Once a Punk

By Mike Kane

Published on Nov 3, 2011



Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction. It depicts sexual acts between men. If reading about such things is illegal in your location or you are under age, please stop now and go find something more wholesome to do. Some of the acts described here would be unsafe in real life, so don't try doing them yourself. If you are offended by forced consensual sex acts, go read something else. If you're turned on by the story or have any comments or questions, write me at Topdownlow07@gmail.com

Once a Punk Mike Kane

Jake Dumfires though he'd left it all behind when he'd finally got out of Bradford Federal Correctional Facility. All the troubles of the past few years fell away like a worn out snake skin.

He reveled in his freedom, the ability to go where he wanted, when he wanted. The sky was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen when it wasn't framed by a tiny barred window or circumscribed by high stone walls.

He had trouble getting his life going. After all, who wanted to hire a convicted car thief, a two time looser who'd served hard time? But he finally got things nailed down. A job at a local parking ramp, a cheap apartment in the run down part of his home time, and a few buddies who didn't care about his past

He only woke up started awake once or twice a week from dreams about Merle. He could still see the man's bald, shiny head, gleaming with sweat or grinning down at him; still smell the sweat hanging in the tiny cell; still feel that hand on the back of his head.

All of Jake's friends knew he had done time. He was not shy about admitting that. Better they got it from him. They might wonder how a dumb kid like him had survived federal prison, but he wasn't about to talk about it with anyone. They'd never understand anyway. He didn't understand himself why he woke crying almost as often as he woke screaming.

And if they ever found out what he'd done, how could they think of him the same way any more than the men at Bradley had?

He'd been out for six months and came home later than usual one day in March. An arts and crafts show had really swamped the ramp, so he had stayed late to help out. He plodded up the steps to his third floor apartment, thinking how nice it was going to be to sit back and drink a nice cold beer, watch some TV.

But he got a bad feeling as he reached the third floor landing. The hallway had nothing to show but closed doors and dirty carpets. He crept to his door, all of his instincts telling him something was wrong. He trusted his instincts; they'd saved his ass more than once.

The door to his apartment was ajar. Anyone else might have missed it. They would have missed the tiny, fresh scratches on the lock, too.

He was still on parole, so Jake didn't dare carry any kind of weapons. All he had was an aluminum bat he kept just inside the door for home defense. He'd have to open the door to get it.

He took a deep breath, tried to push the nervous fear aside. It didn't work. He kicked the door open and grabbed for the bat.

It was gone and he heard someone in the main room laughing at him. "You always come busting, boy? You pretty near made me spill my beer." The voice was as familiar as the sound of heavy, bulletproof glass doors locking.

His keys dropped from nerveless fingers, and Jake felt cold, like he'd been keeping winter hidden in his living room.

It couldn't be true. Merle was serving twenty to life. He wasn't even due for a parole hearing for five years.

Merle stood up from the couch. He was six foot two and 250 pounds of almost pure muscle. His head was covered in half an inch of blonde stubble and he'd shaved off the goatee and mustache he'd worn in prison. He wore nothing but tattered old boxer shorts and held a beer from Jake's tiny fridge in his left hand. His right held the baseball bat. He came around and leaned against the back of the couch and fixed a stern green eye on Jake. He smirked as he said, "What have I told you about keeping me waiting, boy?"

Everything went black.

Jake sat alone in his new home, the common area of Pod B1 at the BFCF. The guards had left him here to wait for his mentor and cellmate Merlin Hackett who was due out of solitary any minute. Jake watched the big TV attached to the underside of what the guards called the Crow's Nest, their elevated observation platform. The guard who left him here had pointed at the cell right below the Crow's Nest and said that was Merle's place. He'd suggested Jake wait out here with a smirk.

The pod's population seemed to be about half black and half white with a few Latino guys thrown in. Most of the white guys looked like skinheads, and Jake couldn't help but notice the way they were all looking at him while he waited. None of them would meet his eyes.

He sat there for hours, until a loudspeaker announced fifteen minutes until lights out. Jake glanced around, but no one wanted to talk to him.

