One Bet After Another

By Keebler

Published on Feb 5, 2005



This story is fiction. Should the characters in this story even remotely bare similarities to any real person living or dead, it was purely accidental and any such similarities are strictly coincidences.

This story deals with mature subject matter and involves intimate sex. If it is illegal for you to read such material, due to your age or location, then please don't. If you are offended by acts of sexuality between consenting adults then Do Not Read this story. Really don't do it!

The author does not necessarily condone or subscribe to the behavior described in this story. It was written strictly as a form of entertainment and acts described should not be attempted by anyone that does not know what the hell they are doing.

One Bet After Another

Part 1: The Bet

It had been a long, hot week and an especially long, hot day. Paul was extremely tired of hearing how great Rick was, and how much he could do. It was bad enough that Paul owned the business and Rick was another of the summer help that he hired; but, it was really frustrating when there was so much work and not enough help. Paul had been working from daybreak to dark, and beyond, every day for the last 4 weeks. Rick was a good worker; but he knew it and bragged about abilities that he didn't have.

Paul was the owner of a lawn care business. They mowed, landscaped and hauled away trees and garden waste. He had started the business fresh out of high school and now, at the age of 27, had a very successful string of clients. He ran five full crews every day and worked alongside them in the sixth. Today two of his men could not get there till noon and that left him with Rick, a 19-year-old college student. The day would end at 2:00 PM since it was Sunday and July 4th tomorrow. It was a real scorcher today; 97 degrees and they had been hard at work clearing an area of weeds at the far end of one of his client's properties. No one was around within sight and they were way back from the road, near a lake and pavilion. Paul had said they could work without their shirts, breaking one of his rules, since they could not be seen.

Paul was a real stud, 5feet 11 inches tall and about 185 pounds of solid muscle. He had an athlete's physique from playing baseball and soccer in school, then all of the work from that time till now. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and a killer tan. His chest was covered with a light brown coating of hair and much darker patches under his arms with a wonderful treasure trail working down from his sweat-shining pecs across his 6-pack abs and beyond his naval to disappear at the button of his tight khaki shorts. His legs were covered with the same coat of light brown hair from where the shorts stopped to the tops of his work boots.

Rick was a much slimmer version of Paul. He was a little shorter at 5 feet 9 inches tall and about 165 pounds. He was a little flabbier than Paul since he often found ways to avoid the heavier parts of his job. He was very handsome, with his blond hair and smooth chest. He was dressed like Paul in the khaki shorts of their uniform and boots. The shirts of both men were thrown on the seats of the truck that stood nearby.

Paul would have normally been glad to get Rick as an employee, except for Rick's tendency to brag. He felt that he was a little better than the rest of the employees and Paul, too. He was a college student after all. Since he was an athlete at college, in intramural sports, he felt that he could do most things better than all of the rest. For Paul, it had been a hard summer so far. None of the other crews wanted Rick with them so he had him in his crew.

Just then, the second truck came bouncing back through the path to the brush and weed covered area. Steve and Andrew were just getting there. They were brothers, twins. They were both 20 and built alike. Both were built like swimmers, but were very strong. They could work all day, hauling wood and lifting with no complaints. They were workhorses for Paul and two of his best men. Both stood about 5 feet 8 inches tall and about 160 pounds with dark hair. They were dressed for work in the khaki shorts and red t-shirts of Paul's company.

Paul picked up a stone and threw it at a can sitting on the table in the pavilion as they arrived. It just missed.

Rick began to laugh and asked, "Do you want that hit? I'll knock it off!" Paul had had enough. His blood began to boil. This was about the last straw. Rick had been bragging and putting Paul down since they started at 7:00 AM.

Paul said, "Believe me if I wanted that can hit, I'd do it myself and not ask you. You couldn't hit it from here if you tried all day."

"I can knock that thing off with one throw!" Rick declared.

"I bet!" Paul said. "Hey, want to bet?" He asked.

Rick said, "Sure, why, you ready to lose your money?"

"Oh, I wasn't going to bet money." Paul told all of them with a slight smile. He had finally thought of a way to get Rick to shut up.

"You got it! Name your bet and I'll take you." Rick was overconfident and bragging; but he wasn't going to let these guys think that he backed down at anything. "You two want to get in on this? You can bet with him and I'll win it all!"

Steve and Andrew were more than ready. They knew that Paul was the best pitcher on the summer hardball team and they were more than ready to see Rick humiliated and to have him shut up once and for all. "You got it, bud! You won't even get close to that can; but Paul will have it down with one stone!"

"You want to throw first, or name the bet first?" Paul asked.

"What's the bet? Then we throw; but I am in no matter what we bet!" Rick said.

Paul had him and knew it. "For my part, loser has to drink 20 shots of tequila when we get back to my place. I don't know what Steve or Andrew wants to bet."

"Done!" Rick smirked. "It will be good to see you falling down drunk, old man!"

