Once in a Lifetime Love

By Stephanie M

Published on Jul 20, 2003


Title: A Once In A Lifetime Love Author: Stephanie M Disclaimer: It's not true and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. Pairings: Lance/AJ, Nick/Howie, Justin/?, JC/? Summary: Everything is perfect until a terrible accident. Status: WIP

Part 8

"Hey. Sorry about that guys." Lance said blushing faintly as Nick and Howie walked in. He was shocked when the rest of Nsync and Backstreet walked in after them. He hoped there weren't going to argue again, he didn't think he could handle any more arguments.

JC smiled at the couple saying, "Don't worry about it. Remembered anything else yet?"

Lance nodded, "A little. I remember going for an audition with Nsync and that Chris thought I looked too pretty for the group."

"Well, you are pretty." Nick said with a laugh.

"I know that, Kaos (!) Feel like helping us sneak out of here, D? I'm tired of the place."

"Nah. You should stay here and get better." Howie said rolling his eyes at Lance's exaggerated sigh.

Lance whined, "I'm fine. I can get a wheelchair and stay at the hotel. You know hospitals give me the creeps."

AJ laughed, "Baby, I'm not letting you out until I know you're 100% so don't even try it."

Lance rolled his eyes, "God you're such a mother hen!"

"What's your point?" AJ said calmly.

The blonde ignored his husband saying, "Someone feel like telling me a little about Nsync? I guess I should know a little about them if I'm in the group. I'm guessing we were on tour when Alex and I got together. I had thought we were just separated because I was doing some interviews in another part of the country."

Chris nodded saying, "We called our group Nsync after the last letter of our names; Justin, Chris, Joey, Lansten and JC. We were created under Lou Pearlman but we split from him when we found out he was taking money from us. We joined Jive a couple of years ago."

"Lansten? Who came up with that terrible name for me?"

"That would be me. You never did like it." Justin said with a laugh.

It fitted in with his emotions about the name Lance realised as he asked, "So are we well known?"

Chris nodded with a small grin, "Yeah. Nsync and Backstreet are two of the most popular boybands in the US. I'll bring in some of our CDs so you can listen to them. They might bring back your memory."

Lance smirked, "Thanks although I think I'm getting better. I can actually remember y'all now."

"That's good. So what were your first impressions of us?" Chris asked with a small grin.

Lance said honestly, "I thought Joey was Kevin's boyfriend, he looks like Kevin's type. He is impulsive, happy, reliable, and modest. I thought JC was cute in an artistic way, he strikes me as someone who is very creative, and playful with a perfectionist side. He is someone you can trust and has a strong protective nature. Justin is attractive, fun, slightly cynical and has had his heart broken recently. You Chris strike me as a problem solver, a practical joker, funny but also someone who places family above everything."

"You're right about most of it, I never realised just how good you are at reading people." Justin said shocked, could everyone ready him so well? Did he wear a sign on his head saying he was a heartbroken cynic?

"I'm going for a walk." JC said with a grin feeling a little crowded in the small room.

Lance offered hesitantly, "Okay. You can come back later, if you want."

JC nodded with a grin as he left the room, taking a deep breath now he was away from everyone. Walking towards the backdoor exit of the emergency room, JC walked out with a grin.

Taking his phone from his pocket he pressed speed dial with a smirk, his lover would be so shocked to hear from him now of all times.

JC ignored the growl on the other end of the connection saying with a laugh, "Oh, did I wake you? I thought you might want to know that I'm going to be in town longer than we thought. Lance was in an accident and he's got amnesia so we've postponed the tour indefinitely. So you going to come by tonight?"

"I'll be there. You in your normal room in town?"

JC nodded as he answered his lover's question, "Yeah see you later, babe. I'll let you get some sleep seeing how we won't get any rest later."

"Later then," The man replied with a smirk before ending the call.

JC smiled to himself before leaving the small alley, switching his phone off as he walked inside. He was relived that he wouldn't have to handle everything by himself, he knew he couldn't. Sometimes all he wanted was to let go and with his beautiful boyfriend, he could knowing the other man understood. ******* As the elevator doors opened Justin froze in a mixture of awe and fear, what was the man doing there but more importantly how could he get out of the situation alive and in one piece? He was still pondering that issue when he heard the blonde sighing impatiently.

"What floor do you want, bitch?" Marshall snarled impatiently. He had more important things to do with his time than wait around for stupid, arrogant boyband singers.

"Eight, please." Justin said before falling silent not knowing what to say without sounding like an idiot.

The elevator ride was spent in silence, the lift pinged as it stopped on the eighth floor. Justin stood watching agape as Eminem got out on the Nsync floor. He was even more confused when the rapper greeted two bodyguards before opening a room with a key card and walking inside.

Dazed Justin opened the door to his own room and strolled inside amazed by what he had just seen. What on earth was going on? Since when had JC even known Eminem outside the publicity trail? His friend had always left the room when the angry blonde rapper's songs came on. They were obviously very good friends if JC had given the blonde a key or had he? Maybe Eminem had bribed a hotel employee. The rapper hated them and was obviously just out to hurt or maybe even kill one of them! Justin jumped to his feet at this thought knowing he had to help his friend.

Picking up his phone Justin quickly dialled Joey and Chris knowing he would need all the help he could get to take the rapper on. He quickly explained that Eminem had managed to sneak into JC's room and was hurting their friend.

Minutes later the three singers were ready to kill to defend their friend, Lance was already injured they couldn't handle it if another of their number was hurt. Chris motioned for the others to go on either side of the door as used his card to open the door before angrily pushing it open.

