On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Feb 15, 2018


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. If you are looking for something more sexual, try my other story or my tumblr: www.niftymatty.tumblr.com

Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental. All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

------------------- Previously:

Patrick has been settling in to his new school. He has made a few friends and has even faced up to a challenge that all gay boys encounter: the changing room. He has realised how behind he is academically, particularly in maths, but his adopted parents have told him that they will organise a tutor for him. He has been getting closer to one of his new friends, Finn, but also been the subject of what seems to be an odd flirtation from straight boy Harry.

------------------- On the Stage - Chapter six

After a lovely Saturday with Ellen, which my adoptive mum Susan won't stop asking me about, I spent the entire Sunday on my own. That is more what I'm used to so it isn't a big deal but I actually found myself missing the people I've become friendly with at school which was a first for me. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. Since being in care, I've been quite independent of people and I can already feel those walls coming down. I mean, I guess that's a good thing but it's scary at the same time, know what I mean?

All of this time for reflection started me worrying too. Ellen seemed pretty certain that I was into Finn; she was definitely like a dog with a bone asking all those questions. I mean, I do like him: he's a lovely guy with a great personality and, yes, it helps that he is absolutely stunning but I even know if he is gay or whether he would be interested in me even if I did feel ready for that. I don't want Ellen to go around and tell people that I fancy Finn, particularly because out friendship has been going so well. That is one of my problems, I think. Sometimes I can get so stuck in my own head that I create these scenarios and worries that don't even exist - this is why it's better not to have other people around!

I'm also stressing about the auditions for the school musical. It seemed like a good idea at the time but, given that they are during tomorrow lunchtime, I'm starting to get really nervous about them. I know that I can sing but can I sing in front of a room full of people with songs that I've only known for a few days?

So, I pretty much wasted my Sunday and sleep didn't come easily with all of that buzzing around my head. Susan and Dave tried to give me a pep talk as I was getting ready for school but their words of encouragement didn't really land and I was beginning to feel genuinely sick when I got on the train. That was at least, until I was joined in my seat by Harry.

I'm sat there, looking out the window, breathing deeply to try and stop myself from throwing up with nerves when, without warning, a heavy weight just lands in my lap. There were seats next to me, there were seats across from me, but no, Harry decided that he wanted to sit right on my lap. His bum was right on my thighs and he put his feet up on the seat next to me.

"'Ow you doing mate?" he said, giving me the same cheeky grin that he did when he slapped me on my bum in the showers at school. Oh gosh, the image of him doing that flooded back into my mind. I'm not ashamed to say that, as strange as that experience was, it was definitely one I pulled from the wank bank over the weekend and the thought of what I'd done while imagining the boy who was now in my lap was causing me a few problems.

I blushed and struggled to respond; stuttering at first but then I think I managed to get out a, "Fine." I could feel myself started to thicken up as he shifted slightly in my lap but I didn't have the confidence to just shove him off - I was trapped. His movements were making things worse and I'm sure he must have been able to feel me against his cloth covered bum.

All of a sudden, he jumped up. As he did, he ruffled my hair and took the seat opposite me - had he felt my cock and freaked out or was I overthinking things again? It would be his own fault is he had! I can't be held responsible for that thing; it has a mind of its own. He brought his feet up again and rested his trainers against my seat, in the gap between my legs and flashed me a smile. Fuck this boy knows how to tease me - all this contact and near contact was having a clear effect and I was beginning to get really uncomfortable but I didn't want to adjust myself because, if he hadn't noticed, then he definitely would if I started moving my hard cock around.

"Good weekend?" he asked me innocently, as if completely unaware of my problem.

"Erm... yeah... alright... thanks," I managed to reply.

"Fucking shame we have to come back to school, eh?" he laughed.

"I don't know... it's alright," I wanted to say more but my head just wouldn't focus on the conversation - it was too busy thinking about my trapped cock, especially as Harry's trainered feet shifted and both started to rest against my inner thighs.

"Saw you this weekend," he stated, still smiling at me, "You and Ellen at the cinema, yeah?"

"Oh... yeah."

Suddenly, his demeanour shifted. He took his legs down and leaned forward, placing one of his hands on my leg as he did so.

"Listen," he began, "Me and Ellen... we don't get along too well."

I nodded, "I know; she told me."

Upon hearing my words, his face fell and, for a moment, I felt genuinely sorry for this boy in front of me even knowing that he had cheated on the girl who was quickly becoming the best friend I'd had in about 4 years. He didn't even look at me when he spoke next: "Just... just don't believe everything that you hear, ok? It's not that simple."

Before I could ask him what he meant, he stood up and walked away from me, patting me on the shoulder as he went. I was completely confused; I'd written Harry off as a jokester and a bit of an idiot - albeit a sexy one - but that moment with him had seemed strangely genuine. I didn't have much time to dwell on it because the train was pulling into our destination and I was still stuck with a rock-hard cock tied up in my school trousers.

As I'm sure many of you will appreciate, as a teenage boy, you become very good at concealing stiff dicks: you tuck into your waistline; cover it with books or a cushion; shove your hands in your pockets to make the bulge look less and anything else you can possibly think of to try to stop people noticing. As I stood up, I tried to shift it so that the head was tucked under the top of my trousers and I used my hands to bulk out my pockets - the last thing I needed was for people at school to stop me walking around with a stiffy. I'd never live those nicknames down!

Luckily, I managed to get up to school in without incident and, by the time I did, everything was back to normal. Is it wrong that, even with him looking so sad at the end, I was still going to wank later thinking about Harry touching me? To be honest, wrong or not, I'm still going to do it!

In polar opposite to my feelings this morning, Ellen was in a highly positive and excited mood. She burst into our form room and ran right up to me.

