On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jul 26, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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On the Move West

Chapter 15

Winter came and went. The snow melted enough that the people in White Horse Canyon were able to make it out. Both women were pregnant and were thrilled with the idea of being mothers. They were surprised when they found out about the two men who had come after them.

Dave sent a telegram to one of his friends and received a reply. No other men were hunting for them. The girls' parents had finally accepted the fact and wanted to come for a visit but knew that would be next to impossible. They did start writing and this made the girls happy. Now that they didn't have to deal with a guilty conscience. They became like two new people.

What where they going to do, now? One day when they were at the fort, the new priest from the mission happened to come in. They began talking and soon they felt like they were old friends, reunited. Luke and Adam received an invitation to come to the mission and become teachers for the Indian children and other children that lived close by. One would have the younger children and other would take the older ones. After talking it over with their wives, they immediately accepted the positions.

The mission owned two farms which it had inherited. They gave the farms to Luke and Adam. Each farm had a helper on it and each worker received a percentage of the crops and livestock that was sold.

Dave and Joshua purchased one of the farms near the mission and moved there. Now they had a lot of good neighbors who accepted both of them and they lifestyle. The neighbors more or less tolerated it but really didn't condemn it either. A couple of the young women were doing a lot of flirting. Dave and Joshua were beginning to question their strange feeling they had when they were around the young women.

One day, Peter was falling a tree to be use for lumber and a limb fell and hit him on the head. He was killed instantly. This was almost more than I could bear. I just about gave up wanting to live. Lisa was not going to let me give up and I didn't.

Our love sessions became more frequent and intense. Lisa had the body that any man would like to have to call his own. I though I had good sex with Peter but it was nothing compare to the sex I had with Lisa. She could turn me inside out and leave me begging for more.

The snow melted and all the plants and trees started looking like they were alive again. Everything was getting nice and green. All the crops were all planted and we had a little slack time . We could just relax for awhile-hunt, fish or whatever.

Lisa met a young black man about 21 at the fort. They started seeing each other on a regular basis. Soon they had fallen in love and came to see me one day. We had a nice long talk and I agreed she should marry her guy. I was so happy for her. Now she could have a life of her own and not just a play toy for a sex crazy old man. All of us had a good cry and parted the best of friends. . Robert and Jacob became my sexual outlet after Lisa married her guy. Robert soon moved in with me. Oh, to be young again. Jacob would come over occasional and the three of us made love like it was going out of style. They both gave me a good roll in the hay.

One day, I went to Paul's and both boys were there. We got the surprise of our life. Jacob had discovered that his birth mother was living in Seattle. He wanted to go to her and be by her side in her reclining years. We all told him go. He wanted to leave that day. He had all his belongs already in a wagon. I had some extra mules that I gave him.

We headed for my place so he could get his mules. He was very reluctant to go. He didn't want to leave Robert and me. "Jacob listen to me. Robert and I have each other. You are young and hung like a horse. You know how to use the big `tool' of yours. You will not have any trouble finding someone to use it on, be it man or woman. You don't have to tie yourself down to just one person. Do a little shopping and enjoy yourself. If you choose to go with a man, just be aware of your race and man/man love is not accepted in most places. Even though you and your man love each other and enjoy your sex, you may find yourself the loneliest people in the world. Sex is not everything. When you find that special someone, be true to him or her. Don't do like Peter and I did. We had multiple sex partners and really didn't satisfy our needs. Sure we had lots of fun but always wanted more. We were never satisfied. Something was lacking. Commit yourself to just one person and give them all your love."

"Jim, I know what you are saying. Robert and I had each other and we weren't satisfied. Then we took Lisa, you, Peter, even Paul and Robert's dad. We were always looking for something else. Can I take the mules and go get the wagon and come back. I would like to spend the night with you and leave in the Morning."

"Of course you can. I would like nothing better. I know we can go all night because we have done it before. An all nighter would be a good send-off present for you and would keep you happy for a few days until you met some on the trail to share your bed. I can get Robert's ass anytime I want it. I want my time with you to be special. Just be choosy and don't take the first person you see and above all don`t get in a rush. You have the rest of your life to chose your partner. Choose a good one."

Morning came and we were up with the sun. I gave Jacob a thousand dollars and told him to hide it somewhere in the wagon and in a place where no one would find it and above all not to flash it around.. "Live a very frugal life. I will buy your supplies. Let's ride over to the fort and see if a new wagon train is there and headed west. I would like to see you hook up with a train. It is for your own safety if you do."

"Sure thing, let's ride. I can still get an early start. Jim, you know I am scared to death. Maybe I should just stay here. Do you know Betty was not my real mother? My mother was sold when I was about 7. My owner gave me to Betty to raise. So she became my mother and I loved her greatly. Lisa was not Betty's child either. The same thing happened to her. Of course, after the war, we all became free. Betty and her husband wanted a life for us away from the south. That is why we headed west. My birth mother was sold to a wealthy man who had no family of his own. He and my mother became good friends and lovers. Before he died he sold everything he had and gave all the money to my mother because she could not inherit anything. My mother found me by hiring people to search the old slave records and census records and such. She knew the name of the man who sold her and where he was from. She found my name listed on a census record as being in the house

with Betty. Then she was able to trace us to where we are now. We have written many letter back and forth. I know in my heart that I have to go to Seattle and be with my mother."

