallowed hard, larger than he'd anticipated. He'd always wondered why Sam's body wasn't as lean as the other runners, but now he knew that the heavily muscled physique was due to the many hours spent working for his father's landscaping company.

Damn look at all that!

All the crisp-looking hair on Sam's legs made Jamie's fingers twitch with the need to pet and stroke. When he lifted his eyes, they nervously skittered away from the rejuvenated erection that extended from a silky nest of black curls, but zoomed back as if pulled by magnets. He unconsciously licked his lips, worried about how he was going to get all that in his mouth, but hungry for it and desperately determined to make good on his promise.

Sam made an unexpected whimpering sound, and Jamie blushed. The strangely perceptive man could probably tell what Jamie was thinking about. He wanted those all too knowing eyes off of him, so he twirled his finger in a circular motion. Sam grinned down at him indulgently and turned, presenting Jamie with the rear view, which was undoubtedly one of the finest asses he had ever seen.

Bulky like the rest of Sam, his ass had a delectable round shape that made Jamie want to take a bite. Impulsively, he leaned forward and did just that. Sam gave a slight jerk and laughed. The big ape tightened one ass cheek and then the other, making the muscles dance obscenely.

"Idiot," Jamie said affectionately, and popped Sam on one of the bouncing orbs. "Turn back around, please."

Obediently, the man spun around and bent over for a quick, hard kiss. When Sam straightened back up, Jamie hooked a hand behind one of his strong thighs and pulled the sexy lout closer. He nuzzled Sam's hip and could still smell traces of semen. Jamie took a deep breath and closed his eyes as the intoxicating musk lit up his brain. His head spun as he experienced his first taste of the effects of pheromones. All he wanted at that moment was to knock Sam down and roll around on the guy until the man's scent covered him.

He nibbled his way closer to the origin of the spicy fragrance. When Sam's cock brushed against his face, he opened his eyes and struggled to focus. Sam's mercurial eyes captured Jamie with a piercing fervor. A huge, gentle hand cupped the back of Jamie's head and guided his face closer to Sam's straining erection.

"Please, Baby." Sam's voice was husky. His fingers tangled in Jamie's soft hair, and he shifted his hips back and forth brushing his dick over the smaller boy's burning cheeks.

"Sam... I... How?" The large brown eyes were hungry for guidance as they roved over Sam's face. A secret thrill raced through Sam as his baby handed control over to him. He felt equal amounts of power, protectiveness, and possession as he looked down at the boy.

"Don't worry; I got you, Baby." Grabbing a thick towel off the shelf, he folded it and dropped it on the floor between his feet. Leaning against the sink behind him for support, he tugged on one of Jamie's hands, and his cock lurched as the boy slid gracefully to his knees in front of him.

Jamie's hands fluttered like autumn leaves, uncertain of where to fall as he worried where to put them. Catching them gently, Sam led them to his thighs. Weaving his fingers into Jamie's hair, he once again brought the sweet face closer. A myriad of expressions shifted over his boy's face: doubt, yearning, and a desperate determination.

"Open your mouth, Jamie," Sam said as he eased Jamie forward. Grasping his cock in his other hand he gave himself a couple of firm strokes until a glistening drop hung from the slit, then guided the swollen, leaking head to Jamie's trembling lips.

"Lick it, Baby."

Jamie's tongue swiped the fluid away, and he gave a little growl at the taste. His lips latched onto the tip and sucked rhythmically to draw out more of the bittersweet nectar. Sam hummed in appreciation and pushed forward experimentally. Instinctively, Jamie angled his head so the burning column of flesh could sink deeper. When the crown tapped the back of his throat Sam pulled away before he could gag. Sawing his hips steadily back and forth, Sam pushed a little further each time. Jamie began to strain against Sam's grip on his hair, eager to meet Sam's thrusts.

"Fucking beautiful," Sam breathed, taking in the vision kneeling before him. Jamie's eyes were closed, a flush riding high on his cheeks. His swollen lips were bright and red as they dragged up and down Sam's length. The small hands on Sam's thighs kneaded and caressed his skin. Frantic little noises echoed in the boy's throat as he tried to figure out how to swallow more.

