On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Dec 23, 2017


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental.

All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

This story takes place in an English high school. The two main boys involved in the story are in Year 10 (14 year olds turning 15) and Year 11 (15 year olds turning 16).

------------------- Previously: We were introduced to Patrick, our main character, a 14 year old orphaned boy originally from Ireland. 3 months before the story started, he was moved over to Leeds in the UK in order to be adopted by a childless couple (Dave and Susan). After initially having some trouble setting in, he seems to have reached a good balance with his new parents. It's September so Patrick has started a new school. He's met a girl in his new form called Ellen who he has immediately struck up a friendship with. She suggested that he try out for the school's performance if he wanted to make friends - something Patrick is desperate to do.

------------------- On the Stage - Chapter two

Music hadn't always been something I was willing to share with the world. When I was a child, I used to sing all of the time - as many children do. But, since the death of my parents, I hadn't really shared that side of myself with anyone. I still sang in the shower and sometimes when I was alone in my room but never in front of people. It's not that I couldn't - I don't recall ever feeling any stage fright - I just... didn't. So, whilst I was enthusiastic about the opportunities that audition for this musical could bring, there was a part of me that was also very unsure of about doing it.

I have to note that that didn't come across to Ellen in my reaction. "You know, if you didn't want other people at school to know that you're gay, bouncing around excited about the school musical might not be the best way to go." She looked at me and I looked at her. Almost as if on cue, we both just burst out laughing. She put her arm around me and started to lead me down the corridor. "Seriously though, there are a few things you need to know about the guys at this school," she began, "First, no-one will care that you're gay. There are plenty of out gay kids at this school and no-one even bats an eyelid - it's 2017 for fucks sake, it's not a big deal." There was a little voice in the back of my head that appreciated the irony of a beautiful girl telling a gay kid that his sexuality isn't a big deal. Let me tell you this, growing up in Ireland, my sexuality was a big deal! Don't get me wrong, I didn't have an issue with it myself and had become quite comfortable with it but it was definitely part of the reason that I was moved around so much and bounced from foster home to foster home. "Second," she continued, "There are a lot of very fit guys at this school. Some are straight, some are gay and some are somewhere in between." That sounded good. Whilst I had come to accept my sexuality a while ago, I had absolutely zero experience with boys of any description. Given that forming friendships had become so difficult, even the idea of getting into a relationship had seemed ridiculous. "But it's not all sunshine and kittens here Paddy," Aw she used a shorted version of my name. "No, no. Some of the guys here are lovely but others... others are absolutely dicks and they tend to be some of the hotter ones too. Take Harry for example." "Harry?" I inquired. "The boy with the fit arse that you were staring at in class." "Oh, what's wrong with him?" I have to say, I was a little disappointed; his bum had been divine to look at. "Where do I start?! Well, first he has cheated on every single person he has ever been in a relationship with - including me." I was shocked: "You dated him?" "Yeah, and he was good at first but as soon as someone else showed even a little bit of interest, he was gone. He's like a puppy dog that Harry - he can't keep his attention on one thing." "Still," I said, "I can't believe he couldn't stay focused on you. I mean you're..." She stopped and turned to me, a half smile appearing on her face. "I'm what...?" My cheeks were definitely flush when I replied, "You're stunning." She stuck her hand into my ginger hair and ruffled it up. "Aw thanks cutie. You sure you don't like the ladies?" I must have pulled a bit of a face because she didn't even wait for my reply. "Ok, ok... I get it. Only the boys for my little Paddy."

Finding Ellen at the start of that first day had been so ridiculously lucky. To some, I imagine Ellen could be seen as being quite full on and maybe even a little intrusive at times but, for me, she was exactly the kind of person I needed as a friend. Rather than holding back secrets - I'm gay, I'm adopted, etc. - everything was just straight out in the open as if Ellen had shone a light into the room that was Patrick and illuminated every last corner. It meant that the friendship we were building now was based on a foundation of truth rather than me carrying around a weight to suddenly reveal to her. She did have her downfalls however. As she introduced me to other people in the school, she had absolutely no respect for any kind of privacy I might have wished to retain. Everyone knew why I was new to the school and everyone knew that I was gay. In fact, I'm sure that at one point I heard her actually say, "Yeah, he's another one that likes the D."

Most of the people she introduced me to passed by in a blur and I definitely wasn't going to remember them or their names. One lad did stand out with his 6ft footballer's frame, dark eyes and crooked smile - I wonder why I can still remember that his name is Finn. I'm not going to bore you with the details of my classes but, suffice it to say, I was right: I was going to be starting behind. I was ok in some of the subjects and was pretty sure I could catch up on my own but the maths that they were learning here was just so far beyond what I was used to looking at. I was definitely going to need help and I needed to talk to Dave and Susan about it as soon as possible.