Jake had spent the afternoon trying not to think. Thinking only made him realize how truly shitty his position was. He was 22 and a convicted felon just starting a two-year minimum sentance. And all just because he and his stupid buddy Casey had stolen a car in Woodstock, Illinois and driven it to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Casey had been a first time offender and just shy of 18.

Jake had a Grand Theft conviction on his jacket. His lawyer had plea-bargained it down to five years probation for a plea of Guilty. That was all shot to shit when the Cheesehead state troopers had pulled them over five miles over the border. He'd been driving, so they threw everything they could at him. He'd drawn a barely competent DA since his folks wouldn't pay for a second trial and a hard-ass judge who'd decided to make an example of him.

Jake was the youngest looking guy in the pod and he was just 5'8" and weighed a buck sixty. Every man in the pod seemed to be sizing him up. He'd hadn't felt as vulnerable or naked when that leering guard had strip searched him so thoroughly.

"Hey, meat."

Jake swallowed nervously before he turned toward the voice. It belonged to a huge black guy who looked like he was a foot taller than Jake. He wore a tee shirt with torn off sleeves that could barely contain his chest. There were four other black guys standing a few yards back and laughing.

Jake said, "Um, hi."

The black guy crossed his giant arms over his chest and smiled. "You're new here, kid. Time for you to learn a thing or two."

Jake looked up into the man's cold, glittering brown eyes. "Thanks, I guess."

The guy nodded. "Lesson one is easy. Suck my dick." he reached into his sweat pants with one hand and fished out his cock. It was about three shades of brown darker than the man's skin and the head was covered by a droopy skin with just the piss slit and very tip of the head actually showing. It was only half hard and was already at least seven inches long and nearly as thick as Jake's wrist.

"You're going to be good friends, punk. Why don't you give him a sweet little kiss?"

Someone shouted, "Murphy! Put your damned nigger prick back in your pants and back the fuck off."

Jake tore his gaze away from the monster cock. The man who'd shouted was a big white guy wearing nothing but thin boxers who was coming toward them fast. A pair of guards stood a few feet behind him with a pile of clothes at their feet.

"This yours, Merlin?" The black guy, Murphy asked with a coy smile.

"Yeah, he's mine. You go on back to that queer bitch of yours and leave my boy alone." Merlin's voice was rough and he spoke with an angry southern drawl.

Murphy tucked his dick away and backed off, hands spread and smiling. "I didn't know, boss. You know I wouldn't poach your meat."

"Unless you thought you could get away with it." Murphy sounded like he was joking, but Merlin had his hands clenched into fists and a big vein pulsed in his neck.

"That's bout right, I guess. You'd better watch this one, Merle. We're going to take his skinny ass for a little ride."

"Fuck off, spear chucker. You think just 'cause I'm not around, we're not watching you?" He smiled. "I don't mind solitary too much. Did your boy like his trip to the hospital?"

Murphy frowned and noticed all of the shaved heads on the second tier watching. "It's about your speed to jump a helpless nigger ain't it, Merlin? You just wait."

Murphy walked away without looking back.

Merlin looked down at Jake and he smiled. It was a friendly, goofy smile, sort of lopsided. He held out his hand "Hey, sorry about that. It won't happen again. I'm Merle."

Jake took his hand, and tried not to react to the crushing grip. "I'm Jake."

Jake noticed the smile didn't seem to reach Merle's cold green eyes. "I know." He glanced up at the clock on the wall. "It's time for lock down. Go get I dropped over there."

Merle left without waiting for a reply. Jake hoped no one noticed him rubbing his hand as he fetched merle's clothes.

Merle was lying on the bottom bunk, smiling up at the bottom of the bunk above. He said, "Get those folded up for me, boy and put them in that footlocker."

Jake said, "I appreciate your help out there, but..."

"That was nothing. That nigger won't bother you again, but if he does you let me know."

"Yeah, well, thanks again, but what I meant was, what was all that about me being yours?"

Merle propped himself up on his elbows. "Fold those clothes up and put them away. Then we'll talk."

Jake shrugged and did as Merle had asked. He folded the jeans and wife-beaters and pulled the footlocker from under the bed. He set the clothes in an empty space in the tray that hung about halfway down the locker and hid the bottom compartment.