Steve smiled slowly and then said, "Loser strips bare and stays that way all night!"

"Hope you don't embarrass easily, loser!" Rick declared to Steve.

"Loser has to do whatever the other three say all night or be punished!" Andrew said triumphantly.

"If you don't do it right away, I'll decide your punishment!" Rick laughed.

Part 2: The Winner and Loser

Paul walked to the edge of the pond and selected a rock that was about the size of a baseball and smooth, while Rick picked a heavier rock.

They walked back to where they had been standing and Paul asked, "Do you want to throw first? Remember you said you'd knock it off in one throw. If both of us knock it off, we throw again, or if both miss, we throw again."

Rick said, "I'll go first!"

He drew back into a pitcher's stance and let fly, missing the can by a foot.

Paul stepped up and said, "You sure you still want to bet?"

"Just throw, I'm no welcher!"

Paul threw from his stance with ease and the can flew clear back into the pond.

"Fuck!" Rick declared as Steve and Andrew whooped and jumped!

"Give me those clothes, little boy!!!" Steve yelled, laughing.

"Not yet!" Paul said. We have to finish this job. The three of them worked like furies, while Rick sulked.

When the last of the brush was loaded and the area cleaned up, Paul said, "Ok, time to go!"

"Now, Ricky-boy!!! Let's have them!!!" Steve gloated.

Paul threw Steve Rick's shirt from the front of his truck and stood back to enjoy the show with the rest. Rick deserved it!

Steve said, "Left boot first, leave on the sock till later!"

Rick knelt down and unlaced the left boot and removed it, kicking it over to Steve.

"Right one!"

He repeated the procedure with the right.

"Shorts now, slowly. I want to enjoy this!"

"You fag!" Rick snarled.

He unbuttoned the top of his sweat soaked shorts and slowly unzipped the fly, letting them fall to his sock-covered feet. He kicked them over to Steve who put them in his truck with the rest.

Rick stood there in just his sweat soaked white bikini briefs (nearly transparent now) and his socks.

"Sit on the tailgate of the truck and take off both socks at once!" Steve said laughing.

This made Rick topple back showing his muscular butt to them all as the socks came off. He threw them in Steve's face and just sat there glowering!

"Only one thing left! Here cut them off!" Steve said, throwing his pocketknife to Rick.

Putting the tip of the knife under the side of the shorts, Rick cut easily through the material. He repeated it at the other side. When he stood, he threw them at Steve and dropped his hands down in an effort to hide his dick.

"Uh! Uh!" Andrew said shaking his head. "No covering up!"

Reluctantly, Rick dropped his hands and revealed a 7" soft dick nestled in a blond bush and pube-covered balls that hung low.

"Time to go!" Paul declared. "Party's at my place"

Part 3: Paying up

Steve and Andrew got there first and were unloading the brush from their truck at the back of Paul's 30-acre property when Paul and Rick pulled up.

As Rick got out of the truck and started to head to the storage shed, Paul yelled, "Hey, we've got work to do! Get over here!"

"You expect me to pull out those briars and weeds like this?" Rick asked.

"You bet!" Paul laughed.

They got the last truck unloaded with lots of laughing at Rick's expense and headed for the shed.

Paul went on to the house and returned with a large bottle of tequila and four shot glasses.

Steve and Andrew just smiled at each other. They had their own plans.

Paul poured them all a shot and said to Rick, "That's one! Bottom's up!"

Rick downed the shot and begged, "Please let me drink beer. I've never drunk anything but beer before."

"No way!" They all shouted.

"Pour him another!" Steve said.

"Drink up!" Andrew said, pouring Paul a shot.

"I'll pour! You keep count, Paul." Andrew said, smiling at Steve.

"That's two!" Paul said as Rick downed his shot and drank his own at the same time.

Andrew kept pouring and Steve set kept Paul talking, laughing and drinking as they watched Rick drink shot after shot.

"That's fourteen, I think?" Paul said. "Don't pour me anymore, I think, I'm drunk"

Andrew said, "No, that was twelve. You can drink him under the table anytime, boss! Look, he can't even stand up."

It was true! Rick was leaning on the back of a truck holding on to the side to keep from falling. His knees had buckled at fourteen, three drinks ago. Paul's had started to wobble last drink.

"Drink up!" Paul declared as he slammed home another shot. Rick just fell backwards and slumped to the ground as all three started to laugh.

"Let's get him outside in case he pukes." Andrew said pouring Paul another shot.

Paul went to get up and fell forward off the tailgate of the truck into Steve's arms. Steve had been waiting for just that to happen.

Steve and Andrew were now set to fulfill what they had wanted to do for the last two years.

They had Paul and another man, Rick, at their mercy and unaware.

It didn't take them long to drag both men outside and down near Paul's lake where Steve had been preparing some areas to amuse themselves.