"It's today! I'm so buzzed! I can't wait. It's going to be so fun!" she blurted out without pausing for breath.

"Ok, wow, calm down!" I said. My confidence when speaking to Ellen was really beginning to grow and I was starting to find that I could talk to her in a way that I couldn't yet speak to anyone else. "You're going to wear yourself out before the day even starts."

"Pfft!" she laughed and said jokingly, "Do you think I can ever wear myself out? Do you not even know me?"

That cracked me up and I started laughing. She was right; Ellen was completely like the Duracell bunny and always brought a high energy mood with her. I really liked that about her and it was definitely beginning to lift the funk that I'd been walking around in for the last few years.

I spent the morning in the same classes as Ellen, which didn't help my nerves as all she wanted to talk about was the audition. When I told her that I was really nervous, she gave me one sympathetic look - though I'm not sure if that was real or sarcastic - and then told me to stop being silly and just to go have fun with it. She was right, of course. There was no point building it into some huge deal in my head when the chances are I'm literally going to get through a few bars of a song before the teacher stops me - this isn't X factor!

That still didn't stop my heart from pounding when the moment came. At the start of lunch, everyone who wanted to audition was gathered into one of the music rooms. It turns out that we had to go in individually and just sing for Mrs Cork, the music teacher, and Mr Ramsdale, the drama teacher, so all that worrying about singing with everyone looking at me was pointless. There were less people waiting to audition then there had been at the first rehearsal but the boy with the beautiful smile, from that first day on the train, was still here with his friends. I don't really know why but just seeing him makes me feel nervous and gives me butterflies in my stomach. I still don't know his name and I don't think he has even registered me as a person at the school but just seeing him makes me feel so funny. I'm glad I didn't have to audition in front of him because, honestly, I don't know if I'd be able to.

The younger year groups were called in first so, given that the high school starts at the age of 11, Ellen and I had a bit of a wait but, eventually, she was called in. After auditioning, you had to go straight for lunch so I didn't get to speak to her afterwards but I'm sure it went well - how could it not? I was called in shortly after.

My stomach was doing flip-flops as I approached the door. The two teachers were by the piano and greeted me with smiles as I walked towards them. We said hello and exchanged a few short pleasantries but, within seconds, Mrs Cork was already playing the song on the piano. I really had to power through my nerves and my voice was shaky on the first few bars but then I settled into it. I did alright and the teachers were really positive about it. They started asking me all these questions like why I'd not auditioned for something before and, when I explained that I was a new student, they wanted to know if I'd done anything stage performing and things like that. To be truthful, it all pretty much whirled by in a haze and, when I left the room, I felt quite embarrassed that I'd been so worked up over it.

Ellen jumped on me as soon as I entered the school lunchroom; clearly, her audition had gone well and she felt that she had really impressed Mrs Cork and Mr Ramsdale. Then, she made me go through every single moment of mine - my goodness, if Ellen is this probing about it then reliving this with Susan later is going to be intense.

"When I asked, they said we will get to know in a few days," Ellen informed me.

"Great!" I responded, trying to match her enthusiasm. To be honest, I was just relieved that it was done.

That afternoon, I was back in Computing with Finn. I'd thought about this over the weekend and decided that I was going to play it much cooler around him. I didn't want people getting the wrong impression and it suddenly becoming a 'thing'. I hadn't realised that I'd be flirting but obviously I had been so I just needed to keep a lid on it and everything would be fine. That plan was perfect and it made total sense right up until the moment when Finn walked into the lesson looking completely miserable.

Ok so Ellen was right: I have got a crush on Finn. If I hadn't realised it before then I certainly did when he walked into the room without his usual smile and my chest ached - I mean actually literally ached. How ridiculous is that? He sat down next to me and muttered out a hi.

"Hey," I said, unsure whether to say more. I waited and nothing was forthcoming so I had to do something. I leaned over towards him: "Finn... do you remember my username again?" Obviously, I had remembered it but it worked and he gave a small laugh and shifted over towards me so he could show me how to do it again. His body was right next to mine and I could feel the heat coming from it. Oh yeah, I definitely had a crush on Finn - there was no point denying it now.

Feeling useful seemed to cheer this boy up so I kept making excuses for why I needed his help. Ok... that's a slight lie: I made up a couple of excuses and all the rest were genuinely things I didn't understand.

"Thanks so much Finn, I don't know why I just can't get this."

He smiled at me with his cheeky crooked grin, "It's ok mate, you'll get it eventually. Do you have a computer at home?"

"No," I said, without thinking, "Oh wait, yes! I have a new laptop. Sorry - I haven't had one for years so I forgot."

He looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was in care, I didn't have one. Only the school ones and, to be honest, I didn't bother using them because I really didn't know how to all that well."

There was a moment then when I thought I saw a look of pity flash over his eyes and I instantly regretted saying that. I know that some people would say that I have had a rough few years but the last thing I want is for anyone to pity me. Ellen gets that and I really hoped that Finn would too. Luckily, as quickly as the flash came, it left again.

"So why aren't you practising this stuff on your laptop?" he asked.

At this, I began to blush: "I... I haven't set it up. I'm worried I'll break it."

He laughed. I mean full on belly laughing. I must have looked a little shocked because he stopped quickly after looking at my face. "I'm sorry," he got out between the dying giggles, "You won't break it Patrick. If my grandma can learn how to use one, then you will be fine!"

I smiled and he continued, "I'll tell you what. I'll come around to yours today after school and help you set it up, ok?"

"Wow, thanks Finn. That would be great."

Wait... have I just invited a boy around to my house after school not long after realising that I have a big crush on him? Aw damn Paddy! What are you doing?!

Thank you for reading the sixth chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. If you are so inclined, please visit my tumblr: www.niftymatty.tumblr.com

Next: Chapter 7

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