On the Coast

By moc.loa@ecnessEsoahC

Published on Jun 19, 2000


Hey everyone. Here is the next chapter. Thanks for reading and if you like it, please write me. I would like to inform you all though that I am not Jacob, or any of the characters. These characters are fictional. I do not resemble any of the characters. This story was written in the first person because that is how I wanted to write it. Sorry if there was confusion. But keep writing me, I like to hear from you, please give your opinions. Hope you like it.


Chapter 3

Damn alarm clock. I woke up to the most obnoxious sound a person could possibly ever hear. And what's worse is that it interrupted the great dream I was having. I have to set the alarm to buzzer because I will just sleep through he radio. Too bad there is no Chad. Oh well, better get up.

I headed for the shower grabbing a towel on the way and hoping that my morning wood would go down before anyone saw it, namely my two little brothers. Yes, I have two. I started the shower and let the water run so that it would be warm. I got in. While I am letting the water run over my body, I get to thinking about how some things were different and similar to my life in the dream. I guess I should clarify.

I am who I am, Jacob Winters. My description of my appearance and personality are accurate. The information about where I live and the house that I live in is also correct. But I have two brothers, Brandon, who you have already "met," and Chris. Chris is in seventh grade and is twelve, whereas Brandon is thirteen. They get along great, with each other and with me. They are cool. The description of Brandon is correct. But I am going to give you more info and I am going to give info on Chris as well.

Brandon is 5'4" and has brown hair with brown eyes. He weighs about 100 lb. He is starting to develop some muscle and gain some weight, but the weight doesn't show. Chris is 5'2" and has blond hair with green eyes. He weighs about eighty pounds. He is a skinny sucker. He likes to swim just like I do, and he is a better surfer than me too. He is in a swimming league at the YMCA. He does great at that. Like I said these two get along really well together, and while they have their own friends, they do a lot of things together as well.

Next, I do not have a best friend named Max Roberts, although my real best friend has the almost the same description, but I am going to expand on that. My best friend's name is Nathan Miller. He is blond haired, that by the way is wavy, with green eyes, not blue. He weights about 130 lb. The rest of his description is accurate. He is a volleyball player and he plays in the band with me. By the way, I play the trombone and he plays the sax. I do have a small crush on Nathan, Ante.

But the person that I have a large crush on is William Adman. He is in the trombone section with me. I am the third trombone, he is fourth, so we share a music stand together. Which means, much to my delight, that I get to sit next to him? William is 5'11" and has black curly hair, which turns me on, and heavenly hazel eyes. He plays baseball and is good at it. He has a slight build and walks with confidence. He turns me on so much.

I finished taking a shower, dried off, and went to my room to get ready for school. The day was Friday, at least me dream was accurate. Tonight was the night that I was planning on telling Nate that I was gay while he was spending the night at my house. I don't know if I am actually going to go through with it. Life is hard.

Mom drove me to school and I went to meet Nathan, who I call Nate, at our spot. I see him there, he always gets there first.

"Been waiting long?" I asked.

"Only an eternity," he said laughing.

"Yeah right," laughing back. "So what should we do tonight?"

"Don't know. Go to the movies, rent a movie, play games, go to the mall?" he replied.

"Nah, don't feel like going to the mall tonight. But renting a movie sounds good. What should we rent though?"

"How about Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and Tomorrow Never Dies. I saw both of those, I wouldn't mind seeing them again though."

"That sounds cool. But remember, I have a wrestling rematch with you tonight."

"Oh yeah. I am going to kick your ass, again."

"Whatever." I suddenly had this weird feeling. Like the feeling of deja'vu. Weird. I felt like I had this conversation before, or at least part of it. It must have shown on my face because Nate remarked on it.

"You feeling ok?"

"Ahhhh, I didn't know you cared so much."

"Fuck that. You must be fine."

"Don't get all mushy on me now."

"Whatever. Well, we had better get to class. Come on."

"Yeah, we better."

"Duh." I couldn't shake that feeling. It was weird. I still felt like someone had said those things to me before. Oh well.

We ran off to class and when we got into the band room, I got my trombone and Nate got his sax and we both got ready for class to start.

"See you after class Nate?"

"Of course."

William was already set up and he had our music ready for us. "Wassup man?" he said with a smile. "You ok?"

I almost melted at that smile. But did I look that distressed? "I'm cool, as usual."

"Ok, you looked a little distressed."

Can he read thoughts?

"Nah, I'm fine."

The bell rang and Mr. Lanas, the band director, started class. We were polishing up a new piece that we were going to play at tonight's football game. Time went by quickly for that class. But not so for my other classes. My next two classes before lunch, German and Chemistry, I couldn't concentrate. I just kept thinking of that feeling that I had and what it meant. Finally lunch had come around. I was hungry from all that thinking. I met up with Nate and the rest of our friends, who were Johnny, Amanda, Brandi, Jesse. I will give descriptions of my friends as needed.