"Lights out!" A voice announced over the PA system, and it went dark all at once. The solid glass door behind Jake made a solid clunking sound and he knew he was locked in to the ten by ten cell with Merle. he glanced over his shoulder at the sound and noticed for the first time that guards in the Crow's Nest had no line of sight to this cell.

"Your first night?"

Jake swallowed nervously and turned back. "I've been in jail."

"But not prison?"

Jake shook his head and said, "No."

"I knew that, too. I know all about you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in charge of this pod, boy. I get what I want. I got this cell because I wanted it. When I heard about you, I got you for the same reason. My last punk got out a month ago."

Something in Merle's voice sent Jake's skin crawling. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you're better than I hoped! So cute and innocent. Why do think that nigger moved on you? You got 'punk' written all over you like it's a neon fucking sign. You're meat."

"I don't know what you think you've heard about me, Merle. I'm not a fag." Jake bumped against the cell's cold glass wall.

"I know what you are, boy. Mine. You belong to me now and I'm going to do anything I want with you. You think anyone here gives a fuck what happens to a piece of stupid white trash like you?" Merle swung his legs out and sat up. "Get over here and get aquatinted with your new best friend."

Jake slid along the glass until he bumped into the corner. "Listen, I don't want any trouble, but I'm not going to suck your dick."

Merle chuckled. "You're going to do a lot more than that, boy. Now, since you're a fish so fresh you still smell salty, I'll be reasonable. This is a two way street. You serve me and I protect you. You have a choice here, boy. Just like you had a choice between taking that Jag and not taking it. You can either come over here and suck my cock or I can come over there and fuck your face. Makes no difference to me, I've been in solitary for two weeks and I'm about ready to bust a nut without any help. This is your choice, boy. If you choose to be a good punk, to do as you're told, you'll belong to me, just like these boxers. You'll do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it, and you'll like it. Or I'll take what I want and kick you out tomorrow.

"Its simple, boy. Do you want to gut ass-fucked by me every night from now on or do you want to get ass-fucked by every asshole in this place every time they get hard? They all know you're a punk boy. If you ain't mine, you'll be free for the taking. Unless you think you could have stopped Murphy and his boys alone.

"I'm the strongest man in here and if you're my bitch, you'll get plenty of perks. You won't have to work. You'll get the best food. Anyone who hassles you will answer to the entire Brotherhood. And all you have to do is obey."

Jake glanced out at the other cells. There were one or two men in every one he could see, and they were all standing by the walls and watching. They'd all know if he didn't have Merle's protection if he made the wrong choice.

But he still tried to find some other way. "I don't know how. I don't know what you want!"

"Oh, you ain't never sucked no dick before? That's fine, boy. I can be real gentle-like for you. If you agree to obey."

"What do you want me to say? I don't understand."

Merle stood up and walked slowly toward him. His dick hung out of his boxers and Jake could see it was big. "Just get down on your knees and say 'I will be your bitch and agree to serve you any way you like, sir.'"

Jake fell to his knees. "I will. I'll do what you say."

"Now, that's not what I said boy. Say it like I told you." Merle got clearer as he came out of the gloom. He was slowly stroking himself.

"I...I will be your bitch and I agree to serve you in any way you like."

"You mean it, boy? You're mine until I'm done with you?"

"Yes, sir. Please protect me and let me be yours."

Merle's smile was so fierce Jake was surprised he wasn't showing fangs. "You and me are going to get along really nice."

Merle came up and waved his cock in Jake's face. It was at least eight inches long and coke-can thick. It curved up and even though it looked rock hard, Merle's intact foreskin still covered the head almost entirely. A pair of nuts like golf balls in a Crown Royal bag hung at the base. Merle came to stand with his left side against the glass so everyone had a clear view, "Come on over here, bitch."

Jake crawled until his face was buried in Merle's crotch. His pubic hair was dark blonde and stunk of weeks of unwashed sweat and piss. Merle watched him with a hungry smile.

Merle pulled back the skin and the sharp smell stung Jake's nose. "Lick it, boy. Ain't no showers in solitary, and I don't want you choking on that cheese when I ram it down your throat."

