One Little Bruise

By Phoebe Gee

Published on Dec 17, 2011


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I reserve all rights to this story.

Sam closed his laptop and rubbed his tired eyes. He checked his clock and saw it was 3 AM. Shit! He'd been surfing for six hours. He'd thought sex with a man was like sex with a girl, just with different holes, less breast, and an additional penis in the mix. What he found was a whole other world. Stories, images, 'how-to's' and products concerning everything from sucking to rimming, fucking to fisting. Then there were the different lifestyles and all those could entail. Some of it turned him on, and other things just turned his stomach.

Regardless, he'd learned a whole lot. He laughed to himself, thinking he'd learned a lot more than Jamie probably wanted him to know. He discovered he was most likely a top and Jamie a bottom. He definitely had dominant tendencies and his boy was a total submissive... and a damn brat.

He'd already known that last part.

One video featured a small guy that looked a bit like his Jamie, but a little older and with darker hair. Tied to a bed and teased until he'd begged to come, the man had been breathtaking. Sam watched it a few times, imagining doing something like that with Jamie. He thought his dick was going to blow without even touching himself, but he doubted he could talk Jamie into anything like that, yet.

For now, he was satisfied that he had a plan of action, and knew when and where he was going to set it in motion. His folks and his granddad were going to be out of town this weekend, so he would have the house all to himself from Friday night until late Sunday night. Jamie wasn't going to know what hit him. All he needed to do now was to get Jamie there.

With some flavored lube.

Jamie buttoned his shirt and stuck his tongue out at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. No matter what shirt he tried on or how he brushed his hair, the same shaggy dork stared back at him. He had no idea why he was freaking out. Surely Sam wasn't going to expect him to look any different just because they were going on a date. Jamie sighed, admitting to himself that it was not his appearance that had him worried. It was how they were going to spend their time at Sam's home alone later that had his stomach tied in knots.

Jamie took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders, and nodded. He wanted whatever was going to happen tonight. For the last couple of days, Sam kept him hard with vague hints spoken in his dark, sexy voice of what he was going to do to Jamie when he got him alone. Not even the few snide comments from random judgmental assholes or the dirty looks from girls who had been after Sam could kill Jamie's excitement, or his hard-on.

He was a man, and it was time he started acting like one. He turned and walked determinedly to the bathroom door, then screamed like the little bitch he truly was. His mom was leaning in the doorway with a smile on her face. Oh fuck. Could she read his thoughts? Did she see his every dark desire in his eyes?

"Hi, Mom." Jamie winced at how his voice squeaked. His mom just shook her head and laughed.

"You look nice, but you forgot something, Baby." She stepped behind him and grabbed the bottle of cologne that she bought him for Christmas. She opened it and dabbed a little on his neck. She grunted when she grazed the fading hickey Sam had given him that rainy afternoon in the big old car.

"Jamie, you're a young man now, and I don't expect..." she paused as she put the bottle back on the shelf. She took a shuddering breath and started again. "I don't expect you to be a monk. You're a good boy and having sex is not going to change that. As long as you're safe and this boy is good to you, I'm not going to freak out if you and he fu-"

"Oh...oh crap, Mom. Please, I'm begging you, don't say anything else." Jamie waved his hands wildly in front of him. "Really, I get it. We're okay. If you say anything more to me about sex, though, I might never get it up again!"

They both froze and stared at each other.

"Oh my God. Did I just say 'get it up' to you?" Jamie groaned. His mom doubled over in laughter, and of course at that moment, the doorbell rang. They both froze again, staring at each other, then Jamie bolted for the door with his mom hot on his heels. She caught up to him just as he reached the door, yanking him behind her by his belt. Jamie sighed in defeat.

Oh great. *****

The doorbell isn't going to ring itself, dumb ass.

