On the Road

By Jason Smith

Published on Dec 18, 2006


This story is totally fictional and I don't own any of the copyrights mentioned in this story, nor does it reflect the true sexual preferences of those involved. Feel free to email requests or feedback to ross_fan@yahoo.com.

On The Road - Part 3 - The Party

Randy Orton let few men fuck him. He would sometimes give himself to long-time fuckbuddies, or to guys he really wanted, but he was essentially a super-top. But there was one man who had fucked Randy Orton more times than he could count. His name was Orlando Jordan. He was released from the WWE a few months ago for bringing his boytoy with him on the road, a much younger fuckbuddy that loved Orlando's long black meat. It didn't really mean less money for Orlando, but it did mean he saw Randy Orton and his perfect body a lot less.

`Oh fuck Randy, your ass is so tight..' moaned Orlando. He was spread on a king-size, silk-sheeted bed. His ripped, black body was covered in sweat. His balls sagged between his legs, and the Greek God-like body of Randy Orton jumped on his thick cock, jacking himself furiously. Orlando threw his head back and yelled in pleasure, while his hands explored Randy's hard chest.

Play with my pecs man,' Randy ordered. Orlando tweaked his perk nipples, and Randy moaned. Fuck me faster..' he added. It didn't matter if he was fucking or being fucked, Randy was always in control. That didn't mean he wasn't taken by surprise however, when Orlando lifted his legs and jackhammered his cock in and out furiously. Oh FUCK!' Randy yelled. Pre-cum poured from his cock. Keep that up man! Fuck! Gimme your big dick!!' Randy yelled, his mouth wide open.

`I'm coming bro, I'm coming!' Orlando yelled.

`Same!' Randy yelled. Orlando moaned, and a few more pumps filled Randy with his hot seed. He kept up his fucking, however, until Randy's cock exploded in a fountain of cum, showering Orlando's chest, neck and face.

`FUCKKK!' Randy yelled, as Orlando fucked two more loads out of him. It didn't end there though. Orlando slid his cock out of Randy, then ravaged him, sucking his nine-inch tool dry, then licking and kissing every square inch of the Legend Killer's body.

`That was awesome bro, you were amazing,' Orlando said, rolling onto his side. He rubbed his cum-covered chest.

`Yeah, it was alright,' Randy said, rolling off the bed. He grabbed his jeans, and slid them on while he sat on the edge of the bed.

`Alright?!' Orlando said, in disbelief.

Listen, I only came here because I needed to get off and you were close,' Orton replied. You're a good fuck, but that's it. I don't want anything more,' he added, standing up.

Fine, that's fine man,' Orlando said, obviously disappointed. We still on for tomorrow night?'

`Halloween?' Orton asked.


`Got plans,' The Legend Killer replied. He was telling the truth too. A Halloween Party at his house. He didn't invite Orlando for the sole reason that he and his fuckbuddy Chad had entered into an exclusive arrangement of sorts. A tryst with John Cena had convinced Orton that he couldn't stand to see anybody else fuck Chad, at least not now. So, he promised not to screw around in return. It was a promise he broke the moment he bumped into Orlando at a nightclub that night, but he didn't want to risk Chad finding out. So, Orlando would have to find something (and someone) else to do Halloween, because Randy had big, big plans.

Johnny Nitro didn't liked to be ignored. He had the hottest, leanest, most ripped body in the WWE. He was a sexual machine, was always up for anything, anytime, and had been told he had the finest ass most guys had ever seen. Yet he hadn't been fucked in a week. Part of that was because John Cena, his regular fuckbuddy, was promoting his movie overseas. But the main reason was because Randy Orton, his other regular fuckbuddy, spent most of his nights with a fratboy he met (and brought with him) on the road. His name was Chad, and to make matters worse, he had been fucking John too. Nitro was jealous of few people, but that kid topped the list. But he wasn't going to let it bring him down. He was going to do something about it. And he knew just the guy to help him.

Chris Masters loved his body. He loved his body more than anything else on this earth. If he had to, he could describe every muscle, every vein, every curve and crevice of his entire physique. Which is why, after every match, he admired said physique in his locker-room mirror. The oil and sweat from his match accentuated his massive chest. He flexed his pecs and smiled.

`Nice,' said a voice from the doorway. Masters looked up at the mirror, and saw the reflection of Johnny Nitro in the hallway. Nitro was wearing just a pair of black jeans, and Masters took a moment to soak in Nitro's own body. He was easily #2 behind The Masterpiece.

`Hey man, what's up?' Masters said, continuing his routine.

