Published on Jan 5, 2007



Stash liked it quiet. The suit and skirt executives had made a mad dash out of the building about 6 but not before dropping by the mail room with those last minute packages to be shipped and delivered by tomorrow, the stacks of paperwork to sort and memos to be duplicated, folded inserted in to more then a hundred interoffice envelopes and sorted into any of the multiple hundred mailboxes that covered an entire wall.

Stash was used to it by now as were the two others who came in to work at nights just to handle these last minute requests.

Jake and a new kid Avery were students and worked the 5 hours each night. Unlike Stash they could show up at work in shorts, t shirts and flip flops.

Stash who worked days had to wear the obligatory suit and tie wardrobe. He hated the job but his name was on the waiting list for the Executive Training Program and he was trying to be patient.

Avery had a tight t shirt on that didn't quite meet the loose fitting jeans he barely wore. They were so low in fact, Stash could see the beginning of teh buttcheek clevage.

"Uh why don't you go in the back until after the rush is over" Stash said and looked at Jake.

"What?" Jake asked "you said you wanted a hot kid in here for a change" he smiled evily. He knew Stash was gay; so was he. Jake had been doing the night job for months since he met Stash in the bathroom on campus.

Stash knew there was going to be trouble with this latest addition to the night staff. He didn't have long to talk to Jake about it because the exit rush began.

He and Jake were writing routing slips for each workload that the suits and skirts delivered.

"Wow not going to be a real bad night" Stash said thinking he might send Avery home and thank him anyway.

"Cool, maybe we can have some fun" Jake said patting Stash on his butt.

"Man we can't ... we'll get caught and I'll get fired" Stash said which didn't explain the naked wrestling match which turned into a fuck fest two months ago on the top floor where construction was being done.

"You say but I've got a present for you tonight something you dare not refuse" Jake smiled.

"I've had your present before" Stash said "and it's not bad but no surprise" he said eyeing Jake's tight jeans that displayed a aptly outlined body part he loved playing with.

"Let's get this stuff done" Stash said "and call your new boy in to help".

Avery came into the room. Stash couldn't help but see the line of pubic hair going from his viewable belly button down into his pants...and thanks to them riding low the treasure trail ended in the beginning of the boys pubic patch.

Stash shook his head, he had to focus. There were memos to duplicate, fold and stuff.

As it turned out Avery was a hard worker. He understood quickly where everything was and the fast way he learned the system.

"God it's hot here" Avery said and without asking pulled his shirt off. It wasn't the first time Stash and the others worked shirtless in the hot basement but usually they waited until it was very late....

Avery didn't wait or ask. And neither Jake or Stash minded. His developed smooth chest and six pack was a wonderful sight.

"God I just hope I get through the shift" Jake whispered to Stash as he adjusted his crotch.

"I'm not sure I can stand that night after night" Stash said in return.

It only took two hours and all the work was done. Avery had disappeard and reappeared with three cold beers for them.

"Where did you get those?" Stash asked.

"Don't ask, I just got em" Avery said jumping up on the counter and tiling his head back to guzzle the bottle in one long entertaining swallow.

His adams apple moved and and down while his six pack undulated as the cool liquid moved down his throat and into his stomach.

Stash and Jake watched like children at a Christmas Parade taking short gulps.

"Told you" Jake said.

"You two take those to the floor distribution baskets and we can knock off when you get back" Stash said.

He did the paperwork he had to do. Looked at his copy of the Executive Training Program Guidelines again and sighed. He had been waiting 6 months. If he didn't get into the program he's have to go somewhere else and start over. Two years wasted in the mail room was not the way he wanted to account for his years since graduation.

"Hey" Jake said standing at the urinal in the basement of the Drama Building. Stash, a senior then, nodded. He had learned the male adage of not talking in the mens room. He held his cock so his bladder would empty.

"So is it true what they say about this place?" Jake said as he stepped back from the urinal. He seemed to take hs time putting his own penis back into his jeans.

Stash tried not to look but his glance did notice this boy didn't wear underwear. And after he buttoned up his jeans the penis shape could easily be detected.

"Uh what?" Stash asked

"This place, I hear its the place to come for night action" Jake said smiling "Looks like you'd be very popular here" Jake smiled as his eyes moved to Stash's crotch.

He had put his own penis back beneath his boxers inside his cargo pants. He was gay. And Stash knew this other student was obviously gay as well.

"UH back in the back stall is a place I guess" Stash said.

