On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jun 24, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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Chapter 6 Fast forward!

Of course, Stanley and David married Joan and Cindy and each couple is expecting a little one soon. I consider Stanley and David my sons, I have the right to spoil my grandchildren and send them home to their parents to try and undo all my spoiling.

Two years have passed since Joshua and I first met. We are still together and our love has grown stronger. No one could break us apart now. Joshua has learned English, and to read and write.

I ordered two sets of medical books which are used in the training of doctors from a school back east. Together we are going through them page by page. Joshua reads out loud and I explain what the terms mean and what he has read. Both of us are learning the new trends in medicine. We want to go back east and take our medical exams-Joshua to get his certification for his doctors degree and I will get a renewal and up grade. Arrangements have been made to do this in 4 months. Joshua has worked hard with me and can actually handle the job by himself. I have no doubts that exam will be a breeze. I have given Joshua several test just so he can get use to the procedure. He always passes with flying colors.

I am still the only doctor in the area Joshua and I still keep busy. So unofficially, the area has two doctors. We spend time with the Indians and are being accepted more and more by the Indian people. The tribal medicine man has come over to our side and does not hesitate to call on us. He is getting old and would like to see Joshua replace him. Joshua is learning all he can from the medicine man about tribal beliefs and customs. He is in hopes of combining Indian medicine with that of the white man.

I convinced a young couple, Paul and Margaret Barkley on their way to Oregon to stay and run the farm while Joshua and I go back east. The couple would remain until we returned and I would give the one of my farm`s.

All we have to do is wait. It appeared that the whole community joined forces against us. There is always another broken leg that needs to be fixed, a new baby to be delivered, someone always with the croup, a severe cut that needs stitches and the list goes on. So much for just sitting around waiting.

The week before we were to leave, Joseph and Betty were driving the buggy to the fort for supplies. A grouse flew up in front of the horse, spooked him, and caused it to run-away. Joseph could not stop the horse and it kept running at full speed. The buggy's wheel hit a rock, turning the buggy over, throwing them onto a big rock pile. Both Joseph and Betty were critically injured.

Father Matthew just happen to come by the accident shortly after it happened. He had to shoot the horse, which was severely injured. Yes, he packs a gun, just for such occasions. He then loaded Joseph and Betty in his buggy and headed for our place. Joseph didn't make it and Betty was in very bad shape when they arrived.

She told me what had happened. Joshua and I both began working very hard to save her. We both knew that she would never make it. Betty said in a very weak voice, "Jim, I am not going to make it. I don't have long. Promise me that you and Joshua will take my children and raise them for me. If you can't, please find a good home for them. Will you do that? Look for the strongbox in the same place where you found it."

"Betty, of course we will care for the children and give them all the love and care that they need. I give you my solemn promise." I said with tears running down my face.

"Betty, I give my promise as well," Joshua whispered .also shedding tears..

"Father Matthew, Come Quickly! Betty needs you! Now!" Father Matthew did not reach her in time. She was gone.

"Father Matthew, please go over get Jacob and Lisa. We will start digging the graves and should be ready for burial when you get back," I went into the back yard and stated ringing the large bell. Each farm had its own signal code. This was a signal for all within hearing distance that something was wrong and they knew where to go. I shot in the air three times paused and fired three more times. The neighbors would drop everything and come running.

Jacob and Lisa were just getting ready to leave, when Father Matthew arrived. "Children come here and take my hands. We have to say a prayer for your mother and Joseph. They had an accident and were killed." Both children started crying. Father Matthew just took them in his arms and said a short prayer. "Now we can mourn our loss together. Let's have a good cry and pray some more!"

The neighbors started arriving in buggies and on horseback. Father Matthew told them briefly what had happened and sent them on down the road to our place. At the same time, neighbors started arriving from the other direction.

Two of the neighbors started building coffins for Joseph and Betty. Two of the other men made crosses and put Betty and Joseph's names on them. The graves were dug underneath a large elm tree on the little hill in back of the barn .. The previous owners had been laid to rest there.

Joseph and Betty were placed in the coffins and the lids nailed on. Four men on each coffin carried Joseph and Betty to their final resting place. All the mourners followed behind with Jacob and Lisa leading the way behind the coffins. Lisa collapsed and Joshua just picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. Jacob had me around the waist , snuggled very close, and held me very tightly.

A couple of days later, everyone was sitting at the table eating their evening meal. "Paul, how would you and Margaret like to stay here and become owners of this farm. I am not planning on selling this farm to you. I'll just sign the whole farm and everything on it over to the two of you. If this one doesn't meet with your satisfaction, I have six more for you to chose from. Joseph and Betty owned the farm next door. I promised Betty on her death bed that I would take Jacob and Lisa and raise them for her. Their house is bigger than this one. If we were to stay here, I would have to build an addition. It will be a lot easier just to move into the bigger one. If you don`t take the children, we will just have to take them with us."

