On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jun 8, 2013


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On the move West Chapter 2

Just as the first rays of sunlight arrived, Stanley, who was on guard duty, saw a figure move in the brush. He immediately ran to where I was sleeping and woke me. "Jim, I saw a man over there in the brush," pointing to where he had seen him.

"Get the other men up and I will see what I can find." I took my rifle and went to the edge of the small wagon circle.

"You with rifle, I come in peace. I no harm. I, Joshua, brother of Adam traveling with you."

"Show yourself and come closer."

Joshua and the three men with him, rose up and started toward the wagons. Now everyone was awake and all the men had gathered with the rifles ready to fight, if need be.

"Lower your rifles. They are friends. The one in the lead is a brother to Adam. He and his party are the ones who warned those who were beaten that the bad guys were coming. Come on in. We are glad to see you. I know that you will be pleased to know that your brother and all those with him are alive. They are not in good shape but at least they are alive. Come I will take you to them."

When they got closer to the wounded, Joshua ran to his brother and they embraced each other. They started talking to each other in their native language. After a few minutes, Adam said, "We must use English. We can tell out friends here what the others are saying."

Joshua rose and walked over to me, "Adam say you medicine man. You save everyone. Thank you!" He took my hand and gave him a big hand shake, Indian style.

"Yes, I am a doctor. I can't take all the credit. All these good people joined with me and worked just as hard a I did. We are all thankful we came along when we did. We were all kicked off the train that we were traveling with. Now we are on our own. I hope that we won't have any trouble since we are small in size."

"You in my people's land . You safe. No have trouble from Indian. We help. You save all," said Joshua. "You travel with brother and friends?"

"Yes, until we reach the fort at least. I think we will stay here for at least two more days. I want to give the injured time to heal some. Riding in a wagon will not be the most comfortable for them."

I leave friends with animals. I go back to fort. Bad men camped along way. I listen to them. They not know I there. Two days bad men come. Kill everyone here. Animals not far. There old cabin . No one there . Someone build fence across canyon. No way horses and other animals get out. Plenty grass and water in canyon. We put animals there," said Joshua.

"I think that was a good idea. Let's ask your brother and the rest of his group what they think and see if they think they can make it that far. How would the traveling be?"

Joshua replied, "Travel no problem. Old wagon trail. Flat land all way. No rock. Take two, three hour. Creek near cabin. Lots of water. Adam, what you think?"

"I think we should go. I know it will be painful. After what we have gone through, nothing could hurt any more. Who knows when those terrible men may come back!" said Adam.

Need be ready. Can`t just sit and do nothing," Joshua said. "Bad men come for sure."

"Go and get your women folk and children." I told the men. "They need to hear what is going on and be in on the decision making. We will go with `majority rules' Each person will have a chance to have their say and one vote. This goes for all the wounded as well. Hurry, we don't have time to waste!" I proclaimed.

Soon everyone was sitting on the ground in a half circle around the injured. Jim stood in the front of them so everyone could see and hear him. "I don't want to scare you but our lives are in danger. As I see it there are only a few solutions, none of which offers any guarantees, although some are better that others," Jim explained. "Thanks, to our Indian friends here, we are almost certain that the men who raided and beat all of you are on their way back. This time, it is not to beat but kill every living soul here in camp. We have to do something and very little time to do it!.

I continued, "The worse thing we can do is sit and do nothing. We all know what the outcome of that will be. We could jump in the wagons, and head as fast as we can travel toward the fort and hope that we will make in time. The problem with that would be hard on the injured. Fast travel would probably kill them all. Plus the fact, that the outlaws would be traveling on horses which will cover more ground than we would in the slow wagons. They are between here and the fort. Thus, we would be in worse shape than we are now. So I would say those two options are out."

"Another option that I like even less, is to get on the horses, ride double, and head for the fort. This would mean leaving the injured. I told the last wagon master, that I was staying and I haven't changed my mine. If that is the decision, you make, you'll go with out me!"

"I am staying with you! I agree that the first two options are out, also!" said Stanley and stood up. Everyone stood up and said the same thing.

"I am glad that we are all in agreement. Now here is a proposal that needs your opinions and acceptance. Let's put the ones not able to travel far in wagons and take them to the cabin Joshua told us about. I have two wagons that I will leave here and use my teams to pull the three wagons that we found. I have four extra oxen and the teams that were used to pull my two wagons. I can get my wagons later. We can leave the women and children along with the hurt at the cabin. The men, and older boys can get on their saddle horses and return to this spot. We can lay in ambush for the villains. Hopefully, we can get them all. Then we go back to the cabin and head for the fort. Now it is time for discussion. Who want to be first?"