"Hungry for it, aren't you, Baby?" Sam was down to grunts as he spoke. Jamie whined around his cock and bobbed faster. Sam rested more of his weight back against the counter as his legs began to shake. Jamie growled again, grasped Sam's ass, and tugged, forcing his jaw forward until his nose met Sam's pubic bone. Sam closed his eyes and roared. He held Jamie's face to him as the first stream shot down the boy's willing throat. He felt the narrow passage constrict as the boy gagged a little, and he pulled away quickly, though Jamie whimpered, trying to follow. Sam held Jamie still by his hair and stroked himself through the last of his release.

"Fuck, I think I'm dead."

Jamie gave a harsh laugh. Opening his eyes, Sam realized he still had a death grip on Jamie's hair. He slid his fingers free and took in the gorgeous destruction he'd left behind. Jamie's hair was sticking up oddly, and he was panting through swollen lips. Patches of come dotted his face and chest, and a few finger-shaped bruises marred his delicate neck.

Sam pulled himself together, fished his cell out of his jeans and snapped a quick picture. Jamie froze and stared at him in horror.

"What the fuck, Sam!" he screamed, and scrambled up to spring for the phone. Sam held it above the wild thing's head and laughed.

"Come on, Baby, I swear no one will ever see it but me. I'll hide the picture on my laptop." Jamie settled with obvious reluctance. "Let's get in the tub before the water gets cold. I'm not done with you yet, and if we don't get in now we might never." Sam's voice was hoarse as he eased in the tub. He reached for Jamie and tugged him in facing him, draping the boy's legs over his own. The tub was more than big enough for them both; the spigot was on the side of the tub instead of the end, so no one got poked in the back. Sam handed him a wash cloth and grabbed one for himself. He pulled Jamie even closer to sit on his lap.

"How are we supposed to wash when we're all up on each other like this?" Jamie laughed.

"What do you mean? The fumbling is the best part." Sam proceeded to show him by thrusting his hand between their legs and enthusiastically washing Jamie's cock and balls. Jamie squealed in surprise and retaliated in kind. It soon became a soapy wrestling match, with most of the water ending up on the floor. Jamie found himself leaning back on his elbows, laughing breathlessly with a bubbly Sam crouched above him, grinning like a fool. He was pleasantly amazed at how Sam could be both intense and playful. "I think we managed to get everything clean; let's get rinsed off." Sam helped him up and led him over to the shower. Jamie sat on the shower's bench seat as Sam adjusted the temperature and the varied spray nozzles.

They rinsed briefly, and Sam dried them both off, taking the opportunity to tickle and grope. He threw the towels on the wet floor and made a halfhearted swipe at the mess.

"All right, all aboard," he said, turning to Jamie and opening his arms. Jamie arched an eyebrow at him, and Sam laughed. "Come here and put your arms around my neck, Brat." Jamie complied, and Sam grabbed his ass and lifted him, so he had no choice but to wrap his legs around Sam's waist. "Mm, nice." Sam nuzzled his neck and carried him into the bedroom. He fell back onto the bed with Jamie on top of him. Jamie landed with his legs on either side of Sam's body.

"Gimme a kiss, Jamie boy." Sam cupped his ass bringing him closer. Jamie licked at Sam's lips, teasing and backing off every time Sam tried to capture his mouth. Sam growled at him and pinched his ass, so Jamie took pity on the guy and deepened the kiss. Sam moaned into his mouth, using the grip on his ass to grind Jamie's rapidly filling cock up and down Sam's ripped abdominal muscles. On every down stroke, he could feel Sam's cock tease against his ass. One of Sam's fingers slid back to tap against Jamie's pucker, and he pulled away to lick at Jamie's lips.

"You gonna let me in, Baby?" He looked into the eyes so close to his. This night together had been really wonderful so far. Jamie had no reservations about wanting Sam to be his first for this, too. Peace about the decision almost settled the incredible anxiety and nervous anticipation as Jamie pushed his ass back into the searching digit.

"Yeah." The world spun and he found himself lying face down on the bed, with Sam's body covering him. Holy shit, the massive fucker could move.