`Just here for the show,' Nitro replied with a smile. He closed the door. Masters smiled.

`Just a show?' Masters said, keeping his eyes on the mirror as Johnny Nitro walked forward. He stepped infront of Masters, then bent over at the waist. Johnny wasn't known for his subtlety.

`I've got a problem, and I think you can help me with it,' Nitro said, staring up at the mirror. He pressed his jean-covered ass against the bulge in Master's tights.

Oh really?' Masters said, moving his hands to Johnny's firm waist. He pulled him back tighter against his own growing package. Anything in particular?'

I want you to fuck someone,' Johnny replied. Give them the best fuck of their lives. Make them worship the Masterpiece. Then let me take a photo.'

Right.. And who would this someone be?' Masters said, moving his hands up Johnny's back. At that moment, Johnny stood back up and turned to face Chris. He whispered the name. By when?' Masters asked.

`Tomorrow night, the Halloween Party at Randy's place,' Johnny replied.

`And what do I get in return?' Masters asked. Johnny replied by pressing his hand inside Master's tights, groping his shaved cock and heavy balls.

`This,' he added, dropping to his knees.

`How do I look?' Randy asked. He swung around, modeling his costume. He was dressed like a Roman Gladiator, something like Brad Pitt from Troy mixed with a stripper. A black leather kilt, a gold helmet, thick vest made to look like steel, and black sandals. Predictably, he wore nothing underneath.

`Hot,' Chad said simply. By Randy's request, Chad had come as... Randy Orton. All he wore was a pair of black tights with Orton's design, and Randy couldn't help but squeeze the soft bulge protruding out.

`You too..' Orton said, biting Chad's lower lip.

`You want me to wear this later?' Randy asked.

`What do you mean?' Chad replied.

Later, when I fuck you,' Randy said simply. He groped Chad through the tights, feeling his cock harden at the suggestion. I'm so glad I've got you all to myself..' Randy added, glossing over the fucking he'd received from Orlando the day before. Chad merely whimpered in reply. `Come on, we got a party to go to,' Randy said. He looked over himself once more in the mirror of his bedroom for good measure, before heading off to join his guests.

If it was a party full of regular people, Randy and Chad's costumes would have looked out of place. But at a party full of wrestling superstars, you could get away with a lot. Trish Stratus and Shelton Benjamin had come as a nurse and a police officer respectively, two of the more normal costumes. Carlito had come as a Baywatch lifeguard. Johnny Nitro had no costume, deciding to come as a `celebrity' instead. He liked to live his gimmick. CM Punk and Kelly had come as each other, Punk in a tight top and skirt, and Kelly in Punk's straight-edge outfit. Brian Kendrick, Paul London and Ashley had come as Romans in togas. There were even some former WWE stars there, like Mark Jindrak, who had come as Superman. Jindrak was chatting with Chris Masters, who had the most impressive outfit, to Chad at least. He had come as Tarzan, his God-like body barely covered by an ultra-short, green grass skirt and a tiger-print thong.

And Chad couldn't take his eyes off him.

After some introductions, Randy schmoozed his guests, moving from group to group. Chad stayed near the buffet table. He'd been on the road with Randy for over a month now, but he still couldn't believe what he was seeing. He used to beat off to pics of Chris Masters, now they were both almost naked in Randy Orton's spacious lounge room. Masters was chatting to Johnny Nitro in the corner, allowing Chad to check him out without Masters knowing.

Hey!' yelled Randy. Chad froze. Shit, he'd seen him. Randy walked back to Chad. Hey man, can you check my room for my cell?' Chad relaxed. `I think I left it there, and people are going to call when they arrive..'

`Yeah, sure,' Chad said, relieved Randy hadn't caught him. Randy had almost knocked out John Cena when Chad showed him too much attention during their threesome, and he didn't want a repeat of that.

As the party continued downstairs, Mark Jindrak and CM Punk found themselves upstairs and alone, both fetching drinks from Randy's bar. They'd known each other from some independent shows, so were engaged in conversation.

`So, you enjoying the big time?' Jindrak asked.

`Fuck yeah man, it's insane,' Punk replied.

`How are the ladies treating you?' For Mark, the thing he missed the most about the WWE was the sex.

`Yeah, even better,' Punk replied with a smile. He felt a little weird talking about girls while wearing a tight white mini-skirt.

`You tapping Kelly?' Jindrak asked.

`Yeah man, how do you think she convinced me to wear this?' Punk replied.

`You fucked Torrie yet? Man, she goes off the hook.'


