One Fall Afternoon

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 21, 2018



This story is based on a true event, though embellished. It depicts sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read it. If it is illegal to read such things where you live do not read it. This is my story. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy it, let me know at

I'm pushing 60, and I have kept a journal since I was in high school. At 5-10 notebooks a year, I now have shelves full of my past. I recently was reading through some of the volumes from 1982, when I was 24, and this encounter popped out. I usually note events in my journal fairly briefly, but the description I wrote then was more detailed and brought back clear memories of that day, along with lots of details.

Back then, I was 6' tall and 150 pounds soaking wet. Though I was thin, I was strong and athletic with ropy muscles, a smooth body, and a boyish, handsome (I am told!) face. At the time, I looked about 17. I was not exactly happy about that, but so be it. It was not until more than ten years later that I was able to gain weight and bulk up my muscles. However, I never had any problem attracting other guys for sex.

It was a beautiful October Saturday, the sort when you just want to be outdoors enjoying the warmth and sunshine before the cold wet winter sets in. However, I woke up that morning with an itch. Not only was I horny, I didn't want just a quick fuck or a blow-n-go. I wanted to find a guy I could while away the afternoon and maybe the night with, kissing, caressing, talking and making long, slow love. Good luck, John!

I figured that I would go hang out at my favorite gay bar, and if no one materialized, I could always head over to the baths and get in some sweaty, anonymous sex and at least take care of part of the itch I was feeling.

When I walked into the bar, there were only a few die-hard souls there, mostly regulars who could be found there any day, primarily older guys. As I walked down the bar to a seat near the end, I passed two guys talking, though it looked more like a negotiation. One was in his 50s, with a bit of a beer belly, and the other was stunningly handsome man in his late 30s or early 40s. He was wearing a T-shirt that showed off a muscular chest and arms that filled out the sleeves. Well-worn 501s clung to a pair of meaty thighs. As I walked past, our eyes met briefly, just a split second too long. Interesting, I said to myself.

I sat down and ordered a gin and tonic. When Gene, the bartender, brought it over, he said "What's up, John? Kinda a nice day out to be sitting in a dark bar, huh?"

"Gotta scratch an itch," I said, smiling at him. "Hoped I might get lucky and score this afternoon."

"Well, John," he said, "good luck. Probably slim pickings today."

"Yeah, there's always the baths," I replied, grinning.

While I worked on my G&T, the handsome man kept glancing in my direction. Even though I was usually into guys my own age, I thought, Gee, he's fuckin' hot! I wonder what's happening between him and his friend there?

A few minutes later, the older man stood up, they shook hands and he left, a winsome smile of regret on his face. Handsome smiled at me and signaled Gene to bring him another beer. A minute later, Gene plopped down another G&T in front of me. "From your admirer, " he said, nodding at Handsome down the bar.

I raised my glass to my fan and smiled at him. He picked up his beer and moved over to were I was sitting. Extending his hand he said "Jack".

"John," I replied and we shook hands.

He took the stool next to mine and said "What's up, John?"

I said "Not much. Just hanging out, seeing what happens."

"Are you from Philly?" (because Philadelphia is where this all took place).

"Yeah, you?"

"No, Denver," he said. "I'm here on business, staying at the ---- Hotel," one of the ritziest hotels in Philly

"Well," he continued, "sitting in a dark bar when it's a beautiful day like this..." he paused a second, "...unless you're looking for, well you know..." He didn't waste much time with small talk!

"Yeah?" I said. "You looking?"

"Well, John, if you don't mind my being blunt, when you walked in my heart kinda skipped a beat. You know that guy I was with? He wanted to get into my pants, and I probably woulda gone with him if a hottie like you hadn't walked in."

I was probably blushing. Most bar conversations were usually a lot more oblique than this, dancing around one another until a deal was struck. I really liked his fresh, straight-forward approach. Not a time-waster, this guy.

"So?" I said, grinning at him.

"So," he said, "we could go to my hotel and get to know each other better. You know, spend some time, take it slow, enjoy the afternoon, maybe order a room service steak and a bottle of wine for dinner, enjoy the evening, if you're up for it."

That sounded like a proposal that I couldn't refuse and before answering, I let my eyes take him in, the muscular torso, the chest hair peeking out of the neck of his T-shirt, the meaty thighs filling out his 501s, and the ample package between his legs, looking a bit bigger than a few minutes before, pushing against his button-fly, with one of the buttons undone.

