On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jul 30, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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On the Move West Chapter 16

I saw a very pretty young woman sitting on the steps of the mercantile, crying. I walked over to her. "Miss, If you are with the wagon train, it just left."

"I missed it on purpose. I was only with it long enough to find a place to get off. I am a prostitute. Now I am free to make my own decisions. Do you know of anyplace, I can stay for a few days until I can find a permanent place? The hotel only has 6 beds and they are all full."

"My name is Jim Turner and you are?"

"I am Linda Carlson. Mr. Turner, I just told you I am a prostitute and yet you are still talking to me. That means you want me and for a price you can have me. I charge one dollar or two dollars for all night."

"Sounds alright to me. Shall we go to my place. I live a short distance from here and I have a buggy. Shall we go to the buggy" "I have only one trunk with me. We had better take it with us because if I don't, everything will be taken. I don`t have anything of value but that is all I own."

"I'll go get the buggy and we can load it and leave."


On the way to my place, I said, "Linda, I am going to give you the two dollars, but I don't want any thing sexual from you. I knew you would not have come unless I agreed to your price."

"Jim, that is entirely up to you. You have me for the night and you can do anything that you want. Is there a wife at home waiting for your return.?"

"No. I just couldn't see you stranded there at the fort. Occasionally some real rough characters come through and people have actually disappeared."

"I know, I have met some of them. Want to hear about them?"

"Sure, I am just about to die of curiosity."

"You probably won't like my story. It is sorta gruesome. Are you sure you want to hear it?

"I do and will tell you mine later."

"Ok, here goes. Twelve years ago, my parents went into town to get some supplies. That was the last time, I was to see my mother. I was 17 at the time and wanted to stay home. Nine renegade Indians came on the place. Evidently they had been watching the place and knew I was alone. One of the Indians came in the house and grabbed me. I tried to fight him off but he was just too strong. He carried me out and put me on a horse in front of him. The Indians drove off all our horses that were in the corral."

"After we got started, I knew what was going to happen. He took his free hand and started playing with my breast. Soon it was under my skirt and he had it inside my underwear and started fingering me. I knew it was just a matter of time."

"We traveled for a couple of hours. The Indians were talking in their language and soon, my captor stopped his horse. The others drove our horses on. He slid off the horse and grabbed me. He pulled me off." ***** "Me want woman. No fight. I kill if you do. Me like woman."

"I knew there was no use in fighting. He would rape me anyway. I started taking my clothes off. He grinned from ear to ear. He pulled the blanket off the horse and put in on the ground."

"Get on Blanket!"

"I did and laid on my back. He removed his loin cloth and stood before me naked. I would not say that he was huge but he was bigger that my boyfriend, who had made love to me three times in the last week. I spread my legs and he knelt between them and put his hard cock inside me. Before I knew what I was doing, I started enjoying it and started moaning. This made him more excited and he was now giving me all he had. After some time, we climaxed and he rolled off me and just lay beside me breathing hard." "Woman good. I like. No kill. I keep for myself. Take to village and you my squaw now. Belong to me only."

"I knew I saved my life by not fighting and by giving him good sex. The women of the village hated me and made my life miserable but my man made up for this with his good love making. I was with him for five years. One day, he came with another man and brought him into teepee."

"You his squaw now. He give 5 horses. Go to his lodge."

"I did not want to go but I knew better than argue. I left the man that I had come to love. Inside the new man's teepee, I just took my dress off. He grinned and took of his clothes. He pointed to the bed and I responded. He did not waste any time and entered me very roughly. He was a beast and I did not like it one bit. Finally, he stood up and took me by the hair of my head. Made me open my mouth and stuck his cock in. I bit him as hard as I could and brought blood. He beat me until I though he was going to kill me. Soon he left and came back with my first man would was to act as an interpreter."

"He say take to fur traders. Sell you. Do now or he kill."

"I want to stay with you."

"No can do. You his squaw, Can do anything he want. We go now."

"We left and after a day of riding, we came to a camp of trappers which had maybe 10 men, four of which had Indian wives. He sold me for one horse and 3 blankets. The guy who bought me was a large man, in fact he was fat and very dirty. After the Indian left, he took me around and showed me off to all his friends."

"After some time, he took me to his tent."

"I hope that you are as good in bed as you look. I haven't had a good woman for a long time. Just some old sloppy Indian squaw. So why don't you get out of those clothes and let me look at you. My! My ! You are certainly a good looking woman. You are worth the purchase price just to look at. Get over there in bed and we will get started. Before you do, take my clothes off and give me a kiss. I can't wait to have my way with you. You had better give me a good one or I sell your ass to anyone who wants a round with you. Your ass belongs to me now. You will do just what I say or I'll give you back to the Indians. Understand?"

"Yes! Now let me get your clothes off. You have already seen what you bought. Now I want to see what I am getting! If you have just a little cock, then you had better get rid of me."