Sarah was the first to stand. "Jim, I agree with most of your plan. However, there is one part that I would like to change. You said that the men and older boys would return. I think that you should allow some of the women and younger boys return with you. I know that I can shoot a rifle with accuracy and I can ride a horse fast and furious. I have seen Robert ride and shoot and he would be a good one to come back with you." She then sat back down.

"I am going with you, also!" Said Judy. The other women all agreed with Judy.

"I am sorry Sarah, I wasn't trying to say that women could not ride and shoot. I was just thinking about the younger children. If something happened to their mothers and fathers, how would they survive?"

Betty was the first to reply, "Jim, I know that I can't stand at the present time, but if I survive, and I will take care of the children. I can supervise the children from my bed, now. I promise if something happens to their parents and I survive, I'll take them all and raise them somehow. They will have a chance at least!"

Tom stood and waited for everyone to become quite. "I certainly agree with Betty, Sarah, and Jim. As I see it, this is our only option. I would like to hear from the sick and hear what they think."

"I would like to know what happened to my husband. Joshua, do you know?" asked Betty.

"Yes, Bad men hang him." replied Joshua.

Betty started sobbing. "Thanks for being honest. I have felt this in my heart all along. I just wish I could take a rifle and join those going to protect us."

"I just hope that it is not too late to make our move!" said Adam. Joseph immediately agreed with him.

"I am usually against violence but under the circumstances, this is one time when I agree those men must be stopped somehow. So I agree with Adam and Joseph," said Father Matthew.

Charles rose to his feet. "I agree with Father Matthew. These men have to be stopped and if violence is the only way then so be it! I say lets vote and not waste any more time. All those opposed say I." Not one person voted against going after scoundrels.

"Jim, would you take over and officially become our leader and spokes person? Asked Tom.

"Reluctantly, I will agree. Joshua, do you know where all the valuables are buried?"

"Yes, I help bury."

"David , Stanley, and Robert, why don't you go with Joshua and his friends and help dig them up. The rest of us will start getting the wagons ready to roll and the injured loaded. Then we can be on our way."

The wagon camp became a bee hive with all the hustle and bustle going on. In half an hour the first wagon pulled out. There were only two wagons left and they had been stripped of all the food supplies and anything of value. Only the farm equipment was left.

The little train reached its destination. Surprisingly the cabin was still in good shape. The patients were moved inside and made comfortable. Betty was left in charge. Mary choose to remain at the cabin, which was probably a good idea. She could fix meals and keep the house supplied with water. If need be, she could go for help. Adam, Joseph, and Luke were placed in chairs by the windows. They were each given a pistol to use if need be.

The women got some men's clothing and changed into them. Now they could ride a horse and not worry about their skirts getting in the way and they wouldn`t have to act lady like. Some of the children laughed, but this didn't stop the ladies. They had a job to do and was going to do it regardless!

"I know short-way where wait for men to come. Is narrow canyon with steep sides. Wagon trail go bottom canyon. Can see long way. Good place to hide." said Joshua.

"I may be commander-in-chief but you are the head of my war department. Lead out and the troops will follow you," I said. This caused a chuckle to go through the `troops'.

I divided the group into two parties . I had Joshua place one group on one side and the other group on the other so that both sides of the canyon could be used. Joshua did a good job finding places where people could hide and still have a good view of the canyon floor. He told the people to get comfortable, not move around much and above all to be quiet.

"Jim, me and friends go. We wait, watch. We see men, come back in a hurry. Watch for us return." said Joshua.

"Be careful, Joshua. We don't want any causalities. Every person is important . Joshua, can you howl or bay at the moon like a Coyote?" Joshua gave a loud sample. "Howl like a coyote four times. Wait for awhile and then you and your friend can howl at each other, if you want. This will be your signal that you are coming in and for us to get ready! On your way out stop by and tell the people on the other side. I will tell the ones on this side. Good luck, and we will see you soon," I said .

Before I knew what was happening, Joshua and the three men were gone. Now the waiting game could begin. David and Stanley were going to take turns keeping guard on the other side of the canyon while the others slept. Donna and I were going to keep watch on this side. Donna volunteered because she said she wouldn't be able to sleep any way.

Blackness slowly worked it's way into the valley. Only an old owl talking to his mate broke the silence. The only other sound was a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves. Donna took the first watch and I grabbed a nap. When I awoke, I relieved her and she took her nap. The early morning sun broke the uneventful night. Jim saw members of his party stand up and stretch and the disappear from sight.

Breakfast consisted of dried meat, dried fruit and a cold hard biscuit. Each person had a sack of these ingredients and a canteen of water. If used sparingly the food and water would last for maybe three days at the most. There was just enough to kill the hunger pains and nothing more.

Lunch came and again people stood up and waved to each other and then went back into hiding. I am sure that some even took little short naps. I know I did.