The three ran inside eager to help their friend, gasping in shock at the scene in front of them. JC was lying on top of the angry rapper, kissing the life out of him. At their intrusion both the men jumped up from the bed outrage on their faces.

Justin snarled, "What the fuck is going on Josh?"

JC snapped, "Its nothing to do with you what I do in my room. What do you want?"

"We came to help you." Chris said with a smirk.

"Whatever made you think I would need your help?"

Justin said sarcastically, "Let's see...Marshall Mathers boyband hating rapper just walked into your room and we're supposed to do nothing?"

JC said seriously, "He doesn't hate me. Now we've settled that you can leave please. I will talk to you all about this tomorrow."

"I'm just looking out for you, C." Justin said quickly as he pushed the others out. He couldn't believe that he had lost the only men he had ever truly cared about in less than two days. Justin had never imagined Marshall but knowing the man he loved was dating his best friend made Justin feel so...worthless. If he had paid a little more attention to his gaydar, perhaps he and Marshall would be together. ******* "That was different. Can they be trusted to keep their mouths shut?" Marshall said seriously.

JC shrugged, "It doesn't really matter since we're planning on coming out soon. How's Hallie doing?"

"She's as mischievous as always and she's missing you. She gave me a picture for you. Its in my bag."

"What's it of?" JC smiled at the sheer joy in his lover's voice.

Marshall said thoughtfully, "The day we spent at the beach a couple of weeks ago. Hallie wants a dog, a spaniel because she loves the long ears. It would be good company for her not to mention I always missed having a dog when I was growing up."

"We'll see what Kim thinks about us picking one up for her. Time for us to call and say goodnight to her." JC said as he picked up the phone dialling the number. On hearing a familiar voice he said, "Hi Kim, I just called to say goodnight to Hallie. How are you doing?"

Kim answered, "I'm doing okay. I'll just get Hallie for you."

"Thanks." JC said absently tracing patterns on his lover's arm.

Hallie said excitedly, "Papa! I've been waiting for you to call, I had so much fun at school today."

"Its great to hear you too, Sweetheart. Your dad's with me, we were just talking about our little girl."

Hallie asked, "Did daddy tell you that I won a prize for my picture in school yesterday?"

"No he didn't. What was the picture of?" JC said smiling at the sound of her voice, he missed her so much when they were on tour.

"It was a picture of a puppy and all of us at the beach."

"It sounds lovely. I'll put your dad on before he drags the phone from me." JC said before passing the phone to Marshall.

An hour later JC smiled as the blonde finished telling Hallie a bedtime story he took the offered phone, "Goodnight Sweetheart. I'll tell you your bedtime story tomorrow."

"Night Papa. Can you tell me the story of how you met Daddy?"

"Of course. Time to go to bed, darling." JC said knowing it was her favourite.

Hallie said goodbye quickly before ending the call sounding very sleepy. He smiled knowing he would have to clean up the story of just how he and Marshall got together. He didn't react as Marshall pulled him down so that they were facing each other.

In between breathing taking kisses the pair slowly removed each other's clothes, kissing every piece of flesh revealed to them. Marshall delighted in his lover's moans of desire; he teased the brunette knowing all of the man's erogenous zones.

JC grinned wickedly before gently running his fingers down the blonde's sides grinning at the giggles it produced. He had never imagined you could laugh and joke while having sex for that's what it had always been for him until Marshall. Marshall changed him in ways he had never imagined, he had for the first time allowed the real Joshua Chasez to show, the man who was just as much capacity for love, imperfection, hate and desire as everyone else.

Marshall stood taking a few calming breaths before walking to the leaned over to the bedside cabinet opening the draw he pulled out the strawberry flavoured lube, lovely coating JC's manhood. Scooping more of the lubricant onto his fingers Marshall smirked before reaching down to prepare himself, hissing slightly at the feelings rushing through him as he thrust first one then two fingers in and out of his grasping hole.

JC groaned as he always did when seeing his lover prepare himself, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Gently he stroked his own cock in time with Marshall movement's, freezing when Marshall took his hand away. He moaned as his lover impaled himself on JC's cock, moving up and down with increasing speed.

JC maintained eye contact with his lover as he stroked the other's man's cock which was jutting out proudly. He moved his hand in time with his lover, shivering slightly as the man rode his cock, moving up so that just the tip of JC's cock was inside him before savagely slamming his body down. Marshall let out whimpers of need and desire as he rode his lover. JC smirked, loving that he could make the man lose control.

Marshall gasped out, "I love this...feeling you inside me, filling me completely. Your cock feels so wonderful thrusting inside me, possessing me."

Knowing how much his lover liked to hear him talk dirty, "I love fucking you. Thrusting inside your tight hole feeling it clench me so tight its almost painful. I adore the little whimpers you make in need as you ride me."

Talking became too much for them, the only sounds filling the room were moans and whimpers of desire as their bodies moved together in the age old dance. Finally it became too much for Marshall who thrust himself down on JC's cock as he came screaming out, "Josh!"

JC felt his lover's muscles grip him and thrust his cock up into his lover's body twice before coming himself. He shivered as he came calling out "Marshall!"

When the pair's shaking subsided and Marshall moved off the brunette's cock to lie down next to the man, cuddling the man to him tightly as they tried to control their breathing. Marshall concentrated on the feel and scent of the man in his arms as he always did, preserving the memory for the times when he would have to spend the nights alone when one or both of them were on tour.

End Part 8

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

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