"Sounds like fun," I said. "Let's go." I left a tip for Gene who winked at me on my way out.

As we walked over the hotel, about ten minutes away, we talked. I asked him what brought him to Philly, and he said he was an editor with a Philadelphia publisher and came to town frequently for meetings. I told him that I was an artist, living in my studio in an old loft building in the historic Old City district, working on an upcoming show, and doing free-lance design and illustration work to pay the bills. I asked if he had a partner. The answer was no. He asked the same of me: again, no. I asked if he was a top or bottom. Totally versatile was his answer, and my answer to him was the same.

When we got to his hotel room, he gestured to the love seat near the windows and said, "How about a G&T?"

"Sure," I replied. He mixed two from a bottle of Tanqueray sitting on the dresser, adding a wedge of lime from the mini-bar. He sat down next to me and handed me my drink, then we clinked glasses and he said "To new friendship!"

We took a sip of our drinks. "Do you mind my asking how old you are, John?" he asked.

"Twenty-four," I said, "but my friends razz me about not looking over seventeen. Frankly, I'm a bit tired of the joke."

"Yeah, I get that," Jack said, "but, hey, there's nothing wrong with seventeen, and I know some guys who would die to be seventeen again."

"So, how old are you, Jack?" I asked.

"42," he replied.

"So, if you were straight and knocked your girlfriend up when you were 18, I could be your son," I said with a smirk.

"Let's not go there," he replied, smiling back at me. "So, John, when did you start in with other guys, and how did it happen the first time?"

I told him how, when I was in college and twenty years old, I answered an ad on one of the college bulletin boards offering to help other guys who wanted to be with a man. The words were kind of coded, but it was clear what they meant. After screwing up my courage, I called the guy and we met. He was a handsome 24-year- old grad student, and he spent that evening and many other evenings teaching me about gay sex. He was patient and gentle. I told Jack about how he took me to my first gay bar, how he slowly introduced me to anal sex after several months, and how he took me to a wild pool party/orgy in June after the end of the semester.

"What about you?" I asked.

I guess I knew that I was different from early on," he said. "When I was fifteen, I got to talking to my uncle, who was reputed in the family to be a 'fairy'. The word made me uncomfortable, but my uncle was masculine and straight-acting. He was kind and gentle and we had always been close. One day, I got up my courage and asked him if he was queer - the term 'gay' was not really used much yet then. He was not upset with me at all. I had thought that he might freak out when I asked him. He told me that he had been attracted to other boys even before puberty, and that girls never turned him on at all. He had to be careful. Back then, being gay was not acceptable at all, and gay men were careful to stay in the closet. My uncle was not exactly in the closet - the family and many of his friends knew his preferences - but he was not really demonstrative either. He lived with another man his age, but they both acted 'straight' and were discreet about their relationship. He asked why I was interested. I said, 'You won't tell Mom and Dad, will you?' and he said, 'No, of course not', and so I told him that I thought I was gay, and he asked me a bunch of questions about why I thought that, and at the end of the conversation, he said 'Well, Jack, I don't think there is any doubt that you're gay.'

"A few months later, when I was sixteen, I told him that I really wanted to experience sex with another boy, but that I was really nervous that if I approached anyone at school it would end badly for me. He mentioned that his partner had a nephew who was 18 and in college, and that he, too, was gay. He said he would try to arrange a camping trip for the four of us, and his friend could tell his nephew that I wanted to learn, then we could just see how it turned out.

"So after school was out for the year, we took a weekend camping trip together, and Sean, the nephew, who was a hot, athletic guy, and I were together in a tent with our uncles in another tent. When we went to bed, Sean whispered to me 'My uncle says you want to learn about sex with guys. I can teach you some stuff if you want.'

"And so that is how it all started. I spent the weekend learning about kissing another man, giving him a hand-job, rubbing our bodies together, and sucking. Before the weekend was done, Sean even asked me to fuck him. I told him I didn't want to do that because I thought it would be dirty, but he told me how he had cleaned himself out - he showed me the enema bulb he had used - and so I had my first experience with the ultimate sex act between two guys. It was more than a year before I was to get fucked myself. Sean also told me some of the signs that another guy was interested in sex, and how to let him know that I was receptive. So the next year in school, I discovered that there were a few other guys that swung the same way that I did and we did a lot of experimenting together."