"Thank God, she found you. You are one of the lucky ones. Many were separated from their family and never saw or heard of them again. All I can tell you is never rush into any thing. Think before you act and walk away from trouble when you can. Let God be your guide. He will take care of you. If something doesn't feel right, go in the other direction. Listen to that little voice inside of you. It is there for a reason. Jacob, I didn't want to preach you a sermon, however, I feel in my heart that everything is going to work out for you. If you do run into trouble, you will always be welcome here in my home."

We arrived at the fort and as luck would have it, a wagon train with fifteen wagons had just arrived and would be leaving in another day or so for western Canada and would go within a very short distance of Seattle.

We spent a lot of time visiting with families on the train. There were three black families and the rest were Amish. There was an older couple who were traveling by themselves. After talking with them, we discovered that they were looking for a young couple to travel with them to help and take care of them. I asked them if they could use a single, young man and they immediately agreed Jacob could travel with them. They really needed someone to drive the wagon and do the heavy duty stuff.

"I really have my own wagon and I would like to take it with me. If I have to, I can leave it with my friend here. In fact the mules belong to him."

"See that young man over there in the green shirt. He is looking for a ride west. He has absolutely no money and nothing. He recently lost his whole family in a house fire and everything that they owned. The land his parents lived on was leased. Therefore, he could not sell it for a grub stake it was all he could to rake up enough money to buy a team and a wagon. I bet he would jump at the chance to be you traveling companion. He could drive your wagon and you could drive ours."

"Let's go and visit with him. It won't hurt to talk with him. You have made no commitments yet. I think maybe this is God's way of answering our prayers."

After talking with the young man for quite some time, both Jacob and I had good feelings and were very impressed. We discovered that he was Amish, that he was a year younger than Jacob. He had a girl that he had to leave behind which upset him a lot but he had to leave every thing behind or go crazy from his loss of family. An elderly neighbor had to convenience him that he needed a new start a life and suggested that he go with the Amish settlers to Canada. All he had was his horse and bedroll. He ate what he could find or hunt along the way. He would not take `charity from anyone even though several had tired but he always refused. He agreed to drive Jacob's wagon in return for his food but no money was to be involved. We went back to the older couple and told them the young man had agreed to drive Jacob's wagon and he would drive their and the two of them would take care of all their needs.

The woman starting crying. "Did I offend you some way. If I did I am sorry, I never meant to," said Jacob.

"Oh, no! It was nothing you did. We were afraid that you wouldn't take the job. We would have had to stay here and not go on. We are on the way to live with our son and his family. All the rest of our family live with two miles of him. We prayed all the time you were gone. I am so relieved that I couldn't control my emotions."

"Could I give you a big hug? I am so happy to have found you and I want to make you happy." asked Jacob with tears in his eyes "Young man, you can give me a hug anytime you want. You don't have to ask!" replied the woman.

"Jacob, we need to go to my place and get your wagon. We also need to find the wagon master and make arrangements for you to join the train. Why don't we invite you new friend to ride out with us?"

"See the man leading the pinto horse. He is the one we elected to lead us and to make decisions. There is no charge but he has the right to decide who goes with us. He would not allow any rift-raft and the other members of the wagon train have the final approval who will be permitted join the train. You should not have any trouble. We will talk with everyone while you are gone."

We made a bee-line to see Paul and Margaret. They were tickled pink to know that Jacob had found a wagon train and a new traveling companion, Now they could relax a little.

"We will be at the fort first thing in the morning to see you off. You don't know how happy you have made us!" said Margaret. "You know I was so scared, I almost talked myself out of going. Now I am looking forward to my journey!" replied Jacob.

We loaded more supplies, bedding and other incidentals into Jacob's wagon. He had a few things of Betty that he wanted to take. Now it was time to head back to the fort. I gave him a small trunk. I told him not to open it until he was well on the way and to do in the privacy of his own wagon. It contained ½ of the money that Betty found when she inherited the farm. The other ½ was already given to Lisa.

When we arrived at the fort, the wagon master informed us that Jacob had been accepted and the train would be leave shortly after the break of dawn.

I returned home and would return in the morning. I went over to Paul's and we went to the canyon to round up several head of beef cattle, along with several fresh milk cows to give to the wagon train.

The next morning a large crowd went to the fort to see the wagon train off. There were tears of sadness and tears of joy. Jacob had captured the hearts of all who knew him. They all felt in their hearts, that he would come out winner.

Robert met a girl on the wagon train and fell in love immediately. He asked the girl to marry him and she accepted. The minister on the train married them and I was able to secure a wagon, a team and supplies for them. I took out some money from the bank and gave to them. They were able to leave with the wagon train.

Jacob took his seat on the wagon that he was driving for the older couple. His new friend was on the driver's seat of his wagon and right behind him.

The wagon master gave the call "Let'em roll."

Jacob jumped from the wagon, ran over to Paul and Margaret gave them one last kiss and hug. He ran back to his wagon with tears rolling down his check. The old woman took her handkerchief, wiped his eyes and put both arms around him and just held him. Now the tears were running down her cheeks. The old man, who was seated beside her put his arms around his wife. The wagon started moving and soon it was out of sight.


Next: Chapter 15

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