On the Job

By v m

Published on Dec 12, 2003



This is a partially true story that happened to me several years ago. I have incorporated some fantasy parts as well as bits and pieces of a series of events that occurred to a friend of mine. I do hope you enjoy reading about it. It contains sex between males. If that is not for you, please stop reading now.

I have been in the restaurant business basically since I first started working when I was a teenager. I began by being a dishwasher, then busboy, moving up to work in the kitchen itself as a cook, and eventually made my way to assistant chef. I never intended to stay in this line of work, but that is the way it played out. I am now 35 and am an assistant chef in an Italian restaurant. It is a good job, pays well, and I do actually enjoy it. It does have its ups and downs like anywhere else, but I am not complaining.

One benefit that comes in this industry is there is generally always a bevy of young, hot looking girls working there to stare at and go out with sometimes. The days of me dating them have waned somewhat since most feel I am too old for them, but once in a while I do get lucky. But that is not what this story is about. This tale is somewhat different than that and it began 12 years ago.

I have had my share of girlfriends but remained the bachelor by choice. I was not really into the marriage thing and just liked my freedom. At the time of this story, I was sort of seeing a girl off and on, but nothing serious mainly because she was married. That didn't stop me from fucking her senseless though. I used to be totally against extra marital sex, but then I changed my mind. I figured, what the hell. If I can get it, I will. She was an accountant that worked for a small, local lawyer that I had met at a party of some friends. She was there alone because her husband was away on business. That night that we met, I screwed her in my friend's bedroom. It was a good night and we continued the relationship for another 8 months before stopping because she was getting nervous about getting caught.

But that is beside the point. I was working at a small, family style, locally owned restaurant as a general cook. The people were mostly cool, and the money wasn't bad, so all in all it was a good place. The hours weren't bad but since I was the new man, I got a lot of the weekend nights and closing shifts. I had no problem with that, I knew how it worked. The new guy generally gets the crap shifts until someone newer comes along. So generally it was me and this other guy that were the closers on the weekend, which meant we would get out of there around midnight/1 a.m. on busy nights.

After a couple months, the other guy had to stop closing on Saturday nights because of static he was getting from home. He would stay as long as he could but then it was up to me to finish up. It was no big deal to me at all, I understood and the manager offered to stay on those nights and help me out. That worked out pretty well, he was a cool guy and knew what he was doing. We got along well and things went smoothly. After a few weekends of this, I started noticing little things here and there. Although he was a real cool guy, and pretty funny, sometimes he was hard to read. We would joke and kid around all the time but when we were closing up together, sometimes he would seem different.

Not in a bad way, just a little more friendly. More pats on the back, high fives, stuff like that. Almost like he was flirting with me. It wasn't uncomfortable; he wasn't the type of person that could make you feel that way, just out of place. Then there was a night in the winter, after it had snowed and it was freezing, that we were taking the garbage out to the dumpster. We threw the bags in and were almost back inside when I slipped and he caught me somehow. It was great that he stopped me from hitting my head on the pavement, but I took notice that after he got me standing again, his hands lingered a little longer on me than I thought should have. And when he let go, he kind of caressed my back slightly then we headed back in joking about me almost falling.

I thought about that all the next week until Saturday came and we were together alone again. After everyone else left, we began our work but I had some questions for Jeff (the manager). After some small talk, I asked away.

Me: "Jeff, you are a great guy. I love working with you, you make it fun. But I'm curious about something. Have you been flirting with me? I know flirting and it seems that is what you are doing."

He didn't seem embarrassed at all, just answered me straight forward.

Jeff: "Well Mark, yes I have been. I will be honest with you. I think you are cute and I want to fuck you."

I was stunned to say the least. I didn't know what he would say but I sure didn't expect that. I stood there in silence as he went on.

Jeff: "Listen, I am not gay if that worries you. I am bisexual, I'm sure you know what that means. And I don't generally hit on guys; it is usually not my style at all. As a matter of fact, I have not been with a guy in a long while. However, I think you are a cute guy and to be blunt, I want you."

The more he talked, the more spooked I was getting. This guy wanted me for sex. I am not gay or even bi, at least I never thought I was. Now here is this man in his late thirties, in decent shape, and not bad looking, hitting on me. I didn't know what to do.