"Wow," I said, "it seems you had a good teacher. Like the guy I learned from, it's great that we had good experiences to start with. It seems like I have talked to a lot of guys who had their first experience with someone really creepy. A couple of them were even raped. Not the best way to explore a fraught sexuality, right?"

"Yeah," said Jack. "You're comfortable with me, right? I don't want to be one of those creepy guys."

"No, Jack, you're cool. Not creepy at all. Just the opposite. You're really hot, if you don't mind my saying so."

"I thought you might think I was too old," he said. I just smiled at him, and he said, in almost a whisper, "I want to kiss you."

I looked into his eyes and moved my face closer to his as he put one arm around my shoulder and his other hand on my knee.

Slowly, with our eyes open, our lips moved together and met softly. "Hmmmmm..." he sighed, as our kiss started, soft and slow. Gradually, the temperature rose as our kisses became more urgent, and our tongues pushed into each other's mouths and wrestled together. We kissed for maybe five minutes, taking it slow, enjoying each other's lips and tongues, moving apart from time to time to kiss ears, necks, noses, eyes, wherever our lips strayed.

As we kissed he moved his hand up my thigh to just under my balls. I had a raging hard-on by now but he kept away for now. I had one hand on his thigh, and was turned on by the hard muscles I was feeling there, thinking about what it would be like to have those thighs wrapped around my waist while I buried my cock in his warm ass.

He slowly moved his hand from my leg to my belly, slipping it in under my T- shirt and caressing my abs and chest. My abs were not prominent like those porn- star dudes, but they were strong and hard, and he was enjoying feeling them as much as I was enjoying his touch.

"John, your body is so beautiful, young and smooth, so fuckin' sexy," he whispered. "If you don't mind my saying so, it brings back memories of my first boyfriend when I was seventeen."

"That's cool," I said. "I hope those are nice memories?"

"Yeah, definitely. I guess we were really in love for a while until we went to college. His parents both worked, and each afternoon after school, we would go to his house and have wild sex for a couple of hours. You know how it is when you're a teenager. You can never get enough."

We kissed some more, and it was now my turn to feel his body. I slipped my hand up under his T-shirt, and felt his muscular torso. His abs were like a little range of hills and valleys, firm but soft on the surface, and covered with soft, straight hair. Moving up to his chest, I caressed his pecs. He flexed them slightly so that I could feel how strong and hard they were. His chest hair was wonderful, plentiful, not wiry, a beautiful compromise between straight and silky and curly. Finding his far nipple, I gently took it between my thumb and forefinger and moved them back and forth, not pinching, but caressing it lovingly. He moaned softly.

Still staying away my erection in my pants, he gently eased my T-shirt off over my head. He paused briefly to stop and look at my naked torso. "So beautiful, so smooth, so young..."he repeated in my ear as he kissed my neck and nibbled at my ear. Our lips found each other again and we kissed hungrily for a few more minutes.

I then took my turn to push his T-shirt up over his pecs, and helped him to slide it over his head. His torso was a work of art. His pecs were solid, flat slabs of muscle, covered with soft, nearly straight hair. The hair spread out over his chest and created a soft rug plunging down over his washboard abs into the waist of his jeans. He had prominent nipples and they looked erect and hard to me. I moved my left hand over his pecs seeking out his right nipple, then taking it softly between my thumb and forefinger and caressing, pinching lightly as he moaned softly, "Oh yeah, baby."

We continued to kiss and explore each other's bodies. I let my hand range over his strong deltoids, and traced my fingertips down over his bulging biceps. He flexed his arm for me, giving me a taste of what I would feel later as we held each other in bed and I could feel his strong arms around me, holding me tight to his body. I moved my hand under his arm and around his body to feel the edge of his lats on his back. I was looking forward to seeing him lying on his belly and taking in the view of his muscular back.

As we continued kissing his fingers found my belt and unbuckled it slowly, then skillfully unbuttoned the waist of my jeans, finally sliding down the zipper on my pants. My cock was standing at attention, pointing straight up at my belly button, and the feeling of the zipper on the underside of my erection, nearly sent me over the top. "Oh, fuck," I whispered in his ear, as his fingertips slowly traced the outlines of my cock encased in my briefs and straining to get free.

