One Crazy Summer

By Cirrus Kain

Published on Feb 22, 2002


Disclaimer: I, Cirrus Kain, being the lowly peon that I am do not know Britney Spears, Nsync, or any of the other celebrities that might be mentioned within this document. The story is FICTION, something to make you laugh, cry, and maybe even cum. It was not created to suggest anything about anyone. Sorry guys.

There WILL be boys in the next chapter, I swear! =)

One Crazy Summer

Chapter 2

The rain had not slackened. Halfheartedly I rolled over on my stomach, crumpling the beautiful clothes that hugged my body, which was clammy and felt just so skeletal after hours of vomiting and dry heaves. It seemed as though I would just waste away into nothing. The whole thing couldn't happen soon enough for me. The bedsprings screeched as I moved to curl up into as tiny a ball as I could manage. The deep purple blotch of wine on my white suit-pants caught me. I stared at it. God I had fucked everything up royally hadn't I? There was no way they would come looking for me now. Not after what I'd done.

Good riddance. I didn't want to be found.

"I don't want to be found..." I hissed at myself.

Maybe if I said it enough times that little voice that contradicted me would shut up.

I won.



The last 72 hours were a blur. Britney Spears herself had called, as per contest promises, to deliver the news. Then MTV had proceeded to fly me to Los Angeles where I met with gay man after gay man trying to decide how to fix up a trash-looking little punk like me for the nationally televised award ceremony I would be attending with my dream woman. As much as I enjoyed fashion, and particularly the, well, "creative" fashions of superstardom, the whole experience was draining on my energy and had eaten my patience alive. They put me up in a decent hotel though, with full access to room service all totaled on a bill I personally was never going to see. Go me. The waffles were excellent.

And finally... the night. The night of all nights; the night I was certain I would spend every other night for the rest of my years and at last die, alone in my bed, thinking about. She picked me up. It was part of the deal they had forgotten to mention, and I opened the door, expecting an exec or a bodyguard and finding only Britney. For a few seconds all I could do was blink. She looked so... HUMAN up close. Yet somehow still every bit the goddess she had always been to me. She was wearing a very simple white evening gown with a low neckline, go me again, bare back, and fringe from the right shoulder down around the waist. Later it would be written up in People as part of the best-dressed list. It made her glow, and I felt very plain suddenly in an outfit, a loud zoot-style number with black pants and a bright purple-with-black-pinstripes jacket, that I had adored a minute ago.

"Hi, I'm Britney, you ready to go?" she said. Southern girl, oh be still my heart. Somehow I managed to squeak out my name.

She took my hand and shook it lightly as females do. Then she paused. Then dropped me again, with a small smile. What the...? No way, couldn't have been. I shook my head and followed her, as she had started down the hall; we were soon surrounded by large men. It was a good thing too, because there was a mob of people outside the hotel, all wanting a piece of Britney, and even me for some reason. Well, I guess that's not really fair, since winning the contest did bestow a certain amount of celebrity status upon me, but I really couldn't fathom why anyone would want to touch-me-even-for-only-two-seconds because of it. Luckily both Britney and I made it to the waiting limo with our clothing intact. We slid into the back seat, me first, her after with one last smile and wave to the crowd. And so we were off.

"So Danielle..."

"Dani," I corrected. I hated Danielle.

"Dani," she began again gently. "You know you're a lot quieter than most of the fans I've met."

I looked at her, the first unshy glance since our meeting at the door. She actually seemed a little hurt, though she smiled at me immediately. I shrugged. "I guess I'm not the gushing type. I mean, ya know, you're a human being too, though I admit I wouldn't have considered you a mere mortal prior to seeing you in the flesh..." Oh fuck, why did I have to say flesh? Now I was thinking about her flesh.

Damn me.

Oblivious to my discomfort, Britney's smile widened. "I knew there was a reason I picked you. It'll be nice to be able to relax a little tonight, ya know? It's hard being Britney Spears when most of time I just wanna be Brit." She sighed. "I can't believe I just told you that. I've never told a fan that."

I blushed. "Well, I'm a fan you can relax around, remember?"

She chuckled lightly. "Yeah. Thanks." And she reached over and squeezed my slender forearm.

Jeez. Touchy muchy? No Dani, don't go there. Hope is a slippery little slope.

The limo stopped. "We're here!" she cheered.

The driver hopped out and obediently jogged around to open our door. Boom; flashes were going off in milliseconds and it looked as though I was going to walk right into a wild lightning storm. Britney stepped out first, smiling and waving, and then myself, feeling very small and unrehearsed. Nervously, I smiled and waved too, and more and more flashes went off. Rolling her eyes, Britney grabbed my hand and casually led me down the red carpet and into what I knew even then would be the most insane night of my young life.

Next: Chapter 3

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