Jake took the shaft of Merle's dick in his hand and brought it to his lips. He reluctantly touched the tip with his tongue.

"I said lick it, boy. I don't want to discipline you yet, but I will if you don't obey."

Jake closed his eyes and started to lick the big, moist head of Merle's cock. He ran his tongue over the piss slit and then down the little furrow underneath. He got a mouth full of the bitter, salty taste of dried piss and sweat.

"Yeah, that's good boy. Get it all."

Jake ran his tongue down to the base of the head and ran it all the way around under the loose foreskin. Merle's cock tasted sharp and salty, bitter and a little like snot. He swirled his tongue around the head.

"That's real good boy. Now take the head in your mouth."

Jake opened his mouth and let the cherry tomato sized glans slide all the way in. Merle put both his hands on the back of Jake's head, and Jake felt the strength in those hands again. He couldn't move his head at all.

"Open your eyes boy. Look up at me."

Jake did as he was told. Merle leered down. "You like the taste of dick, boy? You like running your tongue all over it?"

Feeling helpless, Jake nodded his head. He felt his cheeks burning from embarrassment.

"I know you do. I've got a special little treat for you."

The grip on his head tightened and Jake felt hot liquid burst into his mouth. Jake recognized the flavor of Merle's piss. Merle squirted a hot mouthful and paused.

"You drink every drop of it or I'll break one of your fingers, you got that? And keep your eyes up here, punk."

Jake stared up into Merle's face. It was full of lust and contempt. He kept just the head in Jake's mouth, forcing every drop of piss to flow across Jake's tongue. Jake couldn't even move his head enough to tremble. He knelt on the floor with his mouth full of piss, trying not to gag. He'd never seen anything as frightening as what he saw in Merle's eyes. He swallowed the first mouthful by sheer willpower. As soon as Merle felt him swallow, Jake got another hot mouthful, filling him until his cheeks bulged.

"Yeah, that's a good pussy boy. Drink your man's piss."

Jake felt tears brimming in his eyes. Every man in the pod was watching him drink Merle's piss. His eyes started to stray towards the window and Merle yelled, "Eyes on me, bitch. I'm your man, not them." Jake looked back up at Merle, who spit in his face.

After the third mouthful, Merle let his piss go in a steady stream. He sighed in relief as Jake frantically tried to swallow. He had to keep blinking away the tears that blurred his vision of Merle's face.

When Merle's piss slowed to a trickle and then finally stopped, the man said, "All right boy, time to earn your keep. I'm going to do you a favor and give you a nice gentle face fucking as long as you keep those eyes up here."

Merle pushed his big dick deeper into Jake's mouth. His lips seemed to stretch until Jake was sure they would split, and then his face was buried in Merle's blonde pubes again. He shoved it so far in Jake couldn't breathe and then he stopped and held it in place, staring down. Jake tried to gag or force it out, but he was powerless.

"Want to breathe, cocksucker? You want some air, baby?"

Jake nodded desperately. Merle pushed it deeper until his balls rested against Jake's chin.

"Reach down and pull out your little dick. When you got it out, I'll let you breathe."

Jake struggled to obey, ripping at his zipper pulling out his shriveled penis.

Merle saw it come out and pulled back just enough. Jake sucked air in through his nose. It made him gag and he tried to cough, but Merle's grip made him concentrate on breathing.

"Now beat that thing. I want to watch you choke your meat, or I'll choke you with mine. I'll be fair tonight and won't make you get off first, but after tonight, you will be required to cum before I do. Do I make myself clear, boy?"

Jake nodded his head, though he didn't really understand.

"Then get to it and those eyes up here. You're going to associate the look of my face and the taste of my dick with your own pleasure. I want you to get hard when you smell my sweat and start dripping when you hear me piss."

Jake blinked tears out of his eyes and obeyed. He kept his hand moving while Merle pumped his cock in and out of Jake's mouth. He could feel the eyes of all the other prisoners on him, watching him beat off while he got face-fucked like a whore.

His dick was rock hard in less than a minute.