Yeah, she was meant to be married to Kidman, but I fucked her after every taping,' Jindrak said. I was hoping she'd be coming tonight. Would love to get back inside that pussy man.' Punk couldn't help but notice that Super-Mark's very, very prominent package was growing. That's what happens when you wear your underwear on the outside. Jindrak caught his line of sight.

`Of course, I didn't just fuck Torrie,' Jindrak said, moving closer to Punk.

`Oh?' Punk asked.

You know how it is man, you finish in some small town, head back to the hotel and you gotta be up early, but your dick's still hard and the bars are closed..' Jindrak said. He had moved so close to Punk that the smaller star could feel his warm breath. So you help out a friend, and he helps you out..' Jindrak grabbed Punk's hand, and moved it to his red, lycra package.

`So you want some help?' Punk asked, groping Jindrak's massive bulge. He certainly filled the Superman tights well.

`I'd fucking love some..' Mark replied. He took a step back and swung open a door. Randy's bathroom was empty. He grabbed Punk by the forearm, and led him inside, slamming the door behind him. Then, he got to work. As Punk gripped his growing cock through his tights, Mark's hands went to work. They roamed Punk's tanned, lean body before settling down below. Punk moaned, as Jindrak toyed with him under the skirt.

You're the hottest girl I've seen,' Jindrak said, kissing Punk's neck. His hands moved to Punk's dangling cock and balls. And you don't wear panties..'

All the while, Punk's hands explored Jindrak's massive body. Before Chris Masters was The Masterpiece, Mark Jindrak was the Reflection of Perfection. He was tall, and coated in thick muscle. His ass was perfect, always clenched and firm, and Punk couldn't get enough of it. He'd always wanted to get fucked by Superman.

`Lucky we're in the bathroom..' Jindrak moaned.

`Why?' Punk asked, moving his hands to Mark's huge package. The outline of Jindrak's thick cock strained against the red lycra. Jindrak pointed at the box of condoms next to the sink. If it was anyone else's house, Punk would have been surprised. But Randy Orton was reknowned for his sexual activity, so he probably had condoms ready in every room.

Suck my cock man..' Jindrak said. Punk fished inside his package, then yanked down Jindrak's tights. His hard cock bounced out, and Punk took it inside his mouth immediately. He sucked, licked and swallowed the semi-hard cock until it was at it's full glory -8 inches of pure manmeat. Punk's own cock was hard, and was pressing tight against his short skirt. Stand up..'Jindrak commanded. Punk did, only to be roughly turned around and pressed against the bathroom sink. Jindrak yanked up his skirt, dropped to his knees and went to town on Punk's sweaty ass, licking and fingering his tight hole.

Oh shit dude..' Punk moaned. Jindrak had two fingers inside him now, and a tongue that was exploring every inch of Punk's shaved crack. After only a few minutes of this oral onsalught, Punk uttered the magic words. Fuck me man...'

Like a hunter stalking his prey, as soon as Masters saw Chad leave by himself, he pounced. He followed Chad silently through the halls and into the bedroom. Chad had his back to the doorway as he rummaged through Randy's bag for the cell. Masters closed the door.

`I saw you checking me out,' Masters boomed.

Chad was so surprised, he dropped the phone and turned around.

`I was.. I mean.. I'm with Randy,' Chad stammered in reply.

Doesn't look like that to me. It looks like you're alone in a room with The Masterpiece,' Masters replied. He stepped closer to Chad, then tore off his grass skirt. Chad, mouth agape, took in every inch of Master's God-like body. His giant thighs led straight to his thong-encased bulge, but it was his pecs that Chad adored. Masters noticed his glances, and flexed. Come here..' Masters beckoned. Chad paused for a moment, but then gave in. He walked towards Masters, who grabbed Chad's hands and pressed them against the massive, rock-hard chest of The Masterpiece. `You like that?'

Chad nodded, slowly. Masters ran Chad's hands down his body, over every peak and ridge, every vein and muscle. He guided them to his growing bulge.

`I promised Randy..' Chad said.

Just give me half an hour,' Masters replied. And you'll forget his name..'

Jindrak had hoped Torrie Wilson was coming tonight, and while he was busy with Punk, she had finally arrived. Since leaving Kidman, Torrie had become personally (and sexually) liberated. She could see her time in the WWE coming to an end, so had decided to make the most of it.

It was why over the last few months, she'd fucked almost every hot stud in the WWE. She'd been doubled teamed by John Cena and Johnny Nitro, had her ass pounded by Batista, sucked off Carlito at a nightclub and even shared Edge with Lita. And it was also why she had arrived at the costume party as herself in Playboy. In other words, she was completely naked underneath an ultra-thin thin, almost-transparent white robe. As she let herself in through the front door, Torrie made a bee line for the hub of the party -Randy's lounge room. She wasn't in the mood for small talk or party games. She was here to fuck.