Jeff: "Even saying these things opens me up to a sexual harassment suit, I know this. That is why I have said nothing about it. I was going to keep it to myself but it was getting tougher the more we worked alone together. I figure you are pretty freaked out now so I may as well say what is on my mind. When I say I want you, I mean I really want you. I want your cock in my mouth, I want mine in your mouth. I want to stick my dick up your ass and bang you until it hurts. But I have never got the impression that you swing that way, so I have said nothing. But answer me this, do you like getting a blowjob?"

I was still a bit shocked but of course the answer was yes and I nodded my head to that effect.

Jeff: "Naturally! What guy doesn't? I propose this, you just sit back and relax and let me suck you off. No obligation on your part, just on mine. If you like it, I can do it more. If you don't, then nothing changes. Feel free to say no but at least think about it. Now let's get some work done."

He smiled and went about the closing work. I slowly started as well but not doing to well, my mind was definitely elsewhere. I ran through the normal, 'but I'm not gay' arguments in my head. Then again, he said he wasn't either. I was a little mad too that he would ask such a thing yet in the back of my mind there was a voice saying, 'what could it hurt?'. And I was horny, like usual, after checking out the girls at work all night. But this was wrong, wasn't it? Guys don't do this kind of thing, do they? I mean, I know they do but still, it just seemed wrong somehow. Then that voice said, 'you like it when girls are together don't you?' I had to agree that I did but that was different wasn't it? For an hour or so I was locked in a mental debate, both of us working and he was trying to joke around with me but I was kind of quiet and he didn't pressure me. Just went with the flow. Then, and I am not sure how or why, when I came around the corner and saw him working wrapping up some food, I went to him and whispered, 'ok'.

He didn't act shocked or surprised, just smiled, turned me against the counter and went to his knees. In an instant he had my pants down, underwear too, and was licking my hardening cock. I watched at first but then closed my eyes as he took me in his mouth, both of us moaning in contentment. I felt his whole mouth working on me and he was pretty good I have to admit. In only a few minutes I shot my load into his throat and he took it all. When he finished, he even re-dressed me the best he could and smiled at me again.

Jeff: "Well? What did you think? I happen to think it was fantastic, you have a great dick! And oh how I have been waiting for that!"

Me: "Uh, it was pretty good."

Jeff: "I will take that as a compliment. The next step is up to you. If you want more of this, just give the say so. I was suck you off anytime you want to."

He grinned at me and we went back to work, almost like normal. I didn't feel wrong about it like I thought I would, I actually enjoyed it. But I kept telling myself that I wasn't gay and that was the only time it would happen. And that thought lasted almost a whole hour as I had him do it again before we left. I got home thinking about the whole thing. What was wrong with me? I just had some guy blow me. Twice. Was I gay? No I was sure I wasn't but maybe I was bi after all. I did some research, by that I mean I looked at porn to see if I was indeed turned on by guys. I will say that I did get aroused by some of the male porn but more by the female by far. So maybe I was bi, I never thought that I was but it was possible.

For a few Saturdays after that, he would give me two blowjobs a night. And we both liked the arrangement. He never pressured me to go further but I started feeling the desire to. Maybe that is what he had in mind the whole time, I do not know. But one night, I found myself on my knees bobbing on his cock. It was a strange sensation but not bad really. He was built bigger than me but not by much, and was kind in giving me pointers. It took me a little while to get him off that first time, and I could not swallow his cum, but I tried choking on most of it. Like a teacher with a student, he praised me and gave me hints and the next time I did it, things went better and he really enjoyed it. I could tell by the pressure he put on my head.

From then on, we would each get a blowjob on Saturday night. It was a good setup we thought. There were no commitments, nothing like that. Just casual blowjobs. It was February now, and work was gearing up for Valentine's Day, sometimes a busy night, sometimes not but we were ready for it either way. It turned out to be a busy weekend and that meant a lot of cleanup afterwards which neither of us minded. Towards the end of the month, it was another Saturday night at work and we had blew each other early on in the night because it looked like it would be a short night's work.

Jeff: "Well, Mark, things around here have never been better."

Me: "Thanks, Jeff. I never would have imagined I would be doing anything like this but still, I am enjoying it."

Jeff: "Great! Me too! I know neither of us have said anything about it to anyone but there is also something else I have kept quiet about. Today is my birthday."

Me: "Oh! Happy birthday!"

Jeff: "Thanks. For my birthday, I want to fuck you! I know I said I would let you take this at your pace but I have seriously been imagining my cock sliding into you for a long time. This seems like a good time to do it too. What do you say, will you bend over for me?"

Me: "Uh, Jeff, uh, this is a tough one. I can say I had thought about it but didn't think I would like it."