He hooked his thumb over the waistband of my briefs and pulled it over my cock, pushing it down so that it hooked just under my balls. I lifted my ass just a little so that I could push my jeans down a few inches and relieve the pressure in my crotch. Back to kissing again, his finger tips swirled around my cock-head, and slowly traced up and down the sides. "God that's beautiful, John," he whispered. "You're so incredibly hard, and I can feel your heart-beat through your cock."

"Oh baby," I gasped softly, "please don't stop! That feels amazing!" He kept caressing me lightly and a couple of times I pulled his hand off, since I was so close to cumming and wanted this to last.

He took his hand away for a little as we kissed some more, and I started to work his pants free. He was not wearing a belt, and I got his waist-button open and then pulled on one side of his fly until the buttons of his fly popped open one by one. "Oh, yeah," he sighed as I moved my fingers into his jeans to feel his erection, lying side-ways in his crotch, pointing slightly up to his right hip. I lightly traced its outlines, just as he had done with me. My own cock is about 7" erect, and maybe just a little thicker than average, but his was easily eight inches or more and very thick. It was incredibly hard too.

I did as he had done and pulled the elastic of his bikini briefs over his cock and under his balls as he raised his hips to push his jeans down slightly. I let my fingers move lightly over his erection. He was cut, and moderately veiny, and his balls were large and covered with soft nearly straight hair. Moving my hand around his cock and balls, I felt the hardness of metal, and looked down to see that he was wearing a metal cock-ring. No wonder he felt so hard.

Careful, baby," he whispered, "I don't want to cum yet. "Let's take a little break and get our pants off."

We parted briefly and I pulled my pants and briefs off, until I was fully naked, and he did the same. "Do you wear a cock ring all the time?" I asked.

"No," he chuckled, "only when I think it will be useful. I just took a chance that would be the case today. Do you want to wear one too?"

"With my hard cock, no way am I gonna to be able to get a metal one like yours on me" I said.

"No problem," he said, "I have a leather one with snaps that'll be perfect." Saying that, he got up and went to his bed-side table and came back with one. He knelt in front of me, and I opened my legs wide. He looped the leather strap under my balls and pulled it until it was tight and snapped it. My cock swelled up at least another half inch in length and thickened. The cock-ring kept my blood in my cock and it looked redder than usual. The skin on my cock-head was pulled tight and looked shiny. "Does that feel good?" he asked.

"Fuck, Jack," I said, "I feel so fucking sensitive now."

"Yeah, it's a beautiful feeling" he said, smiling up at me.

Then he bent forward, pursed his lips and blew a stream of warm air on my cock head and down the lower side of it. Out came his tongue, and he tongued all around my balls, and slowly up the underside of my cock, flicking his tongue lightly at the tender spot just under my cock head. I moaned appreciatively. He moved to kiss the insides of my thighs and up to my hips, kissing my abs, staying clear of touching my cock, the hair on his chest just lightly brushing against it.

He put his strong hands on my thighs and moved his mouth until it was just over my cock head. He opened wide and almost not touching my cock at all, he moved his mouth down over my erection until his lips were in my pubes. Only then did he slowly close his mouth so that my cock was gently encased in his warm, wet mouth, the tip in his throat. Slowly, he let his tongue press against the lower side of my erection, and then sucked slightly so that the inside of his mouth formed a warm, wet glove around my penis. The feeling was indescribable. He held me there for a minute and then slowly eased off the pressure and lightly came up off my cock. He looked up at me and smiled, and I bent forward to kiss him.

For the next ten minutes or so, he repeated this soft, slow process so that I almost came at least four times. "Do you like that, John?" he asked.

"Oh fuck, Jack" I said, "that is unbelievable. I don't know how much longer I can hold off."

"Don't worry, John," he said, "we have all day. You can cum more than once, can't you?"

"No problem," Jack," I said.

"Let me just get something," Jack said, and got up to go to the minibar. He came back with a bottle of poppers and handed it to me. "Are you OK with these?" he asked.

"Love 'em," I replied.

"Good, " he said. "Let me suck you some more and when you feel like blowing, do a couple of hits of poppers and let me suck you dry."

I leaned back on the love seat and he went to work again, doing the same slow, teasing blow job that he had started before. We might have gone on for another five minutes or so, but after him bringing me close to cumming twice more I couldn't hold it any more, I opened the poppers, put them to one nostril and inhaled deeply, then did the same thing on the other nostril. A few seconds later my cock erupted into Jack's mouth as the poppers hit and I felt my orgasm wash over my whole body, an incredible feeling of ecstasy. His lips closed around my hard cock and he took every drop of the seven or eight shots into his mouth.