I found myself alone again on the train at the end of the day; Ellen lived in the opposite direction to me but it gave me time to people watch. She had been right; they really didn't care about same-sex couples here and I ended up being sat opposite two boys who were clearly in a relationship. From the moment they sat down, their mouths found each other like magnets and they spent the whole 10 minute journey attached to each other. Sometimes public displays of affection can be a little too much and this was probably one of those cases. However, for a virginal gay boy like myself, it was hot as hell! I couldn't look away and must have watched their tongues wrestling with each other for pretty much the entire time. So much so that, when I get off the train, I had to hold my coat in front of me because the kiss had turned me on so much.

I let myself into the house using my new key and, after locking it behind me, I rushed upstairs to my bedroom. Within seconds, my school bags and uniform lay abandoned on the floor and I was naked on my bed. My eyes were screwed closed, my breathing quick, my toes curling and my hand moving at what felt like the speed of light. I was working over my teenage cock with a frenzy of excitement as I recalled several images from my day: the two boys kissing with their tongues battling for dominance; Harry from my form with that beautifully sculpted bum and Finn with his dark and smouldering eyes. Each one of them drove me further and further into the moment. I'd lost all track of where I was and was now moaning loudly (thank goodness the house was empty) and writhing around on the bed.

Precum was leaking out of my cock at a copious rate, dribbling down onto my hand. Without thinking, I switched hands; carrying on my wanking fury but bringing the precum to my mouth. There, I stuck out my tongue and tasted it. The mild but distinct flavour danced upon my tongue and I told my mind that it belonged to any one of the beautiful boys I had met today. In my head, I imagined them all stood over me, wanking their big cocks over my face.

I started to use two hands on myself; one to pull my foreskin back and forth over my cockhead and the other to tease and play with my balls. I could feel them getting tighter and my legs were starting to shake on the bed. My breathing became very shallow, intermixed with loud moans and cries of "Yes, yes, yes." My toes curled under and my abs tightened. Then it happened; my cum rose through my dick and spurted out all over my body landing in an abstract pattern over my chest and tummy.

I know some guys lose their horniness as soon as they cum. I'm not one of those guys. I still feel as turned on after I shoot my spunk and, honestly, I think that's one of the reasons that I like to taste my own cum - especially if I've been imagining that it's someone else's. While I cleaned up, I reflected on what I had been thinking about. It wasn't the kissing boys that made me shoot, nor was it Harry's bum or Finn's eyes. No, the imagine that came into my head just as I was about to lose my load was the smiling face of the boy on the morning train. I made a mental note to try and find out who he was.

After cleaning up, I started on my homework (yes, homework on the first day - I know!) but it wasn't long until Susan came home. She was excited to hear about my day so I told her all about Ellen and my classes. I made sure to leave out all of the information about the hot guys; I don't think that was quite what she was wanting to hear about. When I mentioned trying out for the school musical, she practically squealed with excitement and started telling about all the productions that she was in as a kid. I knew then that I was definitely going to go for it - it would be something that could bond us together a little more as a family and Susan deserved to have those sorts of experiences with her son after everything her and Dave were doing for me.

Susan had already prepared tea by the Dave arrived home. You would think that, being a chef, Dave would do all of the cooking but they both seemed to share it. I think Susan recognised that, for Dave, preparing food was his 'work' and that sometimes he just didn't want to do that in his own time at home. There definitely seemed to be a good level of give and take in this relationship and it's probably one of the reasons they had managed to stay together for so long without children holding them together.

We sat down around the table and started to eat the chicken pasta that she had prepared. It was pretty decent and, being a growing boy, I wolfed mine down in no time at all. This was fine as it gave me chance to retell everything about my day to Dave, who was just as interested as Susan had been. There was one thing that I was leaving out though: how far behind I really was.

Those thoughts gnawed at me all evening. I wanted to tell them how I'd found the work and knew that I needed to tell them but I just couldn't bring myself to have that conversation. I felt that, if I verbalised my failings, I'd be a disappointment to them and they might regret having adopted me in the first place. Well, keeping it in didn't work and, right in the middle of 'Coronation Street', I burst into tears. I just completely lost control and started sobbing.

Dave and Susan both rushed straight over to me and started trying to calm down me. It took a while but eventually I was able to breathe normally again and talk to them. They asked me what was wrong and I knew I couldn't leave it any longer. "I'm so stupid. I'm going to fail all of my classes and you'll hate me forever." So, whilst the rational side of me looks back on this and cringes, at the time, it was exactly how I was feeling and I'd built it up to such an extreme level in my head that I genuinely thought that this was what would happen. Dave took charge of the conversation and, through a calm and logical discussion, actually got to the bottom of it. I explained that I was starting further behind than the other kids and it turned out that the pair of them had already known this and been prepared for it. They asked him which subjects I felt I could catch up in and which ones were going to be my weaker areas and, by the time we had done, we had settled on them asking the school to see if one of the older kids would look at tutoring me to catch me back up.

I can't believe that I had built it up into this huge thing in my head and then it actually turned out to be no big deal at all. I hope that this is going to be how they feel when I tell them that I'm gay. I wish I could do that now but I'm just not ready to talk to them about it yet. Still, I went to bed that night feeling much calmer and happier than I had the night before and, for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was going to be ok.

Thank you for reading the second chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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