On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jul 23, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened. j

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On the Move West

Chapter 14

With the exception of two families, everyone in the valley loaded their wagons with supplies, cooking utensils, tools, extra clothing, bedding, equipment and three loads of lumber we had sawed with our little portable sawmill. Three wagons were loaded with grass hay for the horses to eat during the winter. The wagons finally headed toward White Horse Canyon.

The men, women and children, worked steadily and after 9 days a very large addition had been completed. No windows were put in since this was just a temporary stopping place for the inhabitants. It did contain a large fireplace for light, heat and cooking.

A huge barn with corrals was constructed and would hold all the horses in the severe weather otherwise they would be left in the corral . Hay would be stored inside for future use. A big pile of wood was cut and would keep the house cozy and warm. The children were very helpful with carrying and stacking the wood.

Luke spent his time making snowshoes. He wanted this done while the willows were still green and bendable. He would use rawhide strips to tie them together. At last he had 6 pairs completed. Now they could at least move around if need be. I spent part of a day helping him, just to learn how.

One woman brought an extra weaving loom which was just sitting collecting dust, a spinning wheel and lots and lots of wool for the new brides to use to make clothing and warm blankets for the beds. There was one in the house when they had moved into it and she had brought hers with her when they came west. The four men would probably be given jobs just so they would have something to do. Without doubt, the men would be shown how to weave and knit. What else was there to do except pack water, and feed horses.

The empty wagons were hitched and the happy little group headed for the valley. It felt like a storm could be coming. There was a big chill in the air. Winter could be on its way.

The little wagon train made it home and everyone went their separate ways after agreeing to keep the men and women in White horse canyon a secret. Peter and I unloaded our wagonload of fire wood and took care of the horses.

We were just about to sit down to supper when someone knocked on the door. I went to the door and two rough looking men were standing there. "Hello, How may I help you. If you are looking for a doctor, you are the right place.

"We are not in need of a doctor. We have come a long ways today and we would like to spend the night in the barn if we may," said one of the men.

"Sure thing. I have no objections. In fact, supper will be ready in about 5 minutes and you are welcome to eat with us. Won't be a fancy meal. We just back from hauling a load of fire wood to add to our winter wood supply."

"Much obliged , Mister. We would really appreciate that very much."

The men left for the barn. I went into the kitchen and told Peter what was happening. "I don't like the looks of these men and I don't have a good feeling. So let's try to get some information out of the while we eat. If anything out of the ordinary happens, I just may have to make a house call or two and get some reinforcements. Let's just play it by ear, but don't let you guard down and be on your toes. Remember the gun in the kitchen drawer."

"Jim, you are just a worry wart. Not to worry, I won't let you down. I love your ass to much to lose it," laughed Peter.

The men returned to the house and introduce themselves to us. I had the feeling that the names they gave us were phony. I did just the same and gave them names not our own.

"Where did you come from and where are you headed?" asked Peter.

"We came from Fort Hall and we are headed to the nearby fort. We have been hired by the Army to find and catch three Indians and a white man. They ran away from the reservation. They have captured two white girls and have the girls with them. They are believed to be very dangerous. Just wanted to let you know so you can be on the lookout for them. It is believed that they will be in this area because this was their home before the government relocated them to Fort Hall.'

"You won't find them at the fort. It was abandoned and there are only a hand full of people still there. I had a report that the party that you are looking for turned and headed north about 2 days ago. They are traveling fast and appears that they are headed for Canada. They must know that you are on their trail."

"Were they using wagons or horses?"

"The person who told me said they were on horses. He recognized one of the men who at one time was a scout for the army."

"I think come morning, we'll be on our way north. Sure would like to catch them, it means a good sum of money in our pockets."

"Peter, I told Margaret that I would stop by and check her leg and see how it is mending. I am glad that she lives close by so I won't have to travel at night. I think I will get my horse and leave. You two can stay here and have a cup of coffee. I won`t be long maybe an hour or even less."

"We understand, Doc. I know that you are always on call. I think I will just go to the barn and get some sleep. I am dead tired." "I'll join you. I bet I fall to sleep before you get you bed roll undone.'

"Goodnight to the two of you. I'll see you when I get back, Peter," I said as I was walking out the door. "I wonder if that old white horse is feeling any better. I had better have Paul go up and check on her." This was my way of telling Peter that I was going to have Paul go White Horse Canyon.