I have to be doing something, I can't just sit idol and do nothing. I found a chunk of wood and started carving. Before long, I had an owl roughed out. Now all I had to was fine tune it and one of the kids at the cabin would have a new treasure. I finished my owl before eating the evening meal. I found a longer, bigger chunk and decided to make a deer. I had it completed before dark. At this rate, I would have a complete zoo and each child could have his or her choice.

Night came and again all was quite.

About 10 the next morning, the coyotes started howling and then stopped. I became very tense and almost had a heart attack when Joshua walked up and touch me on the shoulder.

" They not far. Be ready. Twelve men come. I go tell other side." And he was gone..

I thought to myself,Twelve men. They must have picked up 6 men from the wagon train that kicked us off. At least we have the advantage, we know they are coming and we have good protective cover. They can't see us but we can see them and they don`t know we are here!"

I stood up and shouted, "When they get here hold your fire. I would like to take them all alive and let them stand trial. If you do shoot, shoot to kill! We have enough wounded to treat." I then concealed myself and started playing the 'waiting game'. I always lost this game.

About an hour later, We heard an owl hoot and the 12 renegades came around the bend. I stood up and yelled, "Stop! Where you are! Get off your horses and throw you guns on the ground! You are completely surrounded and there is no way to escape.! If you don't obey, then prepare to meet you maker!"

"You are just bluffing and we are calling your bluff!" The man, who was obvious the leader, yelled back and lifted his gun to his shoulder. Before he could fire, an arrow pierced his heart and he fell to the ground and didn't move.

Another raised his gun, Donna raised her rifle, aimed and fired. She had hit her target- right between the eyes. This was the signal for everyone to start shooting. In a very few minutes all the trouble makers all lay on the ground.

"Hold your fire! I want to go down and check and see if any are still alive. I don't want anyone to lie there suffering. Stay where you are and be ready. I will tell you when to come down."

The first man I checked was the wagon master that kicked us on the wagon train. I found only one man still alive. I knelt by his side and raised his head a little. I could tell that he didn't have much longer to live. "I must know are all those who were involved in the hanging of a young negro man, all in this group?"

"No, three men were taken prisoners by the soldiers at the fort. They are in jail waiting for trial. They are sure to be hanged." The man stiffened and was gone.

"Hey, everyone get your horses and come on down. We need to round up all of the loose horses." commanded Jim.

Soon all the horses were caught. "Tie each man on a horse and we will take the bodies with us. It is not decent just to leave them out here. We will bury them when we get to the cabin. I know some of you are thinking, `Why bother'. Every man deserves a decent burial but it doesn't have to be a Christian burial. They can all be put into one pit as far as I am concerned with no marker!"

Joshua came up to Jim. "You good man. Many no bother bury dead. Indian scalp and leave. Our people get burial."

"Can we get to the fort from the cabin or do we need to bring the ones we left there back out this way?" Jim asked

"Good road from cabin. Not much father. Maybe one half day," replied Joshua.

"Very good. Let's head back to where we left the wagons. We can put the bodies in a wagon and use their horses to pull the wagons. I think we have been away long enough," Jim exclaimed.

As the group came into sight, Children can running from everywhere. When they heard people coming Mary and Betty told the children to run and hide and not to come back until they were told to do so. Betty was now able to walk and had hollered to let the children know it was safe to come in. The children ran to their parents and started hugging them.

Every one went into the cabin.

"Betty, may I talk with you before we go in?

"Sure, it is about my husband. Isn't it?"

"Betty, we already know that he was hanged. I found out from a dying man that all of his captors were killed today except three. They were taken prisoners and are held in jail at the fort waiting trial. All three are expected to be hanged. My question to you is, do you want to stay for the trial and hanging.?" said Jim.

"Right now, I would say yes but I will have to give it some thought. I am at my wits end. I am at the point of not knowing what I am going to do. I have absolutely no money and no family. I was sold and removed from my family when I was a small girl. So I have no family to go back to. One thing for sure, I don't want to return to the south. My husband and I were going to make a new life for ourselves. We wanted to find a small place to call our own," said Betty with tears running down her face.

"You and your children are more than welcome to travel with me. When we reach our destination, I will build you a house right next to mine. Together we can search for that new life. There is always light at the end of the darkest tunnel. Working together, I know we can achieve both out goals," I said with tears rolling down my face.

"You have just made me so happy. I just wish that it were proper to give you a hug, but I'll just have to give you a big thanks from the bottom of my heart," said Betty with tears still down her checks.

"Betty, times are changing. You are a free woman now. We can throw the old customs away and do our own thing. I consider you my equal, so come over here and let's have that big hug!

"Are you sure? What will people think?"

"Yes, I am sure. If people don't like it, I would say that is their problem. If they say anything. I'll bust them in the mouth!" said Jim giving Betty one big bear hug. Jacob and Lisa burst through the door and grabbed Jim and gave him a big o' hug.


Next: Chapter 3

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