On the Coast

By moc.loa@ecnessEsoahC

Published on Jun 13, 2000


Ok, I am attempting to write again. You may know me by my other alias, which is Blade. I wrote "Learning About Another" back in Jan/Feb. I have some free time again, so I thought that I would write. Hopefully I wont get writer's block like I did last time. Hope that you enjoy this. Now for the disclaimers.

The events in this story are fictious. Any coincidence between actual event or people, living or dead, is just a coincidence. If you are not old enough to be reading this, don't.

Thats all I think. Enjoy.


Chapter 1

Life is strange in high school. You are growing, changing, and so is everyone else around you. Then you are thrown into the melting pot of high school, where you are taught the instincts to survive. Some people don't make it. Those that do are stronger than they were before. Some have it harder than others, because of one thing or another. Some are too smart for their own good, so they are shunned. Some are not as well off as the others, so they are shunned. Some refuse to fit in, to be assimilated, so they are shunned. Some people harbor feelings for the same sex. They are homosexual, gay and lesbian, but they are only shunned if the rest of the school knows about it. I fit into this category. I am gay, but the rest of society doesn't it know it yet. Not even my best friend. It hurts to hold it in, but what else can I do? Tell the world and then get shunned so bad that I get so depressed that I kill myself? I don't think so.

Well, I guess it is about time that I introduce myself. My name is Jacob Winters. I am a sophomore in high school, not the lowest life form on the high school food chain, but close enough. I am 5'11" and I am fifteen. I have black curly hair and blue eyes that can pierce a persons soul. I have a swimmers build, because I am one. Which makes an interesting combination. I am gay, yet I get the privilege to see a whole bunch of cute, and not so cute, guys in Speedos. Gotta love it. There are a couple of guys on the swim team that I lust for. But that is all it is, lust. Most of them are dickheaded jocks and preps. I have only known I was gay for about a year and a half, which is about the same time that I have a thing for my best friend, his name is Max, Max Roberts.

Max and I have been friends for years, many years. He is the same height as I, and has about the same build, although he is not a swimmer. He has blond hair and green eyes, which usually make me want to melt. He seems almost homophobic, but I don't think he is. He is a great guy, with a wonderful smile. We study together all the time, go to the mall, the movies, and do almost everything together. We do other things with the rest of our group every once and a while. I may introduce them later. I am not a jock, yet I am not a prep. I have my friends and I am happy with that. I am not shunned and I am good terms with almost everyone. But everyone has their bullies, right?

It is a Friday, it is the second month of school, which is October. The air hasn't yet started to cool off too much in this coastal city in California. But of course the temperature stay in the same basic twenty degrees year round. And I am just now starting to get back into the groove of summer. I am sitting in my first period class, history. I like history and I have a great teacher. I am there early, as usual, when in walks this angel. He is sexy. He has wavy blond hair and stands 5'10". He has the cutest blue eyes. He isn't dressed in the latest fashions, and he look like he came from a city farther inland, I would think in another state. He looks kinda scared to be here, which would account for why he looks like he is lost. He goes and speaks to the teacher. I am hoping that he sits in the seat behind me, because it is unoccupied. I was him converse with the teacher and then, to my excitement, he points to the seat behind me. He comes over, puts his backpack down, and sits down cautiously. I had turned back around so that he would not see me watching him, but I turn around to face him after he sits down

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied, kinda nervously.

"You new here?"

"Yeah. Came from Colorado. Not used to this warm weather."

"Yeah I bet. My name is Jacob Winters."

"I'm Chad White. Nice to meet you." And with that we shook hands.

"So what other classes do you have?" I asked. He pulls out his schedule and I examine it. He has three other classes with me. English, geometry, and chemistry. I am happy about that. I also see that he has the same lunch as I do. I tell him to meet me in the cafeteria, since all the classes other classes are after lunch. He says ok and class starts.

I spend the next two class periods thinking about Chad and how cute he is. I don't pay any attention to what the teacher is saying, I hate it when that happens, especially when I am in PE Lunch finally rolls around and I see Chad in the cafeteria, as planned. I greet him and introduce him to Max, who I have already met up with. The greet each other and shake hands. I take him over to meet the rest of my friends and they seem to get along well together. Then I get a bright idea.

"You want to stay over at my house tonight if it is alright with my parents, and yours," I asked turning to Chad.

"Sure," he replied.

"Ok. Let me call them, cover me," I said as I pull out a s cell phone and start to duck under the table, "we aren't supposed to have these at school," I explain. I call my Mom at work and she says its ok and that she will pick us up at the usual time if it is ok with his parents. I hang up and say, "It's ok with my Mom, lets call yours."

"Ok, I'll have to call my dad." He takes the phone and ducks under the table like did and call his dad. He gets off the phone and said that it is good on his end. We are both happy.

For the next three classes, we arrange it with our teachers so that he can sit next to me, and through out all of the next classes all we can talk about is what we are going to do tonight. Life is good.

Next: Chapter 2

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