On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Jan 22, 2018


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental.

All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

This story takes place in an English high school. The two main boys involved in the story are in Year 10 (14 year olds turning 15) and Year 11 (15 year olds turning 16).

------------------- Previously: Patrick has started his new school and made his first real friend in a long time - Ellen. Ellen is a very forward person and has always introduced Patrick as being both adopted and gay. Although he wasn't quite sure about this, he has realised that it will make things easier in the long run however, he is still not out to his adoptive parents.

With the difficult background that he has had, Patrick is behind in his academic development. He's a smart kid but he hasn't been given the same chances and he knows this. He has now realised quite how behind he is, particularly in maths, and he had a breakdown at home with his adoptive parents. They have reassured him that he will be ok.

Patrick is still keen to try out for the school musical, especially after hearing about his adoptive mother's (Susan's) own background in the performing arts.

------------------- On the Stage - Chapter three

So I may have fallen asleep calm and relaxed after breaking down in front of my new parents but that didn't mean that my dreams were going to let me off easy. Oh no, those insecurities were definitely coming for me on a night and I found myself on stage. I hadn't had drama yet or been inside the performance theatre so I actually had no idea what the real stage in my school looked like so my mind decided to replace it with the Royal Albert Hall - nothing like dreaming big eh?

Unfortunately, all was not well as, try as I might, I really couldn't remember why I was up on that stage or what I was supposed to be doing. There were literally thousands of people staring at me and I had nothing - not even a word - to give them. On top of that, to complete the cliché, I was naked. Stark-bollock naked. Now, I don't have an issue with my body: I'm slim with a growing amount of definition; I have a good-sized cock at 5 inches and I think I have a decent looking face. But that doesn't mean I want everything on display in front of thousands of my new school mates, their parents and all of the teachers. I woke up in such a sweat and it took me a few minutes to get myself back to being calm and drop off again.

Waking up on day two of my life at my new school, it was clear that yesterday had taken a huge tole on me. I was already feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. Still, I knew that the sooner I got into my new routine, the better it would be for me in the long run. Last night's dream was worrying me as well; maybe I hadn't thought this performance thing through enough. I'd have to talk to Ellen about it today.

I rushed through my morning routine and got ready for school. Before I headed out to the station, Dave reminded me that he was going to speak to the school today about the possibility of a maths tutor. It's a shame that I need this but both Dave and Susan seem really supportive about it and I'm sure it will help me catch up in no time.

I must have looked like a meercat at the station: every few seconds I was scouting around trying to find the beautiful smiling boy from yesterday but he was nowhere to be seen. I did spot Harry though and he was looking even fitter than yesterday. It's such a shame that Ellen said he was a complete wanker; what a waste of a good-looking boy. Wait... what was he doing? He seemed to be heading over towards me. "Oright?" he said with a rough chavy accent coming through, "You that new kid in me form, yeah?" "Hey, yeah... I'm Patrick," I said. He smiled, "Oh cool, I'm 'Arry. You from Ireland or something mate?" He must have been one of the few people in school who didn't know my story after Ellen went around blabbing it to everything she saw! "Yeah, I was born there. Just moved over a few months ago." "Cool, cool." He nodded his head and an awkward silence descended over us. We stayed like that, not talking, for about two minutes before we were saved by the sound of the train heading up the tracks. I smiled at Harry and got on, thinking for sure that he would go and meet up with some of his other friends but he didn't. He stayed by my side and sat down next to me on the train. We were close, very close, so much so that his leg was pressing hard against me. Fuck, that was all it took. Sometimes having a teenage cock that hardens over anything is a blessing but, at times like this, it's a complete curse. I desperately hoped that he hadn't noticed. If he had, he didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't say anything at all. We rode the entire journey in silence; the only communication being the heat passing from his leg into mine.

When we got to the end of the journey, he stood up first and told me that he needed to go to the shops to meet some of his mates and that he'd see me later. Without giving me time to respond, he smiled and then turned and practically ran off the train. That was weird, right? I mean it isn't just me that thinks that?

When I got into form and saw Ellen, I was tempted to say something but I thought it better just to keep quiet for now. She had made her feelings about Harry very clear and it wasn't like we were actually forming a friendship or anything. Instead I asked her more about the musical production. "Oh, don't worry," she told me, "There are main parts like Jesus and Judas but those normally go to Year 11s who have proven themselves over the years; you don't have to worry about getting anything like that! You won't be out there on stage having a sing a solo or anything." "So you can ask to just have a small part?" I asked. She paused for a second, "Yeah... I mean everyone just auditions singing a song and they place you in the cast where they think you should go but I'm sure if you spoke to Mrs Cork then she would make sure it was a small role." "Mrs Cork?" "Yeah, she's the music teacher. We can go down at lunchtime today if you want; she will be holding a singing practice so it might be good for you to get to know some of the songs." That sounded like a good idea - the last thing I wanted was for last night's dreams to become a reality.

