Once in a Lifetime Love

By Stephanie M

Published on Jun 30, 2002


Title: A Once In A Lifetime Love 7 Author Stephanie M Pairing: Lance/AJ Summary: Everything is perfect until a terrible accident. Status: WIP Rating: NC-17?

Part 7

The eight singers were sitting in the hospital cafeteria in complete silence eating and occasionally looking up at each other. The silence was heavy with unasked questions.

Justin glared at Chris accusingly, "He's acting strange. I thought you said amnesia wouldn't change his true personality?"

Howie retorted angrily, "How would you react in his position? His memories are all screwed up and the first real flashback he has is of his father disowning him."

"How did you know what he was talking about?" Brian asked his friend with a grin.

Nick was the one who answered, "Lance told us what happened with his dad just like AJ told us what happened with his mom. We're friends. We talked to each other about coming out to our families."

"Just why didn't any of you tell us about AJ and Lance being together?" JC said after swallowing his mouthful of food.

Howie grinned, "Not our place. Only they could make that decision. I knew they were planning on telling you soon. They would have to, seeing how they have bought two houses together."

"How come we never figured out they where seeing each other?" Brian asked seriously.

Howie shrugged, "They were really good at covering their tracks. I was surprised no one figured it out seeing how AJ called Lance every day in rehab or when he would write letters and songs dedicated to Lance."

"Lance can be quite cunning when he wants to be and he's always in control," Justin said thoughtfully.

"Lance in control?" Nick started laughing at the very idea, seeing the Nsync guys were just looking at him in confusion, he stopped.

Seeing Nick wasn't going to elaborate Chris asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Nick smirked at Nsync, "Lance is one of the wildest guys I know. We went out the other week and he was partying until about six a.m. As for crazy, well, Lance sent pictures of him and AJ together to your management. Actually they were practically having sex on the dance-floor."

Howie chimed in, "Your management thought it was some creep trying to get money out of them by doctoring photographs. They asked Lance about them. He just did the whole innocent and naïve Southerner act. It worked, not too surprising if he is using it on you guys most of the time."

"What do you mean by that?" Justin accused angrily, "Lance never acts with us!"

Nick rolled his eyes, "Right (!) That's why you guys couldn't believe he was on the prowl when he met AJ, or that he seduced AJ."

"I figured AJ would be the one to put the moves on Lance." Kevin asked trying to break the tension.

Howie smirked, "When Lance decides he wants you, you really have no choice. If he wants you then he gets you. He is truly amazing when it comes to seduction."

"Sweet and shy Lance a wonderful seducer? You must be joking!" JC declared in shock.

Howie said with a fond smile, "I'm telling the truth. I've experienced a seductive, plotting, determined Lance myself."

Nick said with a dazed grin, "When Lance talks to you, or just looks at you with his flashing green eyes, you can't move. You're bewitched by him. Lance consumes you, possesses you."

"You guys make it sound like he's come after you." Brian stated confused.

Howie said honestly, "He did and he won."

"Lance is like a tornado, he just sweeps in out of nowhere and you are powerless. All you can do is be caught up in the crazy storm and cherish every moment," Nick explained grinning the whole time.

"So when were you involved with Lance?" Joey asked breaking the tense silence.

Nick smiled fondly, "It was years ago, about six months before he first had sex with AJ that I had that wonderful week with Lance. We spent the entire time in bed, we didn't even leave the bedroom. We had more important things to do with our time."

Howie grinned, "I know how that feels. About two months after Nick was first with him, I met Lance at a charity thing. He suggested we go out for coffee. He started seducing me so subtly I didn't even realise. Then he pinned me with those emerald green eyes and asked me to dance. We ended up at my place and it was the best five days of my life."

"Our experiences with Lance are something we will always remember and treasure." Nick said interjected calmly seeing the looks of shock on their faces.

Nick continued with a fond smile, "Lance convinced me to tell Howie I loved him. I met Lance at the hotel that we used to use when we got together. We spent the weekend talking about Howie and about how I felt about him."

Howie said seriously, "We were the first ones Lance told about his relationship with AJ. He was so scared that AJ wouldn't want a long term relationship that he pretended it was just sex for a while. Actually it became about something stronger than lust after the third time they got together for Lance."

"Lance sounds a lot different to the man I thought he was." JC said in anger and confusion.

Howie said with a shrug, "The Lance you've seen for years still exists. Its just that there are other aspects to Lance's personality. You just need to take the time to get to know the real Lance."

"Could we come with you to see Lance?" Chris asked Howie.

Howie answered, "Sure. Just be careful what you say to him. He's probably still upset."

"How long have you had a crush on Lance?" JC whispered to Justin as the pair walked down the hallway slightly behind the other six singers.

"Years. He's just so amazing. You really think there's no chance?"

JC nodded, "It sounds like he really loves AJ. It wouldn't be fair on anyone if you broke them up. Why don't you just accept it? Lance isn't going to be yours."

"I've only ever loved two people and both of them are never going to look at me."

"Who else do you love?" JC asked seeing the chance to stop Justin breaking up Lance's marriage.

Justin said stubbornly, "It doesn't matter. He's never going to look at me." Justin was sure hell would have to freeze over before Marshall would even glance in his direction.

End Part 7

Next: Chapter 7

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