Sam didn't remember ever feeling this nervous picking a girl up for a date. Once he thought about it, though, he realized he'd never actually picked a girl up for a date before. He just hooked up with them at parties, met up with them somewhere to make out, or in the case of the cougars, slipped into their houses after making deliveries for the garden center. It was more than that alone that caused him to hesitate. He wanted tonight to go well - for himself, but especially for Jamie. Sam had never been anyone's first for anything, but he was almost certain he was Jamie's first for every fucking thing. Talk about performance anxiety. Sam wiped his clammy hands on his jeans and rang the doorbell.

He frowned when he heard more than one set of footsteps running to the door. He had his eyes lowered to where he expected his boy's face to be. When the door opened, he was staring at a set of breasts instead.

Holy shit! It's an Amazon.

A very toned, vaguely familiar Amazon, who looked as if she could and maybe wanted to put a hurting on him. He gave her his best grin and tried to place how he knew her.

"You're Frank's boy, aren't you? I'm Jan Bayer, Jamie's mom." She reached out to shake his hand. Damn, the woman had a grip! No wonder the imp's mom terrified him. She could probably tie the little shit in a knot without ever breaking a sweat. What word had he used to describe her? Sam's brain scrambled madly and struck on it: fearsome. Oh yeah.

"Yes ma'am, I'm Sam Bricker. I thought I delivered here before when I dropped Jamie off the other day. It's nice to meet you." Her eyes narrowed as Sam winced inwardly, remembering that she'd learned from Casey about his and Jamie's make out session in the driveway. Her mouth opened, but Jamie shouldered her aside before she could speak.

"We're going to head out now, Mom. Loveyoubye!" Jamie grabbed Sam's arm and proceeded to try and drag him off the porch.

"Hold up there, you little shit," his mom said, laughing. How about that? She called Jamie a little shit, too. "Have your narrow ass home by 12:30. And you," she jabbed a finger in Sam's direction, scowling, "you take good care of my boy or your dad will need one of those backhoes to find your body." Her face morphed into a huge smile. "Have fun boys!" The door slammed, and Sam stared at it in shock.

"I don't know if I'm terrified or turned on," Sam breathed. Jamie lightly punched him in the ribs and continued to drag him toward the car.

"Let's go, you big pervert, before she comes back out." *****

As they pulled up to Sam's house, Jamie wished he'd agreed to the movie Sam had suggested before coming here. His anxiety level had steadily risen during dinner, and he was back to feeling like he wasn't ready for this, even though he knew he was. They only killed an hour eating pizza, and now they had several hours to do...well, whatever the hell Sam had planned for them to do before Jamie's curfew.

Earlier, a few of Sam's track buddies stopped by their table during dinner. They didn't even bat an eye when Jamie was introduced as Sam's boyfriend. For the most part, Jamie's life at school had been easier than he expected after the situation with his sister's enormous mouth and that damn video. He didn't know why he wasn't catching more shit from people at school. He figured it was probably because of Sam, and how matter-of-fact, not to mention cool, he was about their relationship. After all, who was going to argue with the big guy?

In the dark, Jamie couldn't tell much about the exterior of Sam's house except that it was massive. The entry to the house was a large A-frame structure comprised primarily of windows and heavy timbers. He could see that the rest of the property branched off to either side, but could not make out much detail other than the vague sense of more wood and some stone work. Jamie followed Sam through the front door and paused to admire the large foyer and great room. The peak of the ceiling rose about thirty feet or so, with an open loft at the back of the room. Under the loft, windows traveled the length of the wall. The interior was rustic with exposed timbers and a stone fireplace. After turning in a slow circle, Jamie faced Sam, who was watching Jamie take it all in and smiling.

"Wow, this is beautiful. I think my whole house could fit in this room." Jamie laughed, giving Sam a big smile. "What's under the loft? From down here it looks as if the house ends where the loft begins." Jamie moved closer to the windows, noticing that some of them were French doors. He could only see his reflection in the glass. He pressed his head against the glass, cupped his hands around his eyes, and peered out into the darkness. Now he could see that the underside of the loft was the ceiling of a large outdoor patio, with seating and a gigantic hot tub.