"What's up guys?" I asked.

"Everything is cool, except that my geometry teacher is a bitch." Jesse said.

"What else is new Jesse? We all know this already," Nate replied.

"Yeah, no shit," stated Brandi.

"That's ok Jesse, we still love you," Johnny commented. And this is true, our group is very close. Jesse is cute, but I don't care for his personality and attitude on life. He thinks he is just the shit. Jesse is about 5'10" and has black hair, wavy hair, and brown eyes. He has light build, which is more than a swimmers build. He is a football player. He is cute, but he is kind of an asshole.

"Yeah whatever," Jesse replied.

"So what are you guys going to do for the weekend?" Amanda asked.

"Well, lets see, we have to play at the football game tonight, and we are going to rock might I add. Then, I am crashing at Jacob's pad tonight," Nate said.

"You guys sure spend a lot of time together and are close, are you two fags?" Johnny asked jokingly.

"Fuck you dickweed!" I retorted, in fun.

"Yeah, are you out of your fucking mind Johnny?" Nate replied, laughing. We all started to laugh. I was a little hurt, only because I had to hide who I was.

"And as for rocking, we are going to rock the other team. And I am sure you two will be rocking Jacob's bed," Jesse stated.

"Jesse, you are an asshole," I said, with a big smile on my face. Then I threw a fry at him.

"Never said I wasn't."

"Ain't that the truth," Brandi commented.

After lunch I walked with Nate to our my next class because our classrooms were right next door.

"Hey, meet up after school?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Ok, see you at our place after school. We'll go to Blockbuster, and then home to grab something to eat before we have to be back here."

"Ok, sounds good. Late," he said as he headed into his classroom.

The rest of the day proceeded like the beginning of the day did. I couldn't concentrate through Geometry, European History, and English. I kept thinking about what happened this morning. About that feeling of deja'vu. I hate it when that happens. Ever have that problem?

After school I met up with Nate. AS he came walking up I couldn't help but think to my self that he is sexy. Too bad I will probably never have him.

"So. You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, lets go."

We met my mom out in front, as I usually do, and as Nathan has done many times. When I got in the car I asked my mom, "Hey mom, can we go to Blockbuster to pick up some movies?"

"Sure we can," she replied.

After having picked up Austin Powers and Tomorrow Never Dies, I got that feeling of Deja'vu again. What the hell is happening to me? When we pulled into the driveway mom told us that she didn't feel like cooking and that she was going to order pizza. Sounded good to me.

When I got inside, my two brothers were already home. As soon as Chris saw me and gave me a "wassup" nod.

"Guess what?" Chris asked.

"What?" I replied.

"There is a girl that I am thinking about asking out, I think she likes me."

"Cool, good for you."

"Why haven't you got a girlfriend?"

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I searched for and answer and found one quickly. "I haven't found the right one yet. I am not interested in some slut that just wants to fuck, I want someone that I can care for, and that will care for me. But don't get me wrong, I would like to fuck this same girl." I just lied my ass off, sorta. Mom shot me the "What did I tell you about using that word" look. I quickly ran for cover and the sanctity of my room.

When I get to my room I throw my backpack onto the floor and lay down on my back on my bed. Nate comes in and says "Ahhhh, had a tough day at school? Here let me make it better." He sat down on the bed next to me. He starts to rub my chest, I shoot him a weird look, and then he balls up his fist and slams it down on my chest.

I grunt, "You cunt."

"I am what I eat."

"In that case you are a dick."

"Whatever you shithead."

"Just wait for our rematch, I will get my revenge. Excellent." While I am saying that I am tap my fingers together like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. Nate laughs. He has a great laugh.

Mom calls to us that the pizza is here. We race to the kitchen, pushing each other into the walls. When we got there I saw Brandon and Chris already munching down. So I grabbed some plate for us and handed one to Nate. We got our slices of pizza and sat down to eat it. It was almost time to head back to the school.

Once we finished eating, we got our stuff and headed back to the school. When we got there we went to the band room to change into our uniforms and to get our instruments. Then we went out to the football field to meet. We watched and played. In the end, we rocked, as usual, but the football team didn't do as well. They lost. After the game we changed back into our street clothes and hung them back up. Both times that we changed I got a look at Nate's sexy body, well, at least his chest. He is hot. We took our instruments with us because we would need to practice them over the weekend. We met up with my mom and headed back to my house. The end of a long day, and I still couldn't shake that feeling. Oh well, what am I to do.

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