Merle's breathing got ragged and he slammed his cock down Jake's throat harder and harder. Jake felt his nut sack tighten as it slapped him over and over.

"Yeah, I see you're boner, punk. You like it. I knew you would. You look like a born faggot. Yeah, suck my dick baby, and you'll get a little treat. Keep it up, just like that boy."

Merle's cold, merciless eyes never left his.

Jake's lower lip split as Merle ground his pelvis against Jake's teeth. Merle saw the blood and buried his cock all the way down Jake's throat. Jake felt it pulse and twitch and felt hot liquid shooting down his gullet. He was grateful Merle was so deep he didn't taste anything but blood.

Merle pulled out with a pop. With one hand he scraped the spit, jizz and blood off his cock and wiped it on Jake's face.

"Stand up and look out there, bitch."

Jake obeyed. Most of the men he could see were laughing, pointing, cheering. Many others were jerking off or were being pleasured by their cellmates.

Merle came to stand right behind him. He whispered, "Beat it off, punk. I want you to shoot all over that glass and lick it off. I want every man out here to see what an eager little faggot you are." Merle's breath on his neck was hot.

Jake stroked his dick as fast as he could. It had never been as hard and the feel of Merle's hands roaming all over his body and the sound of his voice as he whispered in his ear, telling him what a worthless punk he was and how this was what he'd really wanted all along made it so hard it hurt.

"Why else would you do something so stupid? You had to know what would happen to a sweet thing like you in prison. You want to suck dick and you want to get fucked, and now you're going to get all you can take. Think about that boy, think about all the dick you'll get when I pimp you out for extra cash or use your ass to pay a debt. Two guards already want a turn. You're going to be the most popular punk around boy."

Jake cried as he beat off, pounding his dick as hard and fast as he could. He came in seconds and the biggest load he'd ever seen come out of his dick splattered all over the glass.

Merle forced him to his knees and pushed his face into the hot, dripping mess.

"Lick it up boy. Get that glass clean."

Merle pushed his face around the window and he tried to lick up the jizz as his cheek smeared it around. His stomach roiled and he felt an urge to puke.

"You throw up, you'll clean it the same way," said Merle. Jake managed to force the gorge down.

It felt like it took forever before Merle let him go. Jake watched him walk to the bunk. Jake got up and started to climb into the upper bunk.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, bitch?"

"Going to bed, sir." He replied fearfully.

"First, from now on you'll be naked any time you're in this cell. That body's mine and I want to see it. Second, you sleep on the floor, right here by me so I can keep an eye on you, unless I tell you otherwise. Got it, boy?"

"Yes sir." Jake replied miserably.

"Good, get to it."

Jake stripped and laid down on the cold concrete floor right beside Merle. He cried as quietly as he could. He was afraid Merle would like it.

Jake woke up with his ears ringing. He was face down on a bare mattress, hogtied and naked. He looked around and recognized his bed stripped as naked as he was. There was no sign of Merle in the big room except for his smell.

He heard the toilet flush and heavy footsteps approaching from behind. "'Bout time you woke up, punk. I was fixing to start without you." Merle stepped into view and Jake saw him clearly for the first time in six months.

He was shamelessly nude. He'd lost some of the fat the prison diet had put on him but if anything had even bigger muscles. There was a pink, raw looking scar on his chest. He had a broad leather belt in his hands and a familiar evil smile on his face. Jake closed his eyes and tried to wake up.

"What's wrong, boy? Ain'tcha glad to see me?"

"What are you doing here?" Jake asked in a whisper.

"Catching up on old times. Did you think I'd forget about you, boy? You're my punk and once you're a punk you're always a punk. Did you think getting out would change that?" The scorn in his voice lacerated Jake's soul.

"How did you get here?"

"That would be telling and since we both might end up back there if we ain't careful, I think I'll just keep that secret."

"I paid my debt. I'd rather die than go back."

Merle started to slap the belt against his hand slowly, thoughtfully. "Well, just in case you get some smart ideas about trying to call the cops, I'll be telling them all about how you help me escape. After all, I'm just a Nazi high school drop-out. I couldn't have done it alone."

He was caught and not just physically. "What do you want?"