"Good idea, Jim. I would hate to loose her. She throws a good colt every year."

I saddled my horse and left for Paul's place. I knocked on the door and Lisa answered. "Is your Dad home?"

"No, he, Mom, and Jacob all went to the Fort. I had an upset stomach so I stayed home. They should be back at anytime."

"Lisa, I don't have time to wait for them. Something very important has come up. I will write a note and would you have Paul take it to White Horse Canyon tonight. He best spend the night and not travel at night. The wagon road was not meant for night travel. I think there may be some trouble. Two men came to my place today looking for those in White Horse Canyon." "I can do that. Come on in and write your note."

I told Paul what was happening and that I wanted to get a message to Joshua and Dave. I gave the note to Lisa and she put on the book case.

Shortly after I had finished, I heard horses in the yard. Before I could get up, the two strangers burst into the room with their guns pulled. Lisa screamed.

"Shut up! You black bitch or the doctor gets the first bullet and you the next one. So this is the patient you were going to see. I was thinking you told us a little fib. I think you came here to get a message to the renegades from Fort Hall."

"Honey, you are real good looking woman. I think I will get you in bed. I can't wait to put my cock inside you and pound it like there is no tomorrow. If you are any good, maybe Jeff and I will just take you with us and have our own personal sex slave and maybe make a little money with you. I am sure between the two of us we can keep you satisfied and have our fun at the same time. Bitch, get some rope. Jeff, you can tie him and then the fun begins. Are you a virgin, honey? I sure hope so. I don't think I have ever had a virgin."

Lisa did not reply. Bill took the back of his hand and hit her across the mouth. "When someone talks to you, you had better answer back or get the beating of your life. Do I have to ask you again?"

"No, I was raped once."

"Well, you, little whore, you are about to get raped again, all night. You had better make me enjoy it and give me a good ride or the doctor is a dead meat and you will be also. When I am finished with you, then Jeff gets his turn. If we like what we get, then we take you with us and use you anytime we want. You will be our personal sex slave. We will use your ass anytime and any way we want and you won't say no. Understand?"


"Now get that rope. I want you now. I don't want to wait all night."

Lisa left the room and came back with a rope. Jeff tied me to the chair and put a gag in my mouth.

"Now get those clothes off. I want to enjoy seeing what is about to become mine." said Bill as he started talking off his clothes. Lisa hesitated a bit. "You sure have a nice looking body. Hurry, up! You know you want it as much as I do!"

Lisa stood before him complete naked. Bill remove his pants and stood there with a hard on. Jeff who had removed his clothes and was just waiting his turn. "In a hurry, Jeff. Did you forget she is mine first. I will pound her pussy and you can have her next. Maybe next time, we both use her at the same time. We can enjoy her as much as we want tonight and maybe all day tomorrow if we want. Honey, you now belong to us, so you might as well relax and enjoy. When we tire of you, we'll just sell you ass to some whorehouse." Jeff just stood there grinning from ear to ear.

"Get over there on the bed. Let's get started." Lisa start crying. "Save your crying for later. We have not done anything yet but we are about to. Move! If you dont hurry, I may shoot before I even enter you. If that happens, It will be your fault and I will ram my cock down your throat until I come again and then I will use that black pussy of yours all night which I am going to do anyway. Damn! You have me so fired up! I can't wait to get on top of you. In fact, why dont you use you mouth to get me all wet so that I will slip in a little easier. I like having my cock sucked. Jeff, why don`t you remove the gag from the doctor's mouth and let him suck on you , while I make this bitch moan and scream for more!

The door burst open and Peter came in with two guns. Since both guys were nude and no guns, he shot both guys before either had a chance to do anything, killing them both.

Lisa ran over and got a butcher knife and cut me free.

"Lisa, I think you should get some clothes on before your family gets back"

"I told you a lie. They went to fort to get some supplies and were going to stay all night. I was to go over to your place before it gets dark. I was just getting ready to leave when you arrived. I told a lie. I wasn't rapped on the wagon train when you found us."

"I know, remember, I gave you a good examination!"

We got to our place which took a little longer because we had to bury the two men. Now the people in White Horse Canyon could let there guard down a little. We unsaddled the horses, and Lisa went into the house. TBC


Next: Chapter 14

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