"I've got to do a couple of things to get you ready. Just relax." Jamie snorted at Sam's words, and Sam gave him a quick slap on the ass. He felt Sam bend over and reach for something. He sat back up straddling Jamie's thighs. Jamie stiffened as he heard a bottle cap pop open. He felt Sam's hands on his shoulders, and smelled something musky and faintly sweet. Realizing Sam must be using massage oil, he let his body go limp and gave himself over to Sam's ministrations.

Sam slid further down Jamie's body, kneading the muscles of his lower back. He wondered if the boy could feel his body shaking from a combination of nerves and arousal. His baby was totally relaxed, his body pliant under Sam's hands. He cupped the narrow hips and rolled his thumbs over the top curve of Jamie's little bubble butt. He heard a low sigh and smiled as the ass muscles flexed and pushed back into his touch.

He lifted Jamie's hips slightly and slid a pillow under them. Sam moved back further so that he was lying between Jamie's legs. He put a little more oil on his hands and started at Jamie's knees, slowly working his way up his thighs. The boy melted even further into the bed, the pillow angling his hips so as Sam rubbed, he would get teasing little peeks of Jamie's hole. Sam tilted his head and eyed that forbidden entrance with intense consideration. Everything he'd read about rimming streamed through his mind. He kept coming back to the words "mind-blowing" which had been used repeatedly by both those giving and receiving the rim job.

As Sam mulled over the idea of learning Jamie's body so intimately, he kissed and gave little licks to the divot at the top of his baby's ass. Jamie rewarded Sam by unconsciously spreading his legs further, giving Sam better access to his body. He began massaging the tiny ass, working his thumbs closer and closer to that dusky little pucker. Kissing and nibbling his way down Jamie's crease, Sam's lips and fingers simultaneously collided at that tiny hole. He inhaled, slowly, deeply, and found the aroma clean, spicy, and strangely compelling.

"Sam..." Jamie's breath left him on a long sigh at the first swipe of a hot tongue on his ass. Sam moaned as the flavor burst over his tastebuds. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but certainly not the darkly intoxicating taste that swirled and danced along his nerves to heighten all of his other senses. Jamie shivered, and Sam wanted to roar in triumph. Big hands held Jamie's cheeks open as Sam's flattened tongue made several long, torturous licks from the back of his balls, up his perineum, then circled and teased at his opening again. Jamie's lethargy gave way to a rising need, and he began to push back on Sam's hot tongue to urge it further into his body.

Pulling Jamie's hips back to bring him up on his knees, Sam delved that wicked tongue deeper giving Jamie what he wanted. Craving more stimulation, Jamie rocked back on Sam's face. One brawny hand reached under him, wrapped around his neglected dick, and Jamie keened.

"Sam, please, I need... it's not... more, oh please, more." Rising up, Sam leaned over his body, covering him. Sam kissed his back and shoulders, nuzzling his neck before licking and nibbling his way down Jamie's sweet spine again.

"Shh baby, we're almost there. Just let me finish getting you ready." Jamie pushed back into Sam's hips, feeling that hot, hard cock sliding along his ass crack; he was getting desperate. Every time he felt the head nudge against his hole he mewled and tried to drive back on it. Sam grabbed one of his hips to calm him. Hearing the bottle cap pop again, Jamie didn't jerk as the chilly liquid drizzled onto his hole. He could hear someone pleading in the distance and realized after a moment that the desperate, broken noises were coming from him.

Damn that's pretty.

Sam sat back on his heels and stared as his boy writhed in front of him. He eased one finger into that oil-slicked hole and held it still as his needy baby pushed back on it. Watching those slim hips roll and dance was going to make him blow before he could even get in there. No way was he going to let that happen. When he eased another digit in, Jamie's movements became more frantic. His fingertips grazed a spongy knot and the muscles enveloping him clamped down. His boy froze and howled.

Sam flushed in surprised wonder and fierce pride as he realized he'd inadvertently found Jamie's prostate. He resisted the urge to simply stroke the spot until Jamie came all over himself and the bed; it was damn hard to pull his fingers back from that bundle of nerves now that he knew where it was and what it felt like.

"Just one more, Jamie," Sam promised. When Jamie's body relaxed, Sam eased another finger in and began to pump steadily, twisting and scissoring his fingers to stretch the narrow channel as best he could. Jamie was a mindless thing in constant motion, babbling nonsensically. Sam wished he had set up a camera somewhere; this was better than porn.

