One Little Bruise

By Phoebe Gee

Published on Dec 10, 2011


This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

**Thanks for all the great feedback! **

Chapter 2 - When obssession leads to possession.

Jamie cursed himself for not taking the lift Trey had offered after school. Instead, he'd gone to the library to find research material for his World Lit paper. Now, the sky was darkening ominously and the temperature was plummeting. He was walking home as fast as he could while toting the metric-shit-ton of books he had in his bag. He knew he wasn't going to make it before the storm broke. He'd call his mom to come pick him up, but she was working a double tonight and wouldn't be home for a few more hours.

As the first drops of rain splashed, he heard a car horn and saw someone pull over to the side of the road just ahead of him. They had to be from school, so he made his way hesitantly but hopefully toward the open passenger door and peered inside the car. Oh fuck no! Of course it was Sam. Who else in his fucked-up life could it possibly be? He was just about to decline politely and shut the door when the bottom fell out of the sky.

"Don't be a douche, Jamie. Just get in," Sam ordered gruffly.

"Thanks," Jamie muttered, slinging his book bag into the back seat and buckling up. Even though he was only out in the deluge a matter of seconds, he was drenched. He shivered and huddled in on himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sam lean over and turn the heat up, then reach in the back. Sam tossed a small white towel into his lap.

"It's clean. I keep a couple around for after practice." Jamie smiled at Sam since the prick was being courteous enough to bail his ass out. As usual he was getting the glare. He was grateful the vast bench seat separated them as he turned to look out the window, running the towel over his face and hair. He conscientiously mopped up the water he couldn't help dripping everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess. I don't know much about cars, but this one is real cool." He didn't know why he kept trying to be nice to the man when his efforts were so obviously unappreciated.

"Thanks," Sam replied. Jamie was surprised when Sam kept talking. "My father and I restored it together. It had been sitting in a barn of my granddad's gathering dust and mouse shit." He looked over after he pulled back out onto the road and grinned. "Lots and lots of mouse shit. Where am I going?"

Jamie laughed. "Turn left onto Pine, then right on Maple. Mine is the third house on the left. It's not a bad walk usually, but with this rain..." He let the sentence trail off and shrugged. Sam nodded, then his face fell back into his customary scowl. Jamie was still thinking about that grin. Damn, the guy was fucking fine.

"Why didn't Trey give you a ride home?" Sam asked as he peered into the rain. It was coming down so hard it was almost impossible to see the road right in front of them, and the gigantic old car moved at a snail's pace. Jamie wondered how Sam knew he and Trey were that close as friends until he remembered seeing Sam across from them at lunch. He blushed and smiled, thinking of their conversation. He still could not get over how cool Trey had been about it. He subconsciously put his hand to his chest, feeling the warm glow created by a true friend's easy and complete acceptance.

Mother-fuck! Sam seethed, reacting to the dopey grin Jamie had on his face just from Sam saying the freak's name. He only mentioned the other man to remind himself why it was a bad idea to be thinking about how appealing Jamie looked with his shaggy blond hair all wet and clinging to his head. The raindrops on his eyelashes sparkled when he smiled at Sam and thanked him for the ride, his translucent wet T-shirt plastered to his small frame. Sam used the red light to peek over and check Jamie out while the boy's arms were extended, his hands behind him as he tried to dry the back of his head. Surprisingly, though built small, the kid had a well-defined musculature including a sweet little six-pack. Sam shifted uncomfortably as he pulled away from the light. He twisted in the seat, trying to make room for his rapidly growing erection. He realized the kid still hadn't answered his question.

"Well?" Sam barked. Goddamn but he wanted that blissed-out look off the kid's face.

"Oh!" Jamie squeaked as he startled from his daze. "I needed to hit the library after school. Since he and Tonia are hooking up tonight, I didn't want to make him wait around for me. Speaking of moms, I bet that's mine." The kid reached into his pocket, pulled out his ringing cell, and flipped it open. "Yeah Mom, I'm pulling into the driveway now. I got a ride from a classmate. Oh, so you'll be home around nine then? Okay, I'll just heat up leftovers from last night." He glanced over at Sam and blushed. "Yeah, love you, too, Mom. Bye." He leaned toward Sam as he stretched over the seat for his book bag. "Thanks again for the ride, Sam."