The morning dragged on in the way that only school is able to do. I did have a very interesting lesson before lunch though: computing. Computing was one of the few lessons that I didn't share with Ellen so I was a little nervous about going into the class. Luckily, the sexy boy with the smouldering eyes that Ellen had introduced me to was in this class. "Hey Patrick!" he called out to me as soon as he saw me walking through the door, "Come join us over here." Finn was sat with a small group of boys around one of the computer banks. There was a space chair and desktop next to him to I took that. "How are you doing today?" he asked, staring at me with those eyes. I smiled at him and I'm sure I must have been blushing slightly, "I'm ok thanks - a bit nervous about this lesson. I've not done much computing before." That was a truth and a half. Moving from home to home, I'd never really become used to technology because I didn't really have any. In fact, I haven't even touched the new laptop that Dave and Susan bought me because I don't really know what to do with it. "Well that's ok," he said, smiling at me, "I'm pretty good so just stick with me and the boys and we'll have you covered." "Thanks Finn," "Oh wow, you've remembered my name - well done you!" Now, at this, I definitely did blush and pretty badly too. To his credit, he didn't say anything and just allowed me to pretend to be extremely interested in logging on to my computer. That would have worked if I'd had any idea what my username and password were. Luckily, Finn was there to rescue me. He explained the system that the school used for setting usernames and so he was able to figure out what mine would be. All passwords were set to 'password' by default and, once we were in, he showed me how to change it to something more secure.

The lesson did not go well: I struggled at nearly every point and Finn had to help me on the majority of the tasks. There were positives and negatives to this. I got to spend more time talking to a boy who, as well as being sexy as well, was really nice and funny too. It was just a shame that every interaction I had had with him had shown what an idiot I really was. If I'd been feeling more confident, I'd have asked him for some advice about my laptop at home but I didn't want to risk embarrassing myself any further.

As lunch started, I met up with Ellen and we both heading down to the music room together. Well, I shouldn't have been worried about standing out; there were at least 40 kids gathered together in the room and singing their hearts out with Mrs Cork, who was conducting at the front. It was easy for me to just blend into the crowd. Now, I hear what you are saying: Patrick, don't be so silly. Be confident in yourself and your singing. Go and get stuck in! Well, I wish it was that easy. It wasn't the singing that bothered me, I knew that I could hold my own in that regard, it was the idea of being in public and having everyone's attention on me. Ellen and I found a place towards and back and, over the next few minutes, the room continued to fill.

The music stopped at the end of the song and everyone in the room began to chat to each other. "Alright everyone, listen up," Mrs Cork's voice rang clearly above the classroom noise and the room immediately went silent. This woman was clearly in control of her classroom and confident in her abilities as a teacher. "We are going to begin with 'What's the Buzz'. For now, everyone can sing all of the parts seeing as we haven't cast the main roles yet." I would love to say that the music began and I started belting out the song like some old pro but that wouldn't be true in the slightest. I managed but I had to balance singing the words with keeping my voice quiet; I wasn't ready for anyone to hear me properly just yet.

About halfway through the song, I began to have a problem. I was looking around the room and my eyes locked on one boy stood with his friends over towards the piano. It was him: the boy from the train. The one with the amazing smile who had captured my attention so completely at the train station on the first day of school. Seeing him stopped me in my tracks. My voice just seized up and I couldn't get out another note. I'd never had that happen to me but this boy just left me breathless.

The rest of the session was just a blur. My brain knows that we practised a few more songs and I even managed to recover my voice at some point but if you asked me how any of the songs sounded or what any of the lyrics were then I'd have no clue. On the other hand, if you asked me to describe the boy with the beautiful smile then I'd be able to do that in specific and very minute detail. Everything, from the way his eyes caught the light to the way his face looked as he sang out, was etched into my memory forever. Luckily, he left quickly at the end of the session so I didn't have to risk bumping into him. Ellen tried to get me to talk to Mrs Cork about taking a small part in the performance but, to be honest, I just didn't have it in me to talk to anyone at that point and we left to go and get something to eat.

Ellen, Finn, myself and a couple of others were sat in the canteen eating the food that the school lunch staff tried to pass off as edible when a loud commotion broke out just a few tables away from us. Harry and a few of his chavy friends had started throwing food at each other and it had escalated quickly into a bit of rough and tumble. They were laughing and joking around while pushing and shoving each other. I can't be sure but I think I saw Harry looking at me at one point and it almost looked like he gave me a little wink before joining back in with his friends. "Ugh!" Ellen groaned, "Why do we have to go to school with such idiots?" The question hung in the air for a moment and seemed to be rhetorical; the majority of the table seemed to just nod their heads in agreement but I don't know. Harry had come to introduced himself to me this morning, which was nice of him, so maybe there is more there than meets the eyes. I didn't vocalise this of course. I wasn't about to tell Ellen that I thought the guy who had cheated on her might actually be alright. Besides, Finn was sat across the table from me and I didn't want to risk my budding friendship with him either. I know what you are thinking and I'm not expecting anything from Finn. I doubt he is even gay but, even if he was, he is so far out of my league that the idea of him being interested in me is laughable. Anyway, I don't know if trying to get involved with anyone is a good idea yet; being new at the school, it's difficult enough to fit in without everyone thinking you're some desperate gay boy who just wants someone to like him (even though that's obviously all I want!)

The staff came and broke up the play fighting from Harry and his mates and, pretty soon after that, lunch was over. My classes after break didn't have Ellen in them either. In fact, they didn't have any girls at all. This afternoon had been one I had been worried about all day: it was time for PE and the communal changing rooms...

------------------- Thank you for reading the third chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 4

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