"Really?" Jake moved down the hallway outside the line of bathroom stalls. "Nope nobody here"

Stash laughed "not now man, at night, lights are usually out, guys come in through the door down the hall" he had moved toward where Jake had gone.

By the time he saw him the kid was totally naked and his hard cock was in his hand.

"Well there is someone here" he said.

Stash looked around. It wasn't night but here was hot young college student, naked, hot and asking for it.

He moved closer and knelt, sucked and swallowed. It didn't take long for the kid to cum.

"Wow you cum that fast all the time?" Stash asked.

"Well how long do you take?" Jake said rubbing his still hard cock. "Let's see" and he knelt and unzipped Stash's fly.

Stash didn't immediately cum....and he enjoyed the tongue action that Jake offered.

"Youv'e done this before" Stash said as he pulled the boys head into his cock with each lip stroke.

They became sex partners on a regular basis. There wasn't a thing they didn't do for and to each other..sometimes ignoring the presence of Jake's dorm roommate.

Stash had been active since summer in high school. His college freshman yea was slow but after he got comfortable on campus, the meeting places on campus were his target.

The phone rang and Stash answered it realizing his hand was petting the erection in his pants as he remembered that first meeting with Jake.

"Uh you better come up here, Avery has uh well..you better see." Jake stammered on the phone.

Stash slammed the phone down. "Fuck, the kid is gonna get me fired, I knew it"

He ran the stairs up to the executive floor which was 8 floors. He opened his white shirt as he ran as he sweat from the mad dash.

"I gotta go, he's in there" Jake said and left.

Stash didn't know what Jake was doing, He ran past him and into the stairwell.

Whatever Avery had done was now up to Stash to deal with. He called out.

"Avery, where the fuck are you? What did you fuck up?"

"In here" Avery's voice came from McClellan's office. "Oh christ the freaking CEO's office" Stash exclaimed "I'm fired"

Stash moved to the office and pushed the half open teak wood doors fully opened.

There was Avery totally naked. He was tied to the top of the CEO's desk and looking at Stash.

"Jake says you have a great cock and can fuck all night" he said.

"Man we're gonna get it" Stash said ready to untie the boy and throw him out the floor to ceiling window that offered a clear view of the office to anyone looking from across the street.

"Man fantasy time" Jake said "just fuck me, please fuck me"

His curled up legs were tied so his butt was clearly visable. The smooth round cheeks and available rosebud hole was tempting.

Stash looked out the window and didn't see any lights in the windows across the street. Well we better be safe and turn off the lights.

"No man I want to watch you fuck me....Jake says you're hot"

He touched the bud and Avery groaned "yea that's the place"

Stash's cock was rock hard and emitting precum. He could feel the tip of his penis twiching. With any luck he could fuck this kid, fire him and it all would be over.

"When I'm done you gotta help put the stuff back on the desk in the places they were before"

Avery said "fuck me man fuck me and I'll do anything you tell me"

Stash's cock rested in his hand as he let spit fall from his lips down on this long cock.

The boys hole was tight but there was no question he wasn't a virgin.

"ohh fuck man slide it in slow I want to feel the entire 8 inches" Avery groaned looking down between his legs as Stash took his shirt off.

His pants were already around his ankles and Stash kicked them off over his shoes. He didn't know how he did it, Stash onlyu knew his cock was being swallowed by the boys hungry butthole.

"You on something?" Stash asked.

"No man I'm just horny, I'm always horny" Avery gasped as Stash's cock hit something inside him.

"God Jake said you were good" he let his head go backwards.

There was very little talk after that. Stash withdrew slowly just to make Avery moan and groan.

His nice chest was heaving and his own cock was hard.

Stash increased the speed of pushing into the boy and then slowly pulled out. Again and again he did this just to make Avery toss his head back and forth. The kid was really into this and nothing was better then Stash's own pleasure then seeing he was driving the target of his cock totally crazy.

Avery gasped and begged for faster fucking.

Stash ignored the request and then suddenly jammed his cock in turning Avery into a screaming fuckee.

He kept jamming and slowly increased the speed until Avery was begging him to keep doing what he was doing.

Stash's body was coated in sweat. It was hard work but work he loved to do. He wondered if he could make money doing this..certainly there wouldn't be any call for his expertise in the Executive Training Program..or even in the corporatron.

"Maybe he'd teach college and just fuck all his hot students" he thought as he took a new hold on Avery's high tied legs to beging the next phase of his assault.