Sam roughly grabbed a handful of the boy's damp T-shirt. Jamie's head whipped around, and he resembled a deer caught in the headlights. "Wh...what?"

"What...WHAT? That's what I want to know! What about Trey and this Tonia chick? I mean don't the two of you... I mean, the thing." He didn't know exactly how to identify whatever the relationship was between the two guys. The time he spent thinking while running laps hadn't helped him define what it was he felt for the guy in front of him. Sam just knew that, unlike Trey, if he had the opportunity for some alone time with Jamie he would not be throwing him over for someone else... breasts or not.

The kid looked at him, obviously confused and maybe a little scared. "Well, we're going to get together this weekend. It's not that big a deal. We have it all worked out." Sam was suddenly furious that Jamie felt that he was not a big deal.

"Worked out? As in he does his thing and you do your thing when the two of you aren't doing..." Sam gestured wildly, feeling the last of his control and maybe even a bit of his sanity slipping away from him. The fucking brat looked at him as if he were a small child who needed everything spelled out.

"Well, yeah. I mean, damn. Trey and I aren't dating or anything," he said. Jamie's usual reticence disappeared, erased by his total and complete confusion and frustration at this bizarre conversation.

What the hell? Jamie had no idea what was going on in Sam's head. The big guy had a wild look in his eye and was clearly bent out of shape about something, but damn if Jamie could figure it out. By the manic look on Sam's face, Jamie knew it was time to get the hell out of the car and let Sam deal with his breakdown in peace. He looked pointedly down at the big hand twisted up in his T-shirt and then back up again. He needed to get his book bag and make his escape.

The wildness abruptly smoothed out and Sam said, almost hoarsely, "Not dating, eh? This should be fine then."

Sam reached his free arm around Jamie's waist and jerked him closer. Sam used the fist in Jamie's shirt to push him down, so that he was lying back on the seat. Jamie's breath left him in an oomph as Sam's mouth covered his. His mouth opened, gasping for air and received as a bonus a hot, silky tongue. Whimpering as Sam's tongue glided against his own, he lost himself in pure sensation as his mouth was thoroughly explored. When reason returned he wrenched his lips loose, turned his head, and raised his hands to push at the broad chest pressed against his own.

Mine! That was his only coherent thought as Sam looked down at the flushed face beneath him, the chest heaving with panting breaths, and the frantic, desperate eyes. Mine, mine, mine! He growled as his boy tried to push him away. He grabbed both of Jamie's small wrists in one of his own and lifted the arms above Jamie's head. With his other hand, he worked the still damp shirt up and over the pale arms, tangling it around the captured wrists. He hooked the shirt over the window lever and sat back on his heels to catch his breath.

Goddamn, look at that.

Jamie's eyes were wide and dilated. His hair was a tangled mass framing his face and his lips were swollen and parted as his breath heaved in and out of his lungs. His chest... oh fuck. With his arms stretched over his head, all his lean muscles were clearly delineated. Jamie shifted slightly, pulling against his bonds. The movement rippled all down his arms, chest, and abs. Sam slid back a little further on the seat and wedged himself between Jamie's legs. He leaned down with intent. Jamie completely froze, watching him, and the only movement Sam saw was the wildly throbbing vein on his throat.

He maintained eye contact with Jamie as he drew closer to the boy's imprisoned body. He slowly dragged the tip of his tongue from the waistband of the low-slung jeans up the center of that sexy, tiny six-pack. A little higher and he veered to the left to nibble one of those perfect pink nipples. His baby boy released a keening whine and thrust his hips up, grinding his cock into Sam's abs. He groaned, feeling the heat of the erection that pulsed against him. He trailed biting kisses to the underside of that pointed jaw, then licked and sucked his way to Jamie's ear.

"Mine now," Sam whispered darkly as he dipped his head down to suck his own mark of possession behind the shell-like ear. The only sounds were the rain pounding on the roof of the car, the occasional crack and rumble of thunder, the rustle of their clothes rubbing together as Jamie ground helplessly against him, his own deep groans, and his boy's panting whines. It was perfect. He reached under Jamie with one hand, cupping and lifting that sweet ass so that he could grind harder against the smaller body. He pulled away from Jamie's neck to admire the mark he left as it darkened.

