Once in a Lifetime Love

By Stephanie M

Published on May 13, 2002


Title: A Once In A Lifetime Love 6/? Author Stephanie M Disclaimer: Complete Fiction. I don't know the sexuality of any of the celebs mentioned and this is not intended to imply anything about their sexuality. Pairing: Lance/AJ Status: WIP

Part 6

Justin glared at everyone who dared to look at him; unable to believe no one could see what AJ was doing to Lance. He was sure that AJ would only hurt the beautiful green-eyed bass singer.

"How come Lance is so different?" Justin asked himself not realising he had spoken aloud.

Remembering his psychology classes Chris said quickly, "Amnesia doesn't work that way, it can't change your personality. Maybe this Lance is just what Lance would be like without us, we influenced the man he is. It makes sense that if he had been around the Backstreet Boys he would be different."

"I think I prefer this Lance," JC said quietly not knowing how they would take his declaration.

Kevin made to reply but shut his mouth with an audible snap, spying Nick and Howie approaching. Now he could go and talk to the injured couple and find out just what he had missed about them.

"Guys, you want to come in? Lance wants to speak to you." Nick said calmly ignoring the glare from Justin.

"Sure. How is he?" Brian replied as the pair walked towards the room, the other men following closely.

Howie grinned, "Okay. He is a lot cockier than normal. It's kind of funny to see him like this, but in a good way." ******* Lance smiled at his mother. "Mom, why don't you get settled in at the hotel? I want to talk to the guys for a while."

"I'll come back tomorrow, I don't want to crowd you. See you later, boys." Diane Bass gently kissed Lance and AJ on the cheek before leaving.

"You think we'll be okay if my memories don't come back?" Lance asked his husband seconds after his mother left the room.

AJ smiled gently, "Sweetheart, don't worry about that. You're the same beautiful, caring, sensitive and sexy man I fell in love with. Nothing can change how I feel about you."

There was a gentle knock on the door, seconds later the boyband members walked in the room. Each one noticed that Lance seemed a lot calmer than earlier, it was as if a massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Hey guys. Why don't y'all sit down and we talk?" Lance suggested ignoring the glare Justin was giving AJ.

"So have long have you been married?" Kevin asked the pair once everyone had sat down.

AJ gave a pained smile, "We got married exactly twelve days after I finished rehab. It was because of what happened with James that I realised I needed help."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked not knowing what AJ was talking about.

Ashamed AJ answered, "I fractured his ribs. I didn't even know what I had done until the next day."

"You hit Lance!" Justin shouted angrily clenching his hands into fists. He was right, AJ didn't deserve Lance!

AJ said bitterly, "Yeah, I did. He means more to me than anything, and I did that to him!"

"It's okay, love. It wasn't your fault," Lance said gently looking AJ in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry that happened, love." AJ said to Lance knowing he could never atone for hurting the beautiful soul in front of him.

Confused Chris asked Lance, "How come you can remember everything that happened with Alex, and that you weren't in a group when you first got together but not us?"

"I don't know. I have these flashes of memory about Nsync but everything about Alex I can remember."

Sensing they needed to change the subject Brian asked, "So how did you get together?"

Lance said with a smirk, "I was drunk and looking for someone to fuck, he was there. I threw myself at him using everything I could think of to get him in bed."

"You drunk and on the prowl?" Joey questioned in shock, that wasn't at all like the Lance he knew.

Lance rolled his eyes, "Yeah. The next day, I woke up to find myself alone and a letter on the pillow."

"What did the note say?" Kevin asked with a grin.

AJ answered, "Call me if you want to do it again, A. I put my cell number, with a question mark."

Lance quickly took up the narrative again. "I called Alex a month later and we met up. It was just about sex for a year. We sent each other notes about what we were going to do to each other when we met up."

"Until I screwed up and signed that letter with love," AJ said with a happy grin.

Lance rolled his eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you? You didn't screw up, your subconscious must have wanted a relationship."

AJ smiled remembering the hours he would spend reading each letter, "The letters changed then. We would tell each other little stupid things, and about the things that mattered. When I got a letter I felt like I could walk on air. We would pass the letters via friends, who we arranged to get backstage at our concerts to give and receive the letters."

"Yeah. I remember one day JC actually asked me if I was taking drugs." Lance said with a grin causing gasps from the room.

"You remember me now?" JC questioned in confusion.

Lance shrugged, "I have these flashes of memory, of faces. If I try to concentrate then the memories don't come."

"So that's why you can remember that you and AJ were apart for a while when you got together?"

Lance said before gasping in pain, "I guess, you'll have to ask the doctor if you want more information. To be honest most of my memories involve Alex in some way either because he was there or because he was referred to."


"What do you mean you're gay? No son of mine is a fag!" Jim Bass shouted refusing to look at Lance.

Lance was crying now tears streaming down his face as he tightly griped his lover's hand for strength. AJ was about to try and calm down the older irate man when he heard Jim Bass speak softly.

Focusing on a spot over the couple's shoulder Jim Bass said coldly, "I have no son. To protect this family from shame I won't publicly disown you but if you ever come to here then you are to stay in a hotel. I won't contact you and you won't contact me. Now leave."

Lance held his head up high and walked out the house still holding AJ's hand. He had expected this reaction, his father had never accepted homosexuality. No matter what happened, Lance would not give up his Alex, he would die first.

"Let's go back to the hotel, sweetheart. Let me look after you," AJ whispered as they got into the rented blue Sedan.

End Flashback

"What's wrong love?" AJ asked as Lance looked at him with tears glistening in his eyes.

Knowing his husband would understand Lance answered, "Dad."

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." AJ said getting out of the bed to cradle his still shaking lover.

"For those of us who don't know can you explain what's going on?" Justin asked angry at AJ for holding Lance.

Lance snarled something about Justin made him feel uneasy, "Just get the fuck out of here! This doesn't have anything to do with you!"

"Calm down baby." AJ whispered as he gently ran his fingers through Lance's hair.

Lance asked with a defeated sigh, "What right does he have to interrogate me? Why can't they leave us alone?"

AJ whispered, "They are your friends so they're worried about you. Why don't you just talk to them later when you feel more in control."

"Can you go? I don't need this right now!" Lance said watching as the others left the room, only Nick and Howie smiling at them and promising to come by in a couple of hours.

End Part 6

Next: Chapter 6

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