On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental.

All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

This story takes place in an English high school. The two main boys involved in the story are in Year 10 (14 year olds turning 15) and Year 11 (15 year olds turning 16).

------------------- Previously:

Patrick has been at his new school for a couple of days now and, in that time, he has encountered a number of different guys who have picqued his interest but, honestly, has had no thoughts about taking it any further than looking. He attended the first musical rehearsal and is getting ready to audition later on in the week. We left him just ahead of the one lesson he was really dreading - P.E.

------------------- On the Stage - Chapter four

Before my parents died, I had been quite the sporty child. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't some prodigy but I was as active as most of the other boys. My parents had taken me to swimming lessons very early and enrolled me in pretty much every sports club going - football, tennis and even gymnastics. I'd represented my primary school in competitions on more than one occasion but that had all stopped when I was put into care. I was never in one location long enough to join any teams or build enough friendships to start hanging out playing football with other lads in the park. No, the sporty side of me had long since vanished but that wasn't why I was dreading P.E. Oh no, there was a much better reason.

P.E. as a subject is fine. Getting changed in front of other boys who are all standing around in various stages of undress isn't fine. Isn't fine at all. You see, it doesn't take much to set me off and I'm sure that most other teenage boys are the same but most other teenage boys aren't expected to strip off and change clothes in front of the things setting them off! It isn't an overstatement to say that I was terrified as I headed down to the changing rooms. I know that Ellen had done a very efficient job of outing me to pretty much everyone in the entire school but someone knowing that you are gay and someone seeing the physically effect that they are having on your little gay boy body are two completely different things.

When I reached the changing rooms, all of the boys were gathered outside and seemed to be waiting for something. A booming voice suddenly echoed out over the noise of the boys' chatter. "Listen up, lads!" It didn't take long for everyone to fall silent and turn to face the direction of the noise. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mr Peters and I'm going to be your P.E. teacher this year. We're starting off with some football so go and get yourself changed." He unlocked the door to the changing rooms and the crowd flooded in.

The room itself was pretty huge, which was good because that meant that at least we weren't all bunched together. I might actually stand a chance of avoiding the eyes of the other boys and just getting changed and out. I took myself into a corner and started to change - my hope was that if I did it quickly then I'd be finished before most of boys had even started. To be fair, it worked and I was in my white school sports shirt and blue P.E. shorts before most of the other boys had even taken off their shirts.

So, it turns out that my idea had a small hitch. Now that I was changed, I had nothing to do while all of these teenage boys around me slipped off their shirts and pulled down their school trousers. The temptation to take a quick glimpse, especially because both Finn and Harry were in this class, nearly overwhelmed me but I managed to busy myself with looking through my bag, pretending to search for something. A whistle blew and summoned us out of the changing rooms and into the main hall.

Mr Peters, who himself had changed into a pair of small black shorts and a school sports hoodie, was stood over by the hall door. He didn't look too bad for an older guy and it was clear he was one of those sports teachers who actually kept himself in shape rather than some of the others I had come across in my previous schools. His hair was dark but was starting to grey at the sides and he had some rough stubble that framed his face quite nicely. I've never really been into older guys but, if I was, I think Mr Peters would be the type I'd go for.

He escorted us out of the building and onto the back sports field where there was a football pitch marked out on the astroturf. He assigned us teams and we started the match. To be honest, it was a bit of a free for all: there were no fixed positions; no-one was really keeping track of the score and the rules of the sport were definitely not being followed but no-one really cared. Everyone was just having fun and it didn't take me long to start relaxing into the game and enjoying myself as well.

I was pretty good - not the best by a long shot - but good enough that I managed to drive the ball upwards. Finn and I were on the same time and we were working quite well together in the midfield. We kept feeding the ball through for members of our team to put away in the net and, had we been keeping score, I'm pretty sure we would have been winning.

Then the rain came. I don't know what it's like where you live but here, it rains far too often for it to stop the lesson unless it's absolutely torrential. I didn't mind it but it definitely changed the game: the floor was now getting more slippy by the second and you had to keep moving otherwise you would just stick into the mud beneath your feet. My legs were started to get covered in mud and, looking around, everyone else was in the same position. We'd have to stay the rest of the day like this and put our uniforms on over the top; this really irritated me but no-one else seemed bothered and, if anything, started playing harder in the mud. By the time the whistle went, my legs were caked and so were everyone else's.

