On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jun 27, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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Chapter 7

Joshua and I both passed our exams with flying colors. Joshua got his diploma and doctor' degree. I am really proud of my man. It was good to get back to school and catch up on all the new technology. I was able to tutor Joshua, which was like a refresher course for me. We are both anxiously waiting our return home and establishing our practice.

I borrowed some money from an old friend to buy new farm equipment, windmills, drilling equipment and a couple of small millstones so we can establish a grist mill, plus lots more cast iron cooking utensils, copper tubs, hammers, saws and other tools.. We would purchase wagons and animals to pull them. I would send the money back with the first military unit head east.

Joshua and I plan on driving a wagon each and hiring two more drivers so we can haul everything back.

We are on the train headed for St. Louis, Missouri This a real experience for both of us. Our first real train ride.

After a long and tiring trip, we reached the spot where Joshua and I met. We decided to camp in the same spot where I found our friends who had been beaten and left for dead .

It was just noon, but we decided to spend the night here and rest before we continued on to the fort. After camp was established, we were just sitting around visiting.

Dave, one of the drivers said. "I lived just about a half day's ride south of here. I had a wife and two kids and a homestead. One night, renegade raiders hit my place. The wife and kids were hit right away and died instantly. I was hit and left for dead. My place was looted and then torched and the attackers left. I managed to crawl outside and collapsed. I lay there two days before a group of friendly Indians found me and took me to the fort."

I told my story. Now, a feeling of gloom set in and we didn't do much talking for a brief period of time. Joshua excused him self and said he was going to take a little walk and would be back soon. I knew that he wanted to be by himself for awhile. I let him go.

Dave started talking again, "You must be part of the group, that bought up the homesteads just outside the fort a short distance. I just walked away from mine, everything that I owned and cared about was killed, destroyed or stolen."

"I had no family and couldn't take all the hurt that I had inside me. I went to St. Louis and did odd jobs. I tried to drink myself to death and damn near succeeded. I keep in contact with those still in my valley and got a letter from a friend telling me that the Indians had all been removed and relocated on a reservation in Idaho. The fort was closed down and all the military sent to other outposts. There is nothing left there but the near-by homesteads. However, there are still civilians living at the fort."

"This is all very disturbing. My friend traveling with me belonged to the tribe that was moved to Idaho. I know he will be very upset where he hears this terrible news."

"Yes, he is! I heard everything. I was ready to come back in and stopped and listened. Now I know that I will have to make some life changing decisions," said Joshua.

"You won't have to make them on your own. Just remember, that I'm here and I have broad shoulders for you to lean on."

"Jim, I know that I can count on you. This is something that I have to do on my own. I promise you will be the first to know when I make a decision. I am going to take my blanket and go off on my own and think. I will take some dried meat and fruit with me and will be back in the morning," Joshua said .

I knew better than try to follow him or to try to talk him in staying. I knew he would be back.

We sat around camp, gathered some evening wood and took a little nap. Soon it was time to fix the evening meal. I went into the wagon to get dried meat. I noticed Joshua's pistol was gone. I now realized that he was not just off somewhere thinking. Something was wrong. I had noticed that Jack, the other driver was acting very peculiar. I had a strange feeling and couldn't put my finger on what was happening. I took my gun and slipped it under my shirt. I wanted to be ready.

I just about had the meal ready when three men came riding up and asked to come into the camp. I gave them permission. I heard a blue jay squawk. I then had to cough several time. Joshua and I were talking letting each other know to be on out toes. "Dave, would you please go to the spring and get a bucket of water, so we can make some coffee."

"Sure thing." I though now he will be out of harms way.

When he got to the spring, Joshua stepped up behind him and put his hand over his mouth. "Dave, don't make a sound. I won't hurt you!" Dave nodded his head yes.

Joshua removed his hand and in a whisper told him what was happening. He had seen the strangers sneaking into camp and heard them talking. "Jack is one of them. They have plans to kill the three of us and steal the wagons and goods. Jim knows and has a gun. I have one. I returned and got yours. Here take it and get ready. When they make their move, we will charge unless they wait for you to return. In that case, go in and I will charge. Just be ready to start shooting. Put the gun under you shirt, just in case. If need be, when the shooting starts take to one on the left. Jim will take care of the one on the right."

"Hey, Dave! Supper is about ready and I am waiting on the water!"

"I am on my way. I stopped to watch a deer in the meadow."

"Go, and be ready. I don't know when, but I think it will be soon. Be sure to fill your bucket." Joshua was gone. Dave walked into camp and started filling the coffee pot.

The four men stood and drew their guns. "Get over there by the wagon and do it now!" Jack shouted.