"Just you, boy. We're going to go a long way together. I've never found a bitch as good as you and I'll never let you go."

Merle knelt on the bed, his cock dangling in front of Jake's face. Jake wanted to reach for it, an urge carefully nurtured by the man it hung from and he forced the urge back down with a shiver. Merle did something to the bonds and one of his hands came free. Merle held it and stretched it out until Jake saw the length of torn sheet tied around it. Merle pulled it to the corner of the bed and tied it to the bed frame. Then he did the same thing with the opposite leg. Jake never even had a chance to struggle. After he was tied down spread eagle, Merle stood up.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked.

"Trying to decide how much breaking you need. You've been without discipline for too long. Remember your last night with the Brotherhood? You were sure well behaved then. You been sucking you're buddies dicks, faggot? Keeping that ass ready?"

Jake shuddered, "I don't do that."

Merle laughed. To anyone else, it might have sounded cheerful. "So you're just an eager little fuck boy for me? Well, that's just what I wanted when I turned you out. I tried to ruin you for anyone else and looks like I did a good job."

"Fuck you." Jake screamed at him.

Merle laughed again. "You've never defied me before, boy. Not even that time I fucked you in the laundry room in front of all those niggers. You begged for it. I was right, boy; you're going to need breaking." He knelt on the bed between Jake's outstretched arms. He grabbed Jake by the hair and forced his head back until he was looking at Merle's hardening dick.

"Go on, boy. Tell me you don't want it, that you ain't thinking about it right now. I see it in your eyes. I bet your faggot dick is hard."

Jake didn't say anything, because Merle was right. His own dick was rock hard and dripping.

Merle slapped Jake across the face a few times with his mostly hard dick, and said, "No sucking for you today boy. I can't trust you not to bite, so I'll just use the other end."

Merle dropped Jake's head and got off the bed.

Jake heard him walk around behind, but he didn't look. He'd seen it before.

"You want me to fuck you, boy?" Merle asked loudly from behind him. Jake tried to bury his head in the mattress. "No answer? Well, when you beg me to fuck you and I believe it, I'll stop this."

Almost as he spoke the last word, the belt snapped against Jake's ass. Jake yelped. The second blow was a loud crack that hurt deep down under the skin. Jake bit his lip to keep quiet. He didn't want to give Merle that much satisfaction.

Jake didn't try to count the blows. He tried to ignore the humiliation and pain by thinking of other things. Then Merle's hit him right between the shoulder blades and he shouted into the mattress. He heard Merle's laughter. He felt his dick dripping and twitching under his belly.

Merle whipped his shoulders and down his back. Some blows felt like slaps, some more like punches. Merle covered his entire back with red welts, never hitting the same spot twice.

When he'd reached Jake's ass again, he gave it a few leather licks. "That's a nice warm up," he said. "All nice and pink. It's gonna be black and blue before long. I won't promise I won't break any of your ribs. You ready to give in?"

Jake blinked tears out of his eyes. "Please, sir, I want you to fuck me," he said through clenched teeth.

"Now that didn't sound sincere at all."

Jake heard the leather slash the air and bite into his ass. He yelped and the next blow struck the middle of his back. Before that one had fully registered, Merle hit him high on the right shoulder. Each blow was harder than any of the preliminary strikes and he couldn't help but yell at all of them. Merle worked randomly, making skin and muscle twitch with pain. Jake lost track of the time. All he could think of was the pain.

After some time, Merle paused and wandered over to where Jake could see him clearly. Merle's cock was as hard as he'd ever seen and drooling precum. Sweat was starting to bead up on his skin. He sat down on the bed next to Jake and ran a finger around inside his foreskin before shoving it under Jake's nose.

"Remember that smell, bitch? You know what to do."

Jake's tongue stretched out and licked the sticky dampness off Merle's finger. "Please, please fuck me sir. Please, sir, I want you to fuck me," he said as sincerely as he could.

Merle locked his hand around Jake's jaw and forced Jake to look up into his eyes. He stared down for a long time.

"All right, boy, I believe you now. But I think it's only because you want the pain to stop, not because you want my dick in your tight pussy. But you know what, boy? That's good enough for me. I'll fuck you anyway."