"There's a pool out there, too." Jamie jumped as Sam spoke right in his ear. The larger man's body pressed against his back, Sam's heat seeping through Jamie's clothes to spread across his body like a wonderful, warm living blanket. "I was thinking we could strip down to our boxers and relax in the hot tub." Sam's lips brushed along the nape of Jamie's neck, his voice a soft rumble. Jamie shivered as chills ran down his spine. He'd never known his neck was so sensitive until Sam came along.

"I, uh, I'm not wearing any underwear." Fuck! Why did he blurt that out? Sam's mouth on his neck must have short-circuited his brain.

"Perfect! That will save us some time." Sam chuckled, his arms coming around Jamie's sides as he went for Jamie's belt buckle. Jamie's chills turned into full-body shakes, and an involuntary whimper of fear escaped him. He gasped for air as his lungs seized. Sam's hands moved away from his belt and he pulled Jamie tight into his body.

"Shh, Baby Boy, just calm down," Sam said. He began to sway back and forth soothingly, rocking Jamie gently in his arms. Long minutes passed as Sam nuzzled his boy and thought about how to proceed. "We don't have to do anything tonight. We can just hang out and watch movies or play video games. Whatever you want."

"NO! No, I want to do this. I'm sorry I'm spazzing. I-I just - It's just - I don't know what I'm supposed to do. What if I suck at this? Uh, not that 'suck.' I mean not that I won't. Suck, that is. Crap! I think once we get going I'll calm down. The hot tub sounds great." Jamie's words ran together in one gigantic rush.

Sam buried his face in Jamie's neck to stifle his laughter, raising one hand to cover Jamie's runaway mouth. Once Sam got his snickers under control he lifted his eyes to meet Jamie's in the reflection of the window.

"Okay, I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, and you're going to be quiet. If I ask you a question, you just nod or shake your head, understand?" Jamie nodded. "Good. Do you trust me?" Nod. "Are you sure you want to continue?" Nod. "Here's how it's going to go then: you don't have to worry about doing anything. To make it even easier, you don't do anything unless I tell you to do it, okay?" Pause...nod.

"Keep your eyes on mine, focus on my voice, and just let everything happen... nice and slow. Sound good?" Deep breath...nod.

Sam tucked Jamie close to his body, so the boy's head fit right under his chin. He kept their eyes locked together in the reflection of the dark glass as he slowly brought his hands up to cup Jamie's shoulders. He squeezed briefly, then ran his hands up and down Jamie's arms.

"See, easy as can be." After a long time, he felt Jamie's breathing and shakes ease. "Now, let's try again." He moved his hands up to rub slow circles across both collarbones, bringing his fingers together on the top button of Jamie's shirt. The smaller body pressed back into his tightly, and he wondered if Jamie could feel his erection. The act of being in control was flipping major switches in Sam.

Sam undid the first two buttons quickly, then lowered his hands, so he could try again to undo Jamie's belt. He moved slowly to give the boy time to protest. Jamie didn't respond other than to drop his eyes so that he could watch Sam's hands.

"Eyes back on mine, Jamie boy." Jamie obeyed and other than his now parted lips and slightly-panting breaths, he didn't seem to be in any distress. Sam watched those large brown eyes closely as he undid the belt and unhurriedly lowered the zipper. As he pulled Jamie's shirt free of the parted jeans, lust-blown pupils overtook the brown of those eyes.

"You still with me, Baby?" Another nod, only slower and more deliberate this time. Sam worked the buttons of Jamie's shirt loose, his hands grazing over the satiny soft skin he revealed.

"Damn, that's nice. Your skin is so smooth over all those tight little muscles. I didn't get a chance to look the other day. So we're both gonna look now." Sam spoke softly as he eased Jamie's shirt off and let it fall to the floor. He rested his hands on the small waist, marveling at how close his hands were to touching each other.

"Are you watching, Jamie?" Nod. He dragged his hands up, fingertips bumping along rippling stomach muscles. A rosy glow crept down from Jamie's face to cover his chest and stomach, and goosebumps bloomed over every bit of skin that Sam could see. "Feel good?" Nod.