All Chad could do was moan as Chris Masters threw him onto the bed. He bounced straight off and, consumed by animalistic lust, pressed his face against Master's bulge. With Chad below him, devouring his growing meat, Masters leaned forward. With both hands, he massaged Chad's firm butt, pulling his Randy Orton trunks deep into his ass crack, which he spread and fingered. At the other end, Chad yanked down Master's thong and took his semi-hard cock straight into his mouth. His own cock hardened as it pressed against the bed -he was living a wet dream. He had lost counts of the amount of times he'd fucked himself silly, thinking it was Chris Masters. Randy was his guy, but it didn't mean Chad was perfect. He wanted to get dominated by the Masterpiece, and he wanted it now.

Oh fuck dude! Hammer me!' CM Punk yelled. He was bent over on the bathroom counter, getting hammered doggy style by the massive cock of Mark Jindrak. Jindrak had pulled down the top half of his Superman suit, revealing a ripped, sweat covered chest, thick with muscle. His tights were around his waist, and best of all, he and Punk were fucking in front of a mirror. He could see Punk's face contort in pleasure, could see his own muscles ripple and contract with every thrust inside CM's tight, wet hole. Jindrak slapped Punk's ass, drawing a wide smile from the Straight Edge superstar. Fuck yeah bro.. You're so fuckin' hot..' Punk moaned.

`Got a big load of cum for you..' Jindrak moaned. The last fifteen minutes of solid, non-stop fucking had brought him to the edge.

Hold up man, I wanna cum while you fuck me..' Punk said, beating his own cock furiously. Jindrak had never heard anything hotter. He dropped a row of kisses down the back of Punk's neck. Oh fuck, here it comes! Hammer me man! Fuck! Fuck!!' Punk yelled, as his cock spurted thick ropes of cum onto the bathroom floor. It landed with a splat, telling Jindrak it was his turn. He wrenched his cock from Punk, slid off the condom and waited. Punk couldn't turn around fast enough. He stuck out his tongue and waited a few agognising seconds before he was rewarded. Jindrak jacked his long, thick, uncut shaft to a massive orgasm. His bull-sized balls tightened, the muscles in his chest and legs contracted and a volley of hot jism painted Punk's face and mouth. Punk couldn't help but smile as the white cum ran down his cheek.

Suck it man..' Jindrak begged. Punk immediately deep-throated the uncut beast, sucking every last drop of juice. Cum from his chin pressed against Jindrak's balls. All Mark could do was groan. So much for Straight Edge..'

After giving Masters one of the quickest, wettest blowjobs he'd ever received, Chad was sufficientally ready to get fucked. Masters lifted him to his feet, and threw him onto the bed. Chad didn't waste time, rolling his body back, exposing his puckered hole. As this was Randy's room, lube wasn't far out of reach.

`You want my cock, boy?' Masters said.

`Fuck yes..' Chad replied, running a finger down his hairless crack.

Then you won't mind this..' Masters replied. He stepped onto the bed, then lowered his ass down on Chad's face. Eat my ass..' he commanded. His hard, wet cock rubbed against Chad's head, as Randy's fucktoy pleasured Master's perfectly sculpted ass. It certainly wasn't as hot as Randy's, but there was barely an ounce of fat on it. It was the hardest, firmest ass Chad had seen, which made Master's soft pink hole that much better. Masters moaned, swiveling his hips, rocking his body back and forth.

`Fffmmm..' Chad moaned. Masters pulled himself off the boy's mouth.

`What was that?' he boomed.

`Fuck me..'

Brian `Spanky' Kendrick was sitting on a sofa, waiting for Paul London and Ashley to return from fetching him a drink (they were fucking in Paul's car). He was smiling, nodding his head to the music and watching the party pass him by. The last thing he expected was Torrie Wilson to enter the room, almost naked, but anything can happen in the WWE.

`Holy shit...' Brian said, as he watched Torrie enter. The assembled crowd in the lounge room turned immediately to the new arrival. The women in attendance gave Torrie death stares, while the guys gawked in amazement.

`Hi Brian,' Torrie said. He would do.

`Hi..' he replied. Torrie walked closer, until she was standing mere inches away from him. His eyes took in every inch of her perfectly formed curves.

What's a girl got to do to get someone to take her coat?' she said. In an instant, she'd torn off her white robe. She was completely and utterly naked. She looked over Spanky. His lean body was hidden underneath the toga. Well, half of it anyway. Hi Brian,' she said again, taking a seat next to him.