"Right lads!" Mr Peter yelled, "Into the showers. You have 10 minutes tops!" Wait.. what? Showers?! None of the other schools I'd been to have had the boys shower after P.E. I was going to have to strip naked in front of a load of other naked boys. I started to panic; my breathing quickened and I felt light-headed. It must have shown because Finn came over to me. "Are you alright?" he asked with a clear concern showing on his face. My head was spinning and I wanted to just blurt out that I couldn't do this. I was trying desperately to think of a reason why and then it came to me. "I don't have a towel," I spat out. Finn paused for a moment and then smiled. "Don't worry about it," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and guiding me towards the showers, "I have a spare so you can just borrow that." I couldn't say no and risk offending him. Besides, if I'd refused to shower than I'm sure that the teacher and the school would have punished me for it. My heart was pounding as we walked into the shower room and Finn got me his spare towel.

I'd kept my eyes on the floor until then and, as I looked up, I was shocked at what I saw. I'd expected to see guys wrapping towels around them, facing away from each other in the showers and, generally, doing everything to hide their naked bodies from each other but that just wasn't the case. All the boys were stripping down completely naked and walking around like it was the most natural thing in the world. Some of them were even hard and no-one was laughing at them or teasing them (as had happened to me in a school a year ago). No-one cared... at all. I turned back to talk to Finn and found that he had already stripped down. Wow, his body was amazing. I mean, in clothes you could tell that he kept himself fit but, naked, every result of this effort was clear to see. He had a well-defined six-pack with developed pecs. His legs and arms showed the hours of playing football with his mates. It was hard to believe that he was the same age as me. Luckily, I looked away before I saw anything else - I didn't want my new friend thinking that I was perving on him. He stepped passed me and told me to hurry up as he went into the showers.

I took a deep breath and started taking off my clothes. As I said before, I think my body is ok. I mean, it's nothing compared to Finn's but I've done a decent job of keeping it relatively in shape. My issue wasn't with the other boys seeing my body, I was just worried that I'd get hard and that they'd all see it but, to be honest, the fact that there were already several boys walking around or showering with hard cocks and no-one saying anything was definitely making me feel happier about that. Still, I wrapped my towel around my waist as soon as I dropped my shorts and boxers.

My plan was to take a shower close to the edge so that I could stay relatively hidden but Finn put an end to that as well. He called me over into the free shower next to him. I couldn't avoid seeing all of him now. Puberty had clearly come quickly to his boy and his legs and arms were covered with a light dusting of dark hair. He already had a good amount of pubes and appeared to trim them to keep them neat. His cock hung down from his cover over two fairly big balls. It was a very good size for a boy of our age and, although soft, I'd imagine he would be bigger than me when hard.

Unfortunately, all this imagining took its toll and I was started to chub up; my cock was becoming thicker and, while not hard yet, it was definitely not soft either. My one saving grace was that, being one of the last ones into the shower, most of the boys were already out and getting changed in the adjoining room and it didn't take long before Finn had finished and was going to join them. Before he did, he leaned over to me and, in a low voice, said: "Hey, don't worry about the showers. I found it weird when I joined the school last year but you soon get used to it and no-one says anything anyway." With that, he turned and left.

Fuck. He'd seen that I was starting to get hard. He must have done or he surely wouldn't have said anything, would he? The idea that Finn had been looking at my cock was all that I needed to go full hard on. My full 5 inches was jutting out from my body and no amount of willpower was getting it to go down. As quickly as I could, I washed the remaining mud from my body but, before I had the chance to finish, I was noticed. Harry, who had been showering a few metres away, had turned off his shower and was walking passed me when he said: "Alright Paddy, nice cock!" He laughed and, as he passed me, reached out and hit my bare bum. I was completely shocked and just froze in place. He was still laughing as he walked out of the shower. I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief; there was only me left in the showers so at least no-one else had heard what Harry said or could see me like this. I was still a bit taken about by what he had done: was that him checking me out or just being the laddish Harry that he seemed to be all the time. Either way, this whole communal shower experience was definitely going to give me some material for my wanking session when I got home tonight!

------------------- Thank you for reading the fourth chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 5

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