When he was done, he licked my cock off from the base up to the tip and moved up to sit next to me on the love seat again. He drew me into a kiss, and as we kissed, he shared my load of semen with me as our tongues probed each other again.

"Oh, baby," I gasped "that was mind-blowing. I haven't had a blow-job like that since...well, I don't know when."

"'I'm happy about that, John" he said. "The pleasure was all mine, and you really taste good!"

We sat and kissed some more, and then I just started to let my hands move all over his hard body, feeling his shoulders, his biceps and triceps, his strong thighs, cupping his big balls in my palm, and bending over his chest to take his nipples into my mouth and work them softly with my lips and tongue. I think his nipples were one of his major erogenous zones, because he moaned, and his body seemed to melt under my touches. My hand moved down to his big, hard cock, and I gently traced its outlines with my fingertips as he had done.

Gradually, I slid off of the love seat until I was kneeling in front of him. I looked up at him, his hips on the front edge of the seat, and his body lying back, his abs like steps up to his beautiful chest, his thick thighs spread wide, his ample balls and big, very hard cock, taking the place of honor in the center.

Knowing that he had probably sucked me the way he liked to be sucked himself, I repeated what he had done, only, since he was so much bigger than me, I could not get so much of his cock into my mouth before closing my lips and tongue around it.. Six times over the next six or seven minutes, he pulled me off and into a kiss, or I moved up to work on his nipples again, as he came too close to cumming. His breathing became more and more labored, and finally as my lips and tongue closed around his erection, he opened the bottle of poppers and took a couple of deep hits, as I had done, and then his cum started flooding into my mouth, not so much that I had to swallow, nor did I let any leak out.

Finally, I licked his cock off from the base up to the tip and moved up next to him so that we could kiss and I could share his cum with him,

"That was beautiful, John" he said as he held me and we kissed. "What a great start to our afternoon. Why don't we lie down and cuddle a little while?"

He got up and took my hand and led me over to the bed. He lay down on his back on the bed with his arms open, and I just about dived into them. Our cocks were still very hard, and as we lay together, I pressed my cock against his, humping him like I was fucking him. We rolled over, his chest pressed against mine, and the feeling of his muscular, hairy chest against mine was almost too much. We kissed hungrily and rolled around the bed. I moved my hands all over his strong back and down to his muscular ass, pulling him closer to me. I spread my legs and then hooked feet over his calves, pushing up against his body.

We kissed and rolled around like that on the bed for perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes. We took a little break, and I said, "I'd like to rub your back, Jack. Do you think you'd like that?"

"That would be awesome," he said and rolled over so that he was lying face down on the bed. I climbed up on him, straddling his ass so that I could see his broad shoulders and narrow waist, swelling into his round, muscular buttocks. He moved his arms up over his head. I leaned forward and put my hands on his shoulders and started rubbing his back., feeling the strong wings of muscle in his lats, and the two cords of muscle in his lower back, blending into his ass. As I rubbed his back, my still-hard cock worked its way between the globes of his ass, rubbing up and down as I massaged and caressed his back, then slipped my hands under his arms to find his nipples once again, lying on his back and whispering "Fuck, your body's beautiful, Jack. I feel like I'm living in a dream!"

"Well, dream on, baby," he whispered back. "Your hands are working magic on me."

I continued to rub his back, and moved my cock between his buns, as he squeezed his buns together, bringing me again close to cumming a few times. I hooked my arms under his and pulled him to me, kissing his neck, and then as he turned his head to the side finding his lips once again and kissing him.

"Please fuck me," he said softly.

"Do you want me to come in from the back?" I asked.

"Yes please," he said, "but first let me get something." I dismounted for a minute as he again went to the bedside table and came out with lube and a condom. He got up and retrieved the poppers from the love seat, and then lay down next to me again. "I hope you don't mind the condom, John" he said, "but there's been some weird new disease going around the gay community, and better safe than sorry." This was the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

He lay on his back, and I moved over to kiss him and then kiss down his body to is cock, once again taking him in my mouth and sucking him. As I worked on his cock, he pulled his legs up against his chest, and I worked my way down to his balls, putting each one in my mouth in turns, getting them very wet, and then working my way down lower to his taint and finally letting my mouth find his puckered hole. He smelled of shower soap, clean and fresh and just a little sweaty. I probed his asshole with my tongue, pushing in and then kissing as he writhed around under me and moaned.