I looked at Dave and winked. We both started backing toward the wagon. Suddenly there were two quick shots and two men fell. Dave and I hit the dirt and got off a shot each. We both hit our target. Now all four men lay dead or dying. Joshua stepped into the camp.

"Boy, am I glad to see you. I didn't know what to think until I heard that poor excuse for a blue jay."

"Do you think you can do better? Go ahead and give it a try!" laughed Joshua. "Is it time to eat? I am about starved!"

"About 5 more minutes. Let's put the bodies in the last wagon so we don't have to look at them while we eat. We can take them to the fort and turn them over to the sheriff, I would almost bet there is a reward on one or maybe all of them. If there is, Dave, I think you will receive the reward and we will not accept any argument. I know that it will help you start a new life."

"Thanks, Jim!"

After eating, we sat around the campfire drinking coffee and talking. We found out that Dave had no family still living and was from a little town near my home town. He had been a blacksmith/farmer and had survived the war but had both physical and mental scars. He and his wife wanted to leave the past behind them and find a new life. He wanted to know about Joshua and me and how got Joshua got his name. Time seemed to fly and soon it was time to retire. So we went to our own wagons. Of course, Joshua and I made our bed under one wagon.

Joshua was not his old self and I knew right away that something was bothering him and I thought I knew what it was. "Joshua, I think we need to talk so let's just lay here and cuddle for awhile and talk. You are thinking about going on to Fort Hall, aren't you?"

"Yes, but how did you know? I never said anything."

"You didn't have too. Your actions were shouting it out. You didn't know how to tell me and didn't want to hurt me. I have a very deep hurt and I know that it is going to take a long time to heal. Joshua, As bad as I hate to I am going to say go. No, No, wait let me finish! I have told you many, many time how I love you. We have always gone on the assumption that we would always be together. Now comes the hard part. I need a minute to get control of myself. Don't say anything just hold me."

We both lay there holding each other and with tears rolling down our cheeks. "I think I can go on now. I lost everything during the war. Now I am going to lose you. However, I am a survivor. I want only the best for you and anything that will make you happy. You have to know that I will always love you and will hold you in my heart. Someday, even if it is the hereafter we'll meet again. Your people need you. You have the skills and know how to help them. Don't let all your training go to waste. You told me once that the medicine man wanted to train you to take his place. Joshua, I say do it. Just don't look back, quit and come back. Just remember the good times and cherish the time we had together. So I say `go west, young man'.

"Jim, I love you with all my heart. I don't know if I have the courage and strength to carry on without you. I want you by my side always. I don't want to say good-bye!"

"Then don't. Just say so long until we meet again. Good-byes are so final. This will probably be our last night together. All I want to do is lay here and hold you. Nothing more."

"I would like nothing better myself. Are you absolutely sure this is what you want to do?"

"Yes, Joshua, it is. I ask you is this what you want? I want to say no but I can't. Your people are in need. They need someone to help them through the hard times. Reservation life is not going to be easy for any of you. You have training and mental ability to make a difference. When we reach the fort tomorrow, both of us are going to have a very difficult time letting go. We can do it by supporting the other. Just remember our love and it will not fail us."

"Jim, believe it or not but I can already feel a calmness settling over my body."

"I feel it also. I know we are doing the right thing. Let's quite talking and just hold each while we sleep. Night. I love you!"

"Night, Jim. I love you!"

Joshua and I woke at the first light of day. Dave was already up and had breakfast cooking and coffee made.

"I couldn't but help hearing you two talk last night. I feel so proud just to know the two of you. I think both of you made one of the hardest decisions that you will ever have to make. I think you both can hold you heads high. Maintain you love and respect for each other."

"Thanks, Dave. I think we can now face this day and those that follow," Joshua said, smiling.

"Joshua, May I travel as far as Fort Hall with you? I assume that you will be taking a wagon, especially with all your medical supplies," Dave inquired.

"You certainly may. I wasn't to eager to go all that way by myself. It will be good to have company and someone to talk with."

"Dave, you can have one of these wagons complete with a team to pull it. Joshua, you can have one, also. I will even throw in 4 extra mules. Joshua and you may need them. I will make sure that both wagons are completely stocked with all the supplies you'll need to reach Fort Hall and beyond. I will get a sum of money from the bank for the two of you."

"Thanks, Friend!"

We went through the pockets of the dead men and their saddle bags and made a outstanding discovery. One bag contained a telegraph outlining in detail the recent attack on our wagons. This was the work of a highly organized gang who preyed on small trains, individual wagons and isolated farms and ranches. According to the wire, all were to be killed after the contact was made with a gang member driving one of the wagons. It was signed by the leader of the gang named Gerald. Another pocket gave the location of the leader at the fort where we were headed. The plan would have worked if Joshua had not taken his walk.


Next: Chapter 8

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