"Sam, please," Jamie whimpered. He bit at his lip and begged Sam with passion-drugged eyes. Jamie continued to move, reaching for something that was obviously close, but maddeningly elusive. Sam saw his poor baby's suffering and didn't even think twice. He just dropped the tight little ass back to the seat and groped for the buttons of Jamie's jeans. He popped them free quickly and dove in, tugging the boy's hot, hard cock free. His baby grunted and thrust hard into his grasp as he pulled it, running his thumb over the weeping tip, using the pre-cum to ease the motion.

Jamie flat-out fucking writhed under him. Sam had never seen or felt anything so fucking hot. That angelic face and the scalding hot flesh leaping through his fist were such a combination of innocence and wanton lust. His words, gasped like prayers or promises in a voice that was made for talking dirty -- the "please" and "oh god" and "more" -- all incoherent babble pouring from sweet, swollen lips to drive Sam even harder.

Suddenly the small body jackknifed in the seat, pulled taut as a bowstring, and liquid heat covered Sam's hand, exploding over Jamie's stomach, chest, and neck. Jamie fell back onto the seat, boneless, and Sam brought his hand to his own mouth, licking experimentally as those Bambi eyes watched in wonder. He groaned soundlessly at the taste and reached down to run a finger through a pool of the bitter sweetness on the narrow chest, bringing it up to his baby's lips. The boy just stared at him dumbly for a second until Sam growled, "Lick it clean." Jamie sucked in a shuddering breath and began to lap at Sam's finger.

Oh my God! Oh my God!

The refrain repeated over and over in Jamie's head as he stared up at the man above him. What the fuck is going on and how do I keep it from ending? He finished cleaning Sam's fingers and wondered wildly what was going to happen now. He soon found out when the possessed man dove down and ravaged his mouth again. Long legs slid wonderfully against his own as Sam straddled Jamie's lean hips. He heard the unmistakable rip of a zipper opening, then Sam groaned into Jamie's mouth as he rhythmically stroked his own erection. Jamie freed his mouth, desperate to get a look at Sam working his own cock, but the big bastard just growled at him and captured Jamie's lips again. He could hear the sounds of flesh against flesh as Sam rubbed frantically, wild for his own release.

Jamie wanted badly to be a part of that, and yanked and jerked at the shirt still restraining him. "Please, please Sam!" he begged, against the hungry lips on his. "I need to touch you!"

Sam's unoccupied hand fumbled to release Jamie's bonds while continuing to stroke himself. Freed, Jamie shoved his hands down, one going into Sam's shirt to caress the rock-hard, lightly-furred chest, while the other continued further south to brush against the fat, dripping cock head. Sam jerked and moaned at Jamie's touch but never slowed in his stroking. Jamie reached even lower, first cupping and then rolling Sam's tight, hot balls... and that was it. The madman hovering over him howled, and then burning streams of ejaculate were striping Jamie.

Oh hell yeah.

Sam collapsed. He had just enough control left to keep from crushing his Jamie boy. He nuzzled and licked the skin of the slightly sweaty jaw and neck under his tongue as they both caught their breath. Moving as little as he could, he groped around for the towel he had given Jamie earlier and rubbed it over them weakly. He slipped himself back in his jeans and maneuvered them both so that he was sitting with the smaller body tucked in his lap. Breathing deeply and enjoying the scent of their sex, he gently finished cleaning and tucking Jamie's cock back in his pants, then laid his head back and rested for a second with his eyes closed, gathering his tumultuous thoughts.

He raised his head back up and met Jamie's uncertain gaze. "I meant what I said. You're mine now."

His baby studied him thoughtfully, then after a moment gave one emphatic nod. "O..." He cleared his throat and tried again. "Okay."

"No more hanging out with Trey, and doing whatever the fuck you thought you two were doing."

Jamie's eyes went all confused and troubled.

"What the hell are you talking about? Trey's becoming a really good friend and we'll have the psychology project finished this weekend. You're super-fucking hot and everything, and I hope this can go somewhere, but just because you're my...well... first and all doesn't mean I'm going to let you dictate who my friends are."

Now it was Sam's turn to be confused. "Project? Is that the reason you were hanging out with him? A fucking project?"

Jamie nodded.

"What about the hickey then?"

Jamie stared at him for a moment then burst out laughing.

"I swear that pinch might be the best thing my sister's ever done for me."

After a few minutes of explanation, and several minutes of laughter, Sam had to agree with him.

Next: Chapter 3

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