On the Coast

By moc.loa@ecnessEsoahC

Published on Jun 16, 2000


Well, here is chapter two. Hope that you like it. Also, if you do like it, please write to me and tell me so. It give me encouragement. Please include your opinions on how I could make the story better.

Chapter 2

I guess it is time to say more about myself. I have told you my physical appearence, But I haven't told you about my personality, my quirks, traits, habits, likes, dislikes, etc... Well, for one thing I am trustworthy, and everyone around me know it the first time they meet me. I like this trait. People open up to me and I think that is cool. Second, I hate hypocrits, period. I also am loyal. I stick with my friends, unless they do something horrible to me. I am also neutral. I try not to take sides unless I feel strongly about one side or the other. I listen to both sides of the story and then give my opinion based on deduction from what I have heard. As for me being a swimmer, well, lets just say that the water is my second home. I evolved not from an ape or monkey, but from an anphibian. I really do enjoy swimming, and surfing for that matter, even though I suck. But I hate swimming practice because it is repition, but I like to be in the water. Thats another thing that don't like is repition.

I do like to play video games and watch movies. I enjoy camping and hanging with friends. I was in Boy Scouts for a couple of years, and I went camping a lot with them. I also enjoy hanging at the beach and going fishing. Well, enough about me.

Now about where I live. I live in bright sunny southern California, in a beach town known as Ventura. Not the best beaches in the world, but I like it here none the less. I know a lot of great places to be alone in this town, sometimes I like to be alone, and do daydream. It took many hours of exploring to find these places though. Thats another things aobut me, I am very curious. There I go talking about me again. I live in a four bedroom house with my younger brother Brandon, and my two parents. Brandon is in eigth grade this year. I love my brother, he is cool and we get along, most of the time. He is a soccer player, but then again, so am I. It isn't my passion like swimming is, but I do enjoy it, and when I was younger I played in a league. Brandon plays in a league now. He is a great kid.

Have you ever had to do something boring or something that you don't want to do before you ccan do something that you want to do. Like I have to sit through the next three classes before I can have Chad over to my house. We spent the next three clasees talking and learning more about each other. Chad and I are common in many ways. He is loyal and honest. He likes video games and movies. He likes camping but he hasn't been very often because of his dad working so often. His mom and dad are divorced and he doesn't get to see his mom very often. It's sad.

Well, class finally ends and we go outto the front of the school to meet my mother. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked him.

"Don't know. Go to the movies, rent a movie, play games, go to the mall?"

"Maybe we can go to the mall tomorrow. I was thinking rent a movie. What should we rent though?"

"How about Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and Tomorow Never Dies. I saw both of those, I wouldn't mind seeing theam again though."

"Yeah, that sounds good. We could play some games too."

"Sounds cool."

Mom pulled up and we get in the car. I introduced Chad to my mom and we begin listening to Third Eye blind in the car and I started to think to myself.

There is something wierd with Chad. I can't place my finger on it. Oh well.

I turned around to ask him, "How old are you?"

"Sixteen. You?"


"Thats cool."

"Oh mom, can we swing by Blockbuster to pick up some movies," I asked.

"Sure," she replied.

We went to Blockbuster before we headed home and picked up Austin Powers and Tomorrow Never Dies. When we got home mom told us she was going to order pizza for dinner and asked if we needed to go by Chad's house to pick anything up.

"Nah. I live really close to here actually. We could just walk." he replied.

"Yeah, that would be cool. Let's do that. Is that ok mom? After pizza?"

"Thats fine."

After that we headed to my room and started to play some Playstation games, some racing games. Before we know it it was 8:00 and mom calls us down becuase the pizza had come. We go to the kitchen to grab some pizza.

"Where's Brandon?" I asked mom.

"He is staying at a friends house tonight," she replied.

"Too bad. He doesn't get to meet Chad. Hey that rythmed. Cool."

"Ha ha," Chad said. "Very funny."

"Hey, I didn't me to," I retorted back. With that said I procedded to munch down my pizza, Chad did the same. The four of us, my mom, dad, Chad, and I, talked. We talked about where Chad was from, did he like it here, what does his dad do for a living, you know, things like that. All in all it was a nice dinner.

After we finshed eating we left to go to Chad's. We had to go through a park to get there.

