On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jul 1, 2013


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On the Move West

Chapter 8

When we arrived at the fort, we went directly to the sheriff's office. He was surprised to see the bodies and the evidence we had found. He had wanted posters on two of men and was sure that he could find something on the other two. Sure enough, there was a $500.00 reward dead or alive on all of them.

"Jim, I hope this will be the last time you travel on that trail. This is two times that you have escaped death or injury by the narrowest of margins. You may not be so lucky on your next trip!" chuckled Sheriff Lytle.

"You know, Sheriff, if you were doing you job then we would all be safe," I said laughing. "Do you have any idea who this Gerald may be. The only way to stop these attacks is to find this leader. He has to be someone here at the fort who has inside information. I would guess he was somehow connected with the army which has left the area."

"You may very well be right. The army gave the men options of remaining in the army and transferring to other units or they could take honorable discharges and leave the army completely. There was only ten that chose that option. Out of the ten, seven left and are headed for California. One remains here in the area and two are still here in the fort. There is no Gerald here. There has never been one to the best of my knowledge."

"This young man is Dave and he is traveling with us. He is completely unknown to anyone here at the fort. I think we can use him to do some snooping for us and would go un-noticed. I know that Ron is one of the two men. I saw him when we came in. Who is the other man?"

"Dave, you will have to be very careful with this Gerald because if he is uncovered you will have an accident or killed in some way. I think that Ron will be eliminated right away. I don't think he is the type. I trust him. Walter, the other one, I am not so sure about. Jerry bought out the mercantile. I don't think Jerry made that kind of money on a sergeant's pay and Jerry could be a nickname for Gerald. Let's outline our plan of attack. We are dealing with a very smart and ruthless, brutal man. Very dangerous!"

"I agree! Dave will be going over there to buy supplies before traveling on his journey and can appear completely harmless. I'll go get Joshua before we start unloading bodies. He needs to be in on this from the beginning. I think a surprise attack will be the best plan."

I took Joshua into the office and explained what was happening and what we wanted Dave to do.

"I guess you know, this just scares the crap out of me!" Dave said. "What happens if I can't pull this off. Will I be the next to come up missing. I don't know, I am having all kinds of mixed feeling right now!"

"Dave, we are not asking you to do the impossible. Right now, we need to find something that we can use to connect Jerry to all this. Too many innocent men, women and children have suffered and died. You, yourself, was one of their victims. I want to get revenge for them and to stop any more in the future from suffering the same as you did.. Jim and I think that you can pull it off. Just remember we'll be very close and will come to your aid," the sheriff explained.

"Joshua and I are well known to Jerry. If we were to walk into the mercantile, he would immediately know that his men had failed and were probably dead. Now he has no idea that they failed. We want to catch him off guard."

"We would like to have you pretend to that you knew him back in your home community. Call him by the name of Gerald. Maybe, just maybe, he'll let his guard down and we can get enough to tie him to all the crimes that have been committed," said the sheriff. "In your pretending you have to be sincere in the story that you are telling. He must never think that you are not the person you are pretending to be," I added. "I know you can do it."

"I guess , I will try. You know that I am shaking inside and I am scared to death."

"You could never tell by just looking at you. You look so calm and at ease," I said.

"You can go out the back door with us. We can circle around without anyone seeing us," advised the sheriff. "Time to put our plan into action."

Dave walked into the store, and `Jerry' was in the back room and came out to wait on him. Dave took a couple of quick steps and held out his hand for a handshake. "Gerald, is that really you? The people back home thought that you had been killed in the war. Seeing you is like seeing a ghost."

"I never went into the war. I just left the country. I sure don't remember you."

"I am that scrawny freckled face kid that lived up the road from you."

"Then you must be Billy Jensen."

"That's me all right. Gerald, Did you know that your ma and pa disappeared about the time you left and no one ever heard from them again."

"They had a little accident and I buried them and left."

The sheriff, Joshua and I rushed through the door. The sheriff had his gun aimed at Jerry.

"Jerry, er Gerald, Get your hands high in the air and don't make any sudden moves. I would just love to put a bullet in your heart but I want to see you hang," said Sheriff Lytle.

"You two are suppose to be dead. What happened to my men?"

"You are out of business. Let's say that your men all got their just reward and their souls are in hell by now. You'll soon be joining them. Their bodies are all in the last wagon. We'll give you a look on the way to jail."

"How did you know they were coming and what they were going to do?" asked Gerald.

"That is actually none of your business. Ask your buddies, the next time you see them. All I am going to say is they screwed up big time and all are dead!" I said.

"Now start walking across the street to your new home until the circuit judge arrives. Then we will see how far your neck will stretch!" commanded the Sheriff Lytle.