"You are a sassy one aren't you, Honey. I know just how to take care of you. Come on, get me out of these rags. You'll like me better nude." I took my time undressing him and he was becoming impatient with anticipation. I even slipped my hand inside his underwear and was surprised. He had a nice sized hard-on. So this may not be to bad. It could have been worse." Finally, we were in bed. He starting kissing me, playing with my breast, and put his finger inside me. I was surprised by he was not rough at all. I was becoming very turned on."

"Well, Honey, are you ready for me or do you want to play some more. I like touching you!"

"I am ready for you. I think you will like what is to come. It is a lot better that just touching me."

"I spread my legs and he gently entered me. I moaned and put my arms around his neck. I was surprised but he was actually very good in bed and had a lot of staying power. For a fat man, he really turned me on. I socked it to him with everything I had. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss, we climaxed together."

"Hey, Baby, that was a wild one. You are better than good. I know that we will have lots more sessions. I hope they are all as good as this one. Did you enjoy it as much as I did?

"Man, you know how to please a woman. I am lucky that you are the one that bought me. You won't ever be sorry! Are you ready for round two? If you are let's do it again."

"I need to rest a little and then we can have another go at it. I think I just died and went to heaven. You are really something, Woman. I know one thing, I am going to say you are lousy in bed. If I don't every man in camp is going to want a turn with you. I want you all to myself."

"Good, You are all the man that I want and need. You are one the best that I have had. You know how to use that beautiful cock of yours. I am anxious to get it inside me again. So anytime you are ready! I just curled around and took him in my mouth and he was ready to go instantly. I licked and played with his balls for awhile. Finally, he couldn`t take in more. This time he made love to me and not just used me."

After the first night, my man took a bath, shaved and cleaned up. He even had me cut his hair. He looked and acted like a completely different man.

"We had very good sex for 3 years. Never once did he strike me or say anything cruel to me. I think that I loved him and he loved me. We never told each other so. We had sex at least once every day and sometimes two or three times. We satisfied each other each time."

"One day, one of the Indian squaws came to me with a horse. `You take horse and leave. Your man killed in river. Other men want you. No good. Your man best. You leave now. Before to late." She handed me a sack which had some dried meat and fruit in it.

"I left and started riding not knowing where I was going. I always rode into the sun until high noon. Then I put my back to the sun. I knew I was heading east and would come out somewhere. and someone would point me in the right direction." "I took the gun that was in the cabin. I knew how to use it and was able to kill some game. Thus I was able to survive. Finally, I reached the Mississippi. I traveled along the Mississippi and found the area where I grew up. For sexual privileges, a man who lived next to my father, gave me two dollars and the next morning, he sent me home to my father.." ***** "What do you mean you lived with an Indian for 5 years. You did have sex with him. Didn't you?"

"Yes, I did and I survived because of it. Then, I lived with a fur trapper for 3 years and I had sex with him also."

"You are nothing but a little tramp. You are no daughter of mine. Should I give you some money and take you to bed. Is that what you want?"

"If you so much as touch one little hair on my head, I'll cut your heart out. You are the one that is filth."

"My father slapped me hard and told me to get out his sight and never come back. I never did find out what happened to my mother."

"I left and never looked back. For the next four years I went up and down the Mississippi selling myself. I made good money and at least I survived. Then I had this hair brained idea and headed west and here I am. "I bet you won't sleep with me now. I know your kind. You think you are too good for me."

"Linda, you don't know me! Let me tell you my story. You might be surprised."

I started at the very beginning and told her everything, including all the men and boys that I had slept with, and all the women and girls. I went into great detail just as she had. I told her of all the bad things that had happened. It was like reading a book. She listen patiently.

"Linda, see that house up there. That is my house. Would you like to spend the night here or would you like for me to take you back to the fort? Your choice."

"If you want to get your money's worth, then I will stay."

"I only want you to stay if you want to and not because you think you owe me anything. I'll tell you one thing. If I take you tonight, you could end up staying here permanently."

"I have already told you that I am a whore. What are your friends and neighbors going to say about a whore living with you. How are you going to feel about waking up in the morning with a whore in your bed?"

"My friends and neighbors will not care. We all look out for each other and what we do with our private lives is just that private. We don't judge others and we keep out of their private lives. So my question to you is, How are you going to feel about waking up with a man lover next to you in bed knowing that you were just used to relieve my sexual desires and knowing that I would rather have a man in bed with me?"

"Would you really prefer a man, because if you do take me back to the fort."

"I was just playing the what `if' game with you. When I sleep with someone, it is because I like them and want them. It makes no different if they are a man or a woman or what kind of past they have had. I want someone who will respect me in the morning and I, them."

"Jim, then I would say, maybe you had better take my trunk into the house. Let's take it one day at a time. Starting now." "Linda, I am glad we had this little talk. We don't have to worry about keeping secrets and worrying about the past catching up with the present. To be perfectly honest with you, I have been thinking about what it would be like crawling in bed with you as you can see from the bulge in my pants. You can keep the money, because you are going to earn it tonight."

"Jim, I am happy that you want me for me and not because you paid for me. You won't be sorry. I am going to do everything in my power to blow you mind. After we are finished tonight, you'll know how good a woman can be in bed. Also, one that won't have a headache!"


Next: Chapter 16

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