Jake had a moment to be thankful that he was about to be raped before Merle said, "But the pain ain't stopping yet because you're the luckiest bitch around. You get a good hard fucking and a good hard beating."

Merle reached under Jake's belly, pulled his hips up and shoved a couple of pillows underneath. Jake felt the bed shift as Merle climbed up behind him. He pressed his face against the bare mattress. Jake felt the man's hot, sweaty skin touch the insides of his thighs. Merle shifted around a bit, and then slapped his hard dick against Jake's ass.

"You ready for it, punk?"

Jake bit his lip and kept his mouth shut.

Jake heard the familiar sound of Merle spitting and stroking his cock. He heard Merle spit again and felt a rough, wet finger smearing it around his asshole. Then Merle pried Jake's ass cheeks apart and started sliding his cock up and down the crack, homing in on the hole.

Then he felt the familiar sensation of the big head poking against the hole. "Ah, there we are. Daddy's home, boy."

Merle forced the head in with one short, sharp stab. Jake bit the mattress to keep from screaming.

Merle didn't move. "You're nice and tight. You really haven't been fucked have you?"

"No, sir," Jake didn't know if Merle heard since he kept his face pressed against the mattress. After a few seconds, Merle started pushing and Jake felt the cock slide in.

When the belt struck him high on his back, Jake screamed into the mattress. He didn't want anyone to call the cops.

Merle rammed his cock all the way in as the belt lashed Jake's skin. The pain rode him like a tidal wave of fire. He couldn't stop screaming.

Merle whipped Jake's back in a slow rhythm, pumping his dick into Jake's ass with a hard thrust in between. He pumped slow but oh so deep and he fucked Jake with a ruthless intensity, ignoring his cries of pain or the way his asshole tried to push the intruder back out.

"Your pussy ain't been this tight since I took your cherry. I'll keep it nice and loose from now on, boy. You belong to me."

Jake nodded his head. He couldn't help it.

Merle started to pound Jake's ass harder and faster, still using the belt at random but not beating him so methodically.

"You like it, don't you boy?" Merle yelled at him.

Jake nodded frantically.

"Tell me bitch. Tell me how much you like my dick."

Jake turned his head and said, "I need your dick sir! I need it in me! I need your cock! I need your cum, sir! I need you so bad! Please sir, fuck me!" And he meant it, too. That was the worst part of the whole thing. All of Merle's training had Jake's dick steel hard and oozing precum like a faucet. There was nothing he wanted more than that cock fucking him.

Merle lashed him three more times and Jake felt his skin break with each one. He screamed into the mattress until his throat felt raw. Merle grabbed his hips with both hands with all his power and slammed his cock in as hard as he could. Jake felt Merle's huge dick pulsing cum deep in his guts.

Merle howled as he came and then collapsed onto Jake, his cock still buried to the hilt.

"Now that I've done what I had to, boy, it's your turn." He whispered into Jake's ear. "You're turn to cum boy." Merle lay on Jake's back, panting and sweating for a moment.

He suddenly reared back up. He took a firm grip on Jake's hips with his right hand and reached down and took Jake's dick in his left hand.

"I'm going to hold onto this thing of yours so I'll know when you shoot, bitch, but you're getting off on nothing but my fuck. Show me how much you love me in your pussy, boy."

Merle started to pump his still hard dick in a slow, steady beat, hitting Jake's prostate with each thrust. Jake didn't want to get off on being raped by this man who haunted his nightmares, but he couldn't help it. His body betrayed him, and after just a few long hard thrusts, he came. It squirted out of him in a stream, gushing out even between the hard spasms.

"Damn, son. You needed that bad, didn't you?" Jake whimpered and moaned, trying to pull himself off the impaling cock. "Yeah, your pussy needed a good hard ride, boy. Too bad for you all those noises you're making just make me want to fuck you again. You want more, bitch?"

Jake heard himself say, "Yes, please sir."

Merle laughed as he started fucking Jake's hole again, hard and fast. "You're my punk boy. Once I turned you out, you belonged to me forever."

Jake closed his eyes. It was true. Once you were a punk, you were always a punk.

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