Several men from the community came and helped unload the bodies and take them to the grave yard. They were buried in simple graves and with no markers. The sheriff and Jim went to Gerald's house and made a complete search and found all kind of evidence, including a journal with names, places and dates of all the raids that he had organized. There was also an entry for his parents.

One of the women told me that Mr. and Mrs. Nelson had gone out to my place after they had `sold out'. I sent word out there that Jerry/Gerald had been arrested and held on murder charges and if they would like to have their store back to come in as soon as they could.

I found a couple of men who would go out and bring in the wagon that we had left behind. I told them to take the four mules tied behind my wagon with them.

Later in Mr. Lytle's office, "Dave, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Better yet let me pat your back. You really gave Gerald the works and he fell for it. Sooner or later all the bad guys fowl up and get caught."

"Mr. Lytle, you don't know how happy I feel. When I think about what could have happened, I get all shaky again." "Dave, it didn't happen, did it? Just forget about playing those what `if' games. Just think of all those people who will never experience what Gerald's victims were forced to suffer, and it is all because of you," said Sheriff Lytle. "All I can say is that thanks for a job well done. I would say that you got your just revenge for what he did to your family. I am glad to call you my friend. May God go with you on your journeys where ever they lead you."

"I am glad that you will be traveling with me. I hope that you decide to stay around Fort Hall," Joshua said. ***** The Nelsons walked into Sheriff Lytle's office. "Is it really true, that the store may be ours again? Jerry told us that he was acting for the army and the army wanted to buy us out and eventually close it. He didn't offer us very much and it was our impression that we really didn't have a choice," said Mr. Nelson.

"He is in jail now facing murder charges on an unknown number of people on which we cant charge him with. However, we can try him for the murder of Dave's wife and daughter. He is not connected with the army nor is he one of their representatives. He obtained your business under fraudulent practices. Therefore, I think the store still belongs to you. I would not worry about refunding his money. He'll have no use for it in here in jail and once he leaves jail it will be to walk to the gallows. The store is still open and waiting you return. Youll notice that the sign with your name has never been replaced."

"Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, We will be over in the morning to get supplies for two wagons. Joshua and this young man, who by the way is Dave will be continuing on west. If you have time you might start getting some supplies together. That way you won't have to rush around grabbing this and that."

"I am going to send a cable to the judge and see if he can come before his scheduled visit. I would like to have this trial as soon as possible. I don't want to take any chances. The judge will want the two of you to testify. I will ask you to stay until after the trial."

"I can't see a problem. It is still spring and we won't have to worry about snow in the mountains," said Joshua. "You can stay at my place until you leave if you want."

"Thanks, but I think I will just go down by the creek and camp. I want to visit with some friends and sit and just do nothing," replied Joshua.

"I think I will join, Joshua. I like doing nothing. That is my favorite pastime," said Dave.

"That will give us a little more time to get everything ready for your trip. I think we will go over to the store and see what kind of mess we can find," Mrs. Nelson said.

"When I said supplies, I meant the complete outfitting, blankets, tools, cooking utensils, spare wagon parts, food and anything that Joshua and Dave will need. Never mind, the expense, I will be responsible for all cost. In other words, give the store a good spring cleaning," I said laughing.

"I need to get over to the telegraph office and get some wires sent. I need some replies as soon as I can get them. The faster I get them sent, the faster I will get answers. I will see all of you later."

"I think that I will go on home. I am anxious to get home. I have had enough excitement to last me for awhile. I will be back in tomorrow and will see all of you then. So I bid all of you Good day and will see you tomorrow."

"I'll walk you to your wagon. I have a couple of questions to ask," stated Joshua.

Outside, Joshua asked, "Jim, I hope that I didn't offend you by saying that I would camp by the creek. That was not my purpose at all. I am having a very hard time trying to make up my mind about leaving you. Part of me says go and part me says stay. I want some time, just to get use to not having you around. There has been only three days since I met you that we have not been together and I thought that I was going to die all three days. I will have time just to think, before the judge arrives."

"I knew what you were doing and no I am not mad or offended. I agree, we must make our break sometime. We might as well start now. I told you how I felt last night and I received your message loud and clear. Don't wait to find a new love, be it male or female. I want you to be happy. You know Dave is one good looking man and I don't think you would have any problem getting him in bed with you. It will make our parting a little easier."

"What are you going to do and how are you going to handle our parting? You know the advice you just gave me applies to yourself also. Peter is a fine looking young man and will probably be a hot one in bed."

"Don't you worry about me I will survive and I won't be lonesome long. Just remember Dave is hung and I bet he knows how to use it. If not, teach him."

"I swear you have a one track mind and all you think about is having sex. I think you should join a monastery," laughed Joshua. "Hey, I'll see you tomorrow. If I see a grin on your face, I'll know why." He turn and walked to the wagons where Dave was waiting.


Next: Chapter 9

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