Easing his fingers free, he reached over for the foil packet he'd put on the bed earlier. He quickly sheathed himself, hoping to God that the touch of his own hand wouldn't send him off. Jamie's head and chest were down on the bed, his ass high in the air.

Oh Christ, what a sight.

"Okay, Baby, here we go." Sam lined himself up. "Jamie, I need you to push out as I... argh!" Before he could finish instructing Jamie, the impetuous boy shoved his ass back. The head of his cock popped in, and Jamie sighed in relief. Sam curled his toes and squeezed Jamie's hips tight, trying to stay in control. The boy rose up on his elbows and pushed back as hard as he could, demanding more. Sam gave up, simultaneously shoving his cock forward and pulling Jamie's body back until he buried his full length deep in his lover.

"Yes!" Jamie hissed. Sam held still once again, trying to hold on to the shattered remains of his control. Jamie whimpered, attempting to move as Sam delivered a stinging slap to one ass cheek.

"For fuck's sake, Jamie, be still, or this will be over in a second." The little fucker stopped moving, but milked Sam's cock with his ass, squeezing and releasing. Sam collapsed over him, wrapping one arm around his chest, pulling Jamie flush against him. His other hand went unerringly to Jamie's thick cock, pumping languidly. He carefully sat back on his heels, bringing Jamie with him. They both groaned as the new position allowed Sam to sink in even deeper.

"You can move now, Baby." Sam nuzzled the tight cords of Jamie's neck as the boy began to rock between the grip on his cock and the long, hard dick buried in his ass. "Oh shit! That's right, get what you need. Ride me, Jamie. Damn, what a sweet little slut."

His words only inflamed Jamie further, until the rolling, rocking motions became hard thrusts, then desperate bouncing, as Sam randomly whispered vulgar words of praise against moist skin. Goddamn, Jamie felt better than anyone Sam had ever been inside. So amazing, so tight, like he'd been built to squeeze and stroke Sam's cock just the way he liked it best and shit, the feel of their balls slapping together was driving him crazy it was so good. If only he wasn't so close he could've made love to his boy all night, stayed buried in that perfect, hot hole that was all his...

"Sam! I'm gonna-" Sam released Jamie's cock and brought both his hands to Jamie's hips, helping the boy slam up and down on his lap as he thrust deep inside of him.

"Touch yourself, Jamie! I want to feel you come now!" He plunged his throbbing dick into Jamie's well-used hole and came with a howl, just as he felt his boy's ass clamp down around him. Somehow his teeth ended up in the juncture where Jamie's neck joined his shoulder, and he watched pearly ropes of come shoot from his boy's cock onto the bed.

He held Jamie to his body tightly, his heart pounding, rubbing his hands soothingly up and down Jamie's sweaty, sticky torso. After several minutes, he reluctantly withdrew to remove the condom from his spent cock. Sam was surprised and a little shocked at the urge to stay inside Jamie, to remain joined to his lover. More jolting than that was the slight feeling of panic at the thought of their bodies separated, and the trembling in his hands. Sex had never affected Sam this way before and he honestly didn't know what to make of it.

He tossed the condom in the trashcan and gratefully scooped Jamie up, rolling them off the bed. Jamie snuggled into him as Sam waited to see if his climax-weakened knees would support them. Satisfied he wasn't going to drop Jamie on the floor or fall on his ass, he kissed the top of Jamie's head and walked out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Jamie's voice was nothing more than a sleepy murmur.

"We still have almost two hours before I have to take you home, so I thought a little time in the hot tub would be good for your, uh, for..."

"For my well-fucked ass?" Jamie snickered.

"Brat," Sam muttered.

"Your brat," Jamie said, and the obvious affection in his voice made the trembling in Sam's hands go away.

"Yeah, mine," Sam said softly, stopping long enough to get a kiss from his baby before stepping out onto the patio. "Hey, do you think your mom will still be up when you get home? 'Cause if you come rolling in there like a broke cowboy fresh off the rodeo, she might dig a hole to put me in like she promised."

"Fuck you, Sam."

"Maybe next time, Baby," Sam said, laughing. "Maybe next time."

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