"Hold up a minute, I want to show this place I go to look at the stars. It's kinda out of the way and not may people know about it," I said.

"Cool, cool."

I take him to my spot and we stop to look at the stars. There is a table near by that I had dragged over a long time ago.

"This place is cool," he remarked.

"Yeah I think so. Should we go get your stuff?"


We continued walking to his house to pick up his clothes and stuff. When we got there he introduced me to his dad and we went to his room. His room was a mess. Of course not everything was unpacked. He grabbed his stuff and we started to head back to my house. On the way out I got to meet his older sister, Rebecca, who was a junior, and his younger brother Derek, who was in sixth grade. His little brother was pretty cool, but his sister seemed kinda snobby. THey had a nice four bedroom house, even though it wasn't full unpacked yet, it was still nice.

By the time we got home it was almost 10:00 and went went to my room to watch one of the movies we had rented. We finally decided on Tomorrow Never Dies and watched that. When it was finished, and it was a kick ass movie by the way, it was about midnight.

"Hey, you want to look at some porn," I aksed kind of in a hushed tone.

"Sure," he replied.

I went into my closet to get some porn mags. After a few minutes of looking at them and getting hard Chad aasked me a strange question, well, it would have been strange if I were straight.

"Would you ever suck another guy's dick?" he asked out of the blue.

With a confused look, and not answering his question "Are you gay?"

He started looking down, "Yeah." Then he started to panic a little "Don't tell any one please." He clamed down a little, but not much, "Thats not a problem is it?"

I looked at him blankly because I was thinking about what I was feeling. The only way that it can be described is joy. I lean over and kissed him, softly, then wispered in his ear "Yes."

He looked at me, his eyes wide, he tried to say something, but he was just stuttering. I put my finger to his lip and I said, "Shhh. I am too." With that I leaned in to kiss him. It was a passionate kiss. I felt my hand rubbing his crotch and his hand rubbing mine. He started to unzip my pants, but I stopped him. "No, not here," I said. "I don't want to wake my parents, besides I know a better place." With that said I got up and went to the hall closet and grabbed two beach towels.

"Let's go to my spot, the one I showed you earlier," I said.

He just nodded and followed me as I started to climb out my bedroom window. We made a run for the park because we didn't want anyone to see us. Chad stuck close to me the whole time. Finally we made it to my spot. When we got there we laid out the towels so that we could lay on them.

The night was cool, with a pleasant sea breeze blowing. The air is crisp and fresh. There were crickets playing their song. Usually crickets irritate the shit out of me because they play while I am trying to sleep, but tonight I am enjoying them.

I sat down on the towels and motioned for him to come closer. He came close and sat down next to me. He ten took his shirt off. I rub my hand across his chest and we then came together for a kiss. THe kiss was passionate and deep, our tongues fighting for control. Chad comes up for air, unzips his pants and takes them off, and then does the same to me. While he is taking my pants off, I took my shirt off. So there we were sitting next to each other clothed only in our boxers.

"Lay down," he said as he pushed me to lay down. AFter I layed down Chad pulls my cock out of my boxers and begins to stroke it. I moaned lightly. He put his mouth over my cock and began to move gently up and down. I moaned fairly loud,. but then suddenly caught myself after about a second. This was the most incredible sensation I have very felt. Oh god this felt good. This continued on for a couple of minutes and then he stopped, layed down next to me, and started stroking my cock.

"Is it good," he whispered.

"Yeah," I whispered back.

He moved in closer to me and we embraced. Another passionate kiss. I could feel his warm body pressed against mine, it was stimulating and I found myself getting more aroused.

"Your turn," I said. I kissed his chest all the way down to his hard cock. I stuck it in my mouth and began to suck. He moaned with pleasure. I continued and his moans got greater. "Oh my god," he whispered. This must've been his first time as well. But like him I didn't want to go too far so I stopped, or at least that's why I thought he stopped.

"We had better get back home," I said, even though I didn't want to leave, I knew that we probably should. "Maybe we could continue this at my house."

"You're right, we should get back. And maybe," Chad replied with a big grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on, let's go."

"Ok." I grabbed the beach towels and rolled them up. We ran back to my place, because again, we didn't want anyone to see us.

"Great night huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it can still get better."

Next: Chapter 3

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