"How long do we have to decide?" asked Paul.

"Oh, about 5 minutes! Starting now!" I said laughing. "No, actually we will be leaving in 3 days and I would like to know before then. I need to go to the fort and transfer the farm to your name."

"Paul, you can help me do the dishes and we can talk while you wash and I dry," said Margaret trying to keep a straight face but couldn't. She burst out laughing. "I wish that you could have seen the look on your face. It was something else"

"Hey, I don't remember this being part of the deal. Margaret, you just wait, I will get even!" said Paul

I really don't think we will have go to the kitchen and `do the dishes'. A deal like this comes along once in a life time. We have no guarantee that we will find anything any better in Oregon or as even nearly as good. I don't know how we could pass this offer," said Paul. "Agreeing will get me out of the dishpan at least for the time being."

"I agree with Paul and I say we'll accept your offer. As far as getting out of the dishpan, that is still arguable," laughed Margaret.

"Paul, I'll save you. Jacob and I will do the dishes," offered Lisa.

"Hey, how did I get roped into doing the dishes. I am not part of the deal for getting a farm," laughed Jacob.

"Didn't any one tell you, Jacob ,you are going to be the hired hand and will be behind the plow daylight to dust with no lunch break and no pay." teased Father Matthew. "I think I had better leave for the mission before I end up in the dishpan."

"I don't think you will fit. You are way to big!" sniggered Lisa.

"Before you leave, Father Matthew, why don't we take a little walk? There is something I need to discuss with you."

"I think I know but let's go. I need some fresh air anyway," said Father Matthew.

"I have been thinking about Jacob and Lisa. I don't know if I can just go off and leave them with strangers or that Joshua and I can take them with us. They have gone through so much and their lives have been in turmoil since the first day that we found all of you. Would you be willing to let them stay at the mission with you until we return?"

"Jim, I knew this was coming. I have just received my calling today for a mission in California. I will be leaving in less than a month. As far as I know, I don't have a replacement yet. Therefore, I will have to say no to your request. Jim, I have talked with Paul and Margaret on several occasions. I think they are mighty fine Christian people and they think the world of Jacob and Lisa. I don't think you can't go wrong by asking them. I would suggest asking the kids and see what they would like to do after all they are barely teenagers now and should be involved in the decision making."

"I think you are right. This was my thinking all along. I just needed someone to set my mind at ease. Shall we go back inside?"

"Paul and Margaret, while the kids are working on the dishes , let's go out on the porch and swing. I have some serious decisions to make and I need you help in making them."

"Sure Jim, Let's go!" said Margaret.

After a short discussion, Paul and Margaret agreed to keep the children until Joshua and I returned. We went back into the house and called the kids into the sitting room.

"Kids, How would like to live with Paul and Margaret while Joshua and I go back east to school? I was planning on asking Father Matthew to let you stay at the mission but he is leaving, I have to make other plans. I would like to hear what the two of you would like!"

"We really would like to stay with you but since you won't be here, then I think that living with Paul and Margaret would be nice and I bet we'll have lots of fun and cookies to eat all the time," said Jacob with Lisa shaking her head in agreement. "Jim, could we stay in our house. We love that place. Mom and Joseph will always be there with us. All their things are there."

"You certainly may. I never gave it a thought. I will just get someone to look after my place."

"Paul and Mary, plans have changed. You are going to have Betty's place."

"Well, I guess there is nothing more to discuss. Would the two of you like to come home with us tonight?" asked Mary "Yes! Yes! Yes!" both children shouted, running to Mary and giving her a big hug."

"I think I need to go to the fort and see if I can find another couple to take care of my place until I return. "

"There was a young man, Peter Sims, that was traveling with us and I think he is still at the fort. He is out money and supplies. We loaned him a little money to get by. If he is still there, I am sure that he would jump at a chance to work so he could continue on with his journey," said Paul.

"He is only 25 and is having a tough time making a go of it. I think that you would like him and I know that he is of good character and hard worker," said Margaret.

"Thanks, I'll go in the morning and see if I can find him and offer him the job. If I am successful, I will bring him home with me!"

The next couple of days were very busy for everyone. I had to go to the bank and withdraw enough money to last Paul , Margaret and Peter until we returned. I also needed enough to get Joshua and me back east and enough to last until we returned.

Finally all that was left to do was get on our horses and ride. We discovered that a military unit would be leaving for St. Louis. They offered to let us travel with them. We jumped at the chance and decided to take a buckboard to haul all our stuff. Problems solved ! (Are they really?)TBCoecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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