Jeff: "Yeah, but then again you didn't think you would ever be taking a dick in your mouth either and liking that."

Me: "Uh, yeah, I guess that's true. But this is a little different though. I mean..."

Jeff: "Tell you what, we can get started on it and if you don't like it, I will stop. Ok?"

Me: "Hmm, I don't know..."

Jeff: "C'mon, for me? For my birthday? Let me take that sweet ass of yours. I will be easy on you."

For the first time, he seemed a little more take charge. He didn't even let me continue the argument. He came over to me and unsnapped then pulled down my pants. I tried to keep arguing but also I was going along with it, I couldn't believe it. I even stepped out of my pants for him. He took them and tossed them into the next room. He grabbed my hips and turned my body so my butt was facing him and he went down on his knees. Next my underwear came off and those he put into his pocket. I felt his lips on my cheeks and then his tongue licking my ass. It was an odd feeling but not bad and he was moaning softly saying how nice my ass was and how he was really looking forward to this.

I felt something pushing into me, it was small and he told me he was getting me loose with some finger work. The sensation was way different than anything I had felt before. After several minutes of this, he told me to hold onto the counter and then he pulled my legs back forcing me to bend at the waist. Then gently, he spread my legs and he felt his stand up. I never thought about my butt being good looking, but from his mouth came glorious compliments on how sweet my ass was. I was listening to him, and feeling nervous, when I first noticed that he was set behind me. I felt a small amount of pressure on my butt as he was putting his cock into me. That pressure built more as he pushed more of him into my virgin ass. He kept whispering to me and helping me out. It did hurt and a couple times I thought to tell him to stop but he was talking so nice to me, and trying to make me feel better, that I let him keep going.

Before I knew it, he was all the way in me and the pain was beginning to subside a little. He paused for a while then when I said I was ready, he began to fuck me. The feeling was indescribable to me really. A feeling of fullness is the best way I could sum it up. And I admit, it felt good. I was getting into him pistoning in and out of my ass. Soon, I was backing into him really getting into the rhythm. He started going even faster and was really letting me have it. I felt his balls bouncing off of me and all the while he was grunting and saying what a good fuck I was.

And he didn't just enter me and get his rocks off. No, he was not that fast. He fucked me good and hard and had good staying power. I am willing to bet he screwed me for a good 15 minutes before shooting off inside me. That was a feeling I will never forget, having his warm cum in me and some dripping out. He held me in a hug from behind afterwards and talked to me asking me if I liked it. I said I did, that it was nice, and wished him a happy birthday. He kept my underwear and wouldn't let me put my pants back on until the end of the night. I tied an apron around my waist and worked that way for the remainder of the evening. Before I clocked out, he took me in the office and bent me over the desk and fucked me again. He went about the same amount of time but a little faster and harder this time, and I liked it.

From that time on, we would blow one another and/or he would fuck me on those Saturday nights but that only lasted another month until he left there for a better job. I thought that was the end of it until a month later he called me to his place and took over where we left off. For the next couple years, we spent time together whenever possible. We still dated girls but if the chance came, we were with each other. We were very good friends as well as fuck buddies. We went to strip clubs (female and male), hung out together, went to clubs, stuff like that. There was one night in particular that I will long remember.

It was summer and we made plans to spend the weekend together. We did a couple things that weekend outside his house, but the majority of it we spent indoors fucking like rabbits. I never fucked him; I didn't want to, he fucked me. And that weekend, he fucked me good. I actually kept count. He sucked me off 6 times, I blew him 15 times, and he screwed my ass 29 times. A few of those times were even on his back patio where others could see us. We only did that at night, although he wanted to go out there in the day, so a few times, I sucked him off in his chair out there. But most of that weekend, I spent riding his cock in a variety of positions. It was so intense that I had to call off work Monday and Tuesday following that because I was too damn sore. I literally had trouble walking and mainly sitting. But damn was it a fun weekend.

Eventually he got engaged then married and our time together was becoming non-existent. We talked about it and, although we would miss it, we both understood. We had a goodbye night of sex and then that was pretty much it. I have seen him again from time to time and we are still friends. In the several years since he got married, we have gotten together a small handful of times but nothing will ever compare to those two years we had. I look back on it now and think over the situation. Sometimes I wonder why I ever agreed to any of it, and am thankful I did. It opened a new world to me. I do still mainly date women but on occasion I get with a guy and, like with Jeff, I am the submissive one of us.

I hope you enjoyed this story.

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