The little pearly pink nipples pebbled as he closed in on them, and Jamie's pounding heartbeat visibly shook his chest. Sam barely brushed over the tiny nubs and Jamie's whole body jolted, as if he had set a live wire to the boy's skin. He circled his thumbs over the hardened peaks and desperate little sounds issued from the back of Jamie's throat.

Who knew a man's chest could be so sensitive?

Sam moved his head down to nuzzle the side of Jamie's neck, continuing to pinch and twist the reddening nipples. Jamie's eyes were wide his attention transfixed by their reflection in the window. Sam moved his mouth to one of Jamie's little shell-like ears, licking and biting the delicate lobe.

"Now," he whispered, "for a little test. I want to make you feel good, Jamie, because you're so sexy when you're hot for me. I found something that I think lights you up, but I need to be sure." He brought his left arm up and wrapped his hand around the front of Jamie's neck, rhythmically squeezing and caressing the thin, flushing column. He chuckled in satisfaction when the boy's hips jerked.

"My sexy baby," Sam growled. "You like my hand around your throat, don't you?" Jamie nodded, his hungry eyes locked on Sam's face. Sam used his grip to pull Jamie's head to the side, and he licked a warm, wet path to where Jamie's neck met his shoulder. He opened his mouth wide and bit down on the juncture, alternately laving and sucking on the flesh and muscle between his teeth. Jamie's hips were now in constant motion with uncontrollable undulations and desperate little thrusts.

"Your heart is beating like a scared, captured bird, but your dick is hard as stone isn't it, boy?" Sam asked, taunting him with both his words and his mouth as he moved those torturous lips away from Jamie's neck.

In the reflection of the window, Sam could clearly see the outline of Jamie's cock. Continuing to exploit Jamie's tender neck with his left hand, Sam rubbed his right in slow, meandering circles over Jamie's heaving torso. He concentrated his path closer and closer to Jamie's erection.

"What do we have here, hmm? We were so rushed the other day that I didn't get a good look. I remember it felt a bit bigger than I was expecting." Sam teased a finger along the edge of the partially-opened jeans. Jamie's erection twitched beneath the denim as a wet spot spread steadily across the material. A heavy musk permeated the air around them both, the heady combination of Jamie's lust and his rising passion. Sam inhaled deeply and moaned in Jamie's ear.

"I can smell how bad you want me to touch you. Hell, I can almost taste it. Ask me for it, Jamie. Beg me like you did last time." Sam met Jamie's gaze again in the reflection of the window. His baby's passion-filled eyes were nothing more than slits. Sam's fingertips dipped under the damp denim and barely grazed the edge of Jamie's wet-tipped, fiery-hot erection.

"Now, Jamie!"

"P-please, Sam... Oh, for fuck's sake, please touch me!" Jamie stood up on his tiptoes, trying to force Sam's hand onto him, but Sam's touch remained elusive, just out of reach. Using the hand he had on Jamie's neck, he turned the boy's face to his and stole a kiss. Jamie held nothing back and devoured Sam's mouth. Oh yeah, he had his baby right where he wanted him. He tightened his grip on Jamie's throat. Plunging his hand into Jamie's pants, he palmed as much of the boy's cock as he could.

"Let's get these pants off you, Baby," Sam whispered, reluctantly pulling away from those sweet lips. Jamie eagerly toed his shoes and socks off as Sam slid his low-rise jeans down his slim hips. Jamie leaned back into Sam and held onto the arm around his chest for support as he kicked his jeans off. Sam froze as he took in their reflection in the window. "That's the hottest thing I've ever seen, Jamie," he breathed in awe.

Sam's larger, fully-clothed figure framed Jamie's smaller nude body, which was covered with a rosy flush and a light sheen of sweat that glistened, outlining his lithe form spectacularly. One of Jamie's hands clutched the heavy forearm that crossed his chest, while the other clung to Sam's hand that was still clasped around his throat. Jamie's eyes were so wild and needy. Sam's gaze traveled down to settle on Jamie's erection, jutting out red and angry from a bed of precious blond curls. Sam circled the base with his free hand; his boy mewled and humped his hips up into the touch.