Avery seemed to know it was about to happen as well. He looked up and watched "go man go for it" he encouraged.

Stash realized the boys hard penis was spewing out streams of fluid that didn't look like sperm. He had never seen anyone shoot as much pre cum out as this boy was doing.

As Avery kept urging him, Stash fucked faster and faster until his body was twitching and he shot stream after stream out inside the kid and pulled out so more streams flew all over Avery.

Avery had grabbed his own cock and was shooting as Stash's final streams bathed him.

Stash hung onto the boys legs as he tried to regain composure.

"Fuck kid you are one ass hungry pig" He said.

"Who you calling pig pig? Jake said you were hot but man you ripped me up. When can you start again?"

"Yea when" Jake said making both Avery and Stash realize he had been standing in the doorway watching. He held his hand out at the tip of his cock which seemed to be softening. Stash knew Jake's hand was holding his own sperm.

"Well at least we don't have to clean up after you" Stash said "but man this office is a mess"

Somehow Avery was able to suddenly be untied and was standing on the floor using his shirt to wipe the sperm from his sweaty body.

He moved t Stash and knelt wiping his cock.

"OK we'll clean up the office, I have a photographic memory so I know where each item goes" he said "but then we go to my place and you gotta fuck me again, agreed?"

"Fuck but you better be saying the truth, McClellan goes nuts when the cleaners move things here"

Avery still naked quickly began to replace the few items on the CEO's desk. When Stash trie dto help he said 'stop don't help, it'll scew up the images".

The three walked to the stairwell. Jake held Avery's clothes and Stash didn't think about he cleaning crews seeing them. All he could think about was the night of fucking he had ahead of him and how great the inside of Avery's butt felt to his needy cock.

"Hey congratulations," one after one told Stash two weeks later. When the envelope arrived he feared he was being fired especially because it came dirctly from McClelland's office.

But instead it was his letter of promotion to the Executive Training Program.

Jake and Avery appeared on time to help out. He looked at the mesh tank top Avery wore and his baggy jeans revealing his shaven smooth belly. Stash didn't ask he didn't need to.

"So congratulations?" Jake asked.

"Yea I got it ..which is surprising, I figured after out little night two weeks ago we'd all be fired"

"Luck had nothign to do with it" Avery said, I just told old Dad about what a great fuck you were.

"What?" Stash asked "Your name is Arnold"

"It is, McClellan is my step dad and a nice one at that. He doesn't fuck as good as you do but hell nobody fucks me the way you do" Avery bent over and kissed his new lover on the lips.

"And tonight we're gonna go to your new office and fuck" Avery said unbuttoning his jeans revealing his usual hard cock.

"You two are on your own tonight, I got a date in the Drama building basement" Jake said as he threw his backpack over one shoulder.

The office was smaller then McClellan's of course but the desk was big enough for Avery. He turned on the lights and by the time he got to the desk, Avery was naked.

"We better turn off the lights" Stash said as he had two weeks ago.

"Naw" Avery said "I want to watch you".

The fucking began and Stash practically pushed the boy off the desktop.

"Now I know what the ropes were for" Stash said.

Finished their usual hot, screaming and near violent sex Avery sat on the edge of the desk his legs wrapped around Stash. The two kissed practically eating each others toungue when the cell phone rang.

"Yea" Avery talked into the device he got from his jeans from the floor where he threw them.

"Thanks, you want to talk to him?" Avery said and handed the phone to Stash.

"Yes? Who is this?" Stash asked then looked out the window. A silhouette in a window in the building across the street waved it's hands.

"Yea he is. What? No, I don't this was the first time..kind of celebrating for , you know.. He ... oh you saw that too?"

Stash looked at Avery and muttered "fuck" then put the phone back to his ear.

"Yes Sir, thank you I'm happy you understand. What? Uh sure I guess I can thank you sir."

"You told him" he said.

"Man I told him about you what Jake said and he told me to do what we did two weeks ago. I didn't know it was going to be so good I wanted to keep doing it with you" Avery said kissing Stash's bare chest.

"What did he say?"

"He wants us to spend the weekend at his house on the lake" he said "What about your Mom?"

"She doesn't know about the lake house. We keep that between us and our special friends, besides she's not my mom..she's some gal he met after my Mom divorced him. "

"He likes to watch?" Stash asked.

"Yea one of his finer talents"

"Then lets' give him something to watch" Stash said pussing Avery backwards where he belonged on the desk.

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