I kept up my rimming for perhaps ten minutes and he started to moan loudly, "Oh, fuck, John, don't tease me, please fuck me," but I would just go back to rimming him some more making him beg for what he wanted.

Finally, I finished and asked him to turn over. I lay next to him, rubbing his back as I pushed my hard cock up against his hip. I reached over for the bottle of lube and squirted some down between his buns, rubbing it gently on his pucker, and then slowly inserting a finger, letting it slide in all the way, twirling it around inside of him and them slipping it out again. I let a second finger join the first while I whispered to him "You really want me to fuck you, baby?"

"Oh yes, John, please do it" he begged. But I just kept on fingering him, now adding a third finger to the first two probing and feeling the muscle of his sphincter contract around them.

Finally I said "Let's go for it baby," and climbed between his thighs, spreading his legs apart, pulling his hips up so that his pucker presented itself to me at just the right height. I reached for the condom, ripped it open with my teeth and rolled it down. I rubbed my hard cock against his ass, getting myself lubed up from the lube I had squirted there before.

"Oh yeah," I moaned, as I took the bottle of poppers, took a deep hit on each nostril, then handed them to him. As he did the same I slipped my hands under his chest and found his nipples. He reached around behind himself to guide me home and I slowly pushed all the way into him as the poppers exploded in my head and in his almost simultaneously. I pulled him tight to me and felt his sphincter squeeze my hard cock tight.

The dance of love began.

I thrust slowly in and out as his body moved in waves below me. As I pushed in, he pushed back against me, and as I pulled out, his ass grabbed me, trying to suck me back in. My hands played over his chest and abs. He propped himself up on his elbows and I kissed his neck and shoulders as we fucked, then he turned his head so that our lips could meet.

The fucking was slow and intense: no pounding this time, just feeling every inch of my cock in contact with the warm muscular glove of his ass. He moved his legs closer together so that more of our skin was in contact, hooking his feet around my ankles and calves.

Slowly we picked up speed as I whispered in his ear "Oh fuck baby, this is so beautiful, your body feels so good, it feels like we're one person."

"Oh yeah, John," he said, "I'm so fucking close," then taking the bottle of poppers and taking two deep whiffs before handing them to me. I was just a second away from exploding when I took a deep inhale on each nostril and then felt my cock swell up and start to shoot in Jack's ass as he turned his head and our lips met as our bodies convulsed in yet another fantastic orgasm.

"Oh, Jack, baby," I gasped as he yelled "Oh fuck, John" and my cum filled the condom in his ass as his own cock exploded rope after rope of semen on the sheet beneath him.

When it was over I lay on his back, exhausted, for several minutes, softly caressing his nipples, and feeling his body swell and subside beneath me as we came down from our high of love-making.

Finally, I withdrew, and he turned over on to his back. I moved close to him, throwing one leg over his thigh, and resting my head on his shoulder.

"John, I love making love with you," he whispered as he kissed me on the forehead.

"That was really beautiful," I replied. "I hope you want more."

"Wasn't that just the app course?" he said with a chuckle.

"Can we take a little break before the main course?" I said.

"Well, maybe just a little one," he said as our mouths found each other once again and we slowly dropped off to sleep.

The rest of the day and evening went just like I had hoped. When we woke up an hour later, we both took a shower together where we sucked each other, then we were back in bed, this time with my legs over his shoulders as he slowly fucked me, while I watched his strong torso contracting and put my hands on his chest as we fucked, his huge cock filling me like I had not been filled in some time.

We did order a steak dinner and a bottle of red wine in the hotel restaurant, courtesy of his expense account, followed by a couple of Manhattans at the hotel bar before going back to his room for another couple of rounds, then dropping off to sleep in each other's arms.

Waking up in the morning, we both fucked each other one more time before getting breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and finally parting company.

Over the next couple of years whenever Jack came to Philly for meetings we would get together, each time learning new things about each other and refining our love making.

Sadly for me-and happily for him-it came to an end when he started a long-term relationship with another man in Denver, one closer to his age. I was happy for him and met them together a couple of times. It was clear they were made for each other. But I will always remember fondly that beautiful fall day when we first met.

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