"Damn Baby, that's a helluva dick for a little guy." Jamie gave a wheezing laugh, but Sam was honestly fascinated. The cock in his hand was a couple inches shorter than Sam's, but damn if it wasn't thicker. Slowly stroking the pulsing shaft, Sam's heart started to pound and his breathing increased. He enjoyed the weight of Jamie's hard dick in his hand, the silky smooth feel of the skin sliding over the steel of the shaft; he liked it a lot. With a frustrated growl, Jamie tried to quicken the pace by thrusting his hips, but Sam immediately tightened his fingers around Jamie's throat. "Be still, now; you'll get it how I give it to you!" Jamie whimpered, but stopped his frantic movements.

"Good boy," Sam praised, kissing the slightly sweaty hair at Jamie's temple. "I've got my hands full, so I want you to reach in my left pocket and get out the little bottle you'll find there." Continuing his slow strokes, he added a little twist up over the throbbing tip. Jamie reached back and fumbled in Sam's pocket until he found the little bottle of lube.

"Thank you, Baby. Open it for me and help me get you all slick, so I don't rub any skin off." Sam chuckled as Jamie's face went cherry red, but the little hands quickly obeyed. Watching as Jamie lubed up both his hands and surrounded his plump cock in a two-fisted grip, Sam abruptly stopped laughing and groaned. Goddamn, that was hot, his boy's little hands on that monster dick. Sam just had to see more of that.

Sam moved his hand lower to Jamie's balls, cupping and rolling as a low purr thrummed from Sam's chest. His baby pulled progressively faster, his entire body writhing as he longed for release. Sam squeezed the tight, firm orbs in his hand until Jamie slowed his movements to Sam's original pace.

"Good, Baby, don't rush it. Damn, that's pretty. I could watch you stroke yourself all night. You want to come, don't you, and taking it all nice and slow isn't going to get you there, is it?" Sam mocked gently. Jamie let out a sound somewhere between a whine and a sob, and pushed his head back into Sam's chest shaking it back and forth furiously.

"No, Sam. You've got to let me move faster. Please! It hurts Sam. You don't want me to hurt, do you?" The little fucker turned those huge Bambi eyes on him. The sensual way his slender hands slid up and down his thick prick, the little bubble butt he rhythmically ground into Sam's erection, and even the way he darted that pointed tongue around his swollen lips, were all ploys to manipulate Sam into getting his way. Goddamn, if they didn't work, too.

Sam growled and knocked Jamie's hands away. He grabbed his boy's dick in a firm grasp with one hand and stretched Jamie's neck with the other until that evil little devil's face tilted up, begging to be kissed.

"Hold on, you little tease," Sam said, his voice a bass rumble against Jamie's lips. He inhaled Jamie's sweet mouth, stealing his breath with a bruising kiss. Stroking the cock in his hand at a brutal pace, he alternated swiping his thumb across the broad tip with pressing his thumbnail into the weeping slit. Jamie's body was strung tight as a bowstring, and he cried and begged against Sam's mouth, twanging with every luscious pluck from Sam's hands. Sam backed away from that tempting mouth, and kept his hand just tight enough around the boy's throat that he could feel air rasp in and out as Jamie struggled to breathe.

Jamie felt like he was going to die. Hopefully, not before he came, though. Sam looked like a wild man above him. His eyes glittered madly, his lips curled into a feral snarl, but his hand never stopped its relentless pace on Jamie's shaft. He'd known he was pushing the larger man with his teasing, but damn, he needed to come. Sam did that thing with his thumbnail again, and Jamie saw stars. He couldn't take much more...

"Now, Sam! Please..." Jamie wheezed pitifully on the small amount of air that he managed to pull past Sam's tight grip on his throat.

Sam growled in response and turned Jamie's head to the side so that they were both facing the window again. His big body in its inflexible stance was downright menacing as it loomed behind Jamie's fragile form.

God, that was hot.

"Come!" Sam barked, and damn if Jamie didn't do just that, exploding in an orgasm stronger than any he'd ever had in his entire life.

Right before he blacked out.

Next: Chapter 6

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