On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Aug 2, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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On the Move West Chapter 17

Laying in bed the next morning, I was looking a Linda. She looked like an angel laying there and not like a woman who had been used all night. We didn't get to sleep until about 3. I finally crawled out of bed and went to the out-house. I came back in and started breakfast.

"Good morning! You got more than your money's worth last night. How come you didn't wake me and I would have cooked breakfast. I can also cook."

"I guess I will have to give you two dollars for tonight. Lady, you are one hella of a woman in bed. I think I will just keep you around for awhile. You were terrific. You want breakfast or do you want to take of my swollen thingy?"

"I think I want something to eat. I can't believe that your are a doctor and don't know that a thingy is called a penis, phallus, a dick, a cock, a peter, and so on. It is not a thingy, a peewee, my private parts, my willy or Mr. Turner. I really dont care what you call it as long as you know how to use it and you certainly do know that. With that thingy` and knowing how to use you got the job done. I should pay you."

After breakfast, we were just sitting and drinking our coffee. "Linda, I would like to ask you a very serious question or two. Have you ever though about settling down and staying in one place and with one man?"

"Of course I have. Every girl and woman dreams about doing just that. Why do you ask?"

"I am by myself now and it gets very lonely with no one to talk with. I need someone to be by my side and help me with my work. Also, I need someone to push the plow and milk the cow!" I said laughing.

"I'll cook, clean, push the plow and have a thingy pushed in me all day and night but I'll be darned if I will milk a cow!" Linda said laughing.

"Linda, I am asking you to stay here on the farm with me. There does not have to be any sex connected with it but if we do, then that is just an extra bonus."

"I would consider staying only on one condition. You make an honest woman out of me and marry me. I am serious."

"I think this is what I was trying to say and just didn't know how to go about it." I got down on one knee, "Linda, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Yes, and Yes"

"Linda, we have a minister in the neighborhood. Let's go over to his place now."

"I am all for it. I want to pretty up a bit and then we can go."

"You don't need a lot of fancy clothes because you look pretty good naked."

"Yah, what are your neighbors going to think. Keep talking like that and we will never make it to the preacher's house."

"That's ok with me. What has it been fours hours since we made love. I am ready for another round now but I guess I can wait until our honeymoon," I said snickering.

"You bet you are going to wait. See I can say No! We can go non-stop after the ceremony."

We stopped by Paul's and Margaret's on the way to preacher`s place. Margaret was so excited that she ran out to the back yard and started ringing the big bell. She knew that in a short period of time the whole neighborhood would be there. They could all go to the church and join the celebration.

Within and hour, a long line of buggies were on their way to the little church. Margaret had a wedding veil and gave it to Linda to wear. The friends all decided to have a neighborhood party at Jim's and Linda's place. After the ceremony, everyone would go home, fix a covered dish and get ready to celebrate at 6:oo that evening and look for a gift for the newly weds. Excitement filled the air.

The men decided to take the womenfolk home and then would head to the neighbors who were not at the wedding ceremony. One man was even going to the fort to spread the word. An impromptu party always causes a lot of excitement and can be one of the best This one would probably go until the wee hours of the morning and then all the guest would sleep in the barn.

Linda and I were alone for a few minutes and I whispered in her ear, "Looks like my `thingy' won't get any loving tonight. It will just have to wait for tomorrow."

"You keep calling it a `thingy' and it will never get any!" laughed Linda.

"Want to bet. Your twat' won't go very long without my thingy' pounding it. Let's sneak away and find a place where we can be alone where I can stick it in for a quickie"

"I can see that I will never have a peaceful moment. You're just an old over-sexed teenager that never grew up. I don't mind though. I will be ready every time you want me," laughed Linda. "Well, maybe. I have always heard that a woman' place is to cook, keep house, and take care the children. If I spend all my time cooking and cleaning, there certainly won't be any time to make babies. I guess you will just have to hire another housekeeper and cook. Then I can make you happy and spend all my time in bed with that `thingy' trying to wear my twat out. Won't happen because it was made to last a life time. Linda and I were laughing so hard, that some our friends wanted to know what was so funny.

"Oh, nothing! Jim was just telling me about the thing-a-jig he was going to use and I said "twat did you say"

"I know Jim. I bet he said he was going to stick his thingy in your twat. Didn't he?" teased Paul. "If you two newly weds want to sneak over to our house and have a couple of rounds in the bed, Margaret and I will cover for you and no one will miss you. However, you had better be back in 15 minutes because if you are not back the whole party will come looking for you." Now all three of us were laughing our heads off.

"I think we will just stay here. I couldn't get in the mood in 15 minutes. Once Linda and I start, we want all night to finish."

"Speak for yourself, Buster. You know you can't even go fifteen minutes. Then you will just roll over and go to sleep!" Margaret had joined the little group and now all four of the were laughing.

"I think we need to go join the party before we cause a riot."

"Twat, you say?"

"Jim I wish you would learn to speak English, so we could all understand you!" roared Paul.

And so, this story comes to an end. Thanks for staying with me this long. Joe


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