They quickly tied Rick's arms to two loose ropes and pulled him upright arms spread between two trees. It was only a minute to tie his legs taut with two more ropes. He was now spread-eagled there in the afternoon light at the back of the property and passed out. Steve stroked him quickly a few times as he walked by and Rick responded rapidly to a semi-hard state.

Paul was another matter. He was the true object of their quest. They had wanted to have their way with him each day they had worked since the first day they saw him. They had never seen him naked and sure were going to now. It was only a matter of seconds till they had him on his back across the picnic table with his hands tied to the legs of the table. There was his beautiful body, just waiting for them, covered only by a few layers of cloth. Andrew set to work on the right foot and Steve on the left as they took off his boots and socks.

Now, just the pants and briefs!! Paul tried to move, so Andrew took out the small baggy and popped two Ecstasy in his mouth and then did the same to Rick. He put a Viagra in with them just to be sure they would be ready. Steve, meanwhile, had unbuttoned the shorts and was slowly pulling down the zipper. Andrew got there just in time to help take the shorts off and they saw that his briefs had started to slip down his butt as they pulled. Both men stopped and took the time to tie his legs down then removed their own shorts, boots and socks. They were naked in no time and their hard-ons bounced as they moved to cut the briefs off Paul.

Each one cut one side and then pulled the briefs from under his butt. They lifted them off to reveal a full bush surrounding an 8-inch soft prick and two low hanging balls. What a sight!

This was the moment they had been dreaming about. Steve reached out and took that lovely dick in his hands. He began to stroke it softly while Andrew bent to take those full balls in his willing mouth. Steve and Andrew had been sucking and fucking each other for the last 10 years and now had their dream man at their mercy.

Paul groaned softly as the motion and sucking began to take effect. He grew and swelled in Steve's hand and his pink, cut head began to swell and shine and turn dark red. The veins in his prick began to swell and the entire prick grew fatter and fatter till Steve's hand couldn't close around it. The Viagra began to work and Paul's prick grew bigger than it ever had before. Steve could take no more and bent to lick at the mushroom head that was now a beautiful, shiny deep red. Drops of precum began to run down the slit and drip down the grooved back of the head only to be scooped up by Steve's active tongue.

Not to be left behind, Andrew began to suck first one ball then the other into his mouth. He rolled them around and Paul's hips rotated as he fell into their rhythm in spite of his unconscious state. He began to moan and to try to thrust his hips as Steve took him into his mouth. Andrew slipped one finger below those lovely balls to slide up the hidden crack and tease that virgin hole. Paul jerked forward and nearly gagged Steve with the extent of his member as he bucked away from Andrew's questing finger. Andrew continued his search and now the spit from sucking Paul's nuts was lubing his entire hand as first the tip then the entire finger entered that forbidden hole. Paul groaned and writhed in his passed out state as Andrew touched his prostate. Just then the first shots of his load began. Steve couldn't hold all of the first shot as it began to drip down the length of Paul's manhood. By the last of his five shots, Steve's face and Paul's entire groin were covered with a mix of Steve's spit and that white aromatic cum that was Paul.

Andrew kept maneuvering his finger in Paul's hole and Paul never started to go down. The Ecstasy and Viagra were in full effect. Steve shifted over to Rick and took out the electric razor that they had taken from Paul's bathroom. He began to shave Rick's head then moved to his armpits. He dropped to shave Rick's legs all the way to his groin. That left just the hair at his bush and those in his crack. His crack was next then, with a smile, Steve began to remove the thick bush at his groin. Andrew had taken Steve's place at Paul's groin and positioned his own prick in Paul's mouth. Steve shifted around behind Rick and reaching around him grabbed Rick's swollen throbbing shaft. He used no lube; but began to jerk Rick fiercely and to place his own swollen prick at Rick's virgin hole. With one frantic push he popped the length of his shaft into Rick, bringing forth a scream even through the haze from the drugs and alcohol. He kept jerking Rick and pumping from behind. Rick groaned softly and then began to moan with pleasure as his dick swelled even more and began to throb. Just as he began to shoot long ropes of cum over Andrew and Paul, Steve cried out and shot his load up Rick's chute. It began to drip out and Steve just held on and shot over and over. Andrew was filling Paul's mouth with his own cum at that same time and was bringing Paul to another full round of shots of thick cum that covered both of them.

Knowing that the other crews would be here soon, Andrew and Steve took Rick down from the ropes and loosened Paul on the table. They put away all of their ropes and other items. They put Rick on top of Paul with each one filling the mouth of the other and the nearly empty bottle of tequila on the ground beside them.

Andrew and Steve went down to the beach, pulled on their shorts. Took a couple of drinks to put the smell on their breath and went in the water. They came out laid down on the ground well away from the tables and pretended to be asleep as they heard the trucks pulling in the drive. They knew that the rest of the crews would think that Rick and Paul were gay and had begun to fuck when they passed out. It would be cool to hear what the others said and to see what Paul and Rick could do to explain it away. It would certainly keep Rick quiet for quite some time and it might get Paul to play games with them.

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