`Hi,' he stammered. The crowd of wrestlers and guests had their eyes locked on the sofa. Torrie gave them a smile, then whispered to Brian.

`I want to suck your cock..'

Brian could barely think straight, as Torrie's hand moved onto his crotch. He wasn't wearing anything underneath the toga.

Mmm..' she whispered. Then I want you to fuck my pussy..' Torrie said. She took Brian's hand, and put it on her thigh. Her long fingers traced the outline of his growing erection. Then, she rolled off the couch, pulled up Brian's toga, and stuck her head underneath. It wasn't exactly a mystery what she was doing under there, but for the growing crowd, Spanky's reaction gave it away.

The sound of Chad's rapid-fire moans, and the rocking of the wooden bed filled the room. The fratboy lay, legs spread high in the air, while Chris Masters pounded him from above. In the space of five minutes, they'd tried three different positions. Chad just couldn't get enough of Master's powerful fucking. His legs wrapped themselves around the broad back of the Masterpiece, barely fitting around it. He brought Chris closer, almost daring him to fuck even harder. Masters tall body writhed, his cock sliding in and out of Chad like it was a perfect fit.

Bend me over..' Chad begged. Masters smiled and rolled Chad onto his stomach. He'd barely lined his shaft up against Chad's hole when Chad backed himself onto it. Fuck, Masters thought, no wonder Randy wants to keep him to himself! Masters didn't even need to thrust, Chad was rolling back and forth on his cock, milking Master's sexual energy. Not even Nitro wanted cock this badly. So, Chris decided to see how much he could take. Over the next few minutes, he went from letting Chad fuck himself, to a complete and utter physical onslaught of fucking. His hands dug into his back, his balls slapped against his ass, his thick cock ravaged the boy's tight bubble butt, and yet Chad still begged for more. Harder!' came his muffled yell. Masters smiled. He rested his hands on the bed, arched his back, and with every single ounce of power in his massive body, he fucked Chad, rapid-fire. His fucking was so hard, they bounced on the mattress. Chad's moans became faster and higher pitched. Masters didn't need to have fucked him before to know he was about to come.

Oh my god!' Chad yelled. I'm coming! Oh fuck! Oh FUCK!' Chad groaned. He only had to rub his cock against the mattress a few times (Masters fucking did the rest) for a massive load to fill his cock. A few more thrusts, and it exploded, painting Randy's sheets in white hot cum.

`You want my load in your ass?' Masters asked.

`Oh god yes man!!' Chad yelled, bucking his hips. Masters had been holding this one back for too long. He slammed his cock inside Chad, then released. Load after load of the Masterpiece's jism filled Chad's hole. He took a glance back, staring at Master's sweat-soaked body, convulsing in pleasure. Masters was a quiet cummer, all he did was groan deeply. Chad could have watched that sight for ages, but he'd already been gone too long. People would get suspicious. Randy would get suspicious.

Masters reluctantly pulled his cock from Chad, dropped a kiss on his neck and got dressed. Chad did the same, cleaning himself up in the bathroom to minimize any suspicion. On his way back to the bed, he noticed the main door into Randy's room was slightly ajar.

`Wasn't that door closed?' Chad asked, slightly worried.

Probably just came undone.' Masters replied. Nothing to worry about..'

Johnny Nitro had never walked so fast in his life. His camera phone was open, queued up with the right video.

`Randy!' he yelled. Randy Orton turned from talking with Shelton Benjamin and faced Nitro. Nitro beckoned him with a hand.

`What's up man? Shelton was just telling me what Torrie Wilson is doing in the lounge room..'

Fuck that man,' Nitro replied. I was walking to the bathroom, and.. I.. I saw this,' he added. He pressed play on the camera phone.

`Fuck me man!' Chad's voice came over the speaker. It was a video, taken through the door, of Masters fucking Chad.

What the fuck?' Randy said. Masters is a dead man!' he said, louder. Johnny blocked his path.

`Wait wait man.. You don't want to do that,' Nitro said.

What?' Orton said. I'm going to fuck him up!'

No.. It's not Masters fault..' Nitro replied. He probably didn't even know who Chad was,' he added, lying. `You want to get back on Chad? Teach him a lesson?'

Orton thought for a moment. `Yes.'

Fuck me in front of him,' Nitro said, bluntly. Make him watch you give me the fuck of my life.'

Randy couldn't help but smile.

To be continued in Part 4!

Hope you liked it, feel free to e-mail me feedback or suggestions at ross_fan@